
  • Última vez online: 7 dias atrás
  • Gênero: Feminino
  • Localização: Crete, Greece
  • Contribution Points: 5 LV1
  • Papéis:
  • Data de Admissão: agosto 24, 2021


Crete, Greece


Crete, Greece

Candidates to watch next (subject to change): -.

Stuff about me
How I got into Asian dramas
I only recently got more into Asian live action stuff. I had encountered some in the past, but mostly just some japanese and korean films and some chinese and korean tv series. The ones I enjoyed the most out of these were My Fair Princess (I really liked the character of Xiaoyanzi - I even named a kid in Tomodachi Life after her!) and Pinocchio, but I ended up dropping both as their episode length was quite tiring. From these I had generalised and gotten the impression that every such series was 50 mins. - 1 hour/episode, which seemed quite daunting to me, and thus didn't think I'd be able to get into them.

I thus got more into this type of thing after 2 things happened: First, I randomly found Densetsu no Okasan which was 29 minutes/episode, and thus the shorter length made me more willing to try it out, and I found it surprisingly enjoyable. Second, at around the same time I saw the announcement for the upcoming anime Fuuto Tantei and read it was actually the sequel to this live-action show called Kamen Rider W; I thought I'd check that out as well, especially as I like stuff with detectives, and also found it quite enjoyable.
So I thought I'd want to watch more shorter length series (10-30 minutes/episode) such as these, and decided to create this account to keep track of everything before I start losing count (which was the case with anime, that I'm a more experienced watcher of, before I joined anime sites), and to be able to discover new stuff to watch more easily.
Length and genre preferences
At least for the time being, it's clear that I prefer series with shorter episodes as opposed to longer ones, and I also don't really watch series with more than 50 episodes (specifically, ~50 eps. is the maximum I can tolerate, but I do tend to prefer series with 12-26 episodes max. when it comes to episode count).
As for genre preferences, what's certain so far is that I like action - I like action flicks a lot (e.g. I liked Gongjo very much), and tokusatsu also hits the spot for me action-wise; in general this stuff really mesmerizes me and hypes me up. :-) And it seems I like slice-of-life as well, a preference that apparently carried over from my anime watching, as I've enjoyed series of this genre in both anime and live-action.
In other media (western series and films for example) I also like seeing mystery and crime-solving stuff (I especially like Agatha Christie stuff, but in general I consider anything including solving crime cases, detectives/police and forensics pretty cool) - I haven't watched that much Asian stuff of this genre yet however.
Things that impact my enjoyment
One other thing I should note here is that my enjoyment of this live-action asian stuff is at times reduced by what I call "Asian-blindness". It's similar to colorblindness, in that like how colorblind people can't see certain colors, I often have a hard time distinguishing asian people amongst themselves, that is to my eyes often (especially when they're wearing school/work uniforms) they might as well be identical twins, since they look that similar. Indeed, more than a few times I confused one individual for another, and only later in the episode I realised I had wrongly identified the individual, which thus meant I also understood the affected scene(s) wrongly. I suffer from this less when they're all wearing different enough clothing and/or have different hair colors and hair styles (which also means however that I can get confused when a character has a haircut or changes their hairstyle, at times to the point where I don't recognize the character and think it's some other person instead). Hopefully, this will happen less as I start watching more such stuff.
(small addendum to this: turns out this affects quite a few people, and as a result has its own term: cross-race effect. This also means that I might indeed get better at telling asian people apart by more exposure to asian dramas)
Some notes about my ratings
It seems like the scores I give to stuff and what they mean to me diverge from what they mean to a lot of other people on this site - for example, I've seen people in reviews think that 7 is "average/bad", while for me it's "good, just not great" instead. So here's an explanation of what the scores I give mean:

  • 10: A masterpiece.
  • 9: Really, really, good/great. I rate thus shows that had either a really good plot/atmosphere/humor (depending on the genre), really emotionally impactful scenes that stayed in my memory or really good action that mesmerized me.
  • 8: Very good. Usually less impactful than the ones rated 9, but I still enjoyed my time with them a lot. When they're as impactful (or even more impactful at times) as the ones rated 9, they had some other flaws that prevent me from giving a 9 instead.
  • 7: Good, but less so than the ones rated 8.
  • 6: Average. Was enjoyable while it lasted, but ultimately was nothing special. Some of these might have some flaws that made me enjoy them less that the above e.g. plotwise. Also a lot of shows might end up with this score if it's been a while since I watched them and they didn't leave me a lasting impression.
  • 5: Like 6, but with more flaws that made me enjoy it less. At times, I might also give this score to stuff that was simply so average as to be downright forgettable.
  • 4: Stuff with very few redeeming points - I'm not quite sure why I watched these.
  • and below: Maybe I shouldn't have watched these. I want my time back... (Thankfully haven't needed to use this so far..) 
I use the .5 increments to show when I enjoyed something slightly more or less than what the above denote (e.g. 6.5 is something that didn't feel to me as good as something I'd give a 7, but that also felt better than something I'd give a 6).
And there's also a lot of stuff I haven't rated, because I'm not quite sure how I feel about them e.g if they're average, I might not be sure just how average.
Other things about me
Other things I do in my free time, outside of watching dramas and tokusatsu, are listening to music, watching anime, reading webtoons and manga, and playing videogames. I also like history a whole lot, and have a preference towards Medieval history.
Some other stuff about me: My native language is Greek. I also have a near-native level fluency of English and French. My result on the Myers-Briggs personality test is INFP-T (thought I'd mention it, since other people do too).

N.B. The "Not Interested" section on my list is actually used instead for stuff I'm ambivalent about, as well as stuff the existence of which I want to remember because they're related to things that are already on my PTW (e.g. they might belong to the same franchise).

Here are some banners and badges btw (just to spruce up my profile a bit, since it's all text otherwise):

(made by Poia)


7d 21h
505 episódios, 55 programas
2d 1h 1m
44 filmes

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