Que dorama lindo! Me apaixonei!
Ai gente que dorama lindo. Eu como uma amante de doramas chineses digo que a produção está um clássico chinês (e que eu amo!!).A história é abordada de uma forma linda! A cinematografia é linda, a produção perfeita, a atuação impecável não deixou nada a desejar eu adorei o trabalho de todos os atores! E a trilha sonora incrível, que músicas lindas, cada música encaixando perfeitamente em cada cena.
O enredo tem uma história diferente do comum que não estava esperando gostar, mas me surpreendeu completamente e me prendeu do começo ao fim!
A química do casal principal exala de longe, sem nenhuma palavra, só com olhares e ações você consegue perceber o que eles sentem e a intensidade do que eles sentem. Vou falar aqui (não acho q seja um spoiler) eles não chegam a dar um beijo de amor, mas nem tudo são flores né e pra uma série ser boa não precisa necessariamente de um beijo, acho muita ignorância ter uma visão de que é ruim por que não tem beijo.
Como ainda tem a segunda temporada, alguns pontos que ficaram soltos foram propositais para serem explicados na próxima temporada, que inclusive estou muito ansiosa!! Tenho certeza que eles vão arrasar muito!!
Por fim, é um bl que eu me apaixonei completamente, um bl lindo de assistir, recomendo demaaais pra quem gosta de assistir uma série bonita e bem feita, que não é só put4r1a.
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Muito bem escrito.
Eu não comecei The On1y One com muitas expectativas, principalmente pois não via muita gente comentando sobre, logo também não sabia o que esperar, mas eu me surpreendi bastante, tinha apenas oito episódios quando comecei a acompanhar e assisti todos em um dia.Na trama, nós acompanhamos como a vida de dois jovens mudam completamente a partir do ponto em que se conhecem, e como as mudanças se relacionam com o passado deles, Tian e Sheng. Na minha concepção, a obra retrata perfeitamente como uma pessoa mais fria e fechada age quando se importa verdadeiramente com alguem, muitas vezes o desenvolvimento desse tipo de personagem deixa a desejar, como o jeito do mesmo mudando repentinamente ou simplesmente não sendo bem explorado. Aqui nós vemos algo muito prazeroso de assistir, a forma com que Tian se porta desde o começo não muda completamente, a essência dele continua ali, mas ao mesmo tempo ele se molda ao Sheng, se permitindo confiar nele e mostrar um lado mais cuidadoso que não é todo mundo que tem a sorte de presenciar.
No outro lado da moeda, também temos o Sheng, entendemos como o trauma de perder sua mãe tão cedo o afetou, como ele estava acostumado a lidar com o mundo sozinho, sempre guardando tudo pra si mesmo, mas toda essa defesa que ele criou desde muito jovem começa a desmorar, ele vai se permitindo receber aquele cuidado, e se ve sentindo falta dele, de Tian, quando estão separados, com a comunicação sendo um traço muito importante entre eles.
Continuando, o desenvolvimento da relação deles é algo extremamente bonito e puro de se ver, todo o cuidado ali é muito real e genuíno, principalmente a forma como se ancoram um no outro. Quanto ao final, já vemos que grande parte da hesitação de Sheng em dar um passo a mais é pela questão deles serem "irmãos", sempre achei esse enredo sem sentido, já que não, os personagens não são irmãos de verdade e nem mesmo foram criados juntos desde a infância para que sentissem essa sensação, a relutância vem pela parte do julgamento que ele pensa que deve receber de sua família.
Agora sim, tenho expectativas boas em relação a uma futura segunda temporada, já que está praticamente confirmado que continuaremos acompanhando a história deles, e com certeza farei mais uma resenha quando estiver disponível.
( Um adendo: A fotografia do episódio 11 é simplesmente divina, o jogo de cores que usaram em uma cena específica foi genial. )
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The On1y One é a prova que o Taiwan sabe fazer BL, e dos bons.Eu como a maior hater de relacionamento amoroso entre "meio-irmãos", consegui me apaixonar nesse BL a ponto de ficar obcecada, e eu vou explicar o porque.
Os personagens são tão únicos, e conseguimos sentir o que eles sentem. Você observa facilmente que são apenas dois jovens de 17 anos que estão descobrindo coisas sobre eles mesmos, e que estão vivenciando coisas novas da forma mais bonita possível, as descrevendo com palavras poéticas.
Com o romance é impossível não sorrir junto com eles. São sinais delicados e discretos, mas a gente percebe onde que o amor começa. São detalhes mínimos, a diferença em como se portam, se olham, se falam e se cuidam. Esse amor se desprende do clichê, e guia-se pra uma realidade.
É uma passagem lenta, mas tem um desenvolvimento progressivo. Talvez não tão óbvio pra alguns, mas basta observar. São tantas cenas e dizeres que temos que olhar além da forma literal, mas também de maneira sentimental.
Os atores são ótimos também, o Tian apenas um jovem traumatizado (e cabe a dizer: que loucura o final do ep11) e com medo. Dá pra perceber que ele se apaixonou primeiro, tem ciúmes, e fica frustado quando o Wang o chama de "irmão". O Wang é mais aberto, e também "lerdinho" pra reparar as coisas, conviveu com o Tian, o caracterizou como amigo, e quando apareceu o desejo (e que desejo hein) ele finalmente reparou, mas ao contrário do Tian, ele apenas resolveu se afastar (o que é totalmente válido).
Como citei antes, odeio romance entre meio irmãos e sei que o Taiwam adora uma palhaçada dessa. Acho estranho, e dependendo do contexto inserido nojento. Com eles teve momentos que eu apenas fechava os olhos e fingia pra mim mesma que eles eram apenas amigos (alías, não sei se isso me faz uma má pessoa mas torci muito pros pais deles se separarem).
O final não agrada, e eu sei bem disso. Mas espero que realmente tenha uma segunda temporada, estarei a esperando com muito prazer.
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Um Final Que Deixou Magoado
O BL tinha tudo para ser bom, e, na verdade, foi até certo momento, uma narrativa onde aborda a famílias, as diferenças e aceitações, mas eles mal tocaram na relação entre os dois personagens principais, Sheng e Tian, que, atuaram muito bem.Colocaram um segundo casal, que do meu ponto de vista foi inútil já que a situação do casal principal ainda não estava “amarrada”, estragou o tempo e terminou abruptamente sem qualquer aviso. Estávamos apenas começando e a direção decidiu terminar.
Por um lado, eu amo tanto essa série, mas, por outro lado, como eles puderam terminá-la assim? Tenho certeza que eles fizeram isso para uma sequência e isso é uma merd@. Isso me deixa insatisfeito.
Considero que parte do enredo foi boa, atuação foi ótima, boa química e no geral muito bom.
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Uma total perda de tempo esse BL foi do nada a lugar nenhum, 12 episódios que ABSOLUTAMENTE NADA ACONTECEU, uma confissão de amor, um abraço um beijo, NADA, o que se espera de um romance? filosofia barata? mas nem isso teve não se engane não tem nada de edificante em dizer que é filosófico ou coisa do tipo, cansou o telespectador com coadjuvantes esquecíveis e desinteressantes, algumas pessoas que tem homofobia interna vão chamar os outros que querem algo mais excplícito no sentido confissão de amor de fetichista ou bobagens do tipo, por acaso em romances heterossexuais não tem beijos? alguém discute esse assunto e fala que é fetichismo óbvio que não, já esperamos tudo que vai acontecer em um romance hetero, porque o gay seria diferente, me parece que o diretor encheu linguiça, para um eventual 2 temporada, única explicação racional, e nunca li tanto "slow burn" na minha vida, isso não é justificativa para fazer um BL chato empacado Brockeback Mountain que "todos sabem" filme de Oscar, não é tão lento quanto esse BL, ainda cada episódio com quase 1 hora, sem a menos justificatica, com um final ali que nem parecia um final, fraquíssimo.Esta resenha foi útil para você?
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Uma obra prima que nem todos podem entender
O caos que o povo tava fazendo com raiva desse final foi totalmente desnecessário. Eu simplesmente amei a maneira como eles terminarem fiéis à novel e, principalmente, à realidade de um adolescente. Acredito que nós, por temermos um cancelamento da série, ficamos desnecessariamente preocupados e acabamos por analisar precipitadamente o desenvolvimento. Esse episódio é uma clara representação do que é ser adolescente: precipitado e indeciso. Há muitos que, assim como Jiang Tian, são bem resolvidos consigo e pensam conforme a razão. Outros, como o Sheng Wang, estão exageradamente receosos do amanhã e metem os pés pelas mãos. A série cumpriu o seu propósito: fornecer-nos o máximo de fofura e sentimentalismo possível dentro de um ritmo natural, marcado pelo desenvolvimento lento, embora nada exaustivo, dos sentimentos de dois jovens diferentes entre si, mas que se completam em todos os sentidos.No mais, essa produção foi perfeita do início ao fim e tenho orgulho de dizer que anseio desesperadamente uma segunda temporada. Acredito que os atores e todos os envolvidos fizeram a sua parte; nós também, portanto, ela virá. Tenho fé nisso. Infelizmente, se não houver, guardarei com carinho as belezas de Sheng Wang e Jiang Tian.
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Esse bl ainda está em lançamento mas tive que vir aqui e dizer o quão bem feito ele é! Quando eu descobri que o diretor é o mesmo de "Your name engraved herein" tudo fez sentido, confesso que fiquei com medo de vir sofrimento e o final não ser feliz (trauma por causa de yneh) mas pelo andamento esse bl parece ser leve e eles vão ficar juntos no final, no máximo eles vão passar por algumas turbulências mas não acho que isso irá afetar o casal, será apenas da vida pessoal deles em relação a escola, mas não vamos tirar conclusões precipitadas e vamos esperar pelos próximos caps.Tenho altas expectativas pra esse bl e sinto que ele não vai me decepcionar.
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More Than a Romance
At first, you may think this is just one more old cliche about two brothers who fall in love. But it's much more than that. It's a beautiful coming of age that digs into feelings of being alone, finding out who you are, love and handling hurt. It goes deep into the youth and not just the easy parts. If you are waiting for a usual boys' love story, think again because this one stays with you. It might even make you bawl your eyes out and leave you wanting more when it ends.Let's start with Jiang Tian, he is such a deep character, he has many sides and holds a lot of sad feelings. He keeps his emotions hid as if they are dark secrets he does not want to disclose to the world because he is afraid. His past and the marks he has, both in and out, have made him into someone who wants to be near others but is also scared of it. That's when Sheng Wang steps in. What I like is that he doesn’t hit Tian’s life hard like a wrecking ball but rather gently nudges him to drop his guard down.
The two main leads are thrown together because of their parents and suddenly they’re supposed to act like brothers. But they definitely don’t feel like siblings at all. Right from the beginning, there’s this tension - it's not bad, but its definitely not the typical sibling vibe. They are trying to understand each other and coexist but you can feel something brewing underneath even if neither of them is ready to admit it yet.
And yes, it’s a slow burn (a thing that many people did not like) but that’s the beauty of it for me. It pulls you in with all the little moments - quick touches, secret glances and the way they look at each other when they think no one is watching. These tiny details make your heart race. The way their hands accidentally brush together (or maybe not so accidentally) and the gentle, lingering looks they share are all done so subtly - it’s just beautiful.
And it's not only about love, it's also about healing. Wang is gently aiding Tian in facing the pain he has held for ages, just by staying by his side and showing him it's fine to open up and let someone in. And Tian is showing Wang that love can be tough. At times, the ones you hold dear are the toughest to reach, but they are worth the hard work.
And the actors are just amazing. It's not often you see roles played with so much truth. You can sense their sadness, their silent wants and the love they share. Each look and each touch is full of meaning. They act with a rawness that makes it all seem real and nothing feels hurried. This makes their bond really stand out. You are not just seeing love, you are watching it grow, bit by bit.
I thought the ending was okay but it left some things unresolved. There were moments that felt a bit unsatisfying but since they seem to be hinting at a second season (even without official confirmation) it makes sense. They didn’t rush the plot and allowed the story to develop slowly and thoughtfully. If we’re lucky enough to get a season 2 then we’ll likely see their relationship fully blossom which feels like the natural next step after all this gradual buildup.
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RECIPROCITY - Walk in a straight line BUT circle back to each other.
----The key point of the series is ----"If there is only ONE person in this world who can understand your words, then he is more important than anyone else.” -Jiang Tian
"The population of the planet is now about seven billion. If the average life expectancy of each person is 80 years and they can meet 1,000 people per day, they will meet about 29.2 million people in their lifetime. The probability of two people meeting is 0.00417. while the probability that you happened to like him, he likes you back and you become each other's special 'someone' is only 0.0000173. Everyone has a "very moment" in their life. Your memory will freeze at that moment, becoming a very special moment. It turns into a most important memory of your life. And every time you think of it, you will always have a special feeling inside" - Sheng Wang
A good coming of age BL drama from Taiwan, adapted from the book 'Mou Mou' by Mu Su Li. It's a story of two 17 year old boys coming from different backgrounds, forced to live in close proximity due to their respective parents cohabitation. Slowly these two find a home in each other and open their hearts to a possible connection. The series is not fast paced which is one of its greatest advantages, it paints a nostalgic picture of the bygone days.
The story wouldn't have been as compelling as it turned out to be without the fabulous performance of both the lead actors. Liu Dong Qin who plays the part of a lonely, privileged and affable, Sheng Wang AND Benjamin Tsang who portrays the often stoic, prickly, Ace student of the class, Jiang Tian.
At first glance, the audience perceives, both Jiang Tian and Sheng Wang are opposite in their disposition and would likely clash due to their different personalities. However just in the case of magnets, opposite poles attract each other, the audience comes to realise that underneath their seemingly contrasting outward personalities, both hide deep seated vulnerabilities that they are unwilling to share or reveal to the world. Their close proximity due their parents' cohabitation enables them to peel the protective outward layer and peek into the inner hidden sensitivity of the other.
There are many instances where the viewers get a glimpse of how well these two fit together. With each Thread of shared experience, unrevealed emotion, conversations with concealed subtexts, silent support, All combining together; their relationship transforms into an unbreakable Rope of blazing love. Some of their interactions that make them realise they have found a 'home' in each other and share RECIPROCITY in their feelings are :-
1. Sheng Wang is beaten by some outside thugs on the school campus (arranged by a jealous competitive classmate). Sheng Wang while taking the beating and trying to escape from the goons, thinks that he is all alone and nobody is there to help him. When Jiang Tian finds out about this incident, he works out a way to catch these fellows and punish them. Later Sheng Wang finds out that Jiang Tian was instrumental in their being caught, he talks with Jiang Tian who divulges that if in place of Sheng Wang, he would have been caught alone by the thugs, he too would feel helpless and wish someone would help him. Jiang Tian further states that at that time he wasn't there to help Sheng Wang but he made sure those guys were punished for attacking Sheng Wang and making him feel powerless. (This conversation makes Sheng Wang realise that Jiang Tian would always protect him)
2. Sheng Wang and Jiang Tian both want to live in a dorm (hostel) at one point of time. However later, after the two feel a sense of fellowship, Sheng Wang no longer wants to live in a dorm but wishes to live in his father's house with Jiang Tian. Jiang Ting confesses that even though he also rejected the idea of living in a dorm due to their growing closeness (and the fact Sheng Wang was hurt by Jiang Tian wanting to live in a hostel) he still wished he could stay in a dorm. At that time Sheng Wang thought that Jiang Tian would leave him so he started distancing himself from Jiang Tian. Later Sheng Wang came to know from Old Man Ding that Jiang Tian never had a permanent home, he always kept his belongings packed in a suitcase, ready to leave the place where he was currently residing at a moment's notice because he had an unstable childhood and never got a place to call 'home'. Sheng Wang then offers to stay with Jiang Tian in a dorm, both of them would live in a dorm together so that Jiang Tian would feel safe for at least the duration of their boarding period (as it was fixed as per the fees paid and duration of their studies, the stay in a dorm is not depended upon unforseen changes in his mother's relationship with Sheng Wang in future) and would UNPACK things from his suitcase as he would get a clear timeline as to how long he could live at one place. (This conversation with Sheng Wang made Jiang Tian acknowledge that someone understood his fears)
By gaining insight into the other's frality, both feel protective towards the other. This understanding creates a bond of friendship and acceptance, however it is complicated by their budding romantic feelings for the other. Sheng Wang is more vocal about things but is oblivious to the romantic undercurrent between them or so it SEEMS, Jiang Tian on the other hand is hyper aware of his feelings but he is accustomed to bottle up his emotions never verbally voicing them out.
The hurdles in their way to a blissful life of togetherness are them being of same gender as well as their parents' relationship which makes them 'brothers' in the eyes of the society.
I would say this series is multi-layered, it deals with many issues that a young adult goes through.....
1. Dealing with past trauma and loss - Searching for that certain some'ONE'.
2.The Bittersweet school life - surviving the competitive world of education where ranks and grades have to be maintained, the jealousy and backstabbing of other ambitious student(s).
3. The budding romance - Growing affection between two boys who care deeply for each other but are afraid of societal judgement as well as afraid of rejection by the other so they keep their feelings within themselves.
4. The stolen glances - Looking at your crush, trying to gauge their reactions based on subtle changes in their facial expressions. Trying to gain the attention of the person you are captivated by. Realising that what started as infatuation has morphed into an indestructible bond of Love that lasts a lifetime.
I would also like to praise the director of the series, Liu Kuang Hui. The director made the perfect casting choice, Liu Dong Qin and Benjamin Tsang create a believable love story of two young people who are too afraid to voice out their emotions. The Director, through their slow build relationship managed to tell a heartwarming story of two youths' struggle to find a way to stay together. From Jiang Tian's attentive, observant gaze To Sheng Wang's unwillingness to get close to anyone who might desert him. Both fearing abandonment, their non-date Date, having each other's back. The director laid down layers upon layers of shared experiences to cement their commitment.
The soundtracks also manage to solidify the burgeoning feelings.. Although it's difficult to choose a favourite amongst them, my favourite is '17 Run to You', the lyrics were so appropriate for these two lost souls finding a common ground to flourish and live happily together. Other Songs include 'Just lonely', 'Interlude', 'Rainbow Love' and 'Love Proverbs '(The theme song)- All 5 of them have quite soulful melodies and meaningful lyrics that linger in your heart for a long time.
::::Overall:::: Another good BL drama from Taiwan, a little wistful, evoking memories of youth.
This series is replete with pathos for literary enthusiasts. People who are interested in literature should rewatch the series to savour the metaphors, symbols and references from other literary works that the Scriptwriter/ Director has woven into the narrative of the story.
My 'Very' Moments (Additional Titbits)
1. Episode 3
'up to you' versus 'down to you' - There is a scene where the English Teacher in Jiang Tian and Sheng Wang's school is asking the students to differentiate between the phrases 'up to you' and 'down to you'.
As per the dictionary:
'up to you' means 'It's your decision! You choose!'
Where as 'down to you' means 'to be someone's responsibility or decision:Duty, obligation and responsibility'
In the same episode before the English Teacher brings up the topic of differentiating between the two phrases, Jiang Tian has given money to Sheng Wang for the bottle of water he had purchased earlier for Jiang Tian, Sheng Wang tells Jiang Tian that it's 'up to you' implying that Jiang Tian can choose to remain formal and stiff with Sheng Wang, unaccepting his clumsy attempt at explaining as to Sheng Wang only kissed Jiang Tian in school due to the game of truth and dare, the kiss was just a part of the game.
Later when Jiang Tian offers to be friends with Sheng Wang while talking in his bedroom. Sheng Wang's soliloquy brings the whole topic of difference between the idioms full circle. Sheng Wang muses - "At this moment, I totally forgot what our English Teacher had said. What's the difference between "up to you" and "down to you". Only then did I realise, the moment Jiang Tian said that, my world turned UPSIDE DOWN. My world toppled."
The thin line between "up to you" i.e choice and "down to you" i.e obligation, blurs as everything turns topsy turvy with one heart to heart conversation of Jiang Tian with Sheng Wang.
2. Episode 7 - Moving into a dorm
As per my perception and the conversation that Sheng Wang had with Jiang Tian, Sheng Wang hopes to find some 'stability' for Jiang Tian hence suggests moving into a dorm.
It was stated by Grandfather Ding that Jiang Ting had NO home while growing up, he was constantly on a move, sometimes living with his father, mother, grandmother or old man Ding... probably he may have spent an occasional night at some acquaintance's home. Now that his mother has moved into Sheng Wang's father's home, logically he might get a stable home but due to his past experiences, psychologically he is still unable to relax and unpack. He may fear things going south between his mother and Sheng Wang's father someday or displeasing his stepfather or ... or ..or...and he may have to 'move' again so he is keeping himself ready for that possibility.
As per Sheng Wang, living in a dorm Jiang Tian may unwind a little because even though they cannot live in a dorm forever, it gives a 'specified duration' wherein the students can live as per the fees they have paid for the term. Hence Jiang Tian can mentally feel some stability for that time period.
So it doesn't matter that there are two other people sharing a dorm room with them because at the current juncture of the story they are looking for 'stability' rather than 'privacy'. Therefore both are rejoicing at having achieved that goal.
Maybe later they may find sharing the accommodation with other two students a little restrictive but that's for the future..In the present, they can heave a sigh of relief on behalf of Jiang Tian.
3 . Episode 8
The difference between the conversation that Sheng Wang has with his father and Jiang Tian has with his mother regarding shifting from Sheng Wang's father's house to a Dorm.
Sheng Wang is quite vocal and doesn't mince words, he is eloquent and has a way with words. His father often considers him immature and doesn't really listen to what he is saying. Sheng Wang very clearly stated what he wanted and put his feelings into words to express what he wanted. He very generously accepted his father's need for a companionship but never faltered from his point of needing to stay in a dorm.
Jiang Tian and his mother's relationship is quite stilted due her guilt of leaving her son to fend for himself while she was busy earning money to support her family. Both stay quite, sitting on a sofa not knowing how to approach the topic, until they break the ice. Jiang Tian comforts his mother by saying that this time he is NOT alone when he moves to a new place, as he has a companion who would accompany him and ensure his happiness. He also expresses happiness that his mother will also not be alone as she has also found a loving companion.
What made me happy to see is that both boys want their respective parents to lead a happy life but they are not willing to change their decision. Their approach of discussing things with their own parent differs but both manage to convey their choice distinctly. They stay firm and polite but don't buckle under the pressure of parental guilt, obligation or coaxing.
4. Episode 9
Once again a topic explained in the beginning of the episode by a school teacher, forms a heartfelt moment...the series did the same in episode 3.
Now again in this episode. The difference between a period (.) and ellipsis (.....)
i.Period (.) means end of conversation, there is nothing left to say anymore.
ii. Ellipsis (.....) means something is left intentionally unsaid, the conversation is at a pause and there are more things that are unsaid, to be said.
This lesson, is quite meaningful as the relationship between Jiang Tian and Sheng Wang is at the ellipsis stage.....
There are so many things bubbling at the surface between these two protagonists waiting to burst out.
*Through two incidents, we witness different dynamics of the relationship between Sheng Wang and Jiang Tian.*
When Sheng Wang cajoles, coaxes and calls him "ge" all the while pouting, to convince Jiang Tian to wear the sports T-shirt with embarrassing letters printed on, Jiang Tian surrenders, he agrees to put on the T-shirt to make Sheng Wang happy. Sheng Wang sports a smug smile because, he knows he would always get his way with Jiang Tian by pleading.
(Sheng Wang 1 : Jiang Tian 0)
Second incident, when Sheng Wang hurts his foot after the last round of Long Jump, Jiang Tian notices his wince when Jiang Tian is tying their legs together for a three legged race. Jiang Tian immediately calls a halt and asks permission from the teachers to take Sheng Wang to a health centre. Jiang Tian instructs Sheng Wang to get on his back so he could carry Sheng Wang piggyback style. With so many people watching, Sheng Wang is embarrassed to get on Jiang Tian's back, he squirms and tries to make excuses. Jiang Tian doesn't heed and repeatedly asks Sheng Wang to "get on" his back in a protective authoritative manner till Sheng Wang climbs onto his back so that Jiang Tian can carry him to the clinic.
(Jiang Tian 1 : Sheng Wang 0)
Both these incidents highlight their relationship dynamics, Jiang Tian will fold and give in to Sheng Wang's persuasions in all instances except when it comes to Sheng Wang's well being, then Jiang Tian wouldn't be swayed by anything. An interesting fact is that Each of them is aware of their strengths and weaknesses where the other is concerned.
(I have run out is space here so My 'very' moments for episode 11 and some musing on episode 12 specifically the Ending are added as comments to this review, If you are interested to read more please look up the comments)
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Review for the first two episodes:
This series has totally hooked me with just the first two episodes! The chemistry between the lead characters is fantastic, and the mix of heartfelt moments with genuine romance is really well done. The characters feel real and their relationship is evolving in an engaging way. Each episode leaves me eager for more. If the rest of the series is as captivating as these first two episodes, it’s definitely going to be a standout show. I’m excited to see what happens next!
Review for the 3rd and 4th episodes:
Chefs kiss! This show is a must-watch! The two main leads deliver outstanding performances, and their chemistry is undeniable. The story really picks up in episodes 3 and 4, and it's no surprise the ratings jumped from 7.9 to 8.2. If you're looking for a series that will keep you hooked, this is it!
Review for the 5th to 12th episodes:
I have nothing more to say about this series; all I can say is that it is indeed a masterpiece.
Every episode had me hooked, and the emotional depth and beautiful cinematography only added to the experience. I highly recommend it to anyone looking for a well-crafted drama. It leaves you wanting more, and I’m definitely hoping for a Season 2 to explore the story further!
Fingers crossed for a Season 2!
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Everyone should pay close attention to this drama......why only 9 stars though???
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!CAUTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Please note that if you start watching this drama you are going to get ADDICTED to this series no matter what....
If you’re expecting this drama to be just another "Addicted" or "Stay With Me," you’re in for a surprise. While it might share some similarities with "Addicted," it stands out with its unique approach. Trust me, just the first two episodes will show you why this series is different.
The STORY line might seem predictable—clearly we all know how the leads end up together and what issues they will face with their family and how they overcome those challenges..........Yet, despite knowing all these things, I found myself eagerly anticipating every twist and turn after all this while.
The production quality and ACTING are commendable, though I find Sheng Wang's portrayal occasionally a bit too childish which is contradicting his character in the novel(even though I read only 21 chapters of the novel), which might be a hit or miss for some. However, I firmly believe that this drama lives up to the high standards that we all have for Taiwanese dramas. So a big kudos to the Team and the actors.
The reason I gave this only a 9 because, yeah one thing is I wanted Sheng Wang's character not to be too childish.......so there goes the 0.5 and another 0.5 is I felt that the chemistry between the leads is a bit less intense compared to the novel. I am not telling that the leads do not have chemistry but in few scenes I feel that the tension and the emotion is missing.
I’m confident that this drama will defy any initial impressions you might have. And one thing that people are mostly concerned about is the slow burn......at few instances I also felt the same but yeah I hope this concern will not be a concern after the release of season 2 hahaha.
PS: NOT THE END............just the Beginning.......eagerly anticipate for a season 2
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A small (great) literary gem brought to the screen in a masterful way
Complex characters, controversial themes, personal stories, family relationships, LGBT+ empowerment, and romance are the identifying nuances of Taiwanese filmmaker Liu Kuang Hui. The protagonists of his works reflect their inner world, as shown in 'Your Name Engraved Herein', in which fear and sin already appeared burning the insides of the protagonists because of a forbidden love, the first love, the love relationship /hate, two young people united by friendship as if they were brothers, the differences of social classes...In the work of someone who expressed that this film takes a lot of his own life, stating that A-Han's narrative arc is based approximately 80% on his own experiences, since originally, it was not his intention to make a gay film, but a personal film about his first love, and his first love is the story of a boy who likes another boy, features typical of the Taiwanese film and television director appear.
This is confirmed in his next work, the short film 'Best Sisters Forever', from 2021, and has continued to this day in some other films, such as 'The Story of the Stone' (2018), and the series 'Hello Again! ' (2019).
Liu Kuang Hui is a very versatile director and screenwriter, as he does not limit himself to creating his own literary and technical texts to later be brought to the screen, nor to adapting those titles of novels that he admires and that have served as inspiration, but rather who cites them in his films, reviews and updates them, nourishes them with other cultural elements that, ultimately, give personality to his filmography. This allows his work to be easily recognizable due to its numerous intertextual references.
The latest piece of his authorship as director and screenwriter so far, 'The On1y One', is a sentimental initiation series that tells the story of queer love between two teenagers who begin to develop emotionally.
This long-awaited LGBT+ drama takes place in the present day, and tells the story of Sheng Wang, a dreamy, rich and popular young man, whose world changes when, after transferring to a new high school due to his father's job, he meets Jiang Tian, a tall, intelligent and lonely student who lives with his mother.
As he settles into his luxurious new home, Sheng Wang is determined to stay focused on his desire to meet the person who, according to his mathematical calculations, would be one of the 0.0000173 inhabitants of planet Earth with whom he would meet. It would have to coincide first that they know each other, and then that he gets to like her the way he would like too.
The two begin a rivalry that becomes even more complicated when Jian Tian's mother enters into a romantic relationship with Sheng Wang's father, and the four of them are suddenly forced to live under the same roof. Since they are not blood relatives, nor do they consider themselves true stepbrothers since their parents are not legally married, they must face life together, the growing respect, the secret admiration of one for the other, which becomes a forbidden attraction.
While Sheng Wang must face his new life, with all the significant changes that this entails, he must not only get used to suddenly living with two strangers, but also to the cold welcome that his classmate sees in him a tough competition.
The confrontation is felt from the first minutes in which Sheng Wang sets foot in his new institute. Luckily, he has new friends with whom he can vent tensions, among whom Gao Tianyang (Andy Chen) stands out.
At first, Sheng Wang and Jiang Tian couldn't be less alike. Jiang Tian is a intelligent who likes to be alone. Sheng Wang is also intelligent and popular who everyone likes, who is invited to games and parties and who seems to have everything going for him. But by chance of sitting next to each other in the classroom, the two form an immediate bond, and then the closeness carries over to the home they will share as part of an unexpected family.
In addition to the characters and the plot, which deals with the stories of LGBT+ teenagers with openness and sensitivity, the pacing of the series is also perfect. With twelve episodes of about 45 minutes, it practically flies by. Every character's story, every relationship is perfectly arced throughout the series, while leaving plenty of room for character growth and exploration and romance. That's a rarity in any medium, and it's staggeringly impressive that the creators made it work.
I have no doubt that the series, as an artistic phenomenon, also managed to confirm and bring out a pool of stars, especially in the new actors who play the study companions of the two protagonists.
The series is told from Sheng Wang's point of view, but in the final four or five minutes, before the credits roll, we will have Jiang Tian's vision, and this helps fill in the gaps in the story.
Chinese actor Liu Dong Qin ('Psych-Hunter', 2020; 'To Be with You', 2021) plays Sheng Wang, whose main objective is to make his way in life based on intelligence and studies. His rich origin and the constant change of school and place of residence have determined his fighting spirit and earned the friendship of everyone around him.
It is about a teenager whose mother dies when he was a child, and whose life has developed with a certain animosity towards his father, much more so now that he discovers that he has a stepmother and a stepbrother, just the boy who sits next to him at school and with whom he doesn't get along at all.
The Chinese-born Taiwanese actor Benjamin Tsang plays Jiang Tian, who has grown up estranged from his father after his parents' divorce, and from whom he only receives monetary support from time to time, money that he immediately gives to his mother, because both have lived in financial difficulties.
Also with an extensive filmography and experience in films with LGBT+ themes, the 28-year-old actor has starred in the short films 'Boxing' and 'A Cohabitation', both from 2019. In the first he plays Wei, a boxer who falls in love of Rong, his training partner, and in the ring he will have the ideal setting to declare his love, while in the second he puts a face to one of the members of a gay couple who is forced to separate because one of them has HIV.
Its beauty immediately attracts attention. He is a very physical actor. It looks robust and mysterious. In the interaction scenes with the actor who plays Sheng Wang, he is able to transform into a fantasy creature. He is also able to bring childlike innocence to Jiang Tian's interpersonal relationships.
As the two teenagers discover and explore their desires, the physical aspect of the story is striking, in which each scene represents a moment of action during which the characters are in a constant state of alert, and react without understanding what is happening to them happening, without knowing how to respond and, above all, how to put it into words. For the actors, it is a real challenge to work with a director who is so ambitious in the stories he tells, since Liu Kuang Hui does not want Sheng Wang and Jiang Tian to express their emotions like adults.
In my opinion, the director wants to make a very physical series, and capture that moment when desire and attraction rise from the intestine to the heart, and barely touch consciousness. In some ways, they are both lonely guys. They are not conceived as part of a group. Although we see, quite early on, that Sheng Wang integrates easily with the rest of his companions, we get the feeling that he lives in a kind of solitude that is not tinged with melancholy. He, like Jiang Tian, keeps a bit to himself.
On the other hand, the animosity that dwells within them is, at least initially, the only language they share. They don't know where it comes from, or at least they don't know how to put it into words. Perhaps it is due to their similar intellectual abilities, but above all to their different environments. Jiang Tian has to trudge through the streets from his humble abode for a long time to get to school, while Sheng Wang makes a similar journey in a luxurious car driven by someone else. The gap between everyday life that leads distance from each other and separates them.
Shen Wang shows himself, creates poetic images in his mind; Jiang Tian is more in tune with the nature around him. They feel incompatible. When their parents announce to the two children that they will live under the same roof, it is obvious that neither of them wants to make peace. They want to remain at enmity, without realizing where they are going. They behave like explorers, adventurers.
However, if their first disputes seem to arise without control, then, little by little, we have the feeling that it has almost become a kind of chivalric rite. Here, the director once again shows his mastery of cinematographic language: he does not want the scenes to be repetitive. Each one had to erupt in a different way, and out of nowhere. But they are inevitably called by animosity and in their constant duel they reach the zenith when, indifferently, one steals a kiss from the other on two occasions, once as part of a game, the other as revenge.
These are the first steps. They are both a sensual moment. Especially the second one, as it is something spontaneous. Time stops. And so, Sheng Wang immerses himself, once again, in his poetic images full of love. For Jiang Tian, something clicks at that moment. He feels an erotic discharge, links this moment with other recent memories, and finally everything begins to make sense.
The rivalry between them increases, until it becomes a story in itself. The more it grows, the more it blossoms, and the dramaturgy of the relationships between Jiang Tian and Sheng Wang evolves and becomes more sophisticated. It never stagnates, it is a dialogue. Little by little they are allowed to understand what is bothering them and what is changing.
The wish for Sheng Wang comes later. It is more indeterminate. He has to overcome his fear of rivalry and physical contact with Jiang Tian. Once he senses Jiang Tian's attraction towards him, he needs to keep his distance. He resists Jiang Tian's wish.
That's where the construction of the series becomes so unique: we're really in the frame of a drama about growing up, not a chronicle of summer heartbreak, nor, once again, anticipating what's going to happen. The reactions and evolution of the characters are as unexpected as the twists and turns: school conflicts, living in the same house, sharing the same spaces, the beginning of a love relationship... Everything remains a mystery. In the script and staging there are live characters who are surprising and at the same time surprised.
Liu Dong Qin and Benjamin Tsang, first and foremost, are perfect in the roles. Their chemistry is off the charts. Each line of dialogue is infused with feeling, from deep conversations about life and love to simple exchanges of the seemingly most insignificant word, a characteristic riff that resonates and takes on different meanings throughout the audiovisual. Without this key duo, 'The On1y One' wouldn't work. Fortunately, it does, and in the best tradition of romantic drama, you will find yourself rooting for them to figure out their feelings and come together in an indestructible bond from the beginning, much stronger than being step-siblings without any blood connection.
The fact that they are two proven actors, with a strong command of acting, works to the benefit of the series, with the nervous and uncomfortable energy of Benjamin Tsang merging perfectly with the confidence and security of Liu Dong Qin, who will not hesitate to kiss him without warning as part of a game of Truth and Dare with their fellow students.
At least, before the two start switching roles, for reasons too spoiler-filled to mention here. Beyond the two main characters, the world in which the two protagonists operate is populated by a group of adorable characters.
The romance and relationship between the two teenagers is one of the three axes that structure and are transversal to the entire story set in the present somewhere in Taiwan, but which could very well be any corner of the world. The other two are the relationship between Sheng Wang's father and Jiang Tian's mother, who by joining in a cohabitation union, that is, without a marriage bond, cause their children, two adversaries at school, to become close people and will cause a romance to be established between them that goes from the platonic to the physical, but with a certain degree of containment, given the circumstances of seeing each other as if they were two stepbrothers, and finally, school, friends outside the enclosure student, and classmates and teachers.
Led by Liu Kuang Hui in writing, Chinese screenwriters Ma Jing, Guo Guang Yun and Deng Yao Yu, who have jointly written the script for the series 'The Untamed Special Edition' and 'The Untamed', adapt the story of the little (great) gem of teenage romance, which is the novel "Mou Mou", by Mu Su Li, to tell us a classic love story in which two lonely souls write a sweet but sad love story, while they travel together through the paths that lead them to develop a precious relationship.
The fact that both belong to apparently different worlds does not prevent them from creating a transformative connection. The premise plays with the codes of the most classic teenage drama, but includes a forbidden love plot with the trope of a romantic relationship between two people who in the eyes of many can be considered stepbrothers, turned lovers, which has aroused the interest of a large part of the public. In this sense, the television story would run in the direction of other teenage productions of recent years, such as the Chinese and Thai versions of 'Addicted Heroin' and 'Stay With Me: The Series'.
It is a work that fascinates for its very cinematic production values, photography, soundtrack, editing, sound design, opening (header), and interpretation of the two protagonists.
On the other hand, it is important to point out the role of music as a narrative element that influences dramatic development. The music accentuates and intensifies the characters' feelings and has its climax when the songs by music producer James Chang and the vocal arrangements by Shivia Lee and Steven Lai are heard.
Songs are very important in all of Liu Kuang Hui's work, and this one fits perfectly. The main theme songs of the series are "Love Proverbs" / Mou Mou, "Just Lonely", voiced by Ricky Hsiao, "Rainbow Love / Give Mou Mou", performed by Princess Ai, "Interlude" (TRASH) and "17 Run to You", a song sung by Nasi Lee, among others.
In summary, part of what makes the series produced by Dragonfire International Co. Limited, Beijing Jinying Technology Co. Ltd. and Ilustrato Picture Ltd., work so well is, without a doubt, the trustworthiness and kindness of the source material, which is a huge hit with over a billion views. The series manages to adapt not only the story of Mu Su Li's novel, but also its spirit. Having these characters established and already loved by fans of the literary work gives it a step above the competition. And while we have seen many popular original works crash and burn when translated to television, this is not the case with 'The On1y One', as the different technical aspects, the work of the director, the scriptwriters and the acting cast also triumph unquestionably.
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