The direction is good, the drama is energetic from start to finish, there's not that twisted phase where nothing happens in the middle of the drama. The scenes are well recorded, the editing was zealous and even the use of memory scenes is well dosed. The effects used are adequate and visually pleasing.
The soundtrack is harmonious and very well used in the scenes.
The cast is very good and the performances do not disappoint. Li Yi Tong performs lightly and interacts convincingly with the entire cast. Jin Han played his character very well and showed that he is consistent in his performances, whether as a villain or hero he manages to carry the character.
One scene caught my attention, I think, like me, one of the two directors, was a fan of Hitchcock, because the scene with the birds in the tunnel caused me as much despair as the scenes in the movie 'The birds'.
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The director kept the pace of the drama without any slowdowns or rushes. The editing, despite some rough cuts, does not compromise the work.
The cast's performances are good.
The soundtrack isn't bad.
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The direction acted in the right measure in creating an enveloping drama without slow down. There are action scenes that are very good, there are comic scenes and many scenes that move and make tears flow.
The performances are exquisite, the entire cast worked hard to create an excellent drama.
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After watching the disappointing first part, I didn't expect much from the second part, but initially the drama showed signs of recovery. The story remained weak and full of holes, but the dubbing doesn't have as many mistakes as in the first part and the direction managed to get some good scenes, but it sinned horribly in the editing and ended abruptly without any scene that explained the final outcome.I always really like director Chu Yui Bun's work and look forward to the dramas he directs, but this time he wasn't enlightened. The same happened with the cast, as the performances left a lot to be desired. Ren Jia Lun is responsible for the best scenes in the drama, however, those good scenes are the ones he acts alone. His interaction with the protagonist was very distant and unconvincing, as only the actor showed the emotion of the scene in his eyes.
A drama in which there are three couples in love and none of them feel connected, something has gone wrong.
The CGI of the first part was better than the second part. The costumes in both parts are very beautiful and the soundtrack warms the heart.
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O roteiro é fraco, personagens pouco gostáveis (alguns pela falta de caráter, como os personagens Jia Zhen e Yang You Li, outros pelo excesso de ingenuidade, como o protagonista Qi Lian Shan, que apesar de fofo, ao longo do drama fica irritante o quanto ele é abusado pelos "amigos").O enredo dos roteiros escritos pelo protagonista, em alguns momentos, era mais interessante que o drama em si. Os coadjuvantes eram apenas preenchimento de cena, com exceção da história do personagem Bai Mu Chen, em nada acrescentavam. O romance dos protagonistas é morno, o relacionamento deles está mais para amizade e companheirismo.
O ritmo do drama é lento (muito lento), no capítulo 27 aparentou que ia decolar, mas depois desse pequeno ápice, entra em declínio. No último capítulo, a cena em cima do prédio tinha todos os elementos para uma grande tomada, mas faltou emoção. A cena final é a que faz mais sentido, pois deixa a dúvida se que tudo que passou nos 40 capítulos é apenas o roteiro que o roteirista estava trabalhando ou a história do roteirista. A protagonista feminina não está na cena de fechamento do drama e a forma que o protagonista masculino fala ao telefone na finalização é completamente diferente da forma que ele compôs o personagem durante todo o drama.
O diretor até conseguiu algumas boas cenas, mas a edição foi muito ruim (erros que chamam a atenção mais que o enredo).
A trilha sonora não é de todo ruim, mas uma das músicas usadas para o protagonista masculino era muito irritante.
As atuações do elenco são abaixo do esperado. Uma das cenas de riso envolvendo os protagonistas, parecia mais erro de gravação do que cena de um drama. Ren Jia Lun foi versátil em dar vida a três personagens diferentes, mas em todos faltou alguma coisa.
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What brought me to this drama was director Chui Yui Bun. Initially I had low expectations, because the director's previous work, despite being starring very famous artists, did not meet my expectations, as in this drama I knew little about the work of the protagonists, I hesitated a little before watching it, but halfway through the drama I already was convinced that Chui Yui Bun got the casting choice right.The script is well written, the screenwriter focused on the story of the two sisters, but did not forget to present the trajectory of the other characters in the plot, she knew how to balance funny scenes and dramatic scenes with a very pleasant text. The characters created are captivating. The ending is consistent with the unfolding of the drama, but only that thread of hope does not fully satisfy.
The cast was a good surprise, right at the beginning I found actor Chen Xing Xu's acting a bit mechanical, but when he gave life to the three soul fragments, the actor gave a show of interpretation. It was the first time I saw the work of actress Landy Li and actor Luke Chen, in addition to being beautiful, they acted with lightness and grace. Whether protagonists, antagonists or supporting actors, the entire cast did an impeccable job, certainly, it would be a more accurate job if the voice was captured at the moment of the scene and not dubbed, even though it is the voice of the artist himself, the emotion is not always the same the moment the scene was taken.
The director was right in choosing the script and the cast, produced well-finished scenes with beautiful photography, the CGI is very pleasing to the eye, the editing is well done and has very few errors. The drama was neither slow nor rushed, for my taste, the director should have added a scene from a few thousand years later, as he did in Ashes of Love, this would have made for a more pleasant ending, but even so, the ending was very emotional .
The soundtrack is very nice. The presence of Sa Ding Ding's incomparable voice and Mao Bu Yi's soft voice enrich the drama.
The costume is extremely beautiful.
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The cast performed satisfactorily, despite the characters not being captivating, the actors impregnated their marks in the composition of the characters.
The direction managed to produce good scenes, didn't make big mistakes in editing.
The soundtrack isn't bad.
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O roteiro é interessante, enredo bem construído e personagens bem elaborados com personalidades muito interessantes, inclusive os vilões, pois não são apenas personagens malvados, são personagens que cometem ações cruéis por ganância de poder, mas que, muitas vezes, tem algumas características nobres, como imperatriz viúva e Gu Yun Nian. A morte de alguns personagens, como a princesa An Ning, Lin Lang e Luo Ming Xi, são cenas muito emocionantes. A finalização é boa e deixa algumas mensagens interessantes.As atuações são boas, porém, merece destaque a atuação do ator Liu Yu Ning, que já tinha mostrado um bom desempenho em Hot Blooded Youth (2019) e The Long Ballad (2021), e neste drama, supera as expectativas para um personagem de segunda liderança. Os protagonistas tiveram cenas melhores com outros personagens do que entre si, faltou alguma coisa para o casal protagonista em termos de romance, mas ambos os atores tiveram boas cenas no decorrer do drama.
A direção conduziu muito bem o drama, não foi arrastado e nem teve correria na finalização. Há alguns erros de continuidade, principalmente no sequenciamento de cenas dia/noite, mas nada que comprometa o show. A fotografia é bonita e as cenas de ação bem coreografadas.
O figurino é bem elaborado e muito bonito.
A trilha sonora é agradabilíssima.
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Visually lush and musically pleasing
Initially I imagined that with a super cast and a spectacular director the drama would be quite enjoyable, but the best word to describe this drama is disappointment.The biggest annoyance is the dubbing. I've never watched a Chinese drama where the dubbing was of such low quality. Some small errors are acceptable, but the amount of scenes in which the mouth and voice are not synchronized is exorbitant. It's unpleasant to watch a drama in which the mouth moves by the actress and the voice is by the actor and vice versa. There was a lack of care in the editing of the drama in this regard.
The script is not captivating, until the end of the first season did not say what it came to. The characters do not conquer, as they have ambiguous personalities. Until the final scene, I can't say precisely who is fighting for a just cause.
The performances are good, but far below others performed by the same actors. Regarding the romantic couples, I didn't feel any "chemistry" between them.
The CGI is impeccable, the soundtrack extremely pleasant and the costumes exuberant.
In short, I got to the end without having a single laugh and without shedding a single tear.
Perhaps in the second part the gaps will be closed and I will be able to praise the work of actors and director that I cherish so much.
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Bravo! Bravíssimo!
O roteiro é bom, os personagens bem construídos e o desenvolvimento do enredo bastante satisfatório.Quando um drama tem capítulo especial, geralmente, é porque a finalização deixou a desejar, mas neste drama o especial é apenas um brinde da direção com cenas que não foram utilizadas na edição, pois em nada alteram o magnífico trabalho apresentado. Este drama, inicialmente, tinha a previsão de um número maior de capítulos, mas na edição ficaram apenas 38.
A direção conduziu o drama de maneira espetacular, as cenas eram bem acabadas, a coreografia das lutas impecáveis, edição sem erros graves, equilíbrio perfeito na emoção despertada nas cenas e cenário ou CGI maravilhosos. O efeito da borboleta utilizado no primeiro e no trigésimo oitavo capítulo é de uma sutileza indescritível. A ideia genial do diretor de refletir imagens no olho do cavalo e, também, nos olhos do casal protagonista, trouxe brilhantismo ao drama. A captação de cena de chuva no telhado no capítulo 6, remete a ideia de uma "tempestade" se aproximando para modificar os fatos. O diretor Chu Yui Bun costuma utilizar de recursos cativantes e prender a atenção logo nos primeiros capítulos, Neste drama ele tinha, além de seu talento indiscutível, um bom roteiro e um elenco de primeira grandeza. A finalização é bem elaborada e condizente com o desenrolar do trama.
O elenco esbanjou talento, não há nenhum personagem que não tenha sido muito bem representado. Bai Lu brilhou soberana do início ao fim, suas cenas foram viscerais. Senti cada emoção da personagem ao longo dos 38 capítulos, pude rir, chorar, sentir raiva, medo, desejo... A cena da morte de Fang Yin é de partir o coração, não só pelo seguimento da história, mas, principalmente, pela atuação de Bai Lu, seus olhos assumiram toda a dor da perda e depois todo rancor pelo assassino da amiga. Em várias cenas as palavras eram desnecessárias, pois os atores se esmeraram em incorporarem seus personagens.
O figurino é lindíssimo e a trilha sonora agradável.
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The use of two endings, I don't like it, because I see it as a lack of confidence in the work. I don't know if it was the screenwriter's or the director's idea, but it's unnecessary. The two endings presented aren't bad, both have emotional scenes, but the one in chapter 39 is more consistent with the characters' personalities throughout the drama. I think there was a lack of 'many years later' to compensate for the suffering of so many lovable characters.
The choice of cast was incredible, beautiful actors and actresses with contagious performances. The cast didn't have any mediocre performance. Zhang Bin Bin was versatile and impregnated different characteristics to dress each of his characters, it was possible to observe the transformation of the actor's physiognomy, gestures and voice intonation to compose Lu Li, Luo Ge, God of the Moon and the Evil Spirit. Actor Wang You Shuo brought the drama's most lovable character to life, and he did it masterfully.
The direction was good, it managed to produce excellent scenes, good cinematography, special effects that were very pleasant to see and few errors in editing. It only sinned in choosing two such different endings.
The costumes are dazzling and suited to the characters.
The soundtrack is extremely pleasant and engaging.
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The cast is good, the performances do not disappoint, but also do not surprise.
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It had everything to be a great drama, but...
The script isn't bad, it doesn't bring innovative elements, but it manages to attract attention. The characters are captivating, despite making many mistakes throughout the drama out of stubbornness in pursuing difficult paths, there is a heroic aura to several characters.Everyone in the cast performed very well. Zhang Yao was able to show his character's pain and weakness convincingly. Zhou Ting Wei, as always, composed his character impeccably.
The team worked hard in characterizing the characters, the clothes, makeup and hairstyles are quite beautiful.
The soundtrack is pleasant and was used in order to amplify the emotion of the scenes.
The direction, despite some minor errors in the editing, seemed to lead the drama perfectly, but, to the sadness of those who watched, in the final stretch it made a dive over the precipice. The last chapter is rushed, with poorly explained scenes (at what time and for what reason was Wen Si Yuan in that room with Duke Wei Ning's guard? What happened to Yun Luo's master? How was their escape after leaving the palace?). Showing years later and leaving the ending implied and with a sequence of previous scenes is very amateurish.
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The actors are visually pleasing, but the performances are quite underwhelming. The special effects aren't bad. The scenes with the use of blood (blood was an artificial one that didn't convince), are very bad. The costume is beautiful. The editing is not neat and the cuts of scenes are not well finished.
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Não é um 10, exclusivamente, por causa da cena final, pois a cena de alguém misterioso completando os totens, não me agradou muito, mas, no mais, o roteiro é interessante, foi desenvolvido de forma a deixar o drama ágil e atraente. O elenco é bom e as atuações são bastante convincentes.
O figurino é bonito e a trilha sonora agradável.
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