Amando muito
Gratidão é a palavra que define essa produção!Desde o final de 2019 até agora 2021, o planeta foi assolado por esse vírus tão devastador, um episódio que foi vivenciados por muitos países e cada um passou dentro das suas realidades econômicas etc muitos problemas e perdas de vidas. O ser humano é incrivelmente forte e mesmo assim em vários cantos do mundo houve produções incríveis que acalmaram a ansiedade e a tristeza dos corações abalados, e Hospital Playlist trás com cuidado e sonoridade essa segunda temporada emocionante e musical.
Gratidão pelo elenco, equipe , Netflix e todos os envolvidos por trazer essa produção tão incrível.
Cada episódio vem com uma música final cheias de significados tocantes, a história de cada paciente criança, adultos ou idoso são arrepiantes e a cada fim uma conclusão linda.
Simplesmente lindo.
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Nesta segunda temporada continuamos a acompanhar os amigos médicos em suas jornadas profissionais e seus percalços nas vidas pessoais. Narrativamente pouca coisa avançou na história pessoal deles, na verdade, houveram alguns retrocessos no caso do Jun Wan e Ik Soon. O namoro que parecia sólido e bem resolvido mesmo com ela indo estudar fora e acabou afundando do nada. Só voltam aos bons termos nos episódios finais. O curioso é que, com exceção do Ik Jun, ninguém fica sabendo do namoro deles.
Também não temos muitos avanços com relação a Song Hwa e Ik Jun. Só praticamente no episódio final da segunda temporada é que o pedido de namoro (feito lá na primeira temporada) é respondido positivamente pela Song Hwa.
Em termos de avanços, mas a passos de tartarugas, temos Jung Won e Gyeo Wool. Não tiveram necessariamente um avanço pois o namoro continua em segredo e nenhuma proposta de casamento foi feita (ele até que tentou), mas pelo menos não tivemos retrocessos nesse caso.
E finalmente Suk Hyung e Min Ha (a Chuchu rs). E finalmente mesmo! Suk Hyung consegue se declarar e o namoro foi firmado.
Minha impressão final é que nada acontece em Hospital Playlist, mas acontece muita coisa. São episódios bem longos. Mas a maioria das cenas são casos de pacientes, as relações pessoais no trabalho (e nisso o elenco de apoio é muito relevante) e eventualmente os amigos que reúnem para tocar juntos ao final de cada episódio. Apesar disso, ou talvez por isso, gosto de Hospital Playlist.
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A saudade vai ser muito grande
Meus agradecimentos:Sou tão grata por ter acompanhado essa segunda temporada, sou tão grata por ter tido a oportunidade de conhecer esse drama e esse elenco incrível. Tudo foi tão importante pra mim, aprendi muito sobre, chorei e ri. Com certeza Hospital playlist contribuiu muito pra mim. Estou tão feliz por tudo que eles conquistaram e o quanto eles crescerem. As músicas, as cenas, a correria do hospital, a amizade deles acima de tudo. Que felicidade. Eu não tenho palavras pra dizer. Sou feliz por ter eles e é isso.
Queria que tivesse tido mais dos casais, iksong, gomgom e pombinhos. Queria todos juntos. Queria muito mais DELES. Vou sentir tanta falta meudeus!
Amo vocês 99s, obrigada por tudo!
(teoria: talvez eles gravem uma possível 3 temporada daqui um ano, como se tivesse passado um ano da viagem do Jeong won, isso sou eu inventando pra ter outra temporada)
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Uma das melhores séries médicas que já vi.
As duas temporadas me surpreenderam, pois eu realmente não pensei que essa série era tão boa.A história seguiu a narrativa da primeira temporada e, apesar de alguns episódios serem grandes, a série continuou tão boa quanto a primeira temporada. O elenco principal seguiu, assim como o elenco secundário, e isso foi muito positivo. Assim como na primeira temporada, os casos dos pacientes foram emocionantes.
Além das histórias dos pacientes, ver como os médicos e residentes lidavam com os conflitos que surgiam foi ótimo.
Na minha opinião, é aquele tipo de série divertida e que, ao mesmo tempo, te emociona muito. Por fim, a evolução dos personagens, a história relacionada aos pacientes e a trilha sonora encaixaram perfeitamente. Meu único arrependimento é não ter assistido antes.
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E mais uma vez as coincidências e conveniências dos roteiros coreanos me incomodam um pouco, mas nada que tire o brilho do drama.Só acho que alguns conflitos poderiam ter um fechamento melhor, ficou faltando sabe?
E é aquela coisa, no último episódio tudo dando certo e tudo mais rsrs.
A forma como a Songhwa e o Ikjun finalmente ficaram juntos foi bem clichê, mas eles são fofos demais, e o romance deles e da Chu Minha e do Seokhyun foram os melhores desenvolvidos.
As tramas dos pacientes e dos próprios médicos são bem realistas e emocionantes.
A comédia mais uma vez é na medida certa e funciona.
Adorei as músicas, e gostei dos personagens também.
Enfim, vou sentir falta de tudo isso.
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Incrível tanto quanto a primeira temporada.Nessa segunda temporada meus casais estão vivíssimos apesar de terem dado uma balançada.
Nessa temporada vimos mais dos problemas pessoais dos médicos, mais de seus problemas internos e como dão tudo de si pra salvar um paciente e até mesmo como ficam se sentindo quando não conseguem.
As histórias paralelas dos pacientes são bem interessantes e faz uma boa estrutura pra história do drama ser envolvente até o fim, inclusive teve uma paciente grávida que teve que fazer quimioterapia durante a gestação e isso foi uma descoberta pra mim porque eu super achava que não podia.
Pra mim essa temporada fechou bem e acredito que não terá uma próxima, o ciclo fechou aqui.
Só teria uma coisa que eu acrescentaria nesse final, seria a reação da mãe do nosso querido ursinho (Yang Suk Hyung o obstetra) quando conhecesse a namorada dele kkkk.
Ah e eu não posso deixar de falar da ost que está incrível e como eu gosto de sofrência... me apaixonei por Reminiscence do Jung Kyung Ho (passei dias ouvindo, inclusive enquanto escrevia essa resenha)
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And just like that, you stole my heart away.
This is the first ongoing Kdrama in 7 years that I watched in real time. I think words will fall short if I try writing a review for this drama, regardless of it's seasons. I didn't watch the season1 ongoing bcs I never do that for any drama as I'm very impatient aand anxious to wait and think about what's the next. But sure, I was intrigued by the response it was getting during the s1 and even so I took 3 months to start it.Anyways, I decided to watch the season 2 ongoing without a 2nd thought before a month and the reasons are obvious. Morever, slice of life Kdramas without solid plots can be watched ongoing easily. I am very glad for my decison and grateful for each and every moment.
Again, this ain't a review because this dramaa is excellent in all the aspects and don't need evaluations to be judged. The writer Lee Woo Jung jakka-nim and director Shin Won Ho PDnim are my most favourites, both individually and as a PD-Jakka pair, I can blindly trust on whatever they do.
Script, story progression, twists, character development, revelations, realizations, and all other realistic elements of life are very well placed and utilized in the drama and directon work is like adding feather to a cap.
I will be pointing out the highlights of this season and I think I might spill spoilers for those who have not watched it but let me mention them anyways because you know it's a slice of life story plus apparently the concluding season. So here I go:
# The season 2 started exactly where it had ended in the season 1.
# The story continues to be aas simple as the 1st season with no solid plot development rather showing the day to day life of YULJE.
# The most important thing of Hospital Playlist is the ordinary days of the extraordinary group of 5 friends who continued to inspire, motivate and teach us various different things even in this season.
# The definite character development of Suk Hyung, becoming open and clear from being shy and introverted person.
# Ik Jun is still that lame person who loves throwing PJs despite the seriousness of the situation and I think I can relate haha.
# After few months, SongHwa returns to Yulje but also gets busier with the management of VIP ward meant for "Daddy Long Legs Funds", surgeries, lectures and helping her fellows with their thesis.
#Jun Wan is still that serious yet silly guy who gets annoyed at anything. He had to go through misery but he managed to pull off his life better.
# Jung Won, still a kid by heart, continues to learn every other day from experience and despite his indecisiveness, can stay calm.
# Jun Wan and Song Hwa are still those maad foodie pairs who eat more than half of the food and even fight w/ each other for it.
# Ik Jun and Jun Wan still get into fight out of nowhere at their 40s over silly things, pulling hairs and punching each other.
#Jung Won continues to intrigue the kids for his love for them and somehow makes them to fall for him.
# The surgery scenes are not detailed for a fact but the OT scenes with variety of shades given the situations and severity were wonderful.
# Uri best boy Uju has visibly grown up by looks and by brain. He is in fact more quick-witted now and interacts like an adult with others.
# The kumo-chukha bonding between Uju Iksun and Uju is another adorable thing to witness.
# Just like previous season, Hospital and Playlist also focuses on the life of interns, residents, staff nurses and other staffs of the institutions.
# Uri twin interns Hong Do and Yun Bok continue to win our hearts by their cuteness. Yun Bok is loved by everone.
# Hong Do is still troubled by Jun Wan who asks him critical questions every other day and bothers him even after he changes dept.
# The Winter Garden Couple tries their very best to keep their relationship a secret from the hospital except for their dearest ones.
# Just like last time, we get to see different shades of gynecology dept, few of birth givings, life of their nurses, interns and residents.
# The Band continues to come up with very good songs and acing those with their skills. Song Hwa had a contract to sing once in 2 years. I always looked forward to discover a new track evey week.
# The bonding between 2 mothers whose babies were both on VAD waiting for a heart donation was very well shown. They were the marathoners who at some point were able to reach the goal.
# Min Ah was finally able to change Suk Hyung's heart through her determination and that was the best thing about this season.
# The life of caregiver nurses of the pediatrics was beautifully portrayed and that indeed was heart-touching.
# Undoubtedly, this season also showed us the bittersweet relationship between doctors and their patients. The way the doctors and handle the patients plus their curiosity and anxiety is very realistic along with the patient's way of respecting the doctors.
# Winter Garden Couple: The foregoing romance between Jungwon and Gyeo-ul that matures with time and they learn how to open up to each other. It felt good seeeing how their bonding was becoming closer.
# Kom-Kom Couple: The development and progress in the relationship status between Min Ah and Suk Hyung that journeys from Professor-Resident to couples and this is the best thing about the this season and in fact it took the entire season to happen.
# Ik-Song: Our most favourite, IkSong who are best known for their slow-burn romance finally ended up together which was sudden bit definitely happened at the most appropriate pace. Both of them needed their time and that's completely understandable.
# Bidulgi (Dove): Jun Wan and Ik Sun had the most difficult time. The couple went through a very rough patch and had to put an end to the LDR but after years crossed paths and realized their undying feelings for for each other.
# Silver Dragon: Suk Min and Sun Bin, uri lovey-dovey residents were away for a while and had some problems in the relationship but thankfully sorted them out and continued to make us feel cute
# The friendship between Rosa and Jong Su continued to bloom even in this season and in fact they became closer buddies who hung out and had meals almost everyday.
#The bromance between Jun Wan and Do Jae Hak, Cardio- thoracic chief resident, is another best thing. The way Jae Hak adored and respected Jun Wan even when Jun Wan was his professor and also the reason behind it was so very mesmerizing.
( Idk what else but I know for a reason that I got many more things left to talk about so I shall edit this review whenever I recall something important to add)
A majority of 90% tracks, like the last season, are the covers of old songs from 1970-2000 or after that and in fact 80% were also sung by Mido and Falasol, our fav band in their band practice.
My most favourite track of this season was is "SUPERSTAR" sung by Mido & Falasol. This is very inspiring and such a mood booster I swear. I both cry and then jump outta joy listening to it.
"Rain & You" sung by Lee Mu Jin, "In front of the post office in Autumn" sung by uri Suk Hyung (Kim Dae Myung), "Is it Still Beautiful" by Seventeen, "To You" by uri Ahn Jung Won (Yoo Yeon Suk) were some slow heart touching tracks.
Similarly, "Reminisce" by uri Kim Jun Wan (Jung Kyung Ho) and "Let's Forget it" by the band sad and heartbreaking tracks. "I Like You" by Jo Yong Pil and "I Like You" by Jo Jung Suk are both jolly ones. "Already One Year" is also a favourite.
I am glad they released 5 drama version band songs for this season
I really didn't knew whether to be happy about the 2h40m finale or be sad about the end of this season but to my unfortunate, they announced the end of the entire series that made me upset. I have always trusted ShinLee pair, their work and their decisions but this came as a shocking news and I don't think I am gonna accept it any soon.
All I can do is cry my heart out. I am grateful to the entire team, the cast, the crew aand each and every single person involved with Hospital Playlist for this amazing seasons and the fabulous season that brought out all kinda emotions out of me; made me smile, laugh crazy , cry mad, be heartbroken, etc etc.
I think it's unfair that we don't get to have another season when it's them who said it themselves but I am thankful for the almost 2hours episodes that we were gifted with in this season. Hospital Playlist is definitely my most favourite after REPLY 1988 and Imma flex about it for the rest of my life.
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Sweet But A Little Too Slow
The first season of Hospital Playlist was so impeccable that it really set my expectations high for the second season. Hospital Playlist 2 was great but not up to par for a few reasons.One is that the episodes this season felt very slow. I know romance is not the main focus of this drama but I also know that it's one of the reasons why the second season was highly anticipated. Everyone, including me, was eager to see how the stories of the couples will unfold. This part of the drama just seemed to drag on for too long. The romantic relationships of the other couples don't really blossom until the last few episodes. Moreover, some of the couples (*coughs* Chu Min Ha and Yang Seok Hyung) were given way too little screentime. Instead, we get an overabundance of Jang Gyeo Wool and Ahn Jung Won. I found some of their romantic moments cringeworthy even though I shipped them so much in the first season. Maybe it's just me but I felt like they lost their spark once they got together.
Another bummer for me is that the side characters that I enjoyed watching a lot in the first season got pushed aside - the twins, Yong Seok Min and Heo Sun Bin, and even Woo Ju. Yes, they're supporting characters but it felt like their roles became even more minor. Even Min Ha as a doctor and not as Seok Hyung's love interest could have gotten more screentime.
Lastly, the final episode was anticlimactic and unnecessarily long. Perhaps it’s to make up for the episodes that they missed in the earlier weeks but it was just not quite compelling despite that 2-hour running time. Also, a lot of the things that could have happened in the earlier episodes were packed into the finale as if to clearly imply that it’s over and that there will be no third season. And again, characters that I wanted to see didn’t appear that much. On the bright side, I loved hearing all the OST’s play in the drama one last time.
All that is to say, it shouldn't have taken that long for the other couples to get together. In exchange for the slow pacing, I at least wish the other couples and supporting characters appeared more in each episode.
Nevertheless, Hospital Playlist still remains to be a top-tier drama, and even though the second season was not as enjoyable for me, each episode never failed to make me smile, laugh, cry, and sing out loud.
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i love hospital playlist but this aint it
The acting and the cast is great but I'm confident to say that there is zero character development. It starts just as it ends which makes it feel very lackluster and pointless. A lot of things that were build up during season 1 either gets backpedaled or put on hold until the very last episode. Even storylines set up in the beginning of season 2 gets backpedaled or not used to its full potential. and I'm saying this as someone who truly loves hospital playlist season one and what the writer has done previously.I dont mind product placement but it was very often that there was multiple scenes written purely for the sake of showing off the product. This coupled with the fact that there wasnt much to the story just makes me sad.
Plenty off loose ends and questions remain unanswered, but not in a way that id like a season 3 id rather want the cast and the writer to work on other things. I still love the writer and the cast and i cant wait to see what they do next, i wonder if its netflix/leadership who is to blame for the (plenty of) shortcomings.
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“Less Than Impressive Season 2”
Because I was utterly impressed with the screenplay of Lee Woo Jung, directing of Shin Won Ho, as well as the strong chemistry and camaraderie of the main cast in Season 1, I had high expectations for them to maintain the momentum, if not surpass it. But I was let down. Most of the scenes and lines that comprise Season 2 were repetitions and redundancies from the previous season such as the cute exchange of winks between father (Ik Jun) and son (Woo Ju), Ik Jun and Jun Wan wrestling like kids over some snacks, and Ik Jun hilariously reciting a subway recorded message to the annoyance of Seok Hyung, just to name a few. It’s like hearing the same old jokes which were funny the first time but had lost its comedic aspect when heard again for the second time. Another disappointment was the minimal exposure given to the endearing Woo Ju who captured many hearts in the first season. Why did the director and writer make us fall for the charming antics of this adorable wonder boy and then limit his scenes afterwards? And then there’s the dismal finale or episode 12. No impact, least efforts, anticlimactic. It was as if the writer had ran out of creative ideas, the director was no longer driven and the rest of the crew, fatigued. I don’t think the loose ends were purposely made to justify a Season 3. There was evidently no concerted effort in ending the popular series with a BANG.Esta resenha foi útil para você?
The art of storytelling lies in the beautiful, yet subtle small details. A look here, a gesture there. Though these may be easy to miss, the volume each detail carries is in no way small. Hospital Playlist has wonderfully crafted these subtle gestures into each episode, carrying unspoken emotions slowly forward since their first episode. It boldly proclaims a show, primarily taking place in a hospital, which isn’t about the medicine at all but about the people. Here we have everything we need to delve into a fantasy where humanity isn’t what we read in the news, but the environment perhaps we all deeply crave. Where coffee is laced with the sweetness of friendship, where relationships are raw and tender, and each character is uniquely themselves.
Maybe I’m a little biased toward the slice-of-life genre, but there’s so much about this show that reminds me of my childhood, reminds me of what I wish a home would feel like. Where people laughed loudly, and hearts were vulnerable. Friendships are pure and hopeful, and people are kind to each other. Where would we be without the precious bonds that have kept us hopeful and motivated? So please, I would implore you to watch this show, at least once if you haven’t already. For those of you who are a fan of the fast-paced, Hospital Playlist is a slow running show. If you’re not a fan of the subtler and slower things in life, maybe hold off on watching this until a later time in your life.
Till then, happy watching!
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Pacing. Dead space. These two things seem insignificant compared to plot, character development and acting but, as Hospital Playlist 2 found out, they can be the difference between a good series and a great one. There were plentiful episodes that desperately needed someone in the editing room to recognise the dead space that was causing spouts of tedium and crawl speed pacing. Episode 9 is full of all the great things that the Hospital Playlist has done so well over the two seasons - engaging patient cases stories, funny scenes between the five core characters, interesting side plots - but I couldn't help but feel the length of the episode. Honestly I was wishing for it to be over and done with. For some reason, we have so many B-roll footage of the doctors setting up surgery rooms or patients walking through hallways. Far too much. In mostly every episode. It's such a poor use of space and it's annoyed me so much that instead of talking about the rest of the show, I'm fixated on this. Quite unfortunate. And while I'm on the subject, I'm so done with the band practice sessions. They were cute at first but they got indugent quickly.Now onto the positives (and maybe some more negatives). This progresses Season One's plots rather well, further developing the relationships between Yang Suk Hyung and Dr Chu, Ik Jun and Song Hwa and the strong friendship of Jun Wan and Do Je Hak. In some cases, I think the relationship building through the season was lacking in some cases. For example, the bright sparks of S1, Jung Won and Gyeo Wool, were simmered for this season. Their scenes were sweet and we eventually got a pay off but the direction seemed a tad underwhelming and listless. The conclusion of having Ik Jun’s sister actually accept Jun Wan’s proposal after the misunderstanding was fine but it went in a very generic, noble idiocy route, with the writers bottling the plot by having Ik Soon be ill with a disease rather than what we first thought. It's not all praises with some directions being disappointing rather than anything similar to S1. Some plotlines were safe and predictable, in my opinion.
A solid follow up to its predecessor but I wouldn't recommend it to people. I'd strictly tell people that season one is a bit must and season two is if you have nothing else to watch.
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