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Fev 25, 2016

Five Stars

This was such a good episode. 60 minutes were over in no time.

It's refreshing how fast the story was moving along, even though I don't suppose they will keep it at this pace for the rest of the show (unless they have six thousand pages of plot written out).

The characters felt very diverse with only hints of stereotypical drama characteristics. The acting was great and believable, everything seemed very natural. (Tiny exceptions are a given if you're not a trained doctor but playing a doctor.)

The episode was serious enough to make it seem foreboding for tragedies waiting to happen, but with enough humor mixed in to keep it entertaining and captivating.

Our two main buddies seem to be lovable and sweet for a change. I can't wait to see more of them.

All in all, I'm hooked for more!

(P.S.: The last scene was really cheesy though, wasn't it.)

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Ago 2, 2013

Nice ending. :)

That was a really nice ending. Okay, I hated the fuss they made about Soo Ha accidentally stabbing Hye Seung and was really frustrated when he didn't want to lie about it - But after all, it seemed really in character and since everything went well in the end, I don't care anymore.

I'm sooo glad everyone got their happy end. I'm also glad Min Joon Gook got a life instead of a death sentence. I mean, he tried to kill himself so he obviously wanted to die, why fulfill his wish? Being punished for the rest of his life is way more fitting. Even though I pitied him sometimes.. He was a great antihero. :)

Also I loved Seong Bin. Too bad she didn't actually get together with Choong Ki on screen, they are perfect together. Such chemistry!

And Do Yeon and her father.. they had so little time together. Everytime I think about how he could have had 26 years more of his life I want to cry. It's so unfair. I didn't even feel really bad for her adoptive father who's all alone now. He made lots of mistakes.

Anyway, facit is that this was an awesome drama. I'm just not sure whether to rate it 10 or 9. But I think 10 will be more fitting. ;)

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Ago 25, 2012


So that's how it is.. Wow, Mu Cheng is really working hard to make everything comfortable for Guang Xi. That's beautiful!

And is mother is horrible. She should just accept them. How I hate these kind of parents in dramas..

Oh and I'm glad he couldn't break up with her for a long time. Why do people always do that on TV when they find out they're sick? Every normal person wouldn't. :/

I like that they finally showed that Guang Xi does care for his friends (and they for him). Before that, it looked like they were just underlings or something.

The acting in this episode was especially great, but it overall is in this drama. :)

I still hate these little spoilerish videos every 15 minutes, though. I don't want to see those scenes yet! I have to hide my eyes every time they come up, it's so annoying.

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Ago 2, 2013


Yep, intense episode again. Great acting this time!

I was glad Soo Ha didn't jump into it completely reckless but called for help first. That was so much more realistic than the usual I'm-going-to-save-you-on-my-own-Drama-Heroness.

Oh and they aren't really going to make a fuss about him ACCIDENTALLY stabbing Hye Seung, right? It was an accident. They both know it, the victim knows it. It would be really weird if they'd charge him for something because of that now.. o.O
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Jul 25, 2013

Naw, not THAT twist.

This feels like a new arc is beginning, the second half of the show. I guess it'll be a lot different than the first half.

First of all, I really loved the suspense at the beginning of the episode and the emotions during the trial. Wow, I suffered so much with the characters.. it was horrible. :(

But amnesia? I really hope they won't use this completely over-used clicheed plot for more than an episode. It sucks. Therefor, only 9/10.
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Jul 24, 2013


So sad to hear that the twins had that reason to kill the man.. Poor guys. They should have confessed to it from the start. :(

And I hated that the Jang-Cha-date was ruined! Not that I particularly like them together, but at least that means that Soo Ha won't end up with Hye Seung. :O

Also, I liked the tension during the second half of this episode. It was really obvious how much Soo Ha hates Moon Joon Gook. I hope he won't do anything stupid.
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Jul 23, 2013


Oh my God, am I the only one who found that phone-ringing scene at the end really scary? I totally had to look away. ._.

Otherwise, nice episode. Hye Sung is already changing, that's nice.
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Set 23, 2012

Not perfect, but good enough. :)

So they got their Happy End in the end and Geol Oh became a guard? Wow, interesting. And what exactly did Yong Ha become? He isn't really still a student, right? xD

Many questions left open (for example why does Yoon Hee still use her brother's name, what happened to her brother, what happened to the new Joseon or the capital move, what happened to Ha In Soo and Cho Seon?) but the ending was cute. Could've been a little more Yong Ha and Geol Oh centered. :P
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Jun 27, 2012


Woah, what a first episode! Could've just as well been a movie. Great. ._.

The dogs are definitely the stars of this by the way. They are incredible. I don't like how they're locked into those tiny little cages, though. :(

But seriously, are ALL of those many people in uniforms going with them? I thought they are supposed to be less members of the expedition. Or did they get off?

I guess I'll find out. ;)
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Ohh right, her name appeared in the first episode. Okay. I'm so frustrated that they are going to suffer again.. it felt like happy ending. Dx

I hope none of them dies now that they've held out so long. I hope the police somehow got the message and are going to interfere at exactly the right minute..
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I wonder if Chi Hoon is really dead. I guess not, since we didn't see his body. If the Doctor would actually kill one of them, they would be way more obedient.. Not that I want any of them to die.

And poor sad Cameraman. I felt bad for him..

The metaphor was really well-done. The episode could have been a little more fast-paced, though.

Mireu to the rescue!
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Jul 29, 2013


Yay! Yosha! They're together and that horrible Mother totally got what she deserved. :D

Now that the mainies' story is finished, how about focusing on Oska for the last episode? I would be really happy about that. ;)
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Jul 27, 2013

Aw nice!

Woah, the fight at the beginning of the episode was really intense. Great acting, too.

And Oska and his trainee are so funny! I hope they have lots of scenes together. I still love Oska. :P

So our main location seems to have changed to Jeju, since everyone's gone there. I love Ra Im's boss, too. He's ridiculously attractive and cool. I hope he gets a Happy End.
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MONSTERS Episode 1
3 people found this review helpful
Out 26, 2012

Oh, this is actually supposed to be funny!

Wow, this was definitely not what I expected. I thought it would be just a little more serious, but I still enjoyed it.

The characters are interesting and if they don't make every episode the same, this should be a decent drama. The case itself was a little drawn out, so it dragged sometimes. I hope that will get better.

Oh and I don't like how all the other officers / detectives are shown as a useless, brainless hump. That's typical, but I don't like it.

Well, I will continue watching this. :)
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Set 16, 2012

Hilarious! :D

The first half of this episode was simply hilarious! I hardly laugh that much during dramas. It was amazing. Geol Oh is so adorable and dorky and naive in a way, and even Seon Joon was more funny than annoying with his I-do-nothing-but-look-cool-stance.

And Yong Ha, too. Haha, now he's afraid of ghosts. So cute. ;D

The rest of the episode was a little confusing. I feel sorry for the head student's sister.

Now I don't exactly get why Yong Hee is mad at Seon Joon, but I guess they will explain it in the next episode.

Anyway, this was definitely my favorite episode so far!
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