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In Case of Love taiwanese movie review
In Case of Love
6 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
by Sonkido
Out 8, 2012
No geral 10
História 10.0
Atuação/Elenco 10.0
Musical 9.0
Voltar a ver 9.0
A cute little movie that is centered around a little ginger kitty, actually two little abandoned kitties looking like twins but with at least a decade between them. Anyway, I'm not gonna give out anything of the plot. Talking about the plot, this movie doesn't really have a plot - nor does he need it. You don't get details, just snippets of crucial moments and there is no conventional plot development (like beginning - issue - climax - solving the issue - conclusion), nor are we told what is going to happen with the present-day characters, two or four-legged ones! I, for one, didn't need to know. When the ending credits rolled, I was left with a smile and I was reassured that everything in life - no matter how painful, or bleak - can be overcome and all we need is companionship and understanding. It's not necessarily a didactic movie, but it surely gives one hope!
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