Dinner is a very relaxed, down-to-earth Drama. While it obviously has its exciting moments due to the main focus of the story being them trying to save their restaurant, it isn't an overly hectic or melodramatic Drama. You see the ups and downs that the staff of the Roccabianca face, as well as some personal issues faced by them as individuals, but all-in-all the primary focus of this revolves around food and the restaurant itself.
Now, I'm a big fan of cooking shows, so naturally I had semi-high expectations for the food aspect of this. Thankfully, I wasn't disappointed. The kitchen and overall cooking scenes were very well done and they left me hungry every time. It's interesting to see them working together in a kitchen and getting to see just how every little thing is made. Especially when they work on improving or creating new dishes.
Acting wise, I'd say that it's very well done. Definitely above average. The music is also nice, featuring a lot of soft, but typically cheery classical music in the background.
All in all, I'd say it's a very nice, non-hectic drama that's enjoyable in all aspects. I certainly have no complaints to make.
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