0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Out 15, 2018
16 of 16 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 10
História 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 10
Voltar a ver 10
Quando esse dorama foi anunciado eu fiquei tão feliz porque ia ter a oportunidade de rever a atriz Park Bo Young, pois realmente a achei muito fofa quando atuou em Oh My Ghost que espero poder falar em breve aqui (tem na Netflix, veja aqui).  Automaticamente pensei que era amorzinho na certa!

Em Strong Woman, a atriz é Bong Soon, uma jovem que nasceu com super força, que odeia injustiça e que está á procura de um emprego mas parece que não se encaixa em lugar nenhum. Seu sonho é criar um vídeo game inspirado nela mesma.

Nem parece que ela tem 27 anos de tão fofinha que é, mas não se engane, pois a fofura para por aí, sua força é extraordinária. No entanto, precisa esconder isso o máximo que pode e passar despercebida. E é isso que torna o drama tão divertido: ver uma coisinha fofa como a Bong Soon, com seus 1,58 sair arrebentando alguns marmanjos e ainda se fazer de desentendida.

Até que um dia Bong Soon encontra o CEO de uma empresa de vídeo games e o disfarce dela é descoberto. Ahn Min Hyuk é um playboy que leva uma vida de privilégios e diversão, mas está sendo perseguido e encontra na jovem uma guarda-costas que passa despercebida por ser mulher e com "aparência frágil". Mas como Bong Soon não é boba e inclui como promessa na vaga de emprego que Min Yuk possa colocá-la como parte da equipe de desenvolvimento de jogos.

E como sub plot dentro da trama temos alguns momentos bem tensos, pois o bairro em que Bong Soon mora está passando por um série de assassinatos onde apenas mulheres são vítimas de um serial killer, tornando o dorama também com uma vibe de suspense e ás vezes um tanto assustadora. Do começo ao fim!

E é aí que entra o detetive Gook Doo, interpretado pelo MARAVILHOSO MELHOR OLHINHOS DA COREIA Park Hyung Sik, que também vive no mesmo bairro que a Bong Soon e fica encarregado do caso e ir atrás desse serial killer que está atormentando a todos. Além do papel importante como detetive na trama, Sik também é amigo de infância da jovem, mas desconhece seu poder, e novamente esse fator proporciona cenas divertidas em que a Bong Soon tem que ser protegida sendo totalmente desnecessário.

E o que dizer desse triângulo hein? Calma aí! Não é o que vocês estão pensando! Ou talvez seja hahaha Mas eles são tão bom de tantas formas que fica difícil explicar. Bong Soon gosta demais do Gook Do, que tem uma namorada, mas se acha protetor da Bong Soon, mas Min passa a gostar dela e também quer protegê-la do mundo, e esses dois fazem o melhor bromance (que é quando dois meninos brigam tanto que meio que vira um romance, por ser fofo ou engraçado) que já vi <3

E o que dizer desse romance hein? É um dos melhores que já vi. Ship eterno! A química do casal vai nas nuvens e não deixa a desejar. Min Min é um cara que não tem medo de demonstrar o que sente, colocando para baixo qualquer outro papel masculino que já tenha visto, e Bon Bon trás a força da mulher sem deixar de ser feminina.

Uma das coisas que mais achei interessante nesse dorama é o ator Kim Won Hae que interpreta dois papéis, e é algo de cair o queixo. Quando eu notei isso queria sair pela casa gritando porque é algo totalmente louco e hilário. Em um primeiro momento, ele é Kim Kwang Bok, membro da gangue da qual Bong Soon atormenta o dorama inteiro; e chega em certo episódio que o ator reaparece como um funcionário gay da empresa do Min Hyung. Imagina risadas. Muitas delas. Alguns atores coreanos são tão versáteis que sempre fico muito surpresa!

Eu queria muito ter algo desagradável ou algum ponto negativo para dizer sobre esse drama, mas realmente não há. NADA! E isso me deixa muito feliz pois é um dorama muito completo, que agrada muitos gêneros: vai de comédia á ação em vários momentos, e ainda tem o suspense que não deixa a desejar.

Mas meus parabéns vai para a Baek Mi Kyung que é uma roteirista INCRÍVEL que veio com esse enredo totalmente feminista e que saiu pisando na sociedade mostrando que as mulheres tem muito espaço, e tem história para contar. Strong Woman tem esse plot pois a árvore genealógica da Bong Soon é composta por mulheres que também tiveram o mesmo super poder e que se passa de mãe para filha, e somente para a filha, lembrando aqui que ela tem um irmão. Não é para qualquer um. Quero dar um super abraço na Baek Mi. E já estou de olho nessa roteirista!

Simplesmente amo Strong Woman e é um daqueles dramas que tem que ficar no meu HD para eu rever sempre que quiser! <3

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0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Jan 10, 2023
16 of 16 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 8.5
História 8.5
Acting/Cast 8.5
Musical 6.0
Voltar a ver 10
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers


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Cinthia David
1 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Jul 25, 2019
16 of 16 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 7.5
História 6.5
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 9.0
Voltar a ver 6.0
O início do drama é bem engraçado e interessante. Bong Soon consegue nos prender a atenção pela sua personalidade. Eu fiquei encantada pela protagonista, a personagem é carismática e apresenta uma grande vontade de fazer o bem.
Uma das coisas que chama a atenção é a fotografia; todas as cenas são muito bem produzidas e bonitas. O foco principal no drama é o amor, não apenas aquele entre casais, mas ao ser humano. Fazer o bem, ser útil, dar o seu melhor e contribuir como puder para o bem-estar da sociedade ao seu redor.
Algumas coisas não ficaram muito bem explicadas ou poderiam ter sido melhor embasadas, principalmente no final. O elenco salvou muito o drama, eles seguraram segurar muito bem. Embora a história não seja bem desenvolvida, vale muito apena assistir pela mensagem passada.

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Nastacha Nikolaevna
1 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Abr 23, 2021
16 of 16 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 7.5
História 6.0
Acting/Cast 8.5
Musical 6.5
Voltar a ver 3.5
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers

Tem um elenco maravilhoso, mas...

Li uma resenha em outro kdrama que dizia:
"Hoje em dia eu não tenho medo de "dropar"uma série só porque todo mundo gostou. "
Então aqui está um kdrama perfeito que se encaixa nessa fala, dropado por mim literalmente!!!
Li tantas indicações e tantas resenhas positivas falando que o romance era maravilhoso,
que caiu na minha "maldição de expectativa" foi "broxante". E eu me esforcei pra terminar!
Achei muito chato do meio pro final, que história sem graça foi aquela?
O que adianta ter tanta força, se não sabe usar? Eles destacaram a "Burrice" da personagem, que ela era inocente demais!?
Me poupe, que amor infantilizado, muito fracooooooooooo!!! Todas as vezes que eu via o Jin Soo despertava um
sinal de alerta, uma áurea sensual e máscula atingia o ambiente!!! Bati palmas pra ele mesmo com todos
os dilemas e problemas de mídia um tempo atrás sobre bullying na escola quando mais jovem!
Todo mundo erra, eu consegui assisti o ator sem julga-lo ( E quem sou eu pra julgar?)
Voltando ao kdrama a personagem vira heroína no final? Poxa vida!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sei lá, pensei que ia ser casal com o ator Jin Soo acho que é pq só conhecia ele como ator nesse kdrama.
Resumindo, kdrama mediano,sem roteiro, nada de especial. Vou dar uma chance ao meu coração para
o ator Park Hyung Sik em algum outro Kdrama pra poder realmente saber se a atuação convence.
Se a personagem feminina da atriz Park Bo Young estivesse virado uma investigadora clandestina,
ai tinha me conquistado, deixou a desejar com aquele história de sequestro e um cara louco tenho
certeza que ficaria bem melhor. Enfim uma história principal sem graça e sem doce. Mediano.

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Ko Luwei-Tae
0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Jan 21, 2021
16 of 16 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 9.0
História 6.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musical 8.0
Voltar a ver 6.0

Mais comédia do que romance

Olha, eu não tive muitas expectativas nesse dorama..., acho que foi por isso que eu não me decepcionei.
Eu achei a proposta do dorama bem legal, sabe? Uma mulher fortíssima!
Ainda sim, achei os momentos bem forçados e o romance realmente fica a desejar.
Eles são fofinhos com ela, mas assim... não acho que foi um romance bem desenvolvido. Faltou momento entre eles, apesar de terem sim momentos bem legais juntos.
Mas sabe quando você simplesmente não vê um romance tão atrativo? Que ele vai só até um limite máximo e mediano? Pois é, foi isso.
A atuação é boa e corresponde tudo muito bem, acho que o que pecou mesmo foi o roteiro. As músicas são normais e cenário, roupas e etc também são comuns (apesar de eu não ligar tanto).
Acho que o ponto forte é realmente o humor. KKKKKKKK
Nunca ri TANTO com um dorama, sério mesmo! Eu ria em todos os episódios.

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gab gab
0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Jun 11, 2020
16 of 16 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 7.5
História 6.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musical 8.0
Voltar a ver 5.5
Strong Woman eh um drama bastante engraçado e foi um dos que mais ri enquanto assistia, especialmente com o Park Hyung Shik que faz um ótimo trabalho no papel do Min Hyuk, a Bong Soon eh uma personagem realmente carismática e o Gook Doo também não deixa a desejar. Eu realmente gostei do elenco - que eh o que, de fato, salva o drama - e me envolvi com cada personagem.
Vale ressaltar a relação da Bong Soon com a mãe, e seus conflitos familiares chegaram a me emocionar em certos momentos. Mas de resto não tem nada realmente surpreendente.
Gostaria, apenas, de fazer uma ressalva de algo que me incomodou bastante já no final dorama, algumas atitudes do Min Hyuk com a Bong Soon ao meu ver foram abusivas e me deixaram um pouco desconfortável, mas acho que pra maioria das pessoas que assistem não chega a incomodar.
No geral, Strong Woman eh um show leve e divertido que eh capaz de arrancar diversas risadas a cada minuto mas que também tem momentos de suspense e tensão, tudo meio exagerado mas que ainda da certo. Além da trilha sonora animada e contagiante.

p.s.: o núcleo secundário de ""comédia"" (os gangsters) é tudo, menos engraçado e enchem o drama de cenas desnecessárias.

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Abandonados 2/16
0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Abr 6, 2024
2 of 16 episódios vistos
Abandonados 0
No geral 6.0
História 5.0
Acting/Cast 5.0
Musical 7.0
Voltar a ver 1.0

jesus, maria e josé...

então... eu sei que expor essa opinião é o equivalente a ser MASSACRADA aqui na dramaland, porém, sim caros leitores, eu achei tão insuportável que acabei dropando...
primeiro, queria dizer que não gosto muito da atuação nesse dorama (pelos eps que suportei assistir), no caso: nem da boyoung e nem do jisoo, o hyungsik realmente é o que salva...
tirando isso, a ost é ótima!
acho o plot fraco mas ok, dá pra levar.
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113 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Abr 19, 2017
16 of 16 episódios vistos
Completados 9
No geral 9.0
História 7.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musical 8.0
Voltar a ver 9.5
I never expected to like this drama as much as I did. I expected it to be a repeat of "Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok-joo", and although they both have general romcom similarities, and strong female leads, they are totally different. This is really a superhero story as much as a romcom. Bong Soon is one of those characters that's easy to like and will be hard to forget. The show feels more like a comic than a drama and takes multiple genres to the extreme... it's an action-romance-thriller-comedy... and viewers should be warned that everything about this show is waaaaay over the top. I suggest not taking anything too seriously and just enjoying all the craziness this show has to offer.

Do Bong Soon is played by Park Bo Young, who was in one of my favorite dramas,"Oh My Ghostess", yet I didn't recognize her at all. With her super cute bob haircut, her amped up adorable personality, and her petite stature, it was exciting to see her character with this unexpected superhuman strength. I loved her character's origin story, and I'm always a fan of the anti-damsel in distress, so I was already interested in this drama from episode one. She really plays the sweet girl you don't want to mess with role extremely well.

She is matched with Park Hyung Shik as Ahn Min Hyeok, and I don't think I can accurately describe with words how charming, and just beautiful to look at he is in this role - it's *swoon* overload. He is not even my type, at all, but it's like they put a special perfection filter on him, and he played every scene in a way that made it impossible for me not to fall for him. Together their adorable couple rating is off the charts! Their chemistry is perfect, so perfect that the cheesiest scenes and moments still worked for me, and soooo many scenes were extra cheesy. He is also so supportive of her, which makes the traditional role reversal refreshing to watch. To me they came right up to the border of being obnoxious in their cuteness, but never crossed it, because they were such a good match.

The rest of the cast was mostly awesome too, considering all the genres that they had to cover. Ji Soo as In Gook Doo completes the love triangle, and plays his part really well, although I honestly couldn't stand how the actual character behaved. Gook Doo may inspire 2nd lead syndrome in some, but he was too controlling and self-righteous for me to really root for. I loved Bong Soon's family, BFF, and especially grandma. I also really liked the villain, who I think was played by the actor better than the character was actually written. He was creepy and sinister, yet kinda seductive and attractive, which I think is a recipe for an excellent villain/nemesis. Then there is the supporting cast MVP Kim Won Hae. I didn't love him in his first role, It was just too corny and gross for me, but his second role was hilarious in its absurdity. I applaud his ability to take both roles to such extremes. The cast is definitely full of memorable characters.

Part of the reason I deducted some acting points was because a lot of the comedy just wasn't my to my taste. Korean humor can get too silly for me sometimes, which was part of my issue with some of the performances. There is a whole gangster subplot that annoyed me. There is a Monk that is completely ridiculous. Then on a more serious note, Seol In Ah's role was pretty useless, and forgettable. There is also a family drama plot that I forgot all about until the end when it's obvious that they were missing. These criticisms are because of the writers, more than the acting, which is why i deducted even more points from the story. Don't get me wrong, I liked the story a lot, and loved watching Bong Soon become more confident and evolve into a Shero, but the story as a whole is all over the place. The thriller part is intriguing enough to drive her motivation, but it went from being seriously creepy to resolving with a more comic book feel. There are a lot of parts of the story that I felt were left without a real explanation, or resolved too quickly, but all of this was forgivable because of how much I still enjoyed watching every episode.

I also forgive the last episode, which had mostly filler, but I loved the very end (obvious but perfect), which made me very curious about what a second season would be like.

The OST was good, and matched the show well, especially the "Super Power Girl"Theme! However, I did not fall in love with any of the songs, not even Park Hyung Shik's ballad.

Now comes the highest score for me - rewatch value. I gave it a 9.5 because I could definitely see myself watching this more than once. With all it's flaws, and silliness, I just had so much fun watching, and couldn't wait to watch the next episode! I almost gave rewatch a 10 but I would definitely skip through some of the comedy scenes.

Overall, I would recommend this as a cute twist on a superhero story that encourages female empowerment, not in a subtle way... in a walnut hammer over the head way! I also love the message of not underestimating someone based on appearance, and helping others selflessly. I think it's best to just embrace that the plot is chaos, the comedy is ludicrous, and enjoy the fact that it may not always be coherent but it all supports this character's journey to her destiny (well, maybe not the stupid monk). I also highly recommend it to anyone who is on the lookout for a talented and crush-worthy actor, because I think Park Hyung Shik definitely fits the bill.

If you're looking for maturity, a substantive plot, characters with great depth, and no clichés or exploited stereotypes... back away from this drama slowly and don't come back to it until you're in a lighter mood.

This is the drama equivalent of a bag full of candy! Not every flavor in the bag will be good, but most of it is delicious, and the sugar high makes it all worth it!

Oh, and if there was a Bong Soon video game, I would totally be excited to play it!

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254 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Abr 16, 2017
16 of 16 episódios vistos
Completados 15
No geral 7.0
História 5.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musical 9.0
Voltar a ver 5.0
So how would I describe this show? This story tried to be too much. It was a romance mixed with slapstick humor, and dark thriller. How did those elements combine? Not too well, actually....but the parts that were good were good enough to keep me watching until the end. This show started off strong and I was loving it up until about a little over halfway, when it dawned on me that the story was just kind of nonsense. But the leads are so freaking adorable (and probably every teenage girl's dream fantasy romance) that they kept sucking me back in every week. I think Park Bo Young may have reached 'girl crush' status for me. And Park Hyung Shik is almost too pretty - but his acting as Ahn Min Hyuk crushing on Do Bong Soon --- I just "can't even" with him. Too cute for words. They were so cheesy together, but this ahjumma was eating it up. Seriously....this romance is what the show has going for it. But even that is unrealistically done. This show is just fluff....lots and lots of fluff. The story line is chaotic. There is an evil villain that is just too horrifying to be in a rom-com. It was very jarring to go from sweet romance scenes to a creepy masked kidnapper who is terrorizing young women. And the slapstick antics of the gangsters and the high-school gangsters and the screechy femme planning team leader was funny the first time but became just useless filler that was pretty annoying fast forward material. And a lot of people hated that, although played for laughs, the mom seemed abusive (may be why the writers tried to explain that one away in the final episode.) There were funny parts, sure, but they overplayed their hand with them quite a bit. The only thing I would rewatch in this show is the moments with Min Hyuk and Bong Soon. Would I recommend it....sort of. I mean, you'd have to know going in that the story makes no sense, but as a backdrop for a super cute, cheesy beyond belief romance...if you can deal with that then, yeah, go for it. I was entertained for sure (otherwise the rating would be like a 4). But if you need a plot that is logical and a more 'mature' (not THAT kind of mature, but more grown up) romance, then this one won't be right for you.

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97 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Mar 12, 2018
16 of 16 episódios vistos
Completados 15
No geral 4.0
História 4.0
Acting/Cast 6.5
Musical 3.0
Voltar a ver 1.0
I am still extremely baffled by the amount of praise and high rating this drama has gotten. I heard so much hype about this drama being good that I had high expectations coming in and sadly to say it didn't live up to its expectations and I did not enjoy it.

I thought it would be a light romcom but it turned out to be such a weird amalgamation of thriller-romance-comedy-mystery-supernatural that it was gruesome to watch. First of all, there is no plot in this drama and its all fluff. There is no build up to any climax and it falls very flat after first few episodes. All the episodes are the same and have the same format that there was no compelling reason for me to stay even though I ended up pulling through to finish it. They go on dates, look for the culprit, and show some slapstick humor with guys in suits (and that wasn't even funny). Was the mystery aspect worth staying for? Not at all. It was so poorly written, predictable and weird. The suspect is a psychopath who targets skinny women -- this was discomforting and out of place in a drama that is supposed to be a romcom. Because it tries to be so many things, all of its "subplots" it attempts to execute is poorly done and awkwardly paced. It goes from cute and fun to outright disturbing and ridiculous farce. I ended up skipping over parts of the drama during the parts where there were just a bunch of random men trying too hard to be funny with their buffoonery and horseplay. It was just so immature and hard to watch and was completely irrelevant to the plot and characterization. Many of the "plots" are so insignificant, such a letdown and not worth staying for at all either. For example, when the person who was making threats to Min Hyuk was finally revealed, it is then forgotten about for the rest of the drama. It was pointless and anti-climatic. A lot of things happen in the drama without meaning. The drama was not mentally stimulating even though it was mentally exhausting.

Don't get me wrong, I do like romcoms but this was just too messy and predictable that I couldn't enjoy it. There are some cute moments with Bong Soon and Min Hyuk and they do a lot of aegyo if you're into that. It tries to appeal to the audience by being intentionally cheesy but I found it cringey and cliché. In addition, I was initially looking forward to seeing two of the male actors I love in one drama but even their presence there wasn't enough to make me enjoy it in the slightest. It was just so boring to watch them in that stupidly predictable love triangle. It would have made so much more sense to have Bong Soon and Gok Doo end up together, especially after they had been crushing on each other since high school. But somehow they just keep missing each other by the second. It was frustrating to watch even though we all knew the outcome of the triangle. Gok Doo, one of the main characters, felt like a side character and he literally has one emotion throughout the entire drama. Everyone in the drama just felt so insignificant and static. I know having the gay man in the drama was supposed to be funny but it would have been offensive since he was portrayed in the most typical way ever and I swear he screams everytime he's on screen. It felt like I was in some sort of replay loop whenever interactions with the side characters came into play. Bong Soon's mom was the most useless mom I have ever seen and I hated how dense and simple minded she was portrayed as even though an attempt was made to justify her actions towards the end. I also found Bong Soon so annoyingly reckless and discreetly pretentious everytime she whined about having her power yet flaunting it to other people and even abusing it while being unnecessarily disrespectful to the employees of the company. She was so childish, naive, and high maintenance and I just don't get that it's the reason why the two boys are heads over heels for her. The way she and whines cries reminds me of a child that you want to slap but you just can't because they're a child. I didn't have much patience for her even though everyone found her cute. The cuteness and fluff was just way over the top that it left a bitter aftertaste in my mouth.

Unless a drama has particularly beautiful OSTs, I usually don't pay too much attention or notice it. But I absolutely hated the music here, and maybe it's because its associated with my dislike towards the drama itself. It was so annoying to listen to that I'm so glad its over now.

Overall, this drama was a letdown and caused me a lot of grief, I don't even know how I didn't end up dropping it after episode 6.

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39 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Dez 5, 2019
16 of 16 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 6.5
História 5.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musical 5.0
Voltar a ver 5.0
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers
Actually, first episodes had me hooked. I liked that the heroine was more like an "anti-hero", selfish and a bit rude, the contrast between thriller and comedy was interesting at first, but then...I don't know, I got confused. There was too much stuff in there, and none of that was developed the right way.
The comedy was horrible. The gang (the poop liquor and the beatings. UGH just NOPE), the monk (I mean what's the point of introducing a new irrelevant character at almost the end of the show??), the abused father...what's funny in that? I can save the gay misunderstanding only because both male leads had great chemistry LOL
DBS's mother was the worst mom I've ever seen so far, mine included. She abused the poor husband and told her daughter to force herself on the male lead :/
Also it bothered me a lot that DBS never took her job seriously (well it's HS in the first place who hired her just to have a children-sized desk in his office -.-''') or seriously get a thought about her powers and responsabilities.
The thriller part was the one that got me disappointed the most. Basically the culprit is a random psycho dude and he has really nothing to do with DBS except for they live in the same area...
I think this show could have been something but it just tried to be so much things and failed everyone, except maybe the fluffy romance

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31 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Set 12, 2021
16 of 16 episódios vistos
Completados 1
No geral 2.0
História 1.0
Acting/Cast 3.0
Musical 4.0
Voltar a ver 1.0
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers

An insult to women and men at the same time

This is surely the worst drama that I have ever watched and it's not because of the production value (which is very impressive sometimes), it's because of its awful writing. This drama is an instant drop in the first two episodes. I dropped it when it came out in 2017, but I made myself a promise to finish it one day, so here we go.
Let's start with the bad (there's a lot – I should have made notes while watching):
- Do Bong Soon's character is the typical fake strong female character. We start with Do Bong Soon helping an elderly man and saving a bus, which are very heroic feats, but the character goes downhill very quickly. Do Bong Soon eventually becomes CEO Ahn Min Hyuk's bodyguard. She completely fails at being a bodyguard. She lets the CEO get hurt because of her, she lets a cop get hurt and she also lets the villain escape multiple times. The writers completely failed to recognize that she heard the main villain's voice at a pharmacy. When girls start getting kidnapped in her neighbourhood, she does nothing. When her friend almost gets kidnapped, she lets the kidnapper go even though she could knock him down in one hit. Why? After some time, Do Bong Soon is an intern at her own personal Planning & Development department with the CEO. Once again, we see her doing nothing all day. If she is shown doing anything, it's working on the same character model and drag and dropping things into a presentation. This was a missed opportunity to show women working in game engines and programming, but instead they showed us a pathetic character who thinks she deserves to be in the actual Planning & Development department without any actual skills... After Kyung Shim gets kidnapped, she goes to beg Min Hyuk for help and then completely invalidates his feelings. After Do Bong Soon rescues kidnapped women (at a location which only took everyone ages to figure out), she goes on to confront the main villain in a dramatic way that makes her lose her strength (even though she basically abused her power all throughout the drama and even hurt innocent people). After losing her strength, she is absolutely useless. She goes unconscious from two blows to the chest and she doesn't even try to free herself from her restrains at the brink of death. She does nothing but cry even though she received training in combat from the CEO. After escaping from her death, the three leads formulate a plan to catch the killer by exposing her out in the open to a sniper rifle while only she wears a bulletproof vest. I suppose headshots don't exist in her universe because that was so stupid.
- Do Bong Soon is not a strong character. She couldn't even tell the man she liked that she liked him. She is very childish and doesn't have much personality outside her powers.
- Na Kyung Shim (Do Bong Soon's friend) only cares about her face and looking pretty after being beaten up by the serial kidnapper / killer.
-Do Bong Soon's grandmother enters the scene at some point and beats up some goons. Which is fine and all, but the first thing she does when she visits her grandchild's home? She verbally abuses Do Bong Soon's father.
-It's inconsistent powers-wise. Do Bong Soon can't run, but she can jump high and basically fly as shown in the last episodes?
-Bomb designed to kill Do Bong Soon explodes into fireworks... What??
-Domestic violence. Do Bong Soon's mother is seen regularly abusing her husband, both verbally and physically. This abuse is sweeped under the rug with comical music played in the background. Even though the writers seemingly tried to redeem the mother in the last episode as having pushed him only once, it's just not believable. She was also physically and verbally abusive towards Bong Soon.
-Extreme homophobia, awful representation of LGBT community and queer-baiting in almost all of the episodes. It's so toxic that it took every ounce of my willpower to get through the scenes.
- Bong Soon and her mother and basically all the female characters are obsessed with Do Bong Soon snatching away Min Hyuk and having sex with him and basically raping him. These are not strong women.
-Min Hyuk goes to convince Do Bong Soo's father Do Chil Goo to return to his abusive wife because he cannot marry Do Bong Soon in such a situation. What a sad moment.
- All three leads are very misogynistic in some scenes. Do Bong Soon's character is misogynistic in itself. She is the opposite of strong and actually serves as a bad example for women.
-It has Kim Ji Soo, who is a known bully, but that's not really the drama's fault, so I would be willing to let that pass.
-Do Bong Soon has her own gang of high school kids.
-The characters are absolutely brain dead most of the time with no logical sense.
-Poop jokes.
-Racist representation of Indians with random Buddhist monk a.k.a. the scammer.
-There is no natural comedy in the situations, only poor writing. The romance was just pure fluff, nothing more.
-Min Hyuk and Bong Soon were extremely possesive.
-Useless police as always.

The good:
-Hee Ji's character was the only normal female character in the entire drama. I wanted to see more of her, but we got very little of her.
-Excellent villain who deserved so much better. He was the only consistent character and the reason I kept watching, but sadly writers didn't allow him more time to shine. The actor's performance was absolutely amazing.
-Some scenes were shot in a beautiful manner, but this got overshadowed by how despicable the characters were.

I need to cleanse my brain from this drama.

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Mulher Forte, Do Bong Soon (2017) poster



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