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Set 3, 2016

Officially a wasted drama, but I'll hang in until the end.

Ah!! The WOMANCE. Even though it was brief and so fleeting. I loved seeing Hye Jung and Soon Hee snuggled up like that. So cute. Though I'm a bit disappointed that it looks like Jong Dae will be Soon Hee's romance.

There are great character moments in this episode. I love a series where characters help each other and they grow.

Sadly I think the reality is that the writer had a start for the drama, but sadly had too many ideas and characters to take the story. Basically meaning things are slowing down and 20 episodes was too much.

Right now I feel like the writer is relying on over drawn emotional plots to keep the drama feeling fresh.

Either way this drama is becoming boring and many aspects that made it great are going away. Doctors is becoming stale. At this point I want to see how it ends, but it's a shame that such an amazing start will finish weak.

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Ago 29, 2016

So many great things in this episode, but a dull plot "twist" is on the horizon.

Okay, so I knew the ending of the last episode would not lead to a skinship scene. But they played mind games in the beginning of this episode! I was so shocked (and pleased) that they had really gone there.

Intimacy is good though. I like that they snuggled the night away.

This episode was awesome sauce. Gary and Amy look to not be having any more real romance time, but I like where their stories went. Not to mention that Dal Nim and Ryang Ha are developing nicely!! Ah! Too cute.

However, that dang corporate espionage crap had to take over. They already did that at the start. Why they decided to forsake viewers by plunging us into what will potentially be a very boring plot. Not to mention the biggest plot whole is a company like Zeze would not have crappy security like that, especially after the big leak that started this whole thing.

On that note I do love that Bo Ra's recovering is very realistic. I feel like the shaman's warning about the raccoon will be another mistake. After they make viewers and the lovebirds suffer. -_- When will they realize that it's the characters that are making the show, they don't need these over the top forced plots to make the story interesting.

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Ago 28, 2016

Too freaking adorable!

Too freaking adorable with lots of cheese! Oh my goodness. I know I keep saying I smile a lot with this drama, but this episode had me grinning like a fool.

HOWEVER. I want to punch the director for making the leads "tssssk" too much! It was really cute and funny at first. Over use made it annoying.

I love how the employees at Zeze pretended to not know they were dating. The office pool was great. Not to mention that Ryang Ha and Dal Nim are slowly approaching their inevitable hook up.

The quiet drama of Su Ho's parents is nice. At least it's not taking over the plot. However, this "electrician" lurker is obviously the next step towards the big disaster. Clearly he'll get in still the IF and then Bo Nui will be at fault. Because Dae Hae will have been the pity hire that Su Ho did for her.

*sighs* Freaking annoying. However, I won't quite cast judgement until it unfolds.

Either way this episode was sooooooo cute. It's so satisfying be able to have the leads both admit their feelings so that we can witness warm and heart felt moments while they're actually dating.

Poor Gary and Amy, I'm not sure if there will be enough time for them to get decent happy endings. Who knows! Either way this is promising to be a pretty strong series until the end.

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Ago 28, 2016

Su Ho is hands down my favorite thing about this drama and episode.

At this point I feel like Amy and Gary are kind of obsolete. They're just there to be slight romantic complications for the main couple. I feel bad because they were so much fun at first. At this point I think they both need to realize that it's too late for what they want. Clearly Amy and Gary may, and probably should, become a couple at the end of this series.

Su Ho is hands down my favorite thing about this drama and episode. Could he be any more adorable? If he gets more adorable my brain will probably overload and explode! Ryu Joon Yeol is such a cute actor and I really look forward to seeing him in other dramas. In this I just feel for Su Ho so much. His innocence and awkwardness are perfect.

Ryang Ha and Dal Nim may not have had as much time in this episode, but they're my second favorite thing about this episode. (And again probably the drama.) I feel that makeover coming on for Dal Nim. Go, fight! Win!

Bo Nui has entered the annoyance zone for me. I just don't understand why she's pushing Su Ho away. Yes, it is the custom drama thing to do. However, isn't he her good luck charm? And yes when they kissed Bo Ra opened her eyes! Why doesn't she just ask the Shaman point blank if she has doubts? If this goes on for much longer it will be beyond annoying!!

The family drama of Su Ho's parents is interesting enough. Though I hope it's not dragged out for too much longer.

With Bo Ra gradually coming back to the world I'm very curious whether the drama will stay happy, or do something tragic. I vote for happy. Happy dramas are hard to come by. Personally I'm looking forward to more Su Ho and that makeover for Dal Nim.

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Ago 27, 2016


Very intense and I have to hand it to the writers to keep the guessing game going. I'm eager to see what happens to the entire cast of characters.
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Ago 27, 2016

I'm hanging in there.

Se Ro really shines in this episode. I liked that Doo Soo is learning more about her. Also that he notices that she's more perceptive then one might think.

So they drag in this huge plot garbage that Hong Do killed Yi Seok's brother . . . when of course it was someone else. Do you know who?

Ugh. That makes the pain of the mother even worse. No wonder she would cry like that every time she gave into her husband. Gosh!
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Ago 27, 2016

Ugh. Well that's bull.

First of all yes to that lovely kissing scene.

No to where this drama is going. To blame a child like that is disgusting. Clearly she's been paying for a mistake her entire life. The whole Go family really ticks me off. The whole episode was painful to watch in the breath of how frustrating the plot was, not to mention boring.

I should stop.

Doo Soo, my lovely Doo Soo. Looks like he'll probably save the day.
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Ago 27, 2016

Painful to watch.

This was painful to watch for two reasons. The first is that anyone would blame Hong Do for anything. The whole plot in of itself makes the whole story moving forward very stupid. So as I'm watching these painfully drawn out scenes that brings me to my second reason: I've lost my connection the characters.

Not all of it. But this horrible "plot twist" has added that boring element to what had developed into a really fun drama.

I know I should drop it. But I'm only got 3 more episodes. *sighs* I've invested too much.
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Ago 25, 2016

Wow, veiwers are being so hard on Ka Suo!

Okay, so I won't lie. This episode was a bit more boring. However, it's heavy on not only building character development, but giving us some history on other characters that haven't been center stage. Not to mention answering questions.

First off I will address that Ka Suo has been pretty awesome. Considering that he's lost his immortal powers. Not only is he powerless, but he will now only have the lifespan of a mortal. Some of the viewers have been super harsh on the poor boy. Which I find odd considering that the sword fairies are driving him insane. I think he's handled himself remarkably well. He deserves this time to flounder a bit.

So confirmation that Lotus is indeed a mermaid. It's strange that soooooo many people questioned it. Lotus is basically Lan Shang's (AKA Mermaid Princess depending we're you're watching the subs from) Aunt. Lotus is the younger sister.

Lotus states: Lan Shang is my older sister's daughter.

I still firmly believe that the evil cloud of smoke is a Fire Prince of some kind. That Lotus and him were an item. However, the flashbacks prove that she was in love at some point with the Fire King. Clearly there's something odd there. I want to believe that Shi is the Snow King's son. I mean how else could he get his Ice Powers? Unless the mermaid powers transform to their spouses? Is this another unheard of legend to be revealed?

Either way I think Shi would make an excellent King. Man can he play the politics game. Not to mention that he did orchestrate a better plan to defeat the Fire Tribe. No offense to Ka Suo, but his plan got him stripped of his immortal powers.

Ooooooooo, the Fire Princess totally wants Shi still! (I hope they're not related.) I think it's so sweet--and creepy--that she's planning to take him down by finding out his weakness. Then turns around and is basically magical diary/video/memory pining over him. Like a two year old. Well a two year old with fire powers.

Overall I am really digging all the twists and turns. The occasional odd graphic doesn't bother me, and the huge green screen stuff is either getting better or I'm getting used to it. This was a slower episode. However, I think Ice Fantasy is still very engaging and the writers are truly trying to take this ambitious plot to it's full potential. Can't wait to see what happens next. Especially with more word on the Mermaid Tear thing.

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Ago 25, 2016

Still too similar to Sungkyunkwan Scandal at this point.

Episode 2 of Moonlight Drawn by Clouds (AKA Love in the Moonlight) really emphasized how similar it is to Sungkyunkwan Scandal. Especially as the three male leads are more fully introduced here. They're carbon copies of the male trio from Sungkyunkwan Scandal.

Yes, they're not exactly the same. But come on there are a ton of similarities.

Ra On is hilarious and I loved how her physical inspection was passed. Not to mention all the other eunuch drama. I loved how certain ones dropped their pants with pride to show of their lack of certain parts. >_< Oh-dear-drama, that whole scene was too funny.

There were other fun moments and I really do love Ra On. However, at this point I need more characters to be fleshed out. The extra steps need to be taken so that I don't feel like I'm just watching a drama trying to feed off of Sungkyunkwan Scandal. (Because let's be honest, it is.)

So here's to the future episodes! I really want this drama and I to get along.

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Ago 24, 2016

Kyung Ja! Be safe.

Every since Kyung Ja decided to make Hye Sung her honey I've been so nervous! Especially after seeing the connections to Hye Sung and Bong Pal's dad/past. Now it's also confirmed that he had something to do with Hyun Ji. Though I question that he would keep all this evidence. -_-

Speaking of questions. Wouldn't Bong Pal think that Hyun Ji likes him. After all she can just poof herself into an amusement park. Duh, she wants to see it with you!

I think it's cute and naive. I suppose Bong Pal may not know he signs of when someone likes you because he has never really had people.

Though I don't like seeing Cheon Sang's greedy side. I agree with In Rang's grandmother. I don't like to see him abuse In Rang. He is a con artist. I enjoy it when Cheon Sang is a friend to In Rang.

Overall we get to ghost problems to solve, but it's still becoming episodic. Even though possession was one of the cases. Now that things are getting more intense with Hye Sung killing people and stalking closer to Bong Pal I'm curious where the writers will go. Especially as to what happened to Bong Pal's dad. We know Hye Sung is only too happy to kill someone!

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Ago 23, 2016

Loving it still, though things can become episodic . . .

I need to address how baffled I was when I saw other viewers questioning why Hyun Ji was being pulled under by the ghost and how she could even drown. Um, has no one been paying attention? (Not to mention is this your first Korean ghost show??)

Hyun Ji has been affecting ghosts, hurting them. And they her. Ghosts can interact with each other and hurt one another. Hyun Ji has been drained after battling ghosts. Heck, what about the episode where the husband was still beating his wife ghost. Or the very last one we just watched that the little boy was still being hunted and abused by his step father.

Ghosts are even affecting and killing the living. (Sorry I just hate it when mythos that have been established are questioned, especially as the writers have done a great job incorporating into the show. Inconstancies are bad, but making them because you're not paying attention is worst.) That's why other ghosts try to stay away from the evil ones.

I'm really impressed that the writers are letting us know that Hye Sung has something to do with what happened to Bong Pal in the past. Not to mention that he kind of called Myung Chul out. Hyu Sung recognizes Myung Chul. But does Myung Chul!? Very cool setup.

I'm still convinced that Hyun Ji is in a comma or something. She looks totally different to other ghosts and still has a few things that make her not like them. I really like the pacing and reveal so far. But wish a few things would speed up. Things could get very episodic with each new villain ghost being introduced.

Though Cheon Sang and In Rang make it all hilarity! I love that now In Rang can sometimes see Hyun Ji. She's a "beautiful angel". I wonder how long he'll be able to catch glimpses of her? Oh, and I love Cheon Sang's clever match making skills. Too funny!

Now I'm off to dive into the next episode. (Ha-ha! See what I did there!)

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Ago 22, 2016

Amazing music and steamy kisses!

Wowza! The music for this episode was awesome sauce especially the Gangnam Style dance joke for horse riding. It was priceless. Not to mention showed off Kim Seul Gi's awesome comedic skills.

I've loved that the danger to Dan Bi was never glossed over an is fully realized in this episode. Even though Yi Do wanted her to stay with him he realized that the danger to her would never let up.

The emotions and nuances of their love for each other was beautiful to behold. Not to mention all of those fabulous kissing scenes. Ah!! These to have such fabulous chemistry together.

As I said in my review of episode one I had no doubt that the writers would make me happy. I loved the reincarnation themes. Not to mention the message to not run away and no matter what you do in life do it with pride. It's important even if it doesn't seem that way at the time.

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Ago 21, 2016

It just keeps getting more boring, but I'm holding on.

It just keeps getting more boring, but I'm holding on.

At first I was commending this episode for showing viewers the reality of what happens when you fall between coverage of the medical world. What happens when you're not rich enough nor poor enough. It's a harsh reality of many health care systems around the world.

However, I did not care for how they hammed it up. Taking the story just way too far.

Yes, I enjoyed the character developments going on. Aunt and Uncle should just hook up already. They were made for each other.

Basically I'm holding on to this show because of the strong start and I feel committed to these characters. Sadly the promise starts out strong, but dies swiftly. That seems to be a common theme this year.

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Ago 21, 2016

Odd that it's so boring.

Ahn Dan Tae!! It's so good to see Nam Gung Min in this caring father role. Especially since I recognize him more for Beautiful Gong Shim than for the villain roles everyone has seen him in.

To be quite honest Doctors has kind of stalled out. Even becoming a bit boring. It's odd that now that Hye Jung and Ji Hong are dating, they've lost quite a bit of chemistry.

Not only that but Hye Jung wanted Ji Hong to change. So that he would let her in and quit making all the decisions by himself. She realized that she wanted to be in the relationship as she is now, and that she shouldn't change him. Which is great! But then she goes and changes how she would normally treat a situation to make room for him.

The writers are really setting up all these hints and teases for how they will pair up the characters. So I will give them that. I also like how medicine and the OR is such a big part. Honestly I am annoyed that the webtoon is becoming a prominent storyline. Not to mention storylines introduced and then dropped. We'll see how the story goes.

There's 7 episodes left!

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