
  • Última vez online: 18 horas atrás
  • Gênero: Feminino
  • Localização: *head in the clouds...unfortunately with both feet still on the ground :(*
  • Contribution Points: 471 LV4
  • Aniversário: May 10
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  • Data de Admissão: julho 24, 2013

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*head in the clouds...unfortunately with both feet still on the ground :(*


*head in the clouds...unfortunately with both feet still on the ground :(*

I'm a former MDL Editor so feel free to contact me if you have any questions as a writer or editor. I'll gladly try my best to help you out ^^

I'm a clumsy person totally addicted to asian dramas/variety shows ^.^ I also enjoy reading books/webtoons~!

My dramas' system consists of watching the old classics and the lil gems I can find! Since I've watched dramas for long now I'm getting pretty picky with what I watch...& I'm so veryyyy slow haha I have a hard time watching ongoing/currently airing dramas cause em cliffhangeeers lol 

Drama special mention : a drama that left a lasting impression on me was It's Okay That's Love...I mean there was so many reasons for me to have totally fallen in love with it! First of all, there's the wonderful storyline that discusses about taboo subjects in South Korea as well as worldwide, then the cast/acting that was impeccable (the chemistry~) and definitely realistic & the OST was beyond perfect <3 There's bromance, romance (omg the series of kisses :OO ^//^) & a wonderful squad! I mean I have absolutely no complaints about this kdrama it's surprising! Make sure to check it out if you haven't already~!



My obsessions ~: 

Lee Jun Ki! Gawd this man~ I've been a fan since I've watched Iljimae he was so silly and fun. I got so into that drama and it really left a lasting impression on me. It is the only drama so far that I've watched which made me miss it so freakin much when I was done...I wanted moore and I was super sad for the following Two Weeks (pun unintended I swear! ;) This man is sooo gorgeous. be it his feminine appearance contrasting with his amazing action scenes + his rl personality tha super dorky, hyper guy! I want mooore haha I watched a few of his variety appearances (Family Outing <3 with Hyori gaah~~, Healing Camp, Knowing Brothers...) and I'd love him to appear on some more! Flower of Evil is epic ❤ He delivered one hell of a performance and proved his acting skills yet again ;)


Enjoy the prettiness & silliness haha :D ~~

Jo Jung Suk! Woah this man won me over since I've watched King2Hearts & I've been keeping my eyes on him ever since ;) I haven't seen all of his work yet but Jealousy Incarnate just intensified my respect for him as an actor! & the man can definitely sing <3 He did awesome in What's Up and I'm glad for all those random moments they made him sing in JI ahaha I can't wait for his next project! How I wish his merman cameo lasted the rest of Legend of the Blue Sea! Also he is a really awkward dorkie cutie irl hehe Which just makes me love him more :P His character Ik Jun in Hospital Playlist seems to be quite close to his real persona off screen, based on Youth Over Flowers in Iceland



Kim Nam GilHow can an ahjussi be this adorable? He was exceptional in his role as Bi Dam in Queen Seon Duk and I've been following his career ever since! He's definitely well known for doing melodramas but as for my personal opinion I'm more of a fan of his goofy side. KNG has such a great comedic timing and hilarious expressions~ I never get enough of them haha! I'll be looking forward to more from him after his excellent performance in Live Up To Your Name + Fiery Priest! <3

Random books quote: Hopeless by Colleen Hoover

''You can't get mad at a real ending. Some of them are ugly. It's the fake-happily-ever-afters that should piss you off...Life is real and sometimes it's ugly and you just have to learn how to cope. I'm going to accept it with a dose of indifference, and move on.''

Kpop: I've been following kpop since 2006 so...Im more into the older generation haha Got into it thanks to Brian Joo (he's the secret behind my username Azyjtevol)! He then lead me to Fly To The Sky & the exploration continued ahaha DB5K (JYJ/Homin) will always be my biased group! Even though I'm still finding out bout new groups~ 

For more check out my tumblr : cassieflyhigh ;)





Thanks a lot for scrolling till here hehe! So that was an introduction to my actor biases and a lil of my kpop roots as a fangirl~

Feel free to add me as a friend or message me! I surely aint gonna bite & definitely enjoy a lil socialising :D

*credits to all the owners of these pics/gifs, none are mine*


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