
  • Última vez online: 23 horas atrás
  • Gênero: Feminino
  • Localização: somewhere between the monsoon rain and you.
  • Contribution Points: 3,264 LV11
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  • Data de Admissão: janeiro 17, 2017
  • Awards Received: Finger Heart Award1 Flower Award3


somewhere between the monsoon rain and you.


somewhere between the monsoon rain and you.
Mae Ka Khanom Wan thai drama review
Mae Ka Khanom Wan
0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
by Soju
Jul 1, 2021
15 of 15 episódios vistos
No geral 6.5
História 7.0
Atuação/Elenco 8.0
Musical 10.0
Voltar a ver 1.0
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers

A Very Unique Sort of Frustration

When I first read this drama's plot, I was immediately intrigued and thought it was a great title to invest my time in. I went into this expecting a little bit of push and pull, but overall a fun, easy-going drama. However, I think I found myself more frustrated with the female lead than anything else.

I think by the time I reached EP10, I was continuously asking myself how I was going to complete the rest of the 5 episodes. Nonetheless, I did complete this drama instead of dropping it. And I will admit, it had its good points as well.

Below is a comprehensive list of things I liked or did not like about this drama. I hope it is able to help you.

⌜The Good Points⌟

・Original soundtrack — was very nice. Especially the opening theme. It played a huge part in my enjoyment of this drama.
・The FL's uncles and aunties — were amazing. I think they were the pride of the drama. I really enjoyed their humour.
・Absense of angst* — while there are parts that in some other drama may induce anxiety and sadness. In this one, it doesn't.
・True love wins — no not for the main leads. I am talking about the FL's second uncle who is able to woe her maternal aunt.
・ Thai Desserts —At the end of each EP, a new Thai was introduced and talked about. I enjoyed what each dessert signified.

⌜The Bad Points⌟

・Cultural appropriation in EP10 — two different cultures/race

・The Female lead — Is extremely annoying.
Just because you like to dress like a man does not mean you be so loud and disrespectful. In fact, let me rant for a minute, please. The woman was extremely loud and yelling and shouting all the time for absolutely no necessary reason. She also had not even a single ounce of respect for her uncles and aunts and talked to them rudely even when they spoke to her nicely and inquired about what made her upset. Being a tomboy does not give you a green pass for being a rude little rat.

・The main lead romance — may amuse others but I am not for this tsundere 24/7 romance, thank you.
・The Plot — I thought the plot was a little holey, especially in terms of the main tension which the whole Mafia thing.

Overall —
Personally I believed that it was a mediocre drama simply because of the characters and the so-so plot. However, it did not have too much angst and the FL, despite her flaws, was kinda badass. Therefore, give it a go if you want!
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