Firstly, this live-action series filled with shorts is loosely based on the anime and manga, which is also about the daily lives of Jesus and Buddha on Earth in Japan. However, this is more situated in the one-room apartment that they share and they don't go out at all. The casting choices for both Jesus and Buddha were spot on and I loved the details that they added from each religion. However, I do believe you do need an understanding of how Buddhism and Christianity/Catholicism (as well as Japanese culture) work in order to understand the religious aspects that they use for comedy - i.e. the use of "Amen" in katakana written on Jesus' T-shirt in one of the shorts. The show is extremely light-hearted and should be seen by all, despite its religious contexts. That being said, it is definitely not a show for hardcore atheists nor hardcore religious people. The show definitely brings the comedy into the religion, and, as a Catholic myself, it's definitely not an offensive show by any means. In fact, I had a good laugh at all the Catholic/Christian things that were mentioned. It is definitely something you can only watch once though.
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