Both dramas have lead couples who clash at the beginning, end up living together, then slowly fall in love. The environments are different; i.e., school verses office romance. But, it is still good romance. Put Your Head on My Shoulder is exceptional with a very good script, acting and great chemistry.

Both dramas cover infidelity. But, the cheaters in One Spring Night capture your heart! The romance is great.

Both lead actors did a great job to bring out the depth of their characters. Theme of a cheating couple is obvious and similar to this drama. But, it’s taken to another level and does not feel as trashy as the current drama. Cheaters are not glorified in Secret Love Affair.

Both are modern dramas about entrepreneurs working together to expand their online clothing businesses. Johnny Huang stars in both. Love Designer has an early start to romance that quickly gets to the passionate stages with strong chemistry and maturity between the lead characters.

The bad boy image of the 4th prince in Moon Livers is similar to Qinyue. Both characters are dark and are competing against the “white knight” to win the heart of the girl.

Both are taken from the same novel. Forever and Ever covers the modern day portions of the novel. Love Your Bones Forever 2 covers the historical (previous lives) of the main couple.

This is season 2 to Yes, I Do. Concept is the same. Season 2 corrects the errors found in S1 which had: too long episodes, too much focus on the hosts, and not showing enough the heartbreak of scenes.

Both deal with fantasy, illusions, magic, good and bad demons. The special effects are great! Both have a dominant make lead with lots of power enemies.

Both are sci-fi and originate from novels by the same award winning author, Liu Ci Xin. Wandering Earth is derived from the first short story in the book of short stories with the same title. The Three Body Problem is the first novel in a book trilogy.

Both dramas are heartwarming and heartbreaking as the main character overcomes adversities with the help of cell mates while in prison

Both stories are about three working women in Shanghai turning thirty and having problems in both their love lives and careers.

It’s the similar working women type modern drama taking place in Shanghai. All the women are trying to get ahead at work and at home.