
  • Última vez online: Jan 24, 2024
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  • Contribution Points: 44 LV1
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  • Data de Admissão: outubro 16, 2011

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Thanks for stopping by. I don't see dramas of interest to watch for now but my last most beloved drama is the Her private life and the Thai love Destiny. Love the story and the couple. 

My recent western tv favourites: The Crown, Downtown  Abbey, Suits ,Sherlock. 


  • Favourite novel ever: Don Quixote, Lord of the rings Trilogy. 
  • Favourite movie ever: Amadeus, Up, GRand Budapest Hotel.


  • Otome:  Scarlet Fate (Kuso/Shiki), A2~A due,   Dandelion,
  • Rpg:  Rakuen, Trails in the Sky, Mass Effect 
  • Puzzle/Adventure:  Monument Valley, Syberia,
     OPUS: Rocket Whispers
  • Exploration/Adventure: Aquaria
  • Simulation:  Harvest Moon DS Cute, MfOtMT, Animal Parade, Another Wonderful Life

I write about games and books and other things on


                                           ABOUT   MY DRAMAS

Favourite drama/ movie characters 
OTP: favourite romantic couples list
  SPECIAL: favourites
FULL-LENGTH DRAMAS FAVES:  Korean | Japanese | Other 
ENDINGS in dramas and movies : list of endings


My ratings reflect only the extent to which I enjoyed a particular drama and what and how this drama made me feel OVERALL. And also generally speaking I enjoy them  all  but  I tend to reevaluate my reception late,r and  rescore dramas to reflect that.

 at/below 5.0

unhappy with casting, premise, storytelling, flow, writing quality

  5,5 - 7,0

 one-time watch, quite fun, had issues with storytelling / writing  or acting , direction -  execution


 would rewatch, memorable, fun, loved story, good/ great characters /affected me or had a really good time/ great flow/ storytelling/ writing quality / dramas i return to

 movie keepers 

FAVOURITE  BUDDIESSam and Al (Quantum Leap), Spock and Kirk and Bones, Fraser and Ray (Due South); Athos and D'Artagnan, Sherlock and Watson, House and Wilson,  Mike and Harvey 
FAVOURITE NON-ASIAN TVManiac, the black mirror, Doctor Quinn, Quantum Leap, Star Trek: The Original Series, Little House on the Prairie, Road to Avonlea, Due South, Ed, BBC's Sherlock, The Crown, Downtown Abbey,Suits. 


TOP 4 SERIESMonster, Uchuu Kyoudai, Itazura na kiss,

MAL profile

TOP 2 MOVIESHowl's moving castle, Millenium Actress, 
Top SEIYUUMorikawa Toshiyuki, Tomokazu Seki, Kazuya Nakai

Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life

List: Drama OST List: Movie OST

Spotify Playlist - Tales Between The Lights

John Barry - them from Swept from the Sea ||| John Barry - Yanko's dance |||   Always look on the Bright Side -Life of Brian  |||  Zetsuen no tempest anime ost - reminiscence |||


Joe Hisaishi - Asian Dream Song  / View of Silence  

 산울림 - 회상 (Sanulrim)  |||  Be Dust- Lee Yoon Soo ||| HeeNaRi - Koo Chang-Mo ||| The Jewelbox in my heart - Sunflower ||| 변진섭 - 희망사항 (1989年)  |||  Han Daseu - To the Land of Happiness  |||    Kim Soo Chul You are young |||  Sung Shi Kyung - Two People  ||| Kim Kwang-Suk' - '나의 노래(My Song) ||| H.O.T- Candy ||| 

News - Nantoka Narusa 

Chet Lam  To Meet  |||  Teresa Teng - Moon Represents My Heart ||| Olivia Ong - Favourite Things

Dougie MacLean - Ready For the Storm  III  John Denver and Placido Domingo- Perhaps Love III  Nantes Beirut  |||Imagine  John Lennon III 

Words are  magical... here are my favourites

I dream of lost vocabularies that might express some of what we no longer can 

 Jack Gilbert 

ENGLISH: tranquility, mercurial, serendipity, tempest, becoming, comely, eloquence, ephemeral, ethereal, spectral, epiphany, erstwhile, evanescent, evocative, fetching, fleeting, gossamer, halcyon, harbinger, labyrinthine, lagoon, lithe, nemesis, panoply, bucolic, plethora, pantheon, unravel, radiant, intricate, elaborate, summery, surreptitious, talisman, woebegone, veer, winding, wander,aberrant, aphelion, perihelion, acolyte, aegis, amaranth, gale, nightingale, zephyr, aurora, imaginative, imaginary, breeze, mistral, mystery, elusive, gust, apocalypse, apollonian, archipelago, argent, azure, bereft, bliss, dawn, dusk, eventide, eve, twilight, cacophony, harmony, empathy, symphony, rhapsody, melody, concert, chime, whisper, shadow, cantankerous cataclysm, catharsis, charisma, chimera, cherish, chthonic,  terra/terrestrial, subterranean, globe, jewel, cosmos, sphere, orb, fragile, delicate, graceful, elegant, maritime, aquatic, abyss, chaos, chasm, oceanic/ocean, pelagic, seafaring, seahorse, destiny, fate, foil. eponymous, providence, happenstance, fortitude, willow, cornucopia, copious, crepuscule, shade, crestfallen, cusp, dearth, hearth, dwelling, abode, sanctuary, temple, shrine, sanctum, sepulchre, hollow, hallow, haunting, decadence, diaphanous, transparent, crystal, serene, luminous, pellucid, mist/misty, dystopia, eburnine, ivory, alpenglow, afterglow, halo, moonlight, beam, sunlight, ray, glimmer, bloom, blossom, spring, autumn, fall, equinox, vegetation, fauna. flora, harvest, celebration, ecstasy, joy, merriment, festive, feast, feat, mirth, misery, century, millennium, aeon, era, hourglass, spell, centerpiece, Chronos, infinity, forever, endless, eternity/eternal, crescendo, forlorn, oblivion, elapse, ancestral, rite, hesternal, perennial, yesteryear, disconsolate, forsaken, nirvana, decay, empress, enigma, ensoul, essence, euphony, euphoria, fantasical, whimsical, feral, gallivant, gallant, glisten, godspeed, grandiloquent, haberdashery, humility, illusion, divine, divinity, magic, Ferris wheel, fortune, fortitude, prophecy, sorcery, bewitch, enchant, sorcery, intentional, iridescent, iris, juxtaposition, kismet, kaleidoscope, prism/prismatic, echelon, rainbow, fray, engagement, clash, wave, crest, current, whirlpool, tide, stream, lachrymose, lackadaisical, lambent, loom, horizon,  maudlin, melancholy, metanoia,, touchstone, milestone, misanthropy, myriad, starshine, galaxy, nebula/ nebulous, myrmidon, myth, yarn, storytelling, tale, spirit, narrative, reminiscence, chronicle, nadir, nefarious, nocturnal, nigh,  nuance, oneiric, revelation, reverie, muse, inspiration, nightmare, torment, ordeal, imagination, opulent, orison, prayer, oxymoron, panacea, Panthalassa, paramour, tantamount, tantalising/ tantalise, taunt, tease, paramount, peculiar, penchant, penumbra, pilgrimage, peregrinate, phoenix, phantasmagoria, platitude, portentous, potent, precipice, edge, verge, threshold, propensity, pyrrhic, quintessential, quixotic, recherche, regenerate, rejuvenate, rendezvous, tryst, elope, resplendent, glorious, reverberate, echo, ricochet, rivulet, ravine, raven, rive, wreath, havoc, wreak, unleash, sagacity, sanctimonious, scintillating, sempiternal, sidereal, constellation, sirocco, soliloquy, solitude, solitary, sough, somnambulism, soporific, splendiferous, suave, sublime, succumb, submerge, surreptitious, inconspicuous, susurrus, swashbuckling, sycophant, synechode, taciturn, taint, elegy, threnody, tintinnabulation, torpid, torrent, tramontane, folk, transmogrify, succulent, savory, twinkle, ubiquitous, valedictorian, valley, vale, dale, glen, dell, watershed, verisimilitude, unkempt, vertigo, voyage, vespers, volatile, voluptuous, weanling, wanderlust, hinterland, wise/ wisdom, Xanthippe, yesternight, zephyr, thread, yestreen, weaver, amber, jade, sapphire, gemstone, pendulum
JAPANESE: komorebi,


267d 9h 5m
6,725 episódios, 350 programas
13d 17h 51m
171 filmes

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