3 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Dez 29, 2020
12 of 12 episódios vistos
Completados 1
No geral 10
História 10
Acting/Cast 7.0
Musical 7.5
Voltar a ver 10

Mesmo após anos vendo dramas ainda não me acostumei com os jdramas, as atuações exageradas, mas este ano vi um outro que pude descobrir que sim, há dramas sérios, é uma questão de gosto pessoal, porém não abro mão de um enredo interessante e queria um dorama especial para ser meu vigésimo japonês, é o caso aqui, meu primeiro BL não censurado como bromance.

Não posso falar muito sobre BL por ser um dos meus primeiros, mas me importo muito com o desenvolvimento, não sou tão fã de romance assim, por isso apenas encher cenas de contatos físicos não são suficientes para me prender, então me veio este enredo que sem enfeites, bem cotidiano e natural. Adachi sendo facilmente uma pessoa que conhece, pode ser um amigo, vizinho, você. Não me arrependo de dar uma chance.

Se busca algo fofo onde o desenvolvimento do relacionamento é bom, mas que não necessita ter algo sexual, com certeza amará Cherry Magic, é uma ótima forma de começar a ver BL. Kurosawa é super respeitoso, atencioso com o Adachi e o mesmo super fofo.

Sei que é uma resenha pequena, com poucos detalhes, mas tenho certeza que aqui, é mais importante descobrir sobre os personagens aos poucos e deixar que eles falem por si, do que saber tudo antes.

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3 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Dez 28, 2020
12 of 12 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 10
História 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 10
Voltar a ver 10


Assim que assisti o trailer no YouTube tive a certeza de que esse drama seria mais um dos meus queridinhos! Fiquei feliz quando encontrei todos os episódios legendados disponíveis também no YouTube. Pude acompanhar a história do casal mais fofo que já vi!
Esse é um drama que deixa você morrer de tanta fofura (principalmente partindo do casal principal) e sim! Tem comédia! Que aliás, é uma das coisas mais bem utilizadas aqui. Foi tudo bem balanceado e bem pensado.
Vale a pena assistir!
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1 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Abr 24, 2021
12 of 12 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 9.0
História 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musical 9.0
Voltar a ver 8.0

Romance sobrenatural apaixonante!

Outro BL japonês que excedeu minhas espectativas em níveis astronômicos. Cherry magic é apaixonante de uma forma única!!

Adachi Kiyoshi é um funcionário padrão de uma empresa que fabrica canetas e derivados de papelaria (pelo que eu pode entender, ao menos) que tem zero experiências com relacionamento, além de ser virgem. No dia de seu aniversário de trinta anos, Kiyoshi descobre que, ao tocar nas pessoas, ele acaba conseguindo ler a mente delas. É assim que Kiyoshi descobre que Kurosawa Yuichi, o chefe de vendas de sua empresa, é apaixonado por ele.


Adachi: Introvertido e tímido, Adachi não tem muitos amigos e não é muito sociavel com seus colegas de trabalho. Uma vez que ele adquire seus poderes de "mago virgem de trinta anos", Adachi se vê capaz de ajudar as pessoas a sua volta, já que ele consegue ouvir seus problemas internos. Isso o motiva um pouco a ser alguém melhor na vida, mas ele ainda tem a auto-estima muito baixa;

Kurosawa: Kuro: Preto, Sawa: Pântano. Kurosawa é um pântano negro de perfeição e sorrisos. Ele é super popular e talentoso, tem muitos admiradores e é respeitado por todos no escritório. Mas sua vida não é tão doce quanto parece, a história guarda algumas problemáticas interessantes para o desenvolvimento desse personagem, além dele ser meio stalker do protagonista rs;

Tsuge: Melhor amigo de Adachi. É escritor, excêntrico e não sabe lidar com pessoas direito. Tem um gato. Acaba se apaixonando pelo entregador do correio pelo menos 10 anos mais novo e suas reações são aquelas típicas de anime, todo exagerado e caricato;

Minato: Dançarino que trabalha meio período fazendo entregas. Tem o sonho de debutar, mas sempre acaba se colocando em segundo plano quando vê o sucesso das pessoas em volta dele. Se sente bastante encorajado e energizado com a aproximação de Tsuge;

Quando me refiro a Cherry Magic como apaixonante, significa que é muito fácil se apegar à narrativa, justamente por ter um personagem introvertido e outro que é extremamente apaixonado. A relação KuroAdachi é interessante de observar porque o Kurosawa é simplesmesnte sincero demais, descritivo demais em seus pensamentos e o Adachi, sendo uma pessoa tímida, sempre acaba se assustando quando eles se encostam. O romance se desenvolve de forma interessante, o espectador consegue sentir a angústia e as dúvidas do Adachi, que não sabe lidar direito com a ideia de que seu senpai é apaixonado por ele, mas ao mesmo tempo começa a se apegar, uma vez que ele passa a escutar os motivos do Kurosawa em ajudá-lo e estar sempre cuidando dele, então Adachi acaba adquirindo sentimentos confusos mesmo antes do romance em si começar. A problemática da magia também é interessante, Adachi passa por algumas fases de amor e ódio em relação à sua habilidade. Ora ele está assustado, ora explorando seu poder, ora motivado a ajudar os outros, ora odiando ter que ficar desviando contatos físicos pra não ter que escutar a voz interna das pessoas a seu redor.

A conclusão do drama foi perfeitinha. Depois da última problemática, as coisas terminaram exatamente como eu senti que deveriam terminar, nem negativas demais, nem positivas demais. Talvez esse tenha sido o final de drama que mais me agradou nesse ano, então eu sinto que a história foi muito muito bem construída até o final.

Outra coisa a se destacar é a trilha sonora. Tanto a OST como a END são maravilhosas, eu não esperava me apegar tanto a uma trilha sonora japonesa. Omoinotake foi uma descoberta maravilhosa, as músicas deles são incríveis.

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0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Jan 7, 2024
12 of 12 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 10
História 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 10
Voltar a ver 10

Doce e apaixonante: um tesouro japonês!

Cherry Magic foi meu segundo BL, quando o universo dos doramas ainda era desconhecido para mim, e posso afirmar com toda certeza que ele é uma verdadeira pérola em meio a tantas produções BL! Sua trama é trabalhada de forma muito leve, acompanhando a evolução da relação entre os personagens de uma maneira muito fofa. O casal principal é uma verdadeira reação química, onde gestos e olhares acabam falando muito mais do que qualquer beijo poderia fazer. A trilha sonora também me agradou muito, fiquei o ano todo ouvindo Good Love Your Love, ela descreve perfeitamente o sentimento do Kurosawa pelo Adachi, o que para mim é apaixonante.

Embora eu não seja muito fã do casal secundário, devo admitir que eles também são muito fofos, mas acabei não me envolvendo tanto na história deles — sinto que foi um pouco arrastada em alguns momentos, eu não sei. Talvez quando eu reassistir, o que com certeza pretendo fazer, eu acabe simpatizando mais.

Mesmo já fazendo praticamente um ano desde que vi Cherry Magic pela primeira vez, ainda sinto um carinho enorme só de olhar para a capa da produção. Realmente espero poder ver os protagonistas atuando juntos novamente em algum projeto no futuro. <3

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Apaixonada por BL
0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Jul 27, 2023
12 of 12 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 9.5
História 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 7.0
Voltar a ver 10
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers


Ao contrário da grande maioria, eu sou fã incondicional dos BL's japoneses, apesar de reconhecer que eles normalmente tem um humor meio exagerado e personagens caricatos, com atuações extravagantes. Por muito tempo me perguntei se era assim que eles agiam na vida real, já que os dramas eram assim.

Sobre Cherry Magic, foi uma união perfeita de um roteiro apaixonante, uma direção excelente, e atores que muito além da química, conseguiram incorporar os personagens de tal forma que é difícil imaginar outras pessoas interpretando-os.

A história tinha tudo pra ser um clichê de escritório, que tinha o único diferencial da magia. Magia só funciona em BL's se o roteiro for magnífico, e foi assim... De início percebi que minhas percepções iniciais iriam por água abaixo, e que seria difícil prever o fim da série. A personalidade de Adashi era muito simplória. Alguém que não se tem em alta conta, inseguro, que não percebe as próprias qualidades, tem pouquíssimos amigos, sempre acha que os outros são melhores e vive apenas um dia de cada vez, sempre achando que nada vai mudar. Já Kurosawa, é o homem mais cobiçado do escritório, todos sentem inveja dele, é incrivelmente seguro, competente e sabe de suas qualidades, apesar de não se achar superior a ninguém. Um ponto bem interessante, é que Kurosawa entende que é gay e se aceita, sem maiores dramas... Ele não se declara para Adachi de imediato apenas por medo de não ser correspondido.

Aqui temos um paradoxo: Kurosawa, que é o aparentemente mais corajoso, não tem coragem de se expôr de imediato. Já Adachi, medroso por natureza, ao descobrir seus poderes, apesar do susto inicial, recebe bem a dádiva, e a usa para se aproximar de Adachi ao saber dos sentimentos dele, num ato de muita coragem.

A série tem muito humor, claro. O casal secundário é bem fofo e quebra padrões, quando mostra um casal com diferença de idade perceptível. Amei esse detalhe. Assim como também amei a colega de escritório, que a princípio pensei que seria uma pedra no sapato. Sem falar nos virgens pedindo conselhos um ao outro.

Quando eles ficam juntos é algo surreal de lindo... a série tem uma química tão grande que não teve necessidade de beijos e cenas quentes.

Algo que achei estranho foi a falta de mostrar as famílias, mas não acho isso um grande problema. A única coisa que não gostei foi o fato deles serem tão bem resolvidos e manterem seu amor escondido, como se fosse errado.

Sobre aspectos técnicos, apenas elogios. A única coisa que eu não gostei muito foi da ost, de resto, tudo maravilhoso.

A série teve dois especiais, cada um focado num casal. Nada de novo, apenas um pequeno spin- off de como eles estavam felizes. O filme que se seguiu é super interessante. Mostra a vida deles depois de um tempo juntos, superando os desafios comuns da vida a dois. A série fez um sucesso tão grande, que esse ano (2023) a Tailândia está fazendo sua própria versão.

Enfim, amei a série, os especiais, o filme. Recomendo muito. Os episódios não são muito longos e vc pode maratonar em um dia.

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0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Abr 26, 2024
12 of 12 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 2.0
História 3.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musical 1.0
Voltar a ver 1.0


Cherry Magic parece um clássico para o público mas eu realmente não entendo o motivo.
Não me entenda mal, é realmente um romance leve e é interessante a premissa de poder ler mentes por ainda ser virgem aos 30 anos, mas parece mais a ideia de algo do que algo bem feito.
Gosto da química entre os protagonistas mas foi um relacionamento irritante de se acompanhar por conta da baixa auto estima do Adachi.
Em nenhum momento a gente entende o porquê dessa personalidade do Adachi e por conta dela ele acaba tomando decisões infantis e bobas o tempo todo, o que acaba machucando o Kurosawa e mesmo assim o Kurosawa parece estar sempre bem com tudo e aceita tudo, o que é completamente irrealista, é como se a todo momento o roteiro negligenciasse seus sentimentos, ele nunca está irritado, frustrado, magoado ou chateado, o construíram para ser perfeito e aceitar qualquer migalha do Adachi.
Visto a classificação indicativa já era esperado que o quesito romance seria fraco, mas conseguiu ser ainda pior porque a todo momento o Adachi estava se esquivando do Kurosawa, tanto emocionalmente quanto fisicamente, não ter nem mesmo um selinho entre eles é loucura e a intimidade não foi construída, parece mais um bromance a maior parte do tempo e não era isso que eu estava procurando, eu queria um romance entre dois homens adultos.
E eu não vou começar a falar do quão bobo é ele poder ler mentes e mesmo assim só ouvir coisas boas, ele nunca ouve nada que o frustre.
Enfim, é uma trama original e ok para passar o tempo mas nada além disso e você acaba passando muita raiva.

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0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Jan 27, 2023
12 of 12 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 9.0
História 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 8.0
Voltar a ver 9.0

tão fofos que nem ligo se não deu beijinho

você começa a assistir achando que vai ser só um clichê qualquer que vai se perder no meio de tantos outros bls, mas cherry magic é muito mais! todos os personagens e a história em si é desenvolvida lindamente e é impossível não se apegar. diversas vezes eu me pegava torcendo desesperadamente pelo adachi (akaso eiji), surtando e sentindo um carinho enorme por ele.
falo com convicção que é um dos únicos bls que consegue se sustentar sem uma única cena de beijo. ele te força a se contentar com mãos dadas e abraços, e o pior é que não é algo ruim... eu não mudaria nada!
vale muito a pena assistir, rende risadas muito gostosas e é um romance que te deixa bobo...

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208 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Nov 11, 2020
12 of 12 episódios vistos
Completados 6
No geral 10
História 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 9.0
Voltar a ver 10
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers

The Best BL of all Time! So Go Watch!

I have never written reviews for anything but this drama forced me to write one. The recent surge of BL had us BL fans swooning however during the process the BL's lost its originality and offered the same plot with school/university/ engineering/love triangle/making all the females either villain or brainless fujoshi but with different actors. I am not bashing other bls but it was getting very repetitive.

But then BOOM! came this BL out of nowhere. Surprising us with its wholesome and refreshing original plotline. This is a story about an introverted salaryman who was just going with the flow of life and not much caring about love thus stayed as a virgin. However, when he turned 30 he was bestowed with the mind-reading ability and this is where folks one of the most hilarious yet MOST tender wholesome love story of the BL world's begun. Our protagonist, Adachi, finds out the popular and most perfect guy in the office, Kurosawa, has an intense crush on him.

Adachi is someone we all can relate to especially us introverts. He looks down on himself, lacks confidence, and always gives up fighting for himself and others when needed. But after he gained the power we could see the changes in him. He never once used his power for himself or to harm others rather he used them to help the people around him. He is becoming a better version of himself. Slowly but steadily he is overcoming his weakness for a better life.

Where else Kurosawa is completely opposite of Adachi. He is an extrovert person and the most popular guy in the office. He is a perfectionist in whatever he does. Girls go gaga on him including me. He is smart, handsome, confident, and knows how to carry himself. He is the go-to person, whenever someone faces any kind of problem. He is the perfect example of how a salaryman should be. However, when it comes to Adachi he loses his calms and his confidence wavers. All he wants is to stay beside Adachi and make him smile. Kurosawa will be happy and content as long as Adachi is happy and stay beside him even if as colleagues but that's going to change very soon though.

Cherry Magic has stolen my breath and my heart! Every week I anxiously wait for the new episodes like my life depends on it. The chemistry between the leads is sizzling and you can feel it from the very first interaction and you can feel as each episode progresses the chemistry intensifies. At first, honestly, I thought this will be like Ossan's love with overly comedic with little focus on romance especially when I read that the guy will have mind-reading power and the trailer also really didn't impress me but thank god I gave this gem of drama a shot and I fell in love.

The best thing about this drama is that all the characters no matter how small or big their role is very much like real life. All of us can relate to them in our life personally for me I could very much relate to Adachi and Fujisaki-san. Episode 4 touched my heart so deeply like no other bl could. Also, how could we forget our poor Kurosawa's fantasy?! Trust me it will make you laugh and giggle like a kid. Well, all episodes will make you giggle and scream in the middle of the night like a banshee in loose...or like a kid!

And to all the BL writers out there please learn from Kurosawa how to write perfect gentleman. Kurosawa even though is restless about his feelings for Adachi he never ever tried to force his feelings on Adachi. He is always respectful and he even felt remorse when the co-workers forced him to Kiss Adachi ( episode 3) albeit it was only a forehead kiss Kurosawa still felt bad which shows how considerate Kurosawa is and how much kindness and respect he has for Adachi.

This is a genuine love story between these two men that will warm your heart and soul...make you feel like you are on cloud 9. Make you feel fluffy and soft and gushy and will definitely make you say "EHHH!".

The thing with Japanese bl is that they don't need to show physical intimacy to convey their feelings. They can literally carry the whole show, with the same per as those that hugely depends on physical intimacy to gain popularity, with their eye contact and body language, and what acts they do for their loved one. Again I am not bashing anyone specific.

I think like most of you I am also not a fan of Japanese acting. They often feel cringe to me and made me stopped watching Japanese drama for a while. So for the people who are worried about the acting, YOU HAVE NOTHING TO WORRY ABOUT. The acting is actually top-notch. Both actors perfectly understood their characters and have dutifully are able to portray them just as they were written in manga. Machida is literally Kurosawa and no one can deny that!

To be honest I feel the live-action characters have more feel to them than the manga in my humble opinion. Also, the director did an amazing job of executing the story. And I am glad that they are adding their own original scenes to this adaptation and changing the timelines of specific scenes which I think will be more exciting.

The only con is the development of a side couple. Don't get me wrong I love them too. Tusge is a chaotic virgin that cracks me up every time he comes on screen and our cutie Wataya is such a tsundora lol. But I wished their story would have progressed with the same care as the main pairing but it's ok. This series is already a perfect 100 for me.

And Udon-Chan is love, Udon-Chan is life!

Listen guys once you start watching this series you will not be able to stop yourself from re-watching the currently out episodes again and again. I have already lost count of how many times I have re-watched the 5 episodes. Cherry Maho really spells a real cast at its viewers then we can't stop watching the series even if we want to.

So what are you guys waiting for join our Cherry Maho cult!

Sorry for such a long-ass review and I know I am not the best reviewer out there but hope this review at least is helpful to you lots.

Peace Out XOXO!

Edit- I have finally finished the whole series and my man I LOVE LOVE LOVE it so MUCH!! It was perfect!!! For me, the character development was so good. Adachi overcoming his fear of losing his power and mingling with people, understanding people without his power showed huge character development! Finally, Kurosawa can have his sweet life with Adachi. I do hope we get a season 2! I wanna see more of their sweet life. Call me greedy because I am. Fantastic ending to a fantastic series. Guys watch this show or else you will be missing out on the biggest gem of your life!

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RandomUsagi Flower Award2
128 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Dez 24, 2020
12 of 12 episódios vistos
Completados 1
No geral 10
História 9.5
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 10
Voltar a ver 10

Cherry Magic Memories

To say that this is a good BL is an understatement. I've been watching jdramas in 2020 and nothing captured my attention and love like this one. A late-night BL drama nobody should've noticed became an international hit.

Cherry Magic (CM) summed up:
-All characters are loveable
-Has comedy but can also get emotional
-No toxicity
-Great acting from main leads
-Great opening and ending song
-High rewatch value

STORY -9.5
''Don't you know? If you're a virgin when you turn 30, you'll become a magic user.'' -Urabe
If the synopsis is kinda offputting to you then that's normal but I guarantee you that it works. The subjects are handled with sensibility and while there is a lot of comedy it works out well. The show knows how to handle emotional scenes as well as comedy.

I think with the first episode you'll see that this drama handles its story very well. What started as a weird internet legend/joke about virginity somehow ended up becoming this cute show. This is a unique lovestory and a joy to see. It brought a lot of warmth to the winter of 2020. Teaching us all to reach out to others and to love ourselves.

''Do you know what that means?'' -Kurosawa
First of all the main leads. Machida Keita, actor of Kurosawa, has had around 10 years of experience in acting and has been in many Japanese shows. He was a known name in Japan before CM happened. You can see he totally immerses himself in a character and has fun with it. A lot of later scenes in the drama have been influenced by him ad-libbing/freely acting. When his character is sad, genuinely happy or faking his emotions for the sake of others then you can see it in all his body movements. He's an intriguing character to watch on screen and definitely makes rewatching the show worth it.

Akaso Eiji is relatively new to acting in comparison to Machida Keita and was far less known in Japan. He has been in a few shows before CM, noteably as a Kamen Rider in Kamen Rider Build. Even the mangaka from CM wasn't sure he could pull off the shy, introverted character of Adachi. However, Akaso Eiji really plays Adachi perfectly. Completely adapting to the introverted and anxious character and creating some of the most fun panicked scenes. In comparison to Kurosawa, Adachi acts much more like a manga/anime-character by constantly panicking but it makes him very cute. I'm sure anyone can fall in love with such an adorable and shy main character.

The character called Tsuge is extremely entertaining, even more panicked than his friend Adachi at times. His adventures have been a joy to see, the self-proclaimed romance master never disappoints. His love-interest Minato has little screentime but is very cute as well. Them both being catlovers was also great to see as the cat Udon-chan really was a joy to see on screen.

Extra characters:
Then there's Rokkaku. This guy really makes a name for himself but all characters in this show have a good heart. His overly energetic presence was always immediately visible on screen and he has been a fun addition to the show. Fujisaki is the beloved female character and likely the best female character in all of BL. An example of how to give female characters a positive presence in a BL show. Her knowing smile and caring character really makes scenes a lot better. There's not a lot to say about Urabe but he has some character growth as well, showing that all characters have some good in them.

''I scream the voice of my heart'' - Omoinotake
I never skipped the opening or the ending of this show. Both are very nice to listen to. The opening of the show (Ubugoe/Birth) being Adachis view of the situation and the ending of the show (Good Love your Love) being Kurosawas view.
The background music really knows how to make emotional scenes hit hard. Even listening to the emotional piano music brings me back to the scenes all over again. The fun background music does its job in making the scenes seem wholesome or just an enjoyable experience.

''My heart can't take it anymore'' -Adachi
I can't even count how many times I've rewatched this show during its airing time. That's not a joke, I've been part of CM watchparties and rewatched the show myself a lot of times. I think even now that the show has ended its definitely worth rewatching to watch the great acting of the main leads or just to enjoy the experience all over again. Because this show is just that, an enjoyable experience. You can also find many hidden details if you pay attention when watching the show.

In conclusion, give the show a chance and even if the first episodes don't work for you I can assure you that you will fall in love with Adachi and Kurosawa eventually. Something widely refered to as the Cherry Magic effect.

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Em andamento 12/12
31 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Out 30, 2020
12 of 12 episódios vistos
Em andamento 1
No geral 10
História 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 9.0
Voltar a ver 10

A wholesome-hilarious Rom-Com

I stumbled across this show by accident when I was looking for a new BL to obsess over and- let me just say, I was not disappointed.
When writing this review, 4 episodes (edit: now 7) have been released so far. But those 90 minutes of the show have already got me hooked like few other shows were able to.
The characters are absolute fluffballs. You know that feeling when you would give your whole world to them just by looking at them? Yeah, that's what I feel for Adachi and Kurosawa. The actor does such a good job at portraying this innocent yet realistic clumsiness of Adachi, while Kurosawa is just warmth and softness in person. Their chemistry is off the charts. If you need a fluffy BL couple (that cares for consent!!!!) this is perfect for you.
Not only does it feel like you were dumped into cotton candy while watching this, but you'll also wish someone would love you like Kurosawa loves Adachi. The way he cares for him is just so heart-warming. I promise you, you'll fall for both of them.
The supernatural aspect is well fit and none of the characters feels unrealistic AT ALL. They lightly tackle the stigma around two men kissing which just rounds off the whole deal. To top all this, the show is hilarious. I swear, I laugh every 5 seconds, either because of Adachi's adorable awkwardness or because of their wonderfully executed acting in relatable situations.
I can only recommend this drama to any rom-com lovers.
You won't regret it.

The story revolves around Adachi, a 30-year old virgin that suddenly, on his birthday, gains the ability to read the minds of people through touch. Unexpectedly, his fellow colleague Kurosawa seems to have a crush on him. And thus begins a wonderful little office romance.
The story is based on a manga by the same title. I honestly couldn't imagine a better made or more adequately executed adaption of the story. Of course, changes were made but they all fit perfectly into the concept and medium. And those changes are small at most. I must commend the writers. In comparison to the original manga, we don't get a view into Kurosawa's thoughts except what Adachi hears through his ability. This makes everything seem more down to earth and I really like the decision. The plot is well put together and just addicting to put it simply.

My guys, listen, the acting in this is just grandiose. And not just the main cast, every single role is well cast and executed on an astonishing level. It's just so so much fun to watch each character unfold and it is so easy to fall in love with them. It's hilarious, convincing and realistic. If not for anything else, watch this for the acting.

I'm editing this section in. Earlier I didn't have much to say about the OST because except Opening and Outro there isn't much happening musically but after a few weeks the Soundtrack really grew on me. The Opening Song [Omoinotake - Ubugoe] is such a catchy song I can't even think about skipping the intro because you'll catch me jamming to it. Furthermore, you should take a look at the lyrics of this song. It reflects Adachi's feelings and thoughts in the course of falling in love with Kurosawa. Especially after episode 5, I can truly see the connection.
The Outro Song [Deep Squad - Good Love Your Love] is also really enjoyable. I think they did a great job of choosing these songs for the drama.

Let me tell you, this show isn't even completed but I'm already on my 20th rewatch of those few released episodes. I don't know, maybe it's just the lack of affection and warmth in my life but the chemistry in this is addicting. This is my newest comfort drama. I can't stop thinking about them, I can't stop watching them.

Yeah, just give it a try. I promise you'll love it.

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Loveless Devil
29 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Dez 20, 2020
12 of 12 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 10
História 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 9.0
Voltar a ver 10

A Love So Beautiful & Pure!!! Must WATCH!

How can two grown-ass men falling in love makes my heart thump thump so badly! No other bls made me feel things that CM made me. If ITSAY is the best coming of an age love story then CM is the best young adult love story. This is not only a love story. But a story about being kind, gentle, being confident, not giving in to the societal pressures, trusting others, and more importantly trusting ourselves. Overcoming our fear and difficulties no matter how many times we fail. Each and every character feels human and none of the characters feels unrealistic. Trust me when I say this that you will be able to relate with each and every character because that's how human they felt.

This is a simple drama where two different men came to touch the heart of each other through their kindness. That's it! No unnecessary drama, no love triangle, no one hates no one, no one is cheating, girl character is being respected and no fujoshi (which is what, unfortunately, many fans love) maybe that's why this will not be as popular as other dramas but this is what I loved about CM. This is such a feel-good drama. This is so so much fun to watch how these two dorks fall in love with each other through that process it is so easy for us watchers to fall in love with them as well. I wish guys like Kurosawa existed in real life than none of us girls had to go through so many heartbreaks and disappointments.

Rewatch Value of this drama is 100/10
Acting is PERFECT!
Chemistry is ON POINT!
So guys give this drama a go and trust me you will not be disappointed!

I think, no , CM is the bestest BL production in Japan's BL history!

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24 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Dez 25, 2020
12 of 12 episódios vistos
Completados 3
No geral 10
História 9.5
Acting/Cast 9.5
Musical 10
Voltar a ver 10

A Series with Heart and Soul

One of the main aspects that stands out about Japanese drama is their way of including a heartfelt and inspirational message in their stories. I came across Cherry Magic on MDL two months before its official airing date. The plot summary and casting choices intrigued me. I had recognised both of the main leads, Akaso and Machida-san from their previous works, Nee Sensei, Shiranai no? (2020) and Joshi-teki Seikatsu (2018). Since Ossan’s love (2018), Japan has become more open to exploring BL/LGBT genre and well-known actors and actresses featuring in the genre. Considering those points, I had gone ahead and read the first two volumes of the original manga by Toyota-san’s Cherry Magic. The manga’s direction was lighter than other shounen-ai works, and I appreciate Toyota-san writing the characters in a likeable manner.

The story could have taken many different directions; however, I appreciate the staff and crew’s mindsets on the drama structure's focus. Having read the manga (Vol 1~4), and watched the drama series, I could sense the amount of thought that went into making the show fitting for a live-action adaptation while bringing heart and soul to these characters.

Most Asian dramas tend to over sexualise and romanticise unhealthy relationships, especially within the BL and LGBT genre. Therefore, the direction of Cherry Magic proves that none of those portrayals is necessary to create an exciting and engaging show. The show features a fair focus on realistic obstacles, including workplace struggles, the risk of striving for your dream goals and self-acceptance.


The acting was top-notch; I could feel the character’s emotions, including the scenes without any dialogue. I loved how the main and some of the supporting casts were given a chance to show their range. It helped me become more invested in their characters. Setting the characters in a genre with both slice of life and a supernatural element could be quite challenging. Therefore, I believe the writers did an excellent job writing the main and supporting characters in a relatable and somewhat realistic approach.


It was refreshing to see a drama set in a workplace setting with the given genre. It brought more opportunities to explore some realistic obstacles and a sense of relatability towards a mature target audience.
Much analysis has been made on the drama’s setting, placement of props and editing by fans. Although the production value is relatively standard, the staff considers all the mentioned elements, therefore, reflecting the character’s emotions with their given surroundings. I appreciate the setting being viewed more than a stage or an aesthetic; it made me rethink the use of colour palettes (e.g. Blue for gloomy mood by Kurosawa).


I fell in love with both the opening and ending songs featured in the show. The lyrics had much depth and connection with our two main characters. I found it interesting the opening represents Adachi’s internal feelings while the ending represents Kurosawa’s perspective. Both songs complement each other, and the visuals fit the songs melody. The soundtrack is both amusing and emotionally moving. From my perspective, I did not feel any of the ost or songs were out of place.

Last thoughts:

If you are used to seeing skinship and rapid development featured in romantic relationships, the show may not be your forte; however, I recommend you give the series a watch.. While watching the show; it reminded me that falling in love can be a wonderful thing in life despite the depressing and heartwrenching moments.

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Cherry Magic! (2020) poster



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