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Com certeza é surpreendente.
Começo falando que já sabia algumas coisas sobre The Shipper antes de assistir, pois acompanho bastante um dos atores, e sabia do plot final, mas, o jeito que a história foi se desenrolando ainda conseguiu me surpreender bastante, e pasmem, de um jeito que na minha concepção, até que fez sentido.Em The Shipper, nós acompanhamos a história de uma troca de corpo, onde Pan, uma escritora de FanFic que sempre acompanhou seu "shipper" bem de perto, acaba ficando presa no corpo de um garoto chamado Kim, que ela achava saber tudo sobre só por escrever sobre ele, mas que no final, acabou estando redondamente enganada. A trama em si se desenrola de uma forma bem risonha mesmo, tanto que apesar das idas e vindas na mesma tecla se tornarem massantes a partir de um certo ponto, você ainda consegue esquecer a frustração por causa de todo o alívio cômico, e aproveito essa deixa pra vangloriar a atuação de First Kanaphan mais uma vez, interpretar um personagem já deve ser complexo, agora imagine fazer um garoto que tem a alma de uma garota presa dentro dele, e ele realizou com maestria, genuinamente parece uma outra pessoa quando a Pan age como ela mesma costumava agir, apesar de estar no corpo do Kim.
Entretanto, apesar de começar de uma forma bem divertida e leve, no final, pode ter certeza que você vai sair mais seco do que uva passa depois de tanto chorar, a revelação de que o verdadeiro Kim, na verdade estava morto, e por isso o corpo de Pan nunca havia acordado em primeiro lugar foi definitivamente dolorosa, apesar de nós termos poucos vislumbres dele de verdade antes do acidente que eles dois sofreram, ao longo da história vamos descobrindo mais e mais sobre a vida dele juntamente com a protagonista, você fica encantado com a pessoa que ele era mesmo que ele tecnicamente só tenha aparecido no começo da trama, você rói suas unhas enquanto aguarda o tão esperado retorno dele, e ainda pior, você imagina quantas pessoas esperavam por ele, tinham assuntos para tratar com ele, e que a vida dele provavelmente melhoraria muito depois de tudo que se passou enquanto Pan estava no corpo dele.
A realidade te acerta com tudo nos episódios finais, você percebe que ele nunca vai poder aproveitar nenhuma daquelas coisas, o começo de um grande amor, que ele nem mesmo pôde confessar seus próprios sentimentos quando estava vivo, ou ouvir os sentimentos da pessoa que ele tanto sacrificaria tudo por, ele também nunca vai saber o quanto Khett, o irmão dele, queria concertar o seu relacionamento com ele, o quanto ele se preocupava e o amava apesar das desavenças, e você acaba The Shipper com o mesmo pensamento que Pan também teve, que faria qualquer coisa pra que o Kim pudesse voltar.
No geral, é uma série mediana, não tem nada muito revolucionário ou incrível, mas é engraçada, divertida, tem músicas viciantes, e me deixou com um vazio imensurável no peito, a história do Kim é um dos fatores que faz a obra não ser tão repetitiva e massante, ela te prende ali, querendo saber como as coisas vão acabar para ele, muitas pessoas acham que o plot da morte não faz sentido e que foi muito injusto, eu concordo que gostaria MUITO que ele continuasse vivo, mas ao mesmo tempo, infelizmente fez sentido sim, todos os fatores deixam claro que algo estava errado desde o começo, e mesmo assim eles conseguem alimentar suas esperanças para o momento em que o Kim vai retornar, apenas para as esmagar completamente, muitos podem achar um rumo decepcionante, eu achei ousado, algo que muitos criadores não teriam coragem de fazer, eu não digo que fizeram da melhor forma possível, mas, essas coisas são feitas justamente pra te deixar frustado, triste, e emocionalmente devastado, e é precisamente este o objetivo que conseguem alcançar.
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Tinha tudo pra dar certo e deu errado
Mais uma obra tailandesa que esperei ansiosamente, apenas para me sentir uma palhaça no final...quando a série foi ao ar em 2020, em meio à pandemia, porém sem as características das séries que estavam saindo naquele período, eu fiquei muito animada! Tinham poucas produções boas em evidência, e The shipper possui um elenco de peso, impossível não me animar.Quando vi o trailer e.a sinopse, achei a obra bem promissora. Duas fujoshi alucinadas por yaoi criando fics sobre os dois melhores partidos da escola, que coincidentemente são melhores amigos, e que possuem características diferentes: enquanto Kim é o gênio da escola, Way é um encrenqueiro. Mais clichê impossível. Era bem fácil deduzir o que viria a seguir, principalmente quando fazia tão pouco tempo que havíamos nos despedido de Why R.U., que tinha uma premissa parecida (a fanfic). Os elementos que foram se seguindo, realmente foram inesperados para mim. O acidente, a troca de corpos, a devolução das almas para o corpo errado, a configuração da família de Kim e de Pan, o relacionamento de Mim com a professora (essa foi de lascar), foram tantas coisas inesperadas, e algumas delas absurdas, que mesmo os clichês me deixaram intrigada, eu sempre esperava que algo estranho fosse acontecer. A troca de corpos pra mim foi algo que a série não fez direito. Era provável que se duas pessoas trocassem de corpo, sendo que ambas eram totalmente diferentes, seria problemática. Mas a maior problemática envolvendo essa questão, é o fato de que o anjo da morte cometeu um erro que foi pago com a vida de Kim. A série deveria ter solucionado isso e mantido ele como par de Way, que agora já entendia seus sentimentos e tinha se livrado da namorada tóxica. Realmente não foi justo o fim desse casal, pois eles não tiveram nenhuma culpa, e o erro do anjo causou a morte. A lógica seria que Pan cumprisse a missão de fazer Way entender seus sentimentos, e Kim acordasse percebendo seu amor, e todos seriam felizes, mas optaram por um final sem nenhuma lógica, inclusive sem nenhuma punição para aqueles que cometeram erros, como a professora se relacionando com um aluno menor de idade, o anjo, ou seja, nada saiu como o esperado.
Existe um certo alívio cômico, e graças a ele a série não se tornou tão pesada, apesar dos eventos terríveis. A série se tornou longa, cansativa, e o fator surpresa que eu tento gosto, se tornou um medo, pq aparentemente a surpresa sempre era ruim e sem lógica. O único personagem que apresentou coerência e constância até o final foi Khett, e mesmo assim, tive pena do quanto ele precisou andar em círculos para chegar ao final.
No aspecto técnico, bons atores, boas atuações, boa ost, boa filmografia e fotografia. Só o que não deu certo foi o roteiro.
No geral, fiquei desapontada com essa série. Revi ela para tentar mudar meu ponto de vista, mas não mudei. Eu não pretendo revê-la, mas não deixo de indicar a quem possa estar interessado.
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The Shipper é engraçado, mas falha em ser aprazível.
Assim que o trailer saiu eu já imaginava qual seria o desenrolar da trama. A questão da troca de corpo e as relações que nela implicam com personagens opostos que se vêem em pontos de vistas diferentes com objetivos diferentes e que no final, não levaria a lugar algum. Isto é, não só o compromisso que a obra se propõe a realizar: conduzir uma relação "bromance" entre os personagens que seriam tecnicamente os trilhos que conduziriam a trama, com Pan como motor do enredo que serviria como combustível para levar essa relação a um outro patamar. Porém, infelizmente, a trama deixa de ser o que era para se tornar uma repetição de eventos constantes que circulam e circulam e no final, como um grande problema sem solução, despeja um drama risível e que não convence.A trama parecia promissora, não inovadora, mas tinha potencial. Tanto Pan como Soda quando são apresentadas indicava que a trama de duas fujoshis que escreviam fics yaoi sobre Kim e Way seria algo ao mesmo tempo cômico como levantaria questões relevantes na relação KimxWay. Mesmo que isto não fique aparente até certo ponto. No entanto, para além da imaginação fértil das garotas com suas fics e descrições da relação de KimxWay, o maior problema que teima a persistir em todo o show - e que em momento algum tenta ser resolvido - é a incapacidade de trabalhar seus personagens. Não apenas por mudar constantemente o foco (exemplo: Pan x Way / Pan x Khet / KimPan × Way / Way x Kim / Soda x Kim) e tudo isso não acopla nada na trama, apenas a prolonga e a torna cansativa e repetitiva.
No momento em que a troca de corpos se torna algo unilateral, e Kim desaparece da trama para Pan assumir seu lugar, tudo começa a perder o foco. Não só a história não satisfaz ou explica o porquê disto ter ocorrido de forma que seja crível, já que no momento em que ocorre o acidente e no momento em que Pan assume o corpo de Kim e passa a viver como ele, Kim é abandonado e não existe nada que corrobora com sua morte, nem mesmo é levantado essa questão até o momento em que milagrosamente Yommatuth tem uma epifania ao relatar que a alma de Kim se perdeu e que ele estava de fato morto - sequer parece ter algum sentido isso - parecia ser um grande e dramático plot twist. Se não fosse pelo abuso de artifícios de roteiro usado de forma inconveniente, inverossímil e que conduz à plot hole por todo o roteiro. Não existia nenhuma indicativa, nem mesmo foi feito uso de foreshadowing para poder criar e pavimentar o palco para esse desenrolar. O show simplesmente decide que optar por usar de um plot twist tão drástico - já que ele alimenta esperanças de que Way e Kim vão se encontrar - seria algo chocante. Não, não é chocante é absolutamente inconveniente e desagradável, tanto por ser um furo no roteiro, como por não acrescentar nenhuma resolução ao problema: como o proprio anjo da morte não sabia e depois soube para depois dizer que sabia e que não apenas não tinha solução para fazer Pan voltar ao seu corpo como no final apresenta a solução de forma tão comovente? É claro que o clichê do "beijo do amor verdadeiro" era a solução desde o princípio, o uso do deus ex machina é a conclusão mais comum para tais problemas. Porém, o principal problema não é o clichê é seu uso na trama.
A obra gasta doze episódios para andar em circulos e concluir de forma pouco agradável as nuances que criou. Ou seja ela fica em: Pan assumir o corpo de Kim, se aproximar de Way, tentar fazer seu shipper ser real, mantém isso, aparece problemas, ela descobre que Kim não era "santo", se envolve nos problemas da vida dele, não soluciona problemas, gera problemas, troca de corpo, volta pro corpo do Kim, Way se descobre apaixonado por Kim, e tudo isso ainda na idéia de que Kim estava apenas adormecido e que uma hora iria acordar. Alimentar a idéia de que em algum momento ele despertaria.
Khett é a única coisa que não falha, como o personagem é objetivo ele tem seus próprios interesses e os mantêm até o final. Objetivamente falando é o único personagem da obra que têm um desenvolvimento bastante aprazível. Ao menos não é decepcionante. Já que ao realizar um plot twist tão "chocante" em que Kim está morto, Way que revela seu amor ao melhor amigo no final, com a revelação de Pan sobre a morte do garoto tragicamente fica só - mas ao menos tem a revelação "mágica" de Kim por alguns instantes para deixar o espectador ainda mais "comovido" com a situação caótica que o garoto se encontra - descobre que seu amor por seu homólogo é recíproco. Apesar dos pesares, isto parece como uma resolução, já que Kim está de fato morto, ao menos temos uma resposta evidente dele.
Com isso, a trama que surge como uma troca de corpos - exclusiva de Pan - para Kim criou o palco para Way descobrir seus verdadeiros sentimentos pelo melhor amigo, para a própria Pan descobrir que Khett a amava - e ela possivelmente ter o mesmo sentimento resguardado -, e com isso, terminar a trama fechando todos os componentes, mas deixando um gosto amargo pela forma como os realizou.
No geral, a obra me fez rir, mesmo contendo erros objetivos na trama ela consegue "cumprir" o que se propôs a realizar, mesmo que não de forma verossímil e agradável, criando uma trama repetitiva com uso constante de soluções deus ex machina que tornam a obra um clichê subjetivamente assistível, mas objetivamente desagradável e também esquecível na mesma medida.
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Um dos poucos doramas que eu assisti sem perceber o tempo passando. É interessante e envolvente do início ao fim, vai te prender seja pela comédia, pelo suspense ou pelos shipps. Mas ao final de tudo você fica pela história, que é realmente linda e emocionante, cheia de reviravoltas.Não tenho palavras pra definir o que foi o show de atuação dos atores. Já esperava um nível alto por causa do Ohm, mas o First foi realmente incrível como Kim/Pan. Não posso deixar de exaltar a Jennie também, sempre que a personagem dela aparecia me tirava um riso.
Fiquei um pouco decepcionada com o desenvolvimento do casal Khett/Pan, do meu ponto de vista ficou uma coisa bem jogada e unilateral. Diferente do casal Way/Kim, que, apesar de não ter tido o final feliz que todo mundo esperava, são donos de uma das histórias de amor mais lindas que eu tive o prazer de acompanhar.
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In the past year the BL community has had the odd experience of three expensively-produced BL productions reaching their final few episodes only to collapse under their own aspirations, angering viewers and overshadowing all of the elements that they might have gotten right. In all three instances it can be said that these series (HIStory 3: Make Our Days Count, 2gether, and The Shipper) were trying to do something "different" with the BL genre. For 2gether, the intent was to reach a more global and conservative audience by toning down the gay aspects of Boys Love and replacing them with bromance. For HIStory 3: MODC and The Shipper, the directors aspired to transcend the BL genre and deliver something more realistic and thought-provoking. Unfortunately, the way both of these series did it was by killing off a beloved main character.
For me, a main character's death is as inappropriate in a BL production as a high-kicking chorus line would be in a production of King Lear. In the case of The Shipper, an artful story was already being told very well, and the series actually did seem to be transcending the genre. So many commenters on the MDL page have mentioned how the body-swapping theme sounded unpromising at first, but after giving the series a try they found that it played exceptionally well. Why, then, did the series end up killing off one of the main characters, even before they'd had a chance to actually be in a relationship with their partner?
I still have yet to learn how Kim's death in The Shipper served the themes of the series. At least in the case of MODC, the director had a theme that she wanted to promote ("make sure you cherish every moment with the person you love because you don't know when they'll be gone"). Attaching such a theme to a BL series proved to be a mistake, but she had her reasons.
For The Shipper, the character death seems gratuitous because its theme about ships, shippers, and the people being shipped doesn't need for anyone to die in order to get its point across. (Plus there's that tease about a sequel in the very last moments of the final episode. If Kim can live on in a sequel then why not in the original?)
Now, I've seen where because the main character of The Shipper is Pan and the "real" Kim has limited screen time, people have said that the series doesn't qualify as BL. Pan's journey, though, is mainly about discovering who the real Kim is, and as she learns more about him the viewers learn along with her and their affection for him deepens. By the time she hits the paydirt that yes, Kim and Way have a relationship that goes beyond friendship, we've become completely invested in that pairing. We're in it to win it! We thrill over Way's epiphany that he actually loves Kim, then get even more excited over the proof that Kim also loved Way, and from that point on Kim has become as important to the series as any of the main characters who've had more screen time.
How sad, then, that none of these revelations can ever get acted on or rewarded because one of the boys turns out to be dead. We discover that what's been served up is a full-blown BL storyline but with a tragic ending. And if anything doesn't belong in a BL storyline, it's tragedy.
It must be said, too, that the longer Pan stays in Kim's body the less appealing she becomes as a character, deciding to intervene with the people in Kim's life to make sure they know that he's actually not a good person. At one point I became disgusted by her judgmental attitude and smug sense of superiority. I'm not convinced that she ever truly lived that down, thus weakening her standing as a main character that people can sympathize with completely. In this regard Way is the much better person, and all the more deserving of the happy ending that the series squanders on Pan.
It also bothers me that the hetero-normative couple gets the happy ending while the m/m couple gets the dead boyfriend. Back in the 1950's, death was in store for most gay characters because the morality of that era demanded that they meet a tragic fate. In this sense The Shipper is terribly unenlightened and regressive. It would have been so easy to give both the m/f and m/m couples a happy ever after, and it would have more effectively communicated how every kind of love deserves nurturing and respect.
A happy ending for all would also have been befitting the BL theme of the series.
I would have liked to listen in while the creative team for The Shipper worked on the storyboards and reached the decision that Kim would be killed off. What the heck were they thinking? They obviously misread their audience in a fundamental way, and I can only hope that GMMTV takes heed of misfires like The Shipper when they hire the next production company to mount a BL series.
In about three months I plan to do an experiment where I'll approach a few BL fans at random and ask them what they remember most about The Shipper. I think I know what the answer will be. In the meantime I'll be checking in with The Shipper's MDL page every now and then to see how many comments are NOT about the crappy ending. (Not many, I bet.)
This is the danger of messing with a genre that people absolutely love. But, after what amounts to three disastrous decisions in three expensively produced series, I'm starting to wonder if anyone in charge really cares.
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The Shipper is a love story, but not in the way you think.
From day one, as people fussed over endgame, what is and isn’t BL, what was appropriate for TV or what wasn’t, I felt something was different about this show. Scratch that—I knew something was different. The writing had something to say, and as I continued to watch the series unfold, what I wanted this show to be didn’t really matter to me anymore. I was simply content to see where the director, Aticha Muilanie (who has proven herself quite adept at injecting narrative with purpose), wanted to take us.The Shipper, at its core, is a humble parable. It’s about trusting in yourself and trusting in others. It’s about learning to forgive and to be forgiven. Growth. Relationships (in and out of them). Love…
The Shipper is a love story, but not in the way you think.
This is a story about what it means to be loved. To understand that, no matter where our place in the grand scheme of things, we are worthy of being loved.
That seed is planted from the very first episode and carried all the way to the very end through all the shenanigans and hijinks that ensue. It will make you laugh, it will make you cry, but most importantly, it will make sure you remember what it has to say.
With its expertly directed cast, excellent use of colour, pleasing camera work, and charming soundtrack, it’s a grounded fantasy that’s hard to say goodbye to. I know I will be coming back to it again and again.
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A minority of one here
I can understand the praise which all the other reviewers shower on various aspects of this series. The cinematography. The acting. The writing. The music. From a thoroughly dispassionate standpoint, I am able to give "good" ratings to some of those dimensions too. Anyhow, I leave it to The Shipper's many enthusiastic fans to praise it to the skies, as they do. But I found the series so intensely disagreeable that my feelings of shock and unease will probably stay with me a long time whenever I think of The Shipper. In brief, it gives us a very weird message about life and death, and a bitterly homophobic account of human love. The one and only love story here is a heterosexual love story about a girl trapped in a male body. This might lead to an interesting exploration of trans identity, or an attempt to look at a non-binary self-understanding. But no. She's in a male body, that's all, and the nature of the relationship is utterly conventional heterosexual girl/boy romance. As for the same-sex possibility here (no point even referring to the concept of "BL"), it is literally killed off, stone dead. There is no chance of love between males, the storyline seems to say - it's doomed. Fatal. Something which has to be terminated, erased. As happens here. The only way love could exist between two seemingly male persons, the series tells us, is when one of them in reality is a woman - meaning it's not really any sort of "m/m" relationship at all. It's a hideous and cruel message and it's what this whole series is based on. Hence my low rating. Yes, I should have abandoned it long, long ago. And I did. But I came back to see how it ended. I'm sorry I did.Footnote: I realise I am not in a minority of one. Fortunately. There are a couple of other discerning viewers who were equally alert to, and dismayed by, the crude homophobic message conveyed by The Shipper. Meanwhile, however, I've read the other reviews here, and I'll say that I'm - well, intrigued. One could say they exhibit a ... striking unity. First of all, there are a great many of them. A huge number of reviews. All for The Shipper. OK, very well. This suggests that it was an exceptionally popular series, watched by a very high number of viewers. Was it? I'm not sure I got that impression ... Next: many, if not most, of the reviews are rather close to identical. They seem to follow a set formula. Read along, and you'll quickly get the picture. The reviewer immediately announces that the series isn't "BL" - and always finds space to make some dismissive comment about BL fans. Then we're told that The Shipper is a vastly superior product - with more than a few reviewers going out of their way to pour scorn on BL, yaoi, m/m romance, LGBT material etc. Next, they tell you that this series is an edifying moral lesson, or a series of inspiring moral messages. Finally, they award it a series of 9s and 10s.
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This has been a series I’ve been looking forward to since the initial trailer was released and let me tell you, it does not disappoint. From the very beginning the story has been consistent, heartfelt and funny. The Shipper is a perfect example of a fujoshi’s imagination, including how far it can be taken and how far from reality it actually is. Initially promoted as a BL, the story soon takes a different turn, a very good diversion.I myself am a BL lover and the reason I started this series was actually to get my replacement for 2gether the series, but this turned out to be something I very much enjoyed. I’m still very confused about as to who to ship, but that’s what makes this show itself- it’s extremely unpredictable. One minute you’re on a BL ship, the next a heterosexual ship and the next, ( I’m actually ashamed to say this ) a sort of incesty ship. But that’s what makes this series so good, the fact that it’s realistic, but at the same time doesn’t take itself too seriously.THE STORY:
This is what I imagine fujoshis to be like. It’s very realistic, you know, except for the soul swap stuff. Seriously though, this series has an extremely investive story and very real, very flawed characters. The ones we never get to actually see on our screens. The characters who make mistakes and are able to admit it. The characters who sometimes act before thinking, just as actual humans do at times. The characters who have problems and don’t have perfect lives. The characters who very much resemble ourselves and the characters who are actually worth rooting for. Although I would have loved to see Kim in Pan’s body, I can’t say I’m disappointed. They gave us the exact story that they promised, in a well written way too.
Perfection. The acting is perfect. Each character is beautifully portrayed and written. Every single member of the cast is perfect as their character and even out of them. If I mentioned every actor and how well they’ve been portraying their role, let’s just say this would be a very long review. I’ll say just this, this series hit the jackpot with the cast. The way every emotion is clear and correct for every scene is very rare and this is some of the best acting I’ve seen in a while.
The production has been spectacular. The level of production has been significantly high in GMMTV shows, but this is a cut above the rest. The premise may be repetitive,what with the soul swapping, but this series has genuine life lessons and a well executed plot. It may be unrealistic at times, but I believe that was the point production was trying to make.
The OST honestly slaps. It’s sweet and light hearted, very much like the show. The video for the OST though! That’s the cutest s**t I’ve seen in a long time. The second track though. I have a feeling that after this finale, I might cry a bit every time I hear it and I listen to it a lot. Like, a lot!!
Now I know the student- teacher relationship was needed to move the plot along, but come on! She’s 40 ( sorry 39 ) and he’s 17? I cringed so hard at those scenes. Also, violence is never okay. It doesn’t matter what the situation is. VIOLENCE IS NEVER OKAY. One thing I have to say is never, ever expose someone’s life or secrets. We may never know what it is that they’re going through, so stay considerate.
That’s the ending you’re going with huh? I was honestly hoping that WayKim would have a happy ending, but it is what it is. My heart is broken and guess that’s that. Despite that, the finale was quite good. Everyone got their happy endings and the last frame of the series makes me believe just a little bit that WayKim will have one too. I really hope there is a second season. ( God, please let there be another season! )
The great thing about this series is that so many of us started watching it for the BL, but we seem to have continued watching it for what it truly is, a beautiful and heartfelt story full of laughter and tears.
This series has quickly become a favourite of mine and for good reason. Despite having low viewing and not much exposure. I hope everyone gives this show a try. The cast and crew deserve that and more. Hope this review has been helpful to all you confused individuals out there. If you do decide to watch it and are confused about who to ship, don’t worry, I’m pretty sure the characters themselves don’t. Thank You!
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I'm not disappointed with the series / the story but I'm very disappointed with the ending.
1. Twisted genre - first episodes are very funny. I was laughting so hard that my stomach hurted as hell. The last episodes were so sad. Seriouslly. I couldn't breath. I was choking on my tears.AT FIRST I thought that it would be a great series since it was suppose to be a comedy. Unfortunantelly I got very dissapointed with the ending.
Just how could they do this ?! Why?! Oh, please... I really can't believe that producert had killed the main character - Just why?
2. Actors and acting... I fell in love in Kim (First) and Khem (Ohm). They vere amazing in their role. For a moment I thought that Kim was real and not just a character.
In reality I like this series a lot because it so colorful, playful, joyful, and it is a really nice comedy but... they ending is actually the worst they could ever make! The killed the main character! They killed the ship (this series was about that ship so why did they destroy it?)
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If you are looking for a regular BL story from Thailand, this may not be the series for you. But if you are looking to watch a unique and different series that will have you both laughing and crying, give this series a chance. I personally took a break from Thai BL's, cause I was annoyed with the same repetitive storyline over and over again. I watched other shows from other Asian countries (some BL, some not) to replace Thai BL's for the time. And I think that it worked out for the best of me, cause it made me appreciate this more and to rate it for that instead of being all in my feelings over a series. Also, people need to realize that The Shipper is most closely like that of Great Men Academy and My Dew, not like the regular Thai BL that they are accustomed to.Story-9/10
There was some aspect of the story that I liked, while there were a few that I didn't (one being the teacher/student relationship). This series dealt with love, life and death. It starts off in a comedic tone, but it does not stay there. Yes, I was rooting for Way and Kim to end up together, but they don't as it is revealed that Kim dies. I was devastated when this happened, but Kim told Way to live his life for him and not for anyone else. Yes, he loves him and they can't be together but he should live his life for himself to be happy, which I see as sad cause Kim lived his life for his parents and also for Way and not just for himself. And due to that he was not able to get the happiness that he wanted/deserved.
The first time I cried for this series wasn't even for the love of the boys but was with Pan and her stepfather. That's how I knew this was different. I wasn't crying over any of the boys but due to an actual love between the stepfather and his stepdaughter. That moved me so much. I was glad that in the end Pan choose her happiness over trying to make others happy and that her and Khet were boyfriend and girlfriend. P.S- I also adored every scene the Angel of Death was in. P.PS- the ending left kind of an opening for Kim as he may be able to comeback as he was given a proposition from a voice. Comeback as himself or as someone else, that is what is still left up in the air.
Why I didn't give this a full a score is due to the bullying that was included in this series, the cliche girlfriend and also the student/ teacher relationship.
All of the actors in this series were excellent. They were able to bring across a story and it was beautifully told. None of the characters, not even the supporting ones, dissapointed me.
The beginning OST was so cute that it reminded me of an opening for an anime. And then in the last episodes with all of them dancing to the song was the icing on the cake for me. The ending OST was beautifully song as well.
Rewatch Value-8/10
I would rewatch it, but not right now. And that is due to the emotional rollercoaster that I was carried on by binge watching this series in a space of two days.
It was a great series. It taught lessons where one of them is be happy for yourself and not just for others. It took me on a rollercoaster of emotions, making me laugh, cry, be in shock and kept me on the edge of my seat for twelve episodes straight (not a lot of dramas can do that for me). I would most definitely recommend this to others to watch.
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Such an underrated gem!
When I first saw the trailer, I thought it was funny and amusing since it was a jab on those hardcore yaoi fans. I immediately shared the video to my friend and told her that I think this is a good follow-up after 2gether plus it has P'Jennie in it so I thought this would be a funny, light-hearted show that doesn't take itself seriously. I was debating whether to watch it while it was on air but held back because I don't want to wait for a week again just to watch a new episode and I'm glad that I did. I already watched this twice (can't help it lol) just to understand the characters' actions and to look at the story in a bigger view. Be warned though that this is not a BL story overall.STORY/PLOT:
There might be some aspects of the drama that may not sit well with everyone (case in point: teacher-student relationship, pedophilia, & unsolicited video recording). First of all, we all know that this is a dramatized and exaggerated drama. I understand the sentiments of others that the team shouldn't have included the teacher-student part but if you look at the bigger picture, things like this exist in reality-- it may not be exactly like it was portrayed but it does happen (teacher predator thingy..). I like how they included themes that reflects our reality. There are parts that are nonsensical but it adds comedic relief to the plot when it gets kinda dramatic. Some viewers are disappointed at the last part-- Kim dies and Way didn't get to be with Kim in the end. If you look at it, this was Pan's story to begin with. She's the main character in this one. They let us focus on WayKim's story since this was what Pan wants since the beginning (hence making a yaoi fic and shipping WayKim hard). She fought tooth and nail to make this happen even if it leads her to making absurd and frustrating decisions throughout the drama (trying to make decisions in place of Kim without any consent) but in the end, realizing that it was not what Kim wants, decided to forgo with it. I understand her actions of doing things without rationalizing everything. Imagine being stuck on a body that you have no assurance of getting back on your own and things escalating fast and being a teenager at that.. give the girl a break.
I was hoping to see a closure between Kim & Khet though. I wish they could have just included one part of Pan and Kim having a conversation before Pan gets back to her body just to have a closure too :( I think that would be pivotal to the story so that we would at least know what Kim thinks. I think he knows what Pan was doing all throughout. It's just that he decided to talk to Way personally for the last time, to make things clear and for Way to accept the new reality--without Kim. Overall, this drama made us appreciate our life and our love ones while living worthwhile. I bawled my eyes out on the last 2 episodes just because.. :( it was such a bittersweet ending but I'm not complaining.
To those confused or hoping during the end credits scene, I think the proposal what God was talking about is when Kim went back to personally talk to Way. I don't see this having a 2nd season not unless you want Kim to rise from the dead lol
Can I just say how great First' acting was? The way he acts as Kim and Pan is just.. 👌 magnifique! You can really can tell the difference. I can feel Fluke's pain and sadness especially on the last episode. His chemistry with First is just good. That conversation scene at the last episode was just heartbreaking. You can feel their emotions, their acting will take you. Apart from them, everyone was great too. I like how the cast has good chemistry with each other. I'm looking forward to watching them again on other shows in the future.
I looooooove the OST! It really pairs up with the story. When I first heard Chan Pen Khong Thoe Thuk Wan on ep 5, this nice I thought to myself BUT, lo and behold comes episode 8, it changes everything lol I will never hear this song and not feel sad :'( Can we talk about the scoring?? omg I cannot rave enough about the scoring! From instrumentals during mellow scenes to reaction and comedic scenes. 10/10!! Banana Studio really thought about it.
I was surprised this had low ratings during its air. It is such an underrated melodrama. A rollercoaster of emotions.. at first, it will make you laugh and the next thing you know, you're already sobbing and then at the next scene, it will make you laugh again to compensate the past somber scene (I see what u did there). I will miss this cast terribly. I never expected to sob hard watching this. I already felt mid show that it will have a sad ending and boy I was right. Would I recommend this? Definitely. I just want to give a heads up that this is not solely a BL drama.
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