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The Beast
4 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
de Natty
Mar 28, 2020
Completados 0
No geral 5.0
História 5.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musical 5.0
Voltar a ver 1.0
I just finished this movie and thought it was completely average. I feel like you can't blame the actors for the bad plot, so I'm giving them a much higher rating than the overall score. It's so average that I don't really think I remember much more than the main plot, which was to figure out who the murderer was. Lot's of fight scenes and investigators talking. Other than that the plot has gone completely over my head, and that's pretty bad cause I just finished the movie like... 5 minutes ago. I should at least remember some of it, but it wasn't very memorable. Only reason I finished the movie was because I had already seen half the movie when I figured that it wasn't getting any better. And then I thought I might as well just finish it. I wanted to give it a shot, and not just drop it after 10 minutes.

I'm giving it a score of 5 and not less because I feel like 4 is bad, this one is just... meh... Not recommending it (unless someone is a completionist and wishes to watch every movie from their favourite actors) and never rewatching it (except if someone pays me, I might say yes then XD). But just because I didn't like the movie doesn't mean someone else will have the same opinion. Maybe someone else will love it, so if you wanna go for it and watch it, do it :-)

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