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Pyramid Game korean drama review
Pyramid Game
0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
by ariasmiling
Jun 21, 2024
10 of 10 episódios vistos
No geral 10
História 10.0
Atuação/Elenco 10.0
Musical 10.0
Voltar a ver 10.0
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers

The best drama of the year, without a doubt!

I really had high expectations for this drama because it was only about women.
Don't get me wrong, I like romance but in this drama there was no place for men or fighting over men. It was a sinister battle between women.

It's really interesting that they will use the concept of the pyramid. Because that's really what happens in all aspects of life. Whoever possesses wealth, power and beauty are above others. And the lowest of us must survive, as the protagonist and her friends did.

There is no black or white here, there are nuances in some characters. Many girls did not want to play this game but they had to do so to survive the macabre game that the antagonist had created.

I love Sooji's intelligence. At first she is strong and tries to survive, after seeing Myung Ja Eun she changes her focus and knows that she needs to destroy the game that Ha Rin created so that she can receive punishment from her and end the bullying.
The actress really did a great job. Although her personality is calm, upon being involved in this game and being a victim, she is extremely intelligent to little by little build a rebellion among the girls and cause Har Rin's pyramid to be destroyed little by little. It is too satisfying to see how she and her friends triumph in the end and give Ha rin a game over.

Not only does it show intense bullying, but it also makes me think that sometimes women are our own worst enemies.

I was very happy to see that a teacher really cared about what was happening and didn't really care about losing her job if she had to protect one of her students.
She didn't turn a blind eye to what was happening, like other teachers.

I'm didn't take it as a really feminist drama, perhaps a little because they showed the love relationship between two girls (I loved that), but as a rebellion against bullying and her own parents who put everything they wanted into their daughters.

I also love both reflections that the protagonist makes. The first is a talk she has with Myung Ja, which makes her understand that it doesn't matter that she led Ha Rin to be the way she was. It had no justification, in the end she was just a harasser who made excuses for her past, which was not as serious as what she did, to be a harasser and rely on "I was also a victim once."

The second reflection that I really liked was that she was also a spectator. This happens when she sees a group of girls walk past her, who were clearly harassing a girl. In the past she wouldn't have cared, because she just wanted to have a peaceful school life and not get involved in those problems (there she recognizes that she was also a spectator) but now she turned around to face these situations and save someone who is being harassed.

I also liked that each girl who stayed by Sooji's side took it as a lost dream or losing privileges from their parents, because they believed that since they were spectators, they also deserved punishment. For looking into the past and doing nothing to stop it.

It is clearly seen at the end that two twins enter, ready to play the pyramid game again, but when Sooji sees them and smiles, you know that won't happen again. She won't let it happen again. She is ready for another battle, but this time she is not alone, this time she has her friends on her side to stop this.

The performances were perfect. I read that some actresses were just making their acting debut, but they really did an impeccable job.

The soundtrack made you feel tense all the time not knowing what twist the plot was going to take, because there really are no cliché twists here. There are twists here that you don't even expect to happen and that leaves you trapped in each chapter.

The cinematography is perfect too.

There's really nothing wrong that I've found. Or maybe it is... that it is so underflown! This drama is really much better and superior than many dramas we have been watching so far and it is not that popular. That bothers me a lot!

In general, I stick with this reflection: "If you see that someone is a victim of abuse, don't look to the side, go and help them. Who knows if tomorrow you won't be in their place."
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