Real Clothes (2009) poster
Sua Avaliação: 0/10
Avaliações: 7.2/10 de 639 usuários
# de Fãs: 1,427
Resenhas: 3 usuários
Classificado #8433
Popularidade #7442
Fãs 639

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  • Português (Brasil)
  • 中文(简体)
  • English
  • magyar / magyar nyelv
  • País: Japan
  • Tipo: Drama
  • Episódios: 11
  • Exibido: Out 13, 2009 - Dez 22, 2009
  • Exibido em: Quarta
  • Original Network: Fuji TV Kansai TV
  • Duração: 54 min.
  • Pontuação: 7.2 (scored by 639 usuários)
  • Classificado: #8433
  • Popularidade: #7442
  • Classificação do Conteúdo: 13+ - Teens 13 or older

Elenco e Créditos


Real Clothes (2009) photo
Real Clothes (2009) photo
Real Clothes (2009) photo


4 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Nov 25, 2012
11 of 11 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 8.0
História 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musical 8.0
Voltar a ver 5.0
Real Clothes, clothing defines the women, but in this case clothing defines the drama.
You are introduced to a lady with zero fashion sense whatsoever named Kinue and a fashion icon named Miki who goes to a department store in Japan to bring it back up. Miki asks for Kinue with no experience in clothing to suddenly work in the Women clothing department forming a story of discovering one's true self.
The story basically is how Kinue becomes a fashionista and discovers passion working in fashion. Work is first priority in this drama and love doesn't even come second as the schedule is hetic for the everyday employee. People interested in fashion or have high strong work ethic will enjoy this story to the fullest and with it's occasionally funny moments laugh their ass off.
The cast is great especially the main actress Karina and Kuroki Hitomi who blend perfectly together. Their acting is fantastic and supports each other full heartily.The supporting cast doesn't falter and give this show it's stronghold.
Background music matches this drama perfectly. It's very up beat and sounds like something you wold hear off a runway. Overall, I enjoyed this drama and I feel most people will too.

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2 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Jan 20, 2014
11 of 11 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 7.0
História 7.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Musical 7.0
Voltar a ver 6.0
Ok, if you liked or saw Devil Wears Prada and enjoyed, this is the Japanese version & I enjoyed. For me the stand-out was Miki-san who battled the boys,girls and teams creating a path not for the faint of heart. Storyline was similar to DWP yet mildly & culturally fitting for Jdrama. This is not a heavy jdrama however subtle learning's can be extracted. Re-watch? Way to many to see before I re anything soon.
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Roupa Íntima
Roupa Íntima
Rei da Moda
Rei da Moda
Handmade Love


  • Drama: Real Clothes
  • País: Japão
  • Episódios: 11
  • Exibido: Out 13, 2009 - Dez 22, 2009
  • Exibido On: Quarta
  • Original Network: Fuji TV, Kansai TV
  • Duração: 54 min.
  • Classificação do Conteúdo: 13+ - 13 anos ou mais


  • Pontuação: 7.2 (avaliado por 639 usuários)
  • Classificado: #8433
  • Popularidade: #7442
  • Fãs: 1,427

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