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  • Localização: Korean Dramaland and Variety Land
  • Contribution Points: 1,581 LV8
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  • Data de Admissão: maio 14, 2020


Korean Dramaland and Variety Land


Korean Dramaland and Variety Land
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Favorite Korean Dramas To Date

Here is a list of Korean dramas that I find to be very interesting. Some of which I have written my personalized reviews and some waiting to…

20 titles
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Binged-watched Dramas
4 titles 1 love
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Favorite Korean Variety Shows

Just a breath of fresh air and a little bit of reality. 

8 titles 1 love 3 comments
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People I Follow on Instagram and I Stan

I became interested in these people as I saw how they live their private lives on the Korean variety show "I Live Alone". Indeed, they…

10 people