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O carro-chefe dessa série, sem dúvida alguma, é a belíssima fotografia. Acertaram perfeitamente na paleta de cores, um tom meio esverdeado e os amarelos bem evidenciados, que casaram bem com os cenários litorâneos. Ouso dizer que é uma das fotografias de BL tailandês mais bem trabalhada, par a par com a de "I told sunset about you". Se há um cuidado enorme com a montagem fotográfica, o mesmo não pode ser dito para o desenvolvimento do roteiro. A primeira parte do BL deixa bastante a desejar e a premissa inicial não é lá um de seus fortes - embora eu já ache louvável por não insistir demais no ambiente escolar. Contudo, acontece algumas coisas na segunda parte da trama que já dá uma guinada na história e ela se torna mais palatável. Só que, no final, repetiram um mesmo plot que já tinha ocorrido e fica claro que era só para preencher minutagem (teria outras quinhentas maneiras mais legais de ter terminado a trama e ter chegado ao mesmo ponto em que chegou). A atuação também, sobretudo a do Phuwin, não conseguiu me convencer bem, embora eu tenha gostado do personagem principal. A química dos protagonistas é boa, satisfatória, na verdade, mas não muito mais do que isso. Soma-se a isso umas lacunas (brigas sem sentido no meio que logo são resolvidas) e aí a graça vai se perdendo e a imersão na história também. Porém, os personagens secundários são bem interessantes, teve uma querida que eu amei muito, mas fora isso... mé.Recomendo o BL para quem acha que já viu tudo que tinha que ver para só então ver esse aqui porque ele é bom, bem bom, na verdade, mas não mais do que isso.
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Never let me go é uma obra tão linda, a atuação é incrível quanto do Phuwin (Nuengdiao) e do Pond (Palm), o roteiro da serie é bom, a história, e principalmente o desenvolvimento do casal é muito incrível. Mas tem uma coisa que eu venho pensando desde que saiu o nono episodio, que se a serie fosse mais afundo nesse amor do Palm pelo Nuengdiao, tenho quase certeza seria até um relacionamento muito toxico e problemático, porque na serie deixa muito claro que o Palm tem uma vontade imensa de proteger o Nuengdiao a todo momento, tipo quando a mãe de Palm falava que ele era igual ao pai, que não deixava ela sair e que amava ela tanto que era sufocante, e me deu a entender que Palm possa ser assim também com Nueng. Nesse ultimo episodio que saiu o Palm disse que não quer ser um fardo na vida de Nueng isso porque o Nueng só queria ajudar ele que tava no hospital e não tava conseguindo andar, o Nueng sempre tenta ajudar ao máximo o Palm mas parece que ele não gosta disso, o Palm só quer proteger o Nueng e ponto, o Palm deveria ser mais egoísta com sigo mesmo. As vezes penso que Palm vê Nueng como realmente um namorado mas ao mesmo tempo vê ele como o via no começo da serie, alguém frágil e irresponsável, sendo que ao longo da serie Nueng amadureceu de um jeito incrível. Agora falando das cartas que Nueng e Palm mandaram um para o outro, na minha visão eles queriam espaço para poderem pensar no que eles realmente queriam sobre o relacionamento deles. Tem uma coisa que eu não consigo reclama de jeito nenhum é o desenvolvimento deles, mas diferente do Nueng e do Palm eu vejo muito oque reclama na relação de Chopper e Ben!! De primeira o Ben estava apaixonado no Nueng, e ficou começou a tratar Chopper de uma forma arrogante, e depois que Nueng sumiu se aproximou de Chopper e começou a se apaixonar por ele (???), ele descobriu os negócios do pai de Chopper e ficou bravíssimo, ai nesse ultimo episodio eles resolvem namorar, teve muita coisa que eu não coloquei, mas mesmo assim não faz sentido nenhum as mudanças de sentimentos de Ben do nada, chega até a ser engraçado!! Mas de resto a serie é incrível de linda os atores fazem um ÓTIMO trabalho e tem episódios com uma fotografia linda! Esta resenha foi útil para você?
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Prometeu e cumpriu
Never let me go foi uma das séries que mais esperei. Na vdd eu não fiquei tão fã do casal principal na primeira série (Fish upon the sky), então já estava pronta pra criticar tudo. Na vdd, apesar dos muitos furos eu gostei da série, em especial pela evolução de Pond e Phuwin como atores. Dizer que eles são perfeitos é muito, mas é inegável que melhoraram bastante.Sobre o plot. Jurei que seria apenas um clichê universitário onde um rico se apaixona por um pobre, porém foi mais que isso.
Pontos negativos? Primeiro, poderiam ter feito suspense sobre quem era o autor dos crimes, ou pelo menos não deixar tão óbvio, o mistério sempre dá um "quê" a mais nas histórias. Segundo, a subserviência do pai de Palm para com a família de Nuengdiao era doentia, sinceramente, eu entendo a gratidão, mas se colocar e colocar O PRÓPRIO FILHO em risco e em segundo plano, pra mim foi de lascar, até Nuengdiao concordava com isso. Terceira crítica, o relacionamento entre eles realmente era complicado... Entendo que foi uma construção, até chegar num nível saudável, mas a forma como Palm foi humilhado no começo foi horrível. Até a forma que ele deixou Palm foi humilhante.... Não entendi o desenvolvimento do casal secundário, não fez sentido algum. Ben gostava de Nuengdiao, acabaram o relacionamento por ele não ser corajoso e assumir a sexualidade, mas quando Nuengdiao sumiu, do nada ele se apaixona por Chopper(???), ok, Chopper gostava dele, mas não fez sentido. Me incomodou que várias pessoas, como os alunos que cometiam Bullying, não foram devidamente punidos, nem Ben se redimiu do que fez com Nuengdiao.
Vamos aos pontos positivos: obviamente o amadurecimento de Nuengdiao é o principal deles. O fato de Chopper não apoiar as atitudes de seu pai, e ainda ser capaz de impedi-lo, me fez amar o garoto.
Amei a mãe de Palm, sinceramente, como mulher eu não a julgo pelo que fez, e foi sincera a forma como se apegou ao filho. Foi lindo ver ele realizando o sonho dela.
A atuação de todos realmente foi satisfatória, a ost muito boa, as locações e a fotografia perfeitas.
A química do casal principal é algo extraordinário, os aspectos técnicos de forma geral são bem feitos, a cena de amor foi linda e o final realmente foi imprevisível, não o fato deles ficarem juntos, mas o que ocorreu antes do final feliz.
Está entre minhas séries favoritas da Thai, realmente eu indico ela.
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Never let us go
Que série incrível, a atuação impecável dos atores que inclusive tem uma química perfeita! O enredo muito interessante trazendo uma coisa fora do costume.Adorei a cinematografia da série, trouxe um ar diferente, as cenas na praia pra mim são todas lindas e aconchegantes.
Todas as cenas que o casal principal estavam divertindo juntos são tão lindas, eles são tão fofos e tem tanta química. Inclusive as cenas dos maus bocados, expressam tanto sentimento e uma atuação perfeita!
Eu tava suuuuper ansiosa pra assistir esse bl, só que como eu estava assistindo umas 3000 séries ao mesmo tempo fui empurrando pra depois, mas no fim não aguentei e me rendi, e juro valeu muito a pena.
Recomendo demaaais, principalmente pra quem quer assistir uma série que tem mais história e não só o romance como o foco principal.
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Amei historia elaborada e com excelentes atualizações maravilhosas amei tudo ja quero ver de novo amei amei amei amei amei. Amei amei amei amei amei amei amei amei amei amei amei amei amei amei amei amei amei amei amei amei amei amei amei amei amei amei amei amei amei amei amei amei amei amei amei amei amei amei amei muito obrigada amei muito obrigada amei amei amei amei amei amei amei amei amei amei amei amei amei amei amei amei amei amei amei amei amei amei amei amei amei amei amei amei amei amei amei amei amei amei amei amei amei amei amei amei amei amei amei amei amei amei amei amei amei amei amei amei amei amei amei amei amei amei amei amei amei amei amei amei amei amei amei amei amei amei amei amei amei amei amei amei amei amei amei amei amei amei amei amei amei amei amei amei amei amei amei amei amei amei ameiEsta resenha foi útil para você?
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Gostei no comecinho e depois só decaiu pra mim.Primeiro de tudo a química entre o casal não é muito boa nessa série, acredito que seja a construção dos personagens mas definitivamente não funcionou pra mim.
Achei a história bem chatinha e esquecível, o enredo de menino rico e guarda-costas brilhou meus olhos mas a decepção foi grande, existem muitos empecilhos para o romance acontecer e tudo fica girando em meio a muita tensão. A quantidade de vai e volta e fica ou não fica dá uma boa irritada (claro que tem uma coisa ou outra no meio disso que é legal de se ver, mas não é o suficiente para me manter interessada), sem contar que no final dá a entender que eles ainda vão passar mais tempo separados porque o Nuengdiao vai estudar fora, ou seja, tem muitas passagens de tempo (que é uma das coisas que eu mais detesto nos dramas asiáticos).
A fotografia não faz o meu estilo, o roteiro não agrada o meu gosto pessoal e aos meus olhos o casal não tem química.
As tramas paralelas são tão insignificantes que nem valem a pena serem mencionadas, na verdade eu já esqueci mais da metade do que aconteceu de tão imemorável.
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Vale muito a pena assistir
Boa produção, boa história, boa seleção de atores, boa fotografia, química impecável, é uma história que prende demais e mexe muito com os seus sentimentos.Foi uma série que transmitiu todos os sentimentos que prometeu e ainda mais.Amei a construção dos personagens e ver o quanto eles se desenvolvem ao decorrer dos episódios mas a fotografia e a produção foi o que mais me prendeu.É uma série muito rica em todos os detalhes, fazia tempo que estava sentindo falta de bls impecáveis assim e vale muito muito muito a pena assisti r:)Esta resenha foi útil para você?
Makes as much sense and is about as entertaining as an 80's song medley
This may start off as a youth romance but pretty fast takes a turn to the kids acting like adults, with adult gangster problems... or is it corruption, murder CEO problems?Though the drama does have some fluff and a whole lot of cliches, what strikes me the most is the dim beige/grey lighting that ads a slightly depressing filter to the drama... And even though they spend a lot of time at the beach I feel like I keep missing the sun.
The acting could be better, there are some sweet well preformed moments here and there but neither of the leads are very good with facial expressions and emotions. That said both are pretty good at delivering physical scenes as well as action and tension. However the moment they are supposed to feel something it just becomes cringey be it sadness, love (not lust though), anger... It just feels off....
If I were to play a drinking game about finding lines from 80s song, show of abs or the words I will always love you, I would need to get my stomach pumped by the 9th episode or so as the "always", and love confessions come as often as (I will let you use your imagination), only to be disproved over and over again... I love you, I will now leave you, I will always love you... I will run away and if you love me you will not look for me... over and over again or at least that is what it feels like...
That said it is an ok watch, mostly entertaining and fun to watch just make sure to turn off your brain before you start watching it as nothing is consistent, nothing makes sense and the lack of scars as well as the healing power of those young men can put Connect (the drama/webtoon starring Jung Hae In) to shame.
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the writing did not support the interesting premise
Overall: I was super excited for a twisty action thriller but the nonsense/cliche plot turned this into just another teenage GMMTV BL series. Aired on GMMTVs YouTube channel.Content Warnings: murders, attempted murder, beaten up/violence, bullying, blackmail, manipulation, unwanted public outing, drugging, kidnapping
What I Liked
- that the first scene wasn't a flashback or flash forward
- the beginning/first episode hooked me
- Chopper and Ben (Perth did a great job)
- production value (minus my quibbles in Room For Improvement)
Room For Improvement
- there is a lot of nonsense plot things, some of which could have been explained with a few lines or a short scene and that makes it even more ridiculous (one example, a highschooler is a full time fisherman and he happens to fight and shoot a gun really well)
- characters don't feel realistic or have realistic reactions (Palm's interaction with his mother as an example, both of them just chillaxing on their beach vacation instead of how I think most people would be feeling)
- I wanted some plot twists or for this to be different but it's a standard GMMTV romance with window dressing
- the night scenes were too dimly lit, a couple of times the music was too loud over the dialogue
- it dragged in many places, I wanted an action/thriller and this was not it
- Chopper and Ben felt very rushed at the end
- overall I just didn't end up feeling much of anything, scenes that were supposed to make me sad didn't because of the huge plot holes
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Well, that happened.
I enjoyed Fish Upon the Sky, and while I noticed the shortcomings of the acting, both leads had good comic timing, and there were good secondary characters to help carry the weight, plus Pond is gorgeous and Phuwin isn't far behind, so I was looking foward to this - I thought for sure it would be campy fun, with a billionaire heir that everyone is trying to kill having also to get through high school.Unfortunately, the production takes itself very, very seriously, which makes this a cringey, plot-hole ridden mess of inauthentic emotion and weak acting, and the end result is a series that's alternatively frustrating and boring.
It wants badly to be a PG-rated KinnPorche, but somehow missed the campy outrageousness of that series, which made it's giant plot holes features rather than bugs. Here, everything is a plot hole. The violence is gratuitous, very poorly integrated into the story, and without creating any stakes at all, while leaning heavily on cliches and contrivanaces that are just incongruous and silly.
For example, why is this set in high school? What possible reason for this is there other than "BL needs to be set in school"? Why is a billionaire heir that everyone is trying to kill even in high school? Instead of endangering the lives of the entire student body, why not home school, or just not go to school at all, given he's stupendously rich and has a business empire to run (after he's done with swim practice and his homework)? If he's in danger, why would you give him only a teenaged fisherman as a bodyguard? If you're going to do that, shouldn't he at least be able to protect his charge? Palm can't even fend off bullies at a ballroom dance! (Speaking of which, who goes to a ballroom dance at a senior center to pick fights, and why did everyone just stand around while the ballroom dance thugs [sigh] try to beat someone to death for virtually no reason whatsoever except to insert violence?) Being kicked for half an hour only gives Palm a few scratches, so this is an early indicator that there are absolutely no stakes in this series.
Early on, Neung's mother is gunned down at point-blank range by assassins that simply ride through the open unguarded gates of the mansion - I guess nobody thought to increase security after her husband was gunned down - drive to within 3 meters and open fire. And fail to kill anyone or even wound Palm's father (I think. He seemed totally fine afterwards). The boys are sent to a fabulous beach resort to "hide" for their safety, where they frolic all day and Nueng proclaims he's never been happier in his life. Never been happier than the week after he had both his parents gunned down before his eyes and is fleeing certain death? OK, I guess we all have our standards of happiness, and he never gives his mother a thought during this time, so maybe he just doesn't like her.
There is absolutely no plot purpose to the entire beach resort section of the story - it's simply a contrivance to give the couple a honeymoon, because that's where it goes in the formula, whether or not it makes sense. From the wreckage of the underlying novel behind the script, it looks like the author's intention was to put Nueng through hardships which harden and mature him so that he can return and take on his enemies, but all he does is pay off a loanshark and let Palm's mother sacrifice herself to save them after Nueng completely stupidly uses an ATM and then doesn't immediately leave, allowing the baddies plenty of time to stealthily sneak up with a bunch of thugs dressed all in black at a beach resort walking around with photos loudly asking "has anyone has seen these two boys?" Sigh.
Nueng then dumps Palm with the "find a good woman who you can be happy with" cliche which makes me want to BURN THINGS DOWN. Then they get back together because Palm does the "nonconsensual hug from behind" stupid cliche which makes me want to burn more things down. Then Nueng dumps him in his sleep - sleep induced by pills Nueng buys from the sleeziest and shadiest sex motel manager he could find and then puts in Palm's beer. Sure, why not? Nothing could go wrong with that plan. Besides, Nueng is rich, so he could buy his way out of a charge of negligent homicide. Later on it's Palm's turn for a contrived breakup - the third time's the charm, right? I don't know about you, but if you break up three times for completely stupid reasons in the first month of your relationship, are you really meant for each other?
Anyway, Nueng goes home surrounded by bodyguards, and the story more or less picks up where it left off, which raises the question, what are the stakes? Why didn't Nueng have bodyguards before? If it was that easy for a high school kid to seize control of a giant business empire, why didn't he do it before, when he had Palm's father to lean on and help and guide him?
Then, the authors seem to think that walking in slow-motion, speaking in a deeper voice, and being stern is "maturity", when his underlying behavior is foolish, ungenerous, short-sighted, and otherwise stupid. If you want to seize power, do you march around in dark suits and make grand entrances everywhere and go out of your way to announce yourself and your intentions and humiliate and anger your enemy, or do you take him by surprise?
Anyway, Nueng makes a grand slow-motion entrance to his family's hotel accompanied by that "inception blast" - you know, that loud BWAAAAAA! that plays in movie previews whenever something big happens, in order to lend it weight. So he does that, gives a dressing down to his usurping uncle, and announces he's taking power over the family empire. So what's the next scene? The exact same BWAAAAAA! slo-mo entrance... at his high school. Wow, big man, intimidating high school students with hired bodyguards.
From the moment of his return, everything "meaningful" he says is accompanied by the BWAAAAA!, a musical "mic-drop", as if that gives gravitas to his banal pronouncements. Then he's reuinted with Palm at a derelict building - it turns out Palm has been following him around from about 5 feet away for two weeks, which somehow Nueng's guards failed to detect (and so did Nueng) - because a tall, smoking-hot man dressed all in black and a leather jacket every day in tropical weather isn't noticeable or anything. Also, a photographer follows them into the building, again slipping past the bodyguards. I don't think a single bodyguard managed to guard even one body the entire series.
There are lots of other things that just ring untrue, major and minor. For example, someone suffers multiple gunshot wounds. So what does his boyfriend do? Apply pressure to the wounds to limit the bleeding, you might guess? No, he does what any responsible adult does wth a crying baby, and shakes him vigorously and demands he be OK. I suppose it could be an act of love to try to accelerate his bleeding out so he doesn't suffer, but in that case it might be faster to just shoot him a few more times, Almost comically, it turns out the gunshot victim has a spinal injury - yeah, no sh$%, someone was violently shaking him. I suspect our instinct to staunch bleeding is exactly that, instinct - we've evolved to just automatically know to do that. His behavior is only understandable in the context of some sort of narcissistic psychotic disorder - fear of being alone overpowers basic instinct - perhaps to be expected in a person who has the best time of his life right after his parents are gunned down.
And can someone PLEASE explain the Christmas carols. It's very diffiult to concentrate on what's happening when Joy to the World is playing in the background. Why does this keep happening in BL?
Phuwin is good at comedy, but his lack of acting ability is glaring in a dramatic role where he has to play high school Michael Corleone (The Godfather is the clear inspiration for this series - from the romantic exile to the hospitalized parent in danger, to the son who wants nothing to do with the business eventually being forced to take it over and become ruthless. Well, ruthless-ish). This is underscored by the poor casting choice of Perth Tanapon as his cousin Chopper - poor, I say, because Perth is so phenomenal that it's embarassing to see them together in a scene. If he and the also-able Chimon had been in the main roles, instead of criminally underused secondary characters, this series would have been on fire. As it is, the dynamic between Chopper and his father is the most compelling element of this drama and should have been given much more time (Chopper's father is played by super-hot Nat Sakdatorn - don't believe me? Check out his instagram).
In the first few episodes Pond surprised me - he seemed much improved in acting skill, but then he just spent the entire series looking like a kicked puppy, which he does well, but it gets dull.
This is not all bad. The production quality is fairly high, Pond and Phuwin spend a LOT of time in swim trunks, which is really, really good eye-candy, Perth, Chimon and Nat nail every scene they're in, and there are cute scenes between Nueng and Palm, although their romantic chemistry is close to nil, they do have great buddy-energy. If you're a Phuwin & Pond fan, you will probably really enjoy this. Otherwise, I'd skip it.
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One of the better Thai BLs I've seen in more than a year!
Despite all the negative comments I read here on MDL, I really liked this one and am going to miss it. Here are my pros and cons:PROS
STORY. Yes, that's right. Sure, there were some moments that suspended belief, but what Thai BL doesn't have those? For the most part, I found this compelling. And, contrary to so many BLs, it actually HAD a story (yes, I'm looking at you, Bad Buddy). Even better, everything was wrapped up in the end, and with no cliffhangers.
ACTING. I really had no issues with the acting. Nat was great as the villain, as was Perth as his conflicted son. Phuwin played his lead role respectably, with some really good moments here and there. Pond was pretty good, as was Chimon (in a part that gave him little to do). And Pawin was delicious as the conniving and underhanded Phum.
OST SONGS. Phuwin has a beautiful voice and I loved his OST. Pond singing was surprisingly pleasant and I enjoyed his OST, played in the ending credits. (As for the rest of the music... what was up with all those misplaced Christmas carols? And that hideous cowboy song??)
CHEMISTRY. Palm was so adorably sweet and protective with Neung. And they weren't afraid to kiss with some passion.
"ELDERLY" PEOPLE. That dance class for the elderly! The oldest person I saw looked to be maybe 45. What's the life expectancy in Thailand, 48?
"JUST SHOOT ME!" It was either Episode 10 or 11 (I forgot) where three or four of the characters (separately) got themselves in a situation where they felt compelled to scream out "Shoot me! Go ahead, shoot me!" A bit silly.
THE NOTES AND LEAVING. It was annoying enough with Neung did it. It was downright ridiculous when Palm returned the favor in the finale.
Still, none of those were dealbreakers for me. I'm giving it a 9.0.
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