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Queijo na Ratoeira
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Mar 3, 2016
16 of 16 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 8.5
História 8.5
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 10
Voltar a ver 8.0
"Cheese in the trap" is one of the strangest dramas I've ever seen. From the start till the very end and I liked it so much.
If you search for the drama's plot, you'll find that "it's about the delicate relationship between a female university student Hong Seol and her senior Yoo Jung." But it's actually more than that.
This drama is about life. It's about my life, your life... It's more than a drama or webtoon. It's realistic and really makes you think about everything.
It's about friendship, classmates, lovers. I'm happy that we could see different types of problematic relationships in families.
It teaches you that communication is the most important thing in one relationship.
It teaches that you can't always be good to people because they're going to use you.
It teaches you that revenge isn't always the right answer.
It teaches not to give up on your dreams or laugh at someone else's dream.
It teaches so many things and I'm sure that everyone will find an answer of personal questions because I found so many answers in this drama.

The cast was perfect for this drama, every actor had their own way to represent their character and they did a good job. The chemistry between Park Hae Jin and Kim Go Eun was just right but everyone was talking about the second lead Seo Kang Joon... and I can't judge! You'll fall in his trap so fast and you'll feel the pain.

The OST is really beautiful, fits perfectly. If I could choose a foreign song to describe this drama or Seol and Jung's relationship I would pick - A Great Big World and Christina Aguilera - Say Something.

What I like about this drama:
- the second lead - Good job, Seo Kang Joon! You stole my heart!
- mystery - I liked all the mystery around the main characters, it keeps you awake.
- the chemistry between Park Hae Jin and Kim Go Eun
- rich guy - poor girl - I really liked that they didn't even focus on this or make it a main problem of the drama.
- university environment
What I don't like about this drama:
- love triangle

I don't know why many people didn't like the ending, it was a very beautiful way to say "I still love you."

PS: I know 9/10 is really high but the drama was just what I wanted to see and feel the past months.

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Alta Sociedade
4 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
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Jul 28, 2015
16 of 16 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 5.0
História 4.5
Acting/Cast 4.5
Musical 6.0
Voltar a ver 1.0
I had high hopes for this drama to be honest because of the cast but I really didn't like it at all.

The story wasn't that great, nothing new. Every episode was almost the same- same scandals, same problems. The only surprise was with Yoon Ha's brother but nothing more. I think that Uee wasn't right for this role, she didn't fit at all but maybe this is how I saw it.
Park Hyung Shik and Im Ji Yeon were the reason to continue this drama but even their story was made too sad than it's supposed to be. They had chemistry unlike Uee and Sung Joon.
The final was rushed and everything happened so fast.

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Escola Murim
2 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
de riri
Mar 18, 2016
16 of 16 episódios vistos
Completados 2
No geral 6.5
História 6.0
Acting/Cast 6.5
Musical 8.5
Voltar a ver 6.5
Everything was really interesting from the start but then in the middle they lost me. I decided to continue watching it because I wanted to know what really happened to the main characters, secrets, etc.
The story was good but I think the script was the main problem here. The writers wanted to put drama, fantasy, romance and friendship in all episodes, it was a mess sometimes. Some of the episodes were really boring and I think 16 episodes were too much.
I'm really glad that they used young and unknown actors(there are exceptions of course) for this drama, and let's not forget - foreign. Lee Hyun Woo did a great job, I loved Seo Ye Ji's voice but for the rest of them I can't say much. I was really excited for Hong Bin and he had really good scenes but sometimes it didn't feel right and natural. Alexander Eusebio speaking English made me cringe the whole time and it's not because he isn't good, I just hate those random English phrases thrown in the middle of a conversation.
I couldn't feel the romance here, they tried too hard to make us feel the chemistry but ... On the other hand the friendship was the best thing in the whole drama.
The OST was incredible, Vixx did a great job. When I'm listening to the songs, I want to fight.

It sounds like I really hate this drama but it's not like that. I liked it but it wasn't my favorite thing this year. It's great to watch it with friends or when you have free time. There were really good scenes and I appreciate how hard the cast was working because we saw incredible Martial Arts.

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