Story: Although the story is a cliche for Uee, (her specialty poor and miserable then a happy ending) she always keep improving every time. The plot is well executed and well written.
Characters: All have developed, all characters had closures. except for two characters stood the same.
Plot twist: There are few plot twists along the way. it made the series freshen up when it dragged a bit.
Re-watch value: it is totally re-watchable, its one of the series that you will not bored of.
The team work of the cast is super effective for the near perfection of the series.
The music though, i thought it would be more remarkable OST, i only had one OST by heart, not all of them.
All in All, this is a very likable experience and i definitely recommended
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This webdrama... is awesome, easy going, the storyline we out of logic but so much acceptasble. i was wondering whether the male lead one of WINNER boys would pull this off, but he actually did it.
It was watchable and rewatchable. it was so fresh and all had equal lines to say.
over all... it rewatchable and fun.
and u r never bored watching this,
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its true i have a thing for dark and twisted, but if u r really sensitive to psychological problems DO NOT WATCH
BUT i want say, the acting with so and so for the second male lead. the first lead with the psychological thing
is what made this movie as it is "dark and twisted" its actually discussing a serious deep psychological s**t!
its really worth to watch IF and only IF you wanna understand how people with this kinda mental illness develope
these kind of behaviors.
I like the story, only if it was really developed, cz its missing ALOT. the leads could have more acting lessons and training.
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STORYLINE: its all about REAL life! REAL events! Something people usually hide, and search for a fluffy drama. The stories of the couples are covered realistically true... the issues they deal with clarifying the dangerous sides of being gay as well as the good sides. They raise awerness.
ACTING: the acting was soo believable! Was very professional, the events were well developed and delivered.
CAST: the guys are HOT! Lol but its also well paired, the chemistry was all around the place.
MUSIC: oh come on! Thai drama OST? heck yah! Have u ever saw a thai drama with no good music?
REWATCH VALUE: well... its a wake up call for everyone concered for the matter. Realistic , raise awareness... drama, hot guys, good storyline and entertaing.
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STORYLINE: its all about REAL life! REAL events! Something people usually hide, and search for a fluffy drama. The stories of the couples are covered realistically true... the issues they deal with clarifying the dangerous sides of being gay as well as the good sides. They raise awerness.
ACTING: the acting was soo believable! Was very professional, the events were well developed and delivered.
CAST: the guys are HOT! Lol but its also well paired, the chemistry was all around the place.
MUSIC: oh come on! Thai drama OST? heck yah! Have u ever saw a thai drama with no good music?
REWATCH VALUE: well... its a wake up call for everyone concered for the matter. Realistic , raise awareness... drama, hot guys, good storyline and entertaing.
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Long dramas or "soaps" have their own kind of fans. Not everyone can endure such long detailed movies.
The drama characterize the reality. they put real life problems into something to watch. Not every one might watch these kinds of events because it really reminds them with the THE real issues out there.
The show is very interesting, its out of the cliché storylines we usually watch.
Its full of cliffhangers in each and every episode . Something you might expect and somethings you wont expect.
The characters always develop into new phases. monologues and dialogues did not repeat itselves,
The music was very good actually. Osts always contribute much to the drama. and it actually grows on u. u feel humming the music wherever you are.
The story line itself, is a bit interesting, no memory loss, no one comes back to life, no body switch.
It is not re-watchable though, it will be well predictable if you wanna rewatch it. it will be easily hints spoilers cz u will never forget what happened. its because the kind of reality characterization.
if you are not into long dramas, haven't watched any yet and you wanna start watching soaps, don't start with this one. find yourself a 50 long episode or maybe a 30. if you are a first timer you will be sort of bored. BUT I LIKE this one so much. i cried, i laughed, plotted schemes with the characters, shouted with them. and i had my closures as well.
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there is chemistry, realistic plot, i laughed, cried, smiled, shouted out... this is the first web drama that i call a "drama" i haven't watched a drama like this as in 15 minutes per episode. highly recommended.
Although Kyuhyun's acting a bit Lacking BUT i am convinced and swayed my feelings.....
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Storyline : Hint of cliche (restarting your life after hitting rock bottom) but it was well executed and well plotted.
Characters: Well developed, recognizable personalities.
Comedy/Drama: both were fit right in the place. You will laugh and you will cry.
Music: I LOVED the music, already familiar with two of them, it made me feel nostalgic aand i sang along. it was the perfect icing of the cake.
Re-watch value: for me, i wouldnt watch it right away, i would wait a couple of month b4 i re-watch it.
I know you will love it. so its highly recommended
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I really enjoyed the other new sides of song seung heon. although it's somehow the story plot is dealt with alot, but you can never get tired of this kind of stories.. its recommended for a family afternoon.. Cheers!
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but there are some comedy in some scenes, but it is highly recommended to watch
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Acting: Well if you know the cast you won't wonder how good it is. actually the perfection part is because of the leads.
Story: well delivered. good execution and the directing was good as well. guess that good production money makes an-already-known-stroylines watchable.
Re-watch value: Although i did tear up in the end at some point somewhere, but i wouldnt re-watch it. but its worth checking out.
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Drama Special Season 3: Still Picture
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the actors are "cute" and perfectly fit, great light drama of 12 eps, highly recommended
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