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My Demon korean drama review
My Demon
4 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
by ariasmiling
Jun 25, 2024
16 of 16 episódios vistos
Completados 4
No geral 1.0
História 3.5
Atuação/Elenco 10.0
Musical 5.0
Voltar a ver 1.0
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers

A very overrated drama

Many people are going to hate me because they have mostly good grades.

But I really don't think this is good at all. Bringing out the chemistry and acting of the actors.

There really is no story here. He's like a complete copy of Goblin, even when he disappears from the from the human world lol

Why, if he is a demon, and even though he has lost his powers, does he not use them at crucial moments? I don't understand it, honestly. He just had to take Dohee's wrist to use them.

And when he got them back, why couldn't he take on a simple human? lol

The cinematography is okay, I wouldn't say it's spectacular but it's decent. The office looks nothing like an office of a rich company. You can see the difference between the office they used in Marry My Husband with this and you'll see what I mean.

The OST was decent but it's not something you would never forget in your life. It's actually pretty forgettable.

I think I understand why people like this drama, because of the actors and the chemistry. But you know even though their chemistry was good and their acting too, you can't just save a drama when there is no story itself.

It seems like a compilation of several dramas, not united, and with a lot of cliché.

I really tried to like it but if there is no story and it is just a set of dramas and scenes from popular dramas of this style, there is no way I will like it.
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