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Sol do Mestre
103 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
de Suki
Ago 30, 2014
17 of 17 episódios vistos
Completados 1
No geral 9.0
História 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 9.0
Voltar a ver 9.0
Another highly acclaimed and loved drama that I was putting off (It's become my habit to that) and regretting watching it so late. But better late than never. You should also take that into account and watch this show if you haven't yet, you're missing out on some really good writing and acting.

The story had me hooked right from the beginning. The moment I read the synopsis I knew I wanted to watch the show, but again the generally high ratings were turning me off a little, as I didn't want to start the show with unrealistic expectations. I began it nonetheless and to be honest I should have lowered my expectations a little and I might have enjoyed it more, much more than what I felt this time. The execution and direction was praiseworthy. The horror element could have easily become pitiable and downright miserable, but the writers kept a good balance between spooky and funny. The pace of the show is.. good. I wouldn't say it is perfect since it gets a little draggy in the middle, but that usually happens in almost all the dramas, even the really good ones, so it's not really something you should base your decision on, just giving you a heads up.

The actors. Wow. Impeccable work. Su Ji Sub was a pure delight to watch on the screen. His persona and charm as Joong Won was impressive. I could easily connect with the character because of him. Same goes for Hyo Jin. I'm currently watching another work of her's (It's Okay It's Love) and she's simply marvelous. I loved the work of each actor in this show. Each and everyone. I'm definitely going to try other works by these actors.

The OST of this drama was really likable. The songs were beautiful and catchy, and put forth the emotions well. The melody of the tracks especially, was quite soothing.

Despite the fact that there is so much I like in this show, there are things that stopped me from giving it a perfect overall 10 rating. It's definitely one of the shows I could rewatch again without much hesitation. But there was still the slight glitch that I faced towards the later part of the show. Too much push-pull tactic going on between the lead pair for my taste. Granted it's not unreasonable and foolish, there's a good solid reasoning behind it, but for me, it went on a little too long. But the writers need to be commended for giving a good and proper ending to the show. I was really happy with the finale. Almost so much that I forgot about the way it was dragged :P

Either way, don't let anything stop you from trying out this show. It's absolutely worth the watch. All the genres that the drama incorporates (Horror, Romance, Mystery, Comedy), everything is in a perfect blend and nothing overpowers the other. A really well crafted show. Don't miss it!

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Mate-me, Cure-me
158 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
de Suki
Mai 3, 2015
20 of 20 episódios vistos
Completados 2
No geral 10
História 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 10
Voltar a ver 10
Brilliant. Genius. Beautiful. Heart-wrenching. Heart warming. Unforgettable. These are the words that are spinning in my head as I write this after just finishing the show. The potential was evident from the first episode and everyone delivered on the expectations that became exponentially high, even till the last minute of the show. There were moments when I wasn't sure how the story would move froward from that point or how they were thinking of executing a plot, but the writers wove the story so beautifully, everything just unfolds itself smoothly, it just wraps you up in a cocoon you never want to come out of. There was such warmth in the show, it's unbelievable.

If you had to summarize the story of this show, it'd be pretty simple, could be done in a few lines. To have given a lifelong worth of depth to those few lines, to have brought alive the events in the life of the characters, to have made us feel what what the characters were going through with such beautiful narratives, the writers need to be commended. The plots could have easily gone awry in so many places, but EVERY plot, every character, every loose end - have all been taken care of with remarkable finesse. There are zero complaints or unsatisfied worms lingering in my head, none.

Where do I begin with the actors? Where? I've been blown away, drowned, burned, buried, shocked - you name it - by every actor in this wonderful show. Ji Sung left me begging for more of him, even when he was present in 90% of the scenes, I just wanted more. "I wish that the time would stop, and that I could be with you forever", that's all that I felt every time he appeared. This guy can ACT, and he did a bloody brilliant job in this show. To have portrayed 7 personalities, is commendable. To have played 7 personalities with such absolute perfection, is downright worth worshiping him for. There wasn't a moment went he faltered in his performances, never a flaw, never a single crack in his portrayal. Be it the grumpy, violent, protective, dashing and charming Shin Se Gi; the middle-aged, goofy, bomb-making, beer-loving, accented Perry Park; the quite, calm, suicidal teen-genius Ahn Yo Sub; the foul-mouthed, oppa-crazy, troublemaker twin sister of Ahn Yo Sub, Ahn Yo Na; and the less frequently appearing 7-year old Nana, or Mysterious Mr. X; Ji Sung has lived and brought to life each of them. I didn't know it was even possible to be able to do such a thing! I had to literally pause the episodes and look at his face to believe in the changes. His eyes changed, how does one do that. Just with his expressions, his gaze, his very demeanor it was obvious as to which personality it was. He wasn't just Cha Do Hyun behaving like someone else, he WAS someone else. And it was one of the best performances by any actor that I've seen. My opinion of Ji Sung has reached the Sun.

The lead lady Hwng Jung Eum came as a surprise to me. I've ever seen her works before and I'm glad I began with this show. She handled every scene so well. She was goofy and loud and cute and serious and mature and terrified and depressed - and every emotion was conveyed very nicely. I'm looking forward to seeing her other works. Park Seo Joon was a delight to watch, that guy made me laugh and cry with equal flare. His character was simply brilliant, very heart touching. It would be unfair to the others if I focused on a few actors more than the other but these three deserved the mentions, the rest of the cast did a pretty great job as well. They're the ones who were able to make the script, story and direction work.

I don't know what I had in mind when I began the show, what it was that I had expected it would turn out to be, but whatever it was, it was nothing compared to what I actually got. The stories of each personality, their traits, the personality itself grows on you so much that it's hard to let them go. I found myself hoping for them to come out sometimes. I grew to love every facet, every broken piece of Cha Do Hyun. I was sobbing harder with every farewell. It felt as if you're losing a person rather than a personality. The story of each character in this show is going to be in my heart for a long, long time.

I'm really glad I picked up this show, it is one of the best I have seen. The level of brilliance is more than worth watching. I'm already looking forward to rewatching it in the near future. I don't think I've had enough of the characters yet.

The kind of show that Kill Me Heal Me is, you don't need any reasons to watch it, all you have to do it watch the first episode for a couple of minutes and you'll be irrevocably hooked, just as I was. It's everything you want in a drama of this genre. Everything and more. Don't miss out on this one, you'll be passing on a masterpiece.

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Algo Inocente
60 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
de Suki
Ago 30, 2014
Completados 2
No geral 9.0
História 8.0
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 5.0
Voltar a ver 4.0
I'm still shaking off goosebumps after finishing the movie. I thought I knew what I was getting into and I prepared myself for it but I didn't know I'd still be this jarred. I'm not really sure yet whether I like this movie or not, but what I cannot deny is that it is a very strong and solid film.

The story is not a very complicated one. You have an obsessive school girl who's crazy about her teacher and thinks what they have is love. The teacher wavers slightly and pays the price for it with his family at stake. A simple setting but what sets this movie apart are the layers of complexities in each character's personality. More so than the obsession, the film makes you see these characters as individuals whose stories you are watching. A really well directed and written piece.

The actors did a splendid job. Jang Hyuk and Jo Bo Ah were completely engrossed in their roles. I really need to mention that these people have a huge age gap in real life and to portray such a tender and hard-to-digest topic with such realism is commendable. There were times when I was too repulsed to watch the scenes but couldn't take my eyes off of the screen because the actors were doing such a brilliant job. Worth the watch for the actors' work if not anything else.

It is definitely not something just anybody can see. You need the appetite for this sort of movie. When they say there's lust, betrayal, obsession and revenge, they mean it. There's no sugarcoating anything here. Just raw emotions. In fact, I don't think I'd be able to watch this movie again even if I wanted to. Everyone gave such a powerful performance, It's going to stay in my head for a long time.

I might not have enjoyed this movie in the true sense of enjoying a movie, but I sure respect and admire the work. It's a really good movie. Not made for everyone though. It's also rated R because of explicit scenes that are shown, but there's nothing extremely offensive about them. So that's another thing to consider before watching the movie if you're not ready for that sort of content.

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77 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
de Suki
Jan 16, 2015
20 of 20 episódios vistos
Completados 1
No geral 10
História 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 10
Voltar a ver 10
I cannot recall the last show that I found so gripping and intelligently written. I feel that this show has raised the bar for me and placed it considerably high. I simply didn't want it to end! A show that had me hooked from the 1st episode to the last one without a single low point or a hitch - it's hard to come across those. I'd like to warn you that this review might be a long one, but such a show deserves nothing but unabridged words from the heart.

The story was simply genius. The twists and turns didn't seem deliberate, the characters were true to life, the sub-plots were all significant as well! Nothing, and I really mean NOTHING was out of place. No side characters seemed forcefully added or hastily exited (Although the finale did seem to exclude an end to a tiny plot the writers were building, but I'm willing to squelch that itch in my brain). The story itself taught so much! I still remember the great things I learned from I Hear Your Voice and the writers haven't failed to teach me several things in this show either. There was such commendable courage, unconditional love, and selflessness shown in this drama, it simplifies many things that have become complicated in our lives these days. The main pivotal element, that brought freshness and brilliancy to the story, was the drama's namesake medical condition - Pinocchio Syndrome. The inability to lie brings such delightful reprieve from all the deceits and hidden truths and misunderstandings that come along with relationships. If only people were usually so honest and open about their emotions, things wouldn't be so complex. There are some of the most beautiful bonds that I saw in this show that I will never forget. I could go on and on about how remarkable the story of this show was, and still not say enough.

I need to take a deep breath before I begin about the actors. Why? Because I need to make coherent sentences from the heap of positive adjectives that are popping in my head. All I can think of, are words such as - Perfect, incredible, incomparable, outstanding, amazing, brilliant, etc. etc. I can certainly say that from the leads to the guest appearances, EVERY single actor, that worked on this show, deserves an applause or a pat on the back at least. I've never seen such a plethora of great performances, all in one show. Each performance of the actors seems to be imprinted in my head. Lee Jong Suk was positively dazzling throughout the series! And Park Shin Hye pleasantly surprised me with her remarkable portrayal of Choi In Ha. I'd never been a fan of hers, but I have to admit, she gave an absolutely stunning performance. The veteran actors, that were part of the cast, need no extra praise, they were great as always. A special mention for Jin Kyung and Kim Hae Sook though, these two ladies gave such captivating performances as the antagonists that I couldn't help but respect and admire their characters even while hating them. Kim Young Kwang and Lee Yoo Bi looked really promising! I've seen other works by these two, but Pinocchio definitely brought out the best of them, as well as every other actor in the cast.

The OSTs in the drama struck a chord in every situation they were played in. The music really brought forth the emotions and conveyed the intensity of the moments spectacularly. There were so many scenes where I simply shed tears because of the perfect harmony of the music and the script.

Which reminds me to mention the powerful script that the show had! Such impactful words, such brilliant dialogues! The chemistry between, not just the lead pair, but every actor was evident and impressive. I've run out of adjectives that I usually get to use while describing a show, but I still have many things I haven't been able to mention. The list of things that worked in the favor of the show is too long to post in this already too long review. If anybody has had the patience to read till now, I'd like to request you Dear Reader, do not let anything stop you from watching this show, it'll be one of the best you've ever seen. I can guarantee that. I'm off to place this in the top slot of my favorite dramas.

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O Clássico
26 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
de Suki
Jul 30, 2014
Completados 2
No geral 10
História 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 10
Voltar a ver 8.0
There were about 35 minutes left for the movie to get over and I'd already given a rating of 8.5 thinking nothing could redeem the rating now at this point. The scores I've given now after finishing the movie tell a whole different story. This is the magic of the movie. A good movie turned into a beautiful story in a matter of 30 minutes. I'm still holding back tears as I type the review.

I began the movie thinking I already had the plot figured out. While watching the movie I still thought that this isn't such a great movie maybe. By the end I was choked up and bawling my eyes out. The story takes such an unexpected turn towards the end that you just never see it coming. It was a beautifully woven tale about the love stories of a mother and daughter. In fact, as far as unrequited love stories go, this has got to be my favorite one. Usually at the end of those, I'm cursing the characters for their foolishness but this time, I was awestruck by the sheer power of sentiments and reality when it comes to loving someone you cannot be with. The strongest part of the movie, as well as the best, is the story.

The actors were all truly amazing. Son Ye Jin is one of my favorite actors and she never fails to impress me. She did a great job playing both the roles and brought credibility to the screen. Jo Seung Woo was brilliant from the first scene he appeared in, you just love the guy by the end. Jo In Sung and Lee Ki Woo had smaller roles but were pretty good in their own respect.

I never usually notice the music in a movie because there's not much time, not much focus on it. But the music of this movie was heartbreaking and heartwarming-ly beautiful. The instrumental theme of the movie made me feel bittersweet, like an unrequited love.

I could definitely watch this movie again but maybe in a little while, not in the near future. I'd like to see it again when the effect of this tie wears off and I need to be reminded that yes not all the love stories get their happy ends but life moves on nevertheless.

A must watch movie for everybody. Steer clear if you don't like too of much emotional hooha. But I'd still recommend it anyway because it's just that brilliant!

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Amantes da Lua
22 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
de Suki
Ago 10, 2017
20 of 20 episódios vistos
Completados 2
No geral 10
História 9.5
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 10
Voltar a ver 10
It has been ages since I have been compelled to write a review for a drama. Not that I haven't seen good (or bad for that matter) dramas lately, just that, none of them made me want to stop and sit and write about them. There was something so captivating about Moon Lovers that I had been hooked since the first episode. I binge watched it straight till the final episode and I am so glad I picked it up after it was completed, I wouldn't have been able to wait for weeks to watch the episodes otherwise. When I read the storyline I was kind of expecting something along the line of 'Faith', a drama that had already dealt with a modern character being stuck in history due to rare astronomical occurrences. I had loved Faith and wasn't sure how this drama could handle something similar and stand out or trip and fall, even.

I have been pleasantly surprised at every turn when it comes to the drama. The story was so beautifully unfolded that I didn't even realize I had spent 20 hours watching it. The pace was so thrilling, the sub-plots so well blended with one another, the twists were thrilling, it was a memorable journey from the first scene till the last. The way the writers have handled all the characters and their individual stories as well is commendable. I found myself warming up to the characters unexpectedly. Until the very end I was skeptical, rational and kept my wits, but the finale did it. Such a marvelous beauty. It's going to be a long, long time before I forget the characters, the story or this drama.

I won't lie. Lee Joon Ki drew me into the drama. I probably wouldn't have picked this amazing drama up in the first place if it hadn't been for him. I might have missed out, but then I think it is safe to say that one of the MAJOR reasons this show was so unforgettable was because of him. I haven't seen such a powerful performance by an actor in such a long time. He made me feel bad for him, he made me fall for him, he made me laugh, he made me hate him, he made me cry with him. Until the very end, this guy held my attention like my life depended on it. IU was so so SO GOOD! I was pleasantly surprised by her dynamic acting. I'd only seen her in Bel Ami and it wasn't really a.. stellar show to say the least, but she gave such a brilliant portrayal of an amazingly strong character. I'd say nice things about all the cast and end up writing a 10 page review, so I'll just sum it up by saying that except maybe a little overacting on the part of a few people who were playing the roles of pedestrians on the streets, remarkable acting on everyone's part! (I hope you got that joke :3 )

I'm currently listening to at least 4 of the OSTs on loop since the last few hours. Hauntingly beautiful pieces were created for this drama I must say. A couple of them raised goosebumps on my arm. Even if you don't feel like watching this show (although you must!), you should definitely listen to the soundtracks, they're that good.

I would start re-watching this right this instant, but I won't. Solely because I am now waiting for a second season to this drama. I really really hope they make one. I'd read the reviews and comments while watching it and people were really sad in general. They kept saying how this was such a sad drama and a tragedy. It was, but it was also breathtakingly beautiful. I'm tearing up just remembering it. The love between the characters, be it Wang So and Hae Soo, or the brothers (the ones who got along anyway), or the families, was heart-wrenching. I'm definitely rewatching this show even if the second season doesn't come out (but please SBS make the second season! *kneels and begs*).

I have been shaken up by this show in a hundred ways. I love it when a drama I don't expect to be good turns out to be one of the best shows I have seen in my life. It was so human, so real. All the people in it were human, they made mistakes, they had flaws, they loved, they hated, they were weak, but they were also really strong. I'd recommend this drama to everyone, regardless of your favorite genre. It deserves to be seen. You might not like it (I bet you will though), but you won't be able to forget it.

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Alarme do Amor 2
28 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
de Suki
Mar 12, 2021
6 of 6 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 6.0
História 6.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musical 9.0
Voltar a ver 1.0
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers

My alarm would not ring for this show

I withheld my opinions for this series until the second season came out, hoping they would tweak the things that were wrong with the first season. First off, I am all for realistic storylines with flawed characters. But what I do not stand for are characters that do not have a character growth at all. From the onset, there seemed to be a lot of potential because of the premise. An application that reveals the feelings of the other person? Interesting. Does that mean transparency from the get go? Yes (which was later on conveniently wiped out, but who cares, JoJo can do whatever she wants. But more about that later)! Refreshing? Sure. A distorted way of communicating? ABSOLUTELY.

Let me breakdown what and where this went wrong for me -
1. A sudden cliched "two worlds apart" situation between the 1ML and FL. I was suspicious they might add that trope of "leaving for the benefit of the other", but I hoped, really hoped they wouldn't do that. Proved me wrong.
2. The way FL's story arc progressed flatly until the last episode where she suddenly decided to right the wrongs. It took someone to murder people for her to finally realize she wasn't really being a nice person. If I had to describe her story graph it would be _________/ At least that's what it was made to look like, for me it never picked up. There are far, far better characters arcs that overcome childhood traumas, without playing with other people's feelings and messing up their heads.
3. The writers probably wanted to show that the two MLs were unconditionally in love with JoJo, but all it looked like to me what she could do whatever she wants, and they'd still be at her beck and call. There were multiple instances she stepped on their hearts and didn't care to explain why. They still followed her like lost puppies. They both deserved so much better. Sun-oh definitely did. That man was made to cry for years - YEARS - over the FL who TILL the end never made up for her actions.
4. I would have been very happy if the bromance of the two MLs had more substance. It felt empty. I was supposed to feel it, but couldn't.
5. The second season felt so forced it made me cringe. Like a 16-episode melo was attempted to be cramped in a 6-episode mini-series. The story felt off, the wrap up was messed up, there were no emotions attached.
6. I feel I need to emphasize a little more about the FL's character. It is going down as one of the most frustrating leads I have ever seen. I see zero reason for her being the lead at all, she showed zero maturity, zero sensibility, zero empathy, zero growth in any sense whatsoever and still looked like a victim in every situation till the last episode.

There were several things I liked as well though, I should mention them nevertheless -
1. The first season was shot beautifully. I loved the setting, it was really refreshing. One word to describe it would be - promising.
2. The way the relationship between Jojo, her aunt and her cousin evolved (however limitedly).
3. The acting was good, I loved the work of the whole cast! I could see them trying their best with what they were given.
4. The overall concept of the show and what we could learn from it. It's thought provoking.

Comparing the things I liked, and the things I did not, it is safe to say it was the writing that ruined it for me. The storyline + characters. The way the flaws of the FL were glorified and excused because of her past basically undermines the growth people actually undergo when they overcome traumas. I wish the actors chose a better project. I'd love to see other works of theirs, because this show is a bad memory now. What's worse is that along with the FL, the audience is made to play ping pong with their feelings regarding the MLs. I hate when shows do that. Now the 1ML is being inconsiderate and heartless, now the 2nd one is doing the same, oh god the 1ML is hurt, oh no no the 2ML is hurt now. What exactly are you trying to do writers? Do you have no other content to keep the viewers watch your show until the end? It's a rhetoric question. They do not, in fact, have any other content.

Never re-watching this, and never recommending this to anyone.

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Um Amor Tão Divino
8 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
de Suki
Jul 18, 2014
Completados 0
No geral 8.0
História 8.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musical 7.0
Voltar a ver 7.0
I was skeptic even while the movie was buffering to begin. I almost closed it. I'm not religious as such so the whole 'going-celibate-in-service-of-god-because-you-love-him-alone' thing has always seemed a little outlandish to me. No offense to the people who follow this, I have respect and admiration for what they do, it's just not something I agree with.

But I still began watching it, and it was quite pleasant. I wouldn't say the story is anything exciting or there are great build ups. It's a nice, sweet story that can be enjoyed without any issues. It gets much better towards the end, when emotions are shown more vividly, things move at a quicker pace. Somewhere in the middle I thought the movie lost its aim, but I can overlook that since the later half was pretty nice.

This is the second movie of Sang Woo that I'm watching and I think he is very likable as an actor. I especially liked his role in this movie and he did a great job with the performance. Ha Ji Won is considered as one of the best actresses ever, but somehow I've never been able to connect with her acting. She always seems a little off to me. I'm not judging her acting skills, don't get me wrong. She played the character really well. The rest of the cast, especially the guy who played Sundal (Go Mi Nam's manager in You're Beautiful) was hilarious. Lovely work by everyone!

I didn't like anything in particular from the Music in this movie, it wasn't unpleasant but it didn't strike the right chords with me.

As far as rewatching goes, I'd have to pass it. This was more like a one time watch movie for me, frankly. It's a nice movie, you could watch it when you want to take a breather. Not regrettable.

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Casa Cheia
8 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
de Suki
Jun 21, 2014
16 of 16 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 8.0
História 7.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musical 10
Voltar a ver 4.0
So I'd watched this as a kid when it aired on a channel in our country, but couldn't finish it and it's been on my mind since. I finally got around to watching all of again and now after having finished a few dramas, I think my kid-self was a little over-excited :P

First, the story wasn't a fresh concept to me. But I won't go around blaming that, there are tonnes of ways to bring novelty to old storylines as well. The characters were nice, believable, a little thick maybe but they don't tick you off as such. The character evolution takes longer than necessary but seeing that the plot didn't have much to go on, it was needed for the characters to get around slowly. One thing I liked was that they didn't try to incorporate everything into a single plot. They could have put in numerous obstacles, all sorts of them but they stuck to a couple of problems that popped up again and again. Which could be tiring as well, frankly. I mean, how many times can you really go through the same procedures again and again?

The lead actors were great. I loved their performances. To be honest, they were the sole reason that kept me going. Regardless of whether they were bickering or yelling or laughing or wallowing, I loved them. Rain brought Young Jae to life. The character of Young Jae is lovable as it is but Rain just made me like him even more. And both Rain and Song Hye Kyo were great together! I've never seen more realistic bickering between couples on any drama yet.

The music was so good! I was really surprised. I don't know why but I didn't think the show would have a good OST, I was so wrong! The main three songs that were repeated throughout the show were catchy, fit the scenes, were good over all.

I don't think I'll watch the show again but there were pretty nice bickering/quarrels between the lead that I might watch again sometimes in the future.

This is supposed to be one of the most famous dramas around and mostly everyone's watched it. But if you haven't and are wondering if you should, you should ask consider the fact that the story in itself isn't great and you won't find amazing twists or such but I'll give you this, the lead is worth watching the show for. If you can put your trust in the lead and want a story that'll leave you with a smile on your face and maybe wet eyes at the end, you can definitely watch this. But if the story and premise, and plot twists are an essential ingredient for a drama to be good for you, maybe you can pass on this one.

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Doutor Estrangeiro
13 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
de Suki
Jul 10, 2014
20 of 20 episódios vistos
Completados 2
No geral 7.0
História 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musical 10
Voltar a ver 3.0
For anyone who's been paying attention to the weekly episode reviews I've been posting, it is quite obvious that I've been following this show religiously for the sole purpose because it had an amazing beginning. I do not exaggerate but the start of the show really was one of a kind for me. But this show just might be the prime example of how things sometimes go downhill in a Korean Drama.

The plotline of the show was strong, it had the potential to be great, if executed properly. The thing that didn't work for me at all was the writing of the show. It was clearly evident from the trajectory of the episodes that the writers were making things up as they go. That is not a great trait for any drama, it basically ruins everything. If this had been an older drama that I was watching now, I would have definitely dropped it by the 10th or 11th episode (They were the weakest episodes from the whole list of weak episodes) for sure. But since I felt a sense of loyalty towards the show and the actors, I watched it regardless of that, just to see how the writers would screw up next week.

There were some really great medical elements though, I loved every hospital scene. What irked me was that a mystery and suspense that had started out so brilliant was warped and made into an annoying recurring subplot that ruined the rest of the drama. The writers tried to revive the show towards the later episodes but sadly they couldn't get it back up on the level it was before, far from it.

All in all the execution of a possibly good plot was delivered disappointingly on the writers' part.

The acting in the show was, moderately good. Lee Jong Suk did a phenomenal performance as Park Hoon. He was bright, he was sharp, he had skills, he WAS Park Hoon. The next person who totally stole every scene he was in was Park Hae Jin. That actor deserves more than he's getting! He did an absolutely amazing job as Han Jae Joon, the broody brilliant doctor with a shady past and a purpose of revenge. Watching these two guys was a prize I got in return for sticking with the show. The female leads were okay, I wouldn't say they were that good. The rest of the cast was pretty experienced and did well in their respective roles. I don't have much complains in the acting department.

The OST of this drama was superb. I loved every track, I've got every one of them on my phone and I listen to them quite often. The background score is pretty great as well, intense and hits the right nerve. If I had to choose one thing that worked out well for this drama, I'd say it was the Music.

This drama is not something I'd like to go through again, it made me rethink about watching shows that are airing currently. But I guess I shouldn't generalize. The overall score of 7 was mainly because the show had a really strong and impressive beginning, nevermind the steep slide it went through after the half-run.

In all honesty I cannot recommend this drama to anyone anymore. I did when the show had just begun and had started galloping awesomely but now I'm embarrassed to even suggest the show. A show that began so wonderfully made me ask myself what the hell is happening and why am I watching this anyway is not something I'd recommend. It had it's moments, it's got one hell of a medical drama aspect but the script of the show becomes downright meh after the 10th episode and you just have to go along with whatever twist or boomerang they throw at you. Watch at your own risk.

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Minha Garota Adorável
14 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
de Suki
Nov 7, 2014
16 of 16 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 8.5
História 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musical 9.0
Voltar a ver 6.0
I've been reading a lot of flak about this drama since I began watching it. One thing I've read everywhere is that if this drama was one thing, it's boring. I don't really agree with that. It's got a really mellow pace, which admittedly could be boring to some. But those are not the same things. I can say I did enjoy watching the show. I'm a very impatient person and I was able to go through the whole show in a couple of days without skipping any parts.

Though I wouldn't deny there were a few unnecessary sub-plots that didn't really add much to the show, and in all honesty just filled up the gaps, but I'm willing to overlook those for the sake of the love story that was being shown. I liked the story. It seemed realistic and plausible. The characters in themselves were quite real in my opinion, I can almost believe that this was a real story. Sure, there aren't many thrilling or omg moments in the story, but it is still very endearing at a core level.

The romance in the show was the key point that kept me hooked. I forgot I was watching Rain, Krystal, L or any other actor, I was just looking at the characters in the story. Some found the coupling of Hyun Wook and Se Na quite odd, which is surprising because they played their parts quite well. We have a thiry-something old guy who's just coping with the loss of his love and a young twenty-something sister of that guy's love, who in a turn of events fall in love with each other. Obviously you cannot expect it to be a typical by-the-book romance. There are too many emotions, too many things between them to have a carefree love story. But what you do have is a fundamentally understanding and loving relationship. It doesn't always have to be heady, some love stories are just plain sweet.

I'm going to admit I started watching the show because of Rain. The story was interesting but, Rain pulled me in. I loved watching him act, and since there's no doubt in his acting prowess I will not elaborate on that scene. This was the first time I heard of Krystal (I'm not an avid KPop follower) and was intrigued. I wouldn't say she's really good, or bad, just that she played her character well. It could have easily turned into a whiny annoying damsel in distress sort of a portrayal but she did better than my expectations (which were very low to begin with but anyway). L was okay. Frankly he seemed out of his skin sometimes, acting is definitely something he'll have to work on. I'm not judging him, I haven't heard his music, cannot comment on him there, just stating my opinion about his acting. The rest of the cast was fine, nobody stood out really.

I loved the music! It felt fresh and heart-warming. Krystal's voice in her song was too sharp for my taste earlier but it grew on me. But the song 'I Want you' was.. magical. I feel all warm and fuzzy inside whenever I hear it. It's a song that makes you want to be in love. The show's got a good OST overall. Worth listening.

Although I enjoyed watching the series, I wouldn't say I'd watch it again. For some reason, it feels like a story that I've heard and which I'll definitely remember, but repeating it might take away it's beauty. I don't know if I make sense, but there are some stories that I just read or watch once and then never again even if they're quite amazing. I want to relish in the feel of the first watch or read. Makes them more real, like something I might have actually witnessed in my life which won't repeat itself in the future. Makes me want to remember all of it.

All in all I'd say I was smitten with the show throughout the airing. I loved watching the actors, I loved how the story unfolded, I forgot about the cliches, I forgot about what's right what's wrong, all I focused on was the fact that love prevailed no matter what and that Hyun Wook and Se Na deserved to be happy together.

It's a lovely story, which deserves to be seen. But my unbiased verdict would be to watch it only and only if you're willing to keep an open mind and not get into the bog of what's right and what's wrong and what should have been done and how. Also, if you want an exciting and thrilling romance, this show is not for you. What we have here is a calm and ordinarily paced story that feels true to life. It's not everybody's cup of tea. I'd recommend it to the true romantics though.

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Conexão: Comer, Amar e Matar
8 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
de Suki
Jul 26, 2022
16 of 16 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 8.5
História 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 10
Voltar a ver 8.0

A dish that has a lot of ingredients, tastes a bit odd, but leaves a sweet aftertaste

After reading the comments here, keeping the past works of the cast in mind, and also the genre - I began watching the dramas with lukewarm expectations. I had been ready to drop it after the first episode if it didn't intrigue me. I ended up binging it.

In a morbid manner, I absolutely hate confusing suspense but at the same time I'm so utterly immersed in the whole "who did it?" mystery. Which is why the first 12 episodes kept me glued to the screen and stopped me from fast forwarding a single scene. I wanted to take in all the clues and baits the plot threw my way. And it was a decently paced out one at that. I didn't truly realize is already watched the story unfold for 12 hours.

Here's the caveat though. As soon as the mystery unravelled, somehow, the plot lost is lustre. The thrill died down. Suddenly everything felt smushed in together. I'm holding back a lot of things I want to write because it could be a spoiler. But I'll be hoping my feelings got conveyed ( via the link of course ).

Along with the main leads, the support characters have all been given their due, which is often rare, as we usually do not get to see personalities of supporting characters in depth. The cast is impeccable, they lived and breathed their parts in my opinion. In all honesty I'd been a bit skeptic about Ga Young but she played her nicely! I did feel there were a lot of inconsistencies in the character arcs, sometimes very conveniently to further the plot, but it takes away the umami from the food, if you know what I mean.

The soundtrack is AMAZING. I like the chilling, thriller-isque aspects of the songs. They were really catchy and well timed. "Unknown World" is a FAVORITE. The slower, mellowed tracks were beautiful too.

I want to talk a bit more about the story - without any spoilers of course. Keeping the theme in mind, this is a relatively darker drama. There is romance, there are light-hearted moments, there is dark comedy as well - but at the core, it remains a tragic story. How something might seem like a singular incident but is linked to a hundred more. Maybe the name of the drama is derived from that, and not the emotional link between the leads (which was, again, very conveniently inconsistent). The relations depicted between family are one of the best I've seen, they're heartwarming and wrenching at the same time. The chemistry amongst the entire cast was *chef's kiss* - ah, reminded me of Chef Eun Gye Hoon's kiss, ahem. Also, yes, there's tonnes of crying. The story demands it really. You'd have to be inhuman not to cry of you were put through what the characters went through. But if 80% of the episodes have an average of 50% tear time, maybe the characters were being put through a little too much. Am I micro-analysing a bit too much as well? I loved the premise and the story regardless. A good attempt at combining a lot of genres!

If my review felt a little all over the place, but still made sense to you - you are all clear to
watch the show and enjoy it. If you are one to nitpick and get bothered by convenient plot shifts, anti-climatic reveals, smh moments- maybe give this a pass. My two cents? Watch it if you'd like a diet version of Beyond Evil, with a side of romance and comedy.

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Eu Ouço a Sua Voz
8 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
de Suki
Mai 27, 2014
18 of 18 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 10
História 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 9.0
Voltar a ver 7.0
I was a fool that I let the hype scare me away from such an amazing show for so long. But as they say, better late than never. I thoroughly enjoyed every minute of the drama, from the first episode till the last. The story was gripping, the characters were outstanding, the acting was stellar, nothing went overboard at any point (considering everything), the pace of the show was just right, had the element of clever wit and the episodes were consistently good. A drama that has everything? I finally found it.

Never has a show taught me so much, and I'm not saying that these teachings have been profoundly philosophical or deep inner-soul hoo-ha. The basic things like being honest, compassionate and responsible. At the same time, being a good judge of situations and analyzing your actions before doing them. It also taught me that I should never feel ashamed to accept my mistakes and learn from whomever I can. These things may seem like everyday stuff but, for me, I'm not sure that I always go by all them diligently, even though I know I should. This show has, somehow, compelled me to. Suddenly I'm thinking, hey, maybe being honest about what I think wouldn't be so bad; but at the same time, being prudent about the truth wouldn't hurt either. I think it's suffice to say that along with the characters of the show who learned tons of things from each other, I learned a helluva lot from them.

The consistency in the show, along with the nature of the characters that only evolved for the better despite being same at the core, was commendable. It made me stick with it right till the end. The emotions portrayed by all the actors (brilliant work by them btw, another reason to watch the show) strikes the right heartstrings, without ever giving the feeling that it's deliberate on their part. You relate with them, their feelings, their predicaments, everything.

I think I should especially mention the praiseworthy performances by Lee Jong Suk and Lee Bo Young. Not that the rest of the cast doesn't deserve commendations, but for me, these two were just absolutely terrific. Surprisingly, there's this one character in this show that I adored beyond measure - Hye Sung's mom. In all the dramas that I've watched so far, I've never come across such a strong mother. She was just.. great, I have no words really. She's definitely going to stay in my heart for a long, long time.

On an ending note, I'd recommend this drama to anyone who wants to watch something worth their time. This show totally deserves all the hype and appraisal it has received. Go for it :)

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Hotel Del Luna
6 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
de Suki
Jun 2, 2020
16 of 16 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 7.0
História 7.0
Acting/Cast 8.5
Musical 10
Voltar a ver 1.0
I was compelled to write a review for this drama since the ratings misled me way too much. This drama had the recipe for a perfect fantasy romance but when served, most the parts were either cold or half-cooked but looks very good. There were good moments in the drama, but those were so sparse that it didn't make sense to watch an entire one hour episode for it. I feel sad that such a brilliant plot premise got executed like this. I'm always down to watch a good fantasy drama, especially one with romance, and had high hopes for this one. Let's get into the details now -

The plot line captivated me from the get go. I knew there would be past connections, betrayals, healing and just a truck load of heartfelt emotions. I got half and half of everything. The stories of all the primary ghosts were sidetracked and stretched far more than they could handle. They lacked the substance and depth to be spanned across 10+ episodes. In contrast, some of the shorter stories of the ghosts were more interesting.

There are instances where the story tugs at your heart but it fades away without leaving a trace. I felt no genuine connection between the main characters. Nothing. From the first episode to the last, I never smiled or frowned or cried with them. The secondary story of Man-Wol's past stirred me deeply though. I teared up every time their memories were shown. Which made the way their story was concluded even worse. A story spanning 1000 years was thrown aside, bid good bye without shedding a single tear? I felt that, as a viewer, I was cheated at that moment, having invested so many hours warming up to the ghosts of the past only to have them vanish as if they were nothing.

Maybe it was the way the character of Chan Sung was written but it was a chore to watch him. Everything about him is perfect on paper, but his personality felt so flat and two-dimensional. Man-Wol on the other hand is one of my favorite characters so far. Her feisty nature and personality commanded every scene she was in. I give her 100% credit for coaxing me to finish the show. I only wanted to watch her character evolve. These two as a pair felt forced and unnatural. The few scenes that Man-Wol had with Yeon-U and Cheong-Myeong had more feels and emotions than all the scenes of Man-Wol and Chan-Sung combined.

The acting was really good, a great cast indeed. If I keep aside the way they were written, the actors all portrayed their characters flawlessly. IU is a delight to watch in every frame. Her dynamic performance as the temperamental Man-Wol is one of her bests yet. The music of the show is hands down one of the most memorable ones I've come across, the OSTs are definitely going to be an addition to my playlists.

To be fair, this show is by far one of the most beautifully shot dramas I've watched. The production was top-notch. The cinematic elements were really really good. But they still couldn't make up for the depth that the story lacked. I'm afraid this might just remain as one of those dramas that could've been. Maybe I've been spoiled for good by the likes of Moon Lovers (which still makes me weep when I think about it). If the elements of fateful encounters, reincarnation, supernatural intervening interest you, there are better shows out there than this one. If there ever is a sequel like the end credit hinted, I hope they build a solid foundation of story first rather than a flimsy card castle painted in gold.

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Destinado a Te Amar
11 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
de Suki
Set 5, 2014
20 of 20 episódios vistos
Completados 1
No geral 10
História 8.0
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 10
Voltar a ver 10
I've spent so much time crying and laughing with this show that it's really hard to believe it's come to an end, it feels as if a part of me is gone now.. The characters have made a place in my heart and it's going to be really hard to forget them, not that I want to. This has been one of those shows that I absolutely fell in love with from the very first episode and stayed madly in love until the last. It's very rare for that to happen for me because at some point or the other something puts me off. But not with FTLY. I fell hard and deep with this one.

What's so amazing about this show is that it's got such a simple storyline. You basically know the beginning, the middle and the end inside out. You know what's going to happen and how. Despite all of that, for the fact that you still anticipate every episode, still blush and giggle at the romantic moments and still cry your eyes out at the sad ones, the writers deserve commendation. A truly beautifully written show with direction. The pace was so smooth, the transitions were so effortless that you just go with the flow of things and I never thought I was watching a show, rather listening to someone's story. There's a huge difference if you really think about it.

I already know that there was a Taiwanese version of this show (which I haven't watched) plus there was the usual girl-meets-boy plot so I can't really say it's a very original concept. I can't compare the show versions either without watching the Taiwanese version either. But all I can say is, this show occupies a truly special space in my heart. I've cried in many dramas, but this is only the second time that I've cried while feeling the characters' pain deep in my bones (the first being in Love Rain)

The main credit for this attachment that I have for the show goes to the actors. Jang Hyuk simply blew me away. He is such an outstanding actor. I've fallen in love with his acting. Since I began the show I've seen a couple more of his works and he was just wow. You can just look at his work and see that he is a really brilliant and seasoned actor. There's this special magnetic quality about him that you just cannot take your eyes off the screen when he's on. It doesn't matter what he's doing, you'll still watch him. And he played the role of Gun to perfection. He WAS Gun. The parts where there's sadness, Jang Hyuk makes you bawl your eyes out. His eyes are lethal. His mannerisms are so bloody realistic that you just feel so mesmerized and forget that it's just a show and not something that's happening in real. He's beyond words.

While I couldn't connect with Jang Na Ra's acting in the earlier episodes, she totally captivated me later with her ability to live her character. These two phenomenal actors gave such a breathtaking performance that it's hard not to fall for them and their characters. The support cast was equally good. There moments of ridiculous comedy but they were quite endearing too. I couldn't make out any mis-castings.

The music. Oh lord what do I say about the music of this drama! It is simply magical. I can't think of another word. It's got the power to transport you to another world. To the world of FTLY. Even now when I listen to the tracks Goodbye My Love (By Ailee) and Destiny Sonata (By Jung Dong Ha) I get lost in the flashbacks of this show and my eyes end up tearing. It's embarrassing but that's what the music of this show does to me, especially these two songs. Such powerful melody and lyrics, it just goes straight to your heart and you feel the emotions. Perfectly made for the show.

I will definitely absolutely without fail rewatch this drama. I don't think I'd be able to live without watching Gun and MiYoung for long. The couple was one of the best I have ever seen in any RomCom. I will recommend this drama to everyone who loves to watch a good love story, or wants to see some really good acting by some of the most brilliant actors around. This is so much more than just another RomCom. This show becomes a part of your life. Don't miss it!

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