Where to Watch Descendentes do Sol Episode 1
Descendentes do Sol Episode 1
Will You Be My Doctor?
Soldiers Yoo Shi Jin and Seo Dae Yeong stop a robbery while on leave, leading Dae Young to meet someone from his past and Shi Jin to meet someone he hopes to know.
(Source: DramaFever)
- Exibido: February 24, 2016
Descendentes do Sol Episode 1 Reações
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The only thing that had me taken aback was the love song so soon, and the fact that they seem to be moving a bit too fast, the main leads that is.
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It's refreshing how fast the story was moving along, even though I don't suppose they will keep it at this pace for the rest of the show (unless they have six thousand pages of plot written out).
The characters felt very diverse with only hints of stereotypical drama characteristics. The acting was great and believable, everything seemed very natural. (Tiny exceptions are a given if you're not a trained doctor but playing a doctor.)
The episode was serious enough to make it seem foreboding for tragedies waiting to happen, but with enough humor mixed in to keep it entertaining and captivating.
Our two main buddies seem to be lovable and sweet for a change. I can't wait to see more of them.
All in all, I'm hooked for more!
(P.S.: The last scene was really cheesy though, wasn't it.)
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However, the music is annoyingly overpowering. Pieces are played too much, too loud, too often. I truly hope they are going to tune that aspect down, because music is paramount to enhance feelings. If it is played every 2 seconds it totally loses its impact. Harrowing love songs shouldn't be played when two people have just met 5 seconds before: what are they going to use when they truly fall in love, Beethoven 5th symphony? When the plot uses all its ammunition in the first episodes, it's likely to suffer later on; the same principle should apply to music.
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