3 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Set 5, 2012
Completados 0
No geral 8.0
História 9.0
Acting/Cast 5.0
Musical 8.0
Voltar a ver 6.0
I read manga first (one of my favorites) and I think its better. Maybe because the drama is longer. But Im really really glad they made a movie out of it. Even though I think they could have definetly done a better job.

Story follows manga as it should, that I like the most.

Actors could have been better I think. One actor didnt do its job like it should have.

Music was performed greatly. One of the reasons I like the movie. because from manga I obviously couldnt hear it. But I must say it sounded different in my head. Still good though.

Now that I have seen the movie Im satisfied but i will stick with the manga and reread it if I feel like it.

Overall Its a really good movie. Worth watching. Especially when you have watched the anime or read the manga.

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O Primeiro Amor de Um Milionário
1 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Set 5, 2012
Completados 0
No geral 10
História 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 10
Voltar a ver 10
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Please delete this !!! I made one mistake after anoughter !! Review authors should have delete buttons, right ? I would be very glad if you fixed this problem. In the mean time I will be more careful. Hmm I wonder how I should fill up 300 characters... Write your own reviews! Don't Include Story Summaries as users have already read the plot summary. Write why you liked or disliked the Drama/movie/show. Only write a review after you've seen the Show/Movie/Drama. Do not post spoilers as you'll just ruin the show for the readers who are thinking about watching the show. Do not post spoilers! Do not post spoilers!

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Akai Ito - O fio vermelho do destino
2 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Set 4, 2012
Completados 0
No geral 7.0
História 9.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musical 9.0
Voltar a ver 5.0
This movie is a short version of the drama. Even though I felt like the dramas end wasnt good enough and needed continuing. I hoped this movie will be it. But no.

Story is cruel and real life like.

Acting is good, but I think they should have picked other actors.

Music is good and fittes the movie.

I wouldnt rewatch it as im not a rewatcher.

Overall its a good movie. But not my cup of tea.
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Nana 2
2 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Set 4, 2012
Completados 0
No geral 10
História 10
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musical 9.0
Voltar a ver 6.0
I think the sequel is as good as the first movie with some ups and downs .

The Story goes even sadder and ends up making me cry in the end. Put the characters continue bonding through out the movie. You can see developing too.

As of acting I have to agree with many Hachis actress was better in the first movie. But luckily it dint ruin the movie.

Music was great listening to as always.

I myself wouldnt rewatch it but I think for a person who can take sad movies defenetly should.

Overall a great movie. Funny thing about it is that I would watch more of it if new movies came. Which is not gonna happen I know.

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3 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Set 4, 2012
Completados 0
No geral 10
História 10
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musical 10
Voltar a ver 7.0
The movie Nana is simply put great ! As long as you can take sad movies you should definetly watch it ! In fact I would be suprised if you havent yet.

The Story is mesmeriezing ! First of all it felt longer then it actually is. There was always something happening through out the movie. And when it ended it made me feel so empty but so satisfied yet wanting for more. A better ending perhaps.

Acting was definetly good.

Music was super! Everytime I heard Glamorous Sky I litterally jumped in my seat out of joy yet sad tears came to my eyes.

Movie is definetly rewatchable. I dont know whereter or not I would rewatch it though. It was a really sad movie for me. Probably because I had grown so much for all the characters that i felt sad in the end of the movie. I was a kid back when i watched it and therefore more emotional.

Put together it was a marvoulus movie and worth in your list !

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De Mim para Você
10 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Set 4, 2012
Completados 0
No geral 10
História 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musical 9.0
Voltar a ver 9.0
Do you remember those times when you couldn’t really figure out yourself, let alone those around you? Those awkward moments as a teenager, discovering yourself, who you want to be, and trying to figure out the people are around you? I sure do. Some of you may be going through this now. The awkward life as a teenager, first love, fitting in, and blossoming into a person. Kimi Ni Todoke displays this perfectly. I have seen the anime, and the movie (just rewatched it) and it probably one of my all-time favorite live action movies, and Asian movies of all time. Kimi Ni Todoke is also my all-time favorite anime as well, and I couldn’t wait to write this review on its Live Action counterpart. This movie is one of those where you will get emotionally over whelmed by what is going on. It’s not because it is sad, but because of how happy you are, and how much you can relate to it. To having good friends, to figuring out yourself, and the strange feelings of first love. I must say, it is also one of the most accurate live actions that I have watched as well, though it isn’t 100% accurate with the manga or anime, but that is to be expected, I mean you cannot take a long series and break it down into a movie length and expect to have all the great details in it. Things must be changed, and things have to be erased in order to make the movie the proper length. But this doesn’t lose the character of the anime or manga. I found myself remembering the scenes from the anime, as they correlated with the movie, which is a big plus. Kimi Ni Todoke has such a simple plot, and yet brings such depth into it. The characters are also as deep, which is obviously why people can connect to them and have emotions towards them. The actors and actresses that play these characters also do a good job portraying their animated counterparts. They actually brought to life the characters, and didn’t necessarily loose the genuine characteristics of the characters of the anime, the reason why we love them.

For those who would be interested in such a movie, I think you all come in many different styles and backgrounds. I think it would be easy for anyone to relate to these characters, because we have all in some way went through the same situations, whether in middle school, high school, college, or even after that. We all go through these strange feelings of feeling open towards people, falling in love, and not quite understanding ourselves and our feelings. This makes this movie very compatible with everyone, boy, girl, young or old. I also think, in my opinion, that this would be a great starter movie. A starter movie, as in, a movie to show someone or yourself to watch, if you have never watched Asian movies, and need to find something that you would like. This movie would help you understand the Japanese and well…Asian concept of love, and friendship, and help you be able to understand other movies, where these subtle but confusing (if you don’t understand the culture) situations and acts that happen in most Asian movies and dramas (romantic, school, friendship). Over all, like I said, this movie is amazing, made me cry, and laugh, and was very accurate to the original source (as good as it can be), and I recommend it to everyone, because in my opinion, everyone can relate to it.

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Meus Dias Chuvosos
39 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Set 4, 2012
Completados 1
No geral 8.0
História 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musical 9.0
Voltar a ver 8.0
I picked out this movie randomly by looking at the poster. While I expected an immature girl falling in love with her professor, it turned out to be different from what I thought. It was a sweet and touching story. Also, it has its light moments and the rest of it was kind of serious. It was a fairly engrossing film. I cared about the characters and was fairly interested in the plot till the end.

A relationship between a 17 year old girl and a 35 year old guy seems creepy, and if not portrayed correctly it can go terribly wrong. However, this has to be one of the best student-teacher relationships that I have seen. They were very likable together and none of it seemed forced or stupid. Both the older guy and the younger girl had solid reasons to fall for someone so unexpected. I really liked their love. And I was touched by the girl. In the beginning, she is a bad girl. As in real bad- she works as a prostitute and bullies others. When it seemed like she hardly had any redeeming qualities, she changes completely. It's basically about character development which was the focus point of the story. The girl turns into a very nice and serious person. She stops fooling around, studies hard and changes her ways entirely.

The best thing about their relationship was that she changes a depressed, anti-social person to a happy and expressive person. And while she seems so mature in front of her friends, she acts exactly her age with her teacher. She is attracted to his serious side and he falls for her youthfulness. It was very sweet to watch them together.

Another good thing was that we get informed of the incoming "serious" problems beforehand in the first scene itself. I hate when things drop in on the viewer unexpectedly, out of nowhere! I would have liked to focus a bit more on how she became a bad girl because I found that rather interesting.

The movie has a fairly good star cast and I particularly liked the main actress. She was pretty and was able to act well. I also loved the clothes she wore throughout the film. She even made carrying umbrellas look trendy! She had a pretty magnetic personality. I was also happy with the direction of the film. It was not a well written screenplay and there were a lot of inconsistencies with the plot and pace. But that part gets compensated with good cinematography. Even the soundtrack is cool. I loved the songs they played in the background, plus they were in English so I will probably download the soundtrack later.

Anyway, the movie is overall a very nice effort from the director and writers. While it is not THE best, but it is still great and manages to get its point across to the viewer. It made good sense.

I will definitely rewatch it again when I feel like it.

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Estréia no Colegial
6 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Set 3, 2012
Completados 0
No geral 8.0
História 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musical 9.0
Voltar a ver 8.0
Simply saying- I loved it. It was so, so cute from start to end.

While the story was nothing original, it is definitely enjoyable. It has a great cast and I particularly liked both the leads. The actress is likable and the guy was equally cute. Even though this movie is cheesy at its best, it is not corny. I loved the lead pair together. They had good chemistry. I was worried that I would get annoyed by the main girl but that didn't happen. I enjoyed every scene of hers. The actress is really good.

The comedy really had some great LOL moments. I was really laughing out loud. Its humor is the usual anime type humor we usually see in Jdramas. I enjoyed the progress of the movie and particularly the ending. The ending scene was cute and touching at the same time.

I have been watching very slow and boring movies lately, so this was refreshing to watch. It didn't drag that much and kept me hooked till the end. I wasn't at all bored and it was a very light watch. This movie can be enjoyed by kids and adults alike. I can't find anything that I was displeased with in this film. This movie is quite predictable but it never seemed dull to me.

I would really recommend this movie. It is a much watch. It can definitely lift up your mood. And it has a great rewatch value. It's probably going to remain as one of my favorites.

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6 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Set 3, 2012
Completados 0
No geral 10
História 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 9.0
Voltar a ver 10
You know a movie is good when you wish you had relationships like this! This was definitely a wonderful story about growing up and the highs and lows! 7 girls became friends who never forgot about each other. We all wish we had friendships like this! Even though they did not keep in touch, when they got together again, it was like time had stood still and we were privileged to watch. I loved all of the characters; both young and old! There will lines from this movie that will stick with me for a long time! "Bitch! you're rich!" Watch it and you will see!
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Bunny Drop - Surpresas da Vida
5 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Set 3, 2012
Completados 0
No geral 9.0
História 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musical 8.0
Voltar a ver 10
“At some point we all grow up, fall in love, get married, give birth and become parents. And kids in their turn become parents from this angle.As far as i can see, the world is all fathers and mothers. Isn’t it like a big wave of love?”

What a heartwarming tale of a man coming of age and learning responsibility and what it means to become someone’s father, and how it can affect your life. Though this movie is based off an anime, and we don’t get to see the whole story, and how everything turns out in the end, we get a glimpse into this characters life and how in a short time, things can change you as a person. Though I have never seen this anime, I might watch it sometime. I think that this movie would give you a good introduction into the anime, since it was that good.

The characters in this drama, even though we only see them for 114 minutes, we get to know them, pretty well, and can see the emotion that they go through. Life as a single young man, raising a child , especially of the opposite sex, isn’t always the easiest thing. When you want to become independent, and do everything on your own, throwing a child into that mix, can sometimes, or most times, tempt you to lean on someone, which is fine. But for those who want to become independent adults, holding your ground and growing up with your child can be very rewarding. Daikichi (Matsuyama Kenichi) learns that becoming a parent isn’t as easy as it seems, and that raising a child, can come with some downfalls, and a lot of rewards. He can truly understand the difficulty that his parents went through raising him and his sister, therefore realizing how precious and amazing a parent really is to someone.

The acting in this drama was good, especially since its more of a dramatic story than a comedy, though there are parts that will make you laugh, or make smile come across your face. I have never seen Matsuyama Kenichi in a movie or drama before, but I am pretty pleased with his acting ability. He could be serious and serious can come, and show heartbreaking emotion, and yet he could be funny, which I really liked. Ashida Mana shows great potential to become a very good actress when she grows up, she is really good now, and I can’t wait to see her in the future, and in more dramas because she can show her emotions and says dialogue well, which isn’t always the case with child actors and actresses.

I still don’t know why it is called Usagi Drop (Bunny Drop), but it doesn’t really worry me, since this movie doesn’t show the true whole story of the anime, and drama , which means I will have to either read or watch those to be able to fully understand the title. Overall I found this movie to be very heartwarming and heartbreaking at the same time. The story of a single “father” really compels me to show my emotions, single mothers as well, and really gets under your skin and embraces you with a lot of thoughts and emotions because even in the western world , life as a single parents isn’t always as glamorous or even as disturbing as we make it out to be (16 and pregnant). So I give this movie a high score for being able to portray something like this, so beautifully and emotionally. I think this movie/anime/manga deserves a whole live action drama series because it is very interesting, and I think it would make for a good contrast for what is usually popular in Asian dramas right now. So a I recommend that you take 114 minutes out of your day, you have a 1440 in a day, and watch this movie, and actually see what I mean. It doesn’t really have any romance, but it leaves you with a greater message about family and coming of age, and will touch your heartstrings, even just a little.

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O Bebê e Eu
3 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Set 2, 2012
Completados 0
No geral 8.0
História 8.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Musical 5.0
Voltar a ver 8.0
It is an easy movie to watch. Jang Geun Suk is great as always, but his acting is more natural and realistic than in kdrama like "You're beautiful" (even if I'm a fan too). Some suprises and a goods emotions. The baby actor is so cute, you can't stop yourself from smiling when he is on the screen. I spend a good time, nothing extraordinary, but really nice. :)
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De Mim para Você
7 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Set 2, 2012
Completados 0
No geral 8.0
História 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musical 6.0
Voltar a ver 6.0
If I had to describe this movie in one word, it would be 'cute'. Kimi ni Todoke is a cute film. It's main theme is about all the first real experiences of high school. It is the story about Sawako- a weird looking girl who resembles the ghost from the movie Ring. That resemblance part was very funny and a creative idea. So, because of that every one around her is scared of talking to her or even looking at her. As a result, she is a terribly under confident girl and often spends her time remaining secluded. While I could argue that she could have simply changed her hairstyle and the resemblance would have gone, that would have changed the entire story.

I don't get why some Japanese dramas and films have such weird female characters. It is too fictional to take in. Also, what I find funny in such scenarios is that the girl comes off as thick because she lets herself slip further down than just coming up with the idea of making a very few changes to herself. This idea is laughable and I am never going to watch a drama or movie again with this particular ridiculous plot. This was one of the downsides to the movie. Also, I found the pacing very slow and the movie too long.

Other than that, the characters were funny and all the actors acted well. I don't know these actors, so I don't have much to say about them. While the plot of friendship is the main thing here, there are some romantic elements as well. I am slowly getting used to the fact that Japanese dramas and movies only include romance as a sub-plot than as the main plot. This is yet another one.

It seemed heavily borrowed from Nobuta wo Produce. I still prefer that because the main girl was more adorable in it. In this, Sawako's character seemed dull to me. But I couldn't helping noticing how gorgeous her hair was. Really! Anyway, this movie was lacking excitement in a lot of parts. I would have loved it more if it had remained funny till the end.

Still, this makes for a good one-time watch. It is a light film so it is good to watch at any time. I would definitely recommend this to be watched at least once.

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Se Eu fosse Você
14 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Set 2, 2012
Completados 0
No geral 6.0
História 4.0
Acting/Cast 6.0
Musical 4.0
Voltar a ver 4.0
i wanted to be in love with this movie, like i loved secret garden. i found it stayed up late to watch it and was excited for gender bending time. after its done i feel like i wasted hours of my life.
the story concept is similar to secret garden but the movie's attempt to balance comedy and drama is painful to watch. there were way too many times where the scene changed, the mood changed, or a random act occurred with no prep (music, a comment, foreshadowing, anything). It felt like the story was chopped into bits, so the characters would be discussing a matter, then the scene changes to the next day. this led to constant questions of: what happened to the issue at hand? was it resolved? who gave in?.
on top of the story line confusion, the acting was inconsistent. sometimes the male lead would act like such a man that i had to wonder, oh did they switch back? i blame some of this on the writers they didn't give us enough time to know the characters before they switched.
amid the wreckage there were some bright spots; shots of comedy were pretty well placed throughout. so if the movie was getting awful a shot of comedy would draw you back with false hopes of it getting better. they did a lot of parodies (even secret garden)so those were really funny.
i wouldn't watch again, and if you love the concept I suggest you watch secret garden a 3rd time. Overall it had a great general concept, poor writing and poor execution. i gave it a 6 because they tried to capture that "secret garden magic" but didnt have enough time and the ending is waaaay better than secret garden.

p.s. i loathe group songs where the whole world is singing. beware

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Beijo do Paraíso
9 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Set 1, 2012
Completados 0
No geral 9.0
História 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 9.0
Voltar a ver 9.0
We all know the all too popular phrase, "The book is so much better than the movie!" but I'd have to say in the case of this, the movie & comic sort of go hand in hand.There are differences between the two but the main storyline stays the same, and it wasn't unbearable to watch - it was actually fun! I enjoyed this movie from start to finish, which usually doesn't happen for Manga turned Movie for me. The actors/actresses did a great job at conveying their characters and they were dead on choosing who they did for the roles. I loved this movie - It gives a wonderful 'life' lesson about chasing your dreams while still being realistic.

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Branco: A Melodia da Maldição
13 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Set 1, 2012
Completados 1
No geral 10
História 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 10
Voltar a ver 10
It's a perfect 10 for me! i've rewatched this for almost 4 times but i still love this movie!... nice story you'll never get bored.... there's a thrill and some twists along the movie! then the acting was amazing! the music especially white was so addicting... but in this movie it values friendship among girls, it will teach you to have self esteem! to be confident! an to aim high and to stay humble at always.. overall i'll rate this perfect 10!
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