
  • Última vez online: 8 dias atrás
  • Gênero: Masculino
  • Localização: Australia
  • Contribution Points: 0 LV0
  • Aniversário: November 09
  • Papéis:
  • Data de Admissão: fevereiro 3, 2024
  • Awards Received: Finger Heart Award1
Em andamento 4/6
O Amor É Melhor na Segunda Vez
8 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Mar 27, 2024
4 of 6 episódios vistos
Em andamento 0
No geral 10
História 8.0
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 10
Voltar a ver 10

A fascinating *mature* BL drama that's sensual, seductive and highly rewatchable

The finest mature JBL of the year so far — This Is A Do Not Miss. Also extremely useful for language learners, as the conversation is normal polite pace and easy to follow.
Both leads, Furuya Robin and Hasegawa Makoto, play their roles to perfection as the highly likeable, playful eagle and his confused but willing prey. If you like jealous villains on the side, this is your show too!
Made for adults, with chemistry so electric you'll rewind the scenes that are dripping with sensuality and passion. Trust me, you'll hit replay within the same week, maybe even the same day. And fight the urge to skip ahead to the steamy scenes.
All 6 of the 25 minutes episodes dive deep. We witness both characters peel back each other's layers, leaving us wondering: is it manipulation, seduction, or revenge? The suspense, juicy dialogue and mystery will have you craving more.
Enjoy the fantastic assistant played to perfection by Takamatsu Aloha, with his razor sharp campy queen one liners; the little dashes of Japanese style symbolism throughout (the pursuer devouring a redundant engagement cake, matching yakuta gowns, etc), a fair bit of above waist action and plenty of oh so sensual kissing, a dash of gay guilt melodrama, and several amusing moments: this series is a delightful ride. Accomplished screenwriters Watatane Aya and Yasukawu Yuke have absolutely delivered quality in this series.
Also appreciated, is the beautifully edited sequence featuring both main characters and their younger selves, along with energetic opening and closing tunes and a romantic musical score throughout. Although the music occasionally drowns out the dialogue, hopefully this will be fixed next season.
Each episode closes to Ayumu Imazu's thumping dance track "Bandage", a toe tapper that perfectly suits the emotional rollercoaster and smouldering sexual energy of the show. I guarantee you will find yourself bopping along to it in the car or bus!
*** Thank You For Reading! "Follow" to be notified of the next review! ~Fuyimawagi

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2 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Mar 25, 2024
12 of 12 episódios vistos
Completados 1
No geral 9.5
História 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musical 7.0
Voltar a ver 6.0

Charming, Honest and Heart Centred

One of the few dramas with no romance, just an intriguing story that our household enjoyed to the end. I also recommended this series to friends. There are not enough drama with seniors and middle aged people, in my opinion, so this one was refreshing in its focus on a long retired man with a surprising dream. His whole family are absolutely against it. But others support him in his quest. It's also a show about friendship between generations. Just watch it
.. I know you will enjoy it immensely. Thank you for reading! Feel free to Follow me for more reviews. ~FW

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Hidamari ga Kikoeru
1 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Set 23, 2024
12 of 12 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 8.0
História 10
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musical 6.0
Voltar a ver 6.0

Modern Issues, Fresh Perspective

This one really deserves a sequel so we see how the MLs progress in the future. Am now planning to read the manga as it apparently ends differently. A heartwarming, fast paced, realistic perspective on living with, or loving, different ability, and the people who do not judge others as "less". Good to see acceptance woven throughout the ensemble cast and across the script. Also very realistic in that often PWD will retreat from social situations that cause difficulty or inconvenience for others. Some very lovely scenes of modern campus life and friendship, realistic male conversations and positive older role models such as Grandpa. The 12 episodes are short and will fly by. Highly Recommended!

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Kentaro Hiyama: O Homem Que Engravidou
1 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Set 7, 2024
8 of 8 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 8.0
História 10
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musical 6.0
Voltar a ver 4.0

A Fascinating Flip On Parenthood

What would the world be like if men were working, birthing parents? Would work conditions improve, or stay the same? Would women be empathetic? Would bosses be more humane? These and many other issues, are explored in this clever modern drama.
One of several recent dramas brought into the Netflix stable, the show is 8 episodes of pleasant and enjoyable surprise. Written with pathos, intelligence and quirky humour, this drama clearly highlights, without lecture, how far society has come and how much further to go, in advocating for new parents and families. Short episodes, a well chosen lead, good pace and some really intuitive developments. Even in 2024, it’s easy to see there is a lot of room for advancement. Enjoy! 🌟👋 F

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Tóquio Grand Maison
1 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Set 4, 2024
11 of 11 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 9.0
História 10
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musical 8.0
Voltar a ver 9.0

Michelin supervised, drama galore! must watch

LOVE CUISINE? This.Is.Do.Not.Miss. 🌟🌟🌟 "Maison" is a totally enjoyable ensemble with high production values and a wonderful underdog theme of survival, triumph and forgiveness.
The authentic Michelin detail and supervision is *very* evident from the beginning, and if I'm not mistaken, the show features dishes from real 3 star Japanese restaurants like Quintessence (goat bavarois). There is a strong affinity and cultural relativity between Japanese and French food culture: detail, balance, palette sensitivity, social considerations and more. "Japonaise" is a very natural marriage which is why the cuisine and locale collaboration works so well.
Special mention goes to Oikawa Mitsuhiro, often cast as a selfish alpha; here, as Akinawa we see him as a softer, more vulnerable character -- a parent living with a parent, a father struggling to keep his family together, a team player rather than self absorbed. He plays his part with appropriate emotion and restraint.
impressive sets and costume detail reinforce the impression that this show expects to be taken seriously.
The new TBS+Netflix collaborations allow us to enjoy more "golden era" J-doramas on streaming, ahead of their new sequels. With Season 2, Maison and another refresh, Black Forceps, have a new opportunity to present their worthy cast and crew to a fresh new global audience. Let's support that ethos. Bon Appetit!!

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Abr 28, 2024
10 of 10 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 4.0
História 6.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musical 2.0
Voltar a ver 1.0

A slow script with outdated notions even in 2016. Strictly for Naohito fans

Feel free to skip over the middle episodes, where you can instead appreciate Naohito-san's performance and indulge in some mindless entertainment for a few hours. It's entertaining when approached with that perspective in mind.The premise of a successful woman doctor approaching 40 who suddenly needs a boyfriend to conform to societal expectations, insults modern professional women and fails to resonate with contemporary audiences. This concept would have felt outdated in 2016, 2006 and even during the 'girl power' age of 1996. Nakatani Miki admirably navigates a character that offers limited depth and credibility, as a highly capable doctor and businesswoman who inexplicably lacks confidence. It's reasonable to expect a medical postgraduate with a thriving cosmetic business, would exude a certain level of self assurance.
Fujiki Naohito's performance always delivers exceptional quality and his hallmark dedication to quality in every role is always evident. Viewers are strongly recommended to also check him out in "The Doorway to Summer" alongside Kento Yamazaki. In this series here, Naohito brings to life a wonderfully over-the-top character, reminiscent of his charismatic hairdresser role from "Last Cinderella" a few years back. His portrayal dominates and elevates the narrative and injects much needed energy and charisma. While the cast demonstrates competence in their respective roles, the storyline feels extremely antiquated and the pacing often feels sluggish. For true actor fans only and useful to pass time between other dramas.

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O Que Você Comeu Ontem? 2
1 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Mar 22, 2024
12 of 12 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 9.0
História 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musical 8.0
Voltar a ver 8.0

Even Better Than Season 1 - More Please

This is such a heartwarming series and so professional in every way. The second series definitely provides scope for a third season or telemovie, As series 2 approached the end, I started to feel sad and it really did feel like saying goodbye to old friends. The relationship is explored on a deeper level this time and it's very satisfying. Viewers aged over 40 will most enjoy this series but anyone who loves a well written and cast plot about everyday relationships, suburban slice of life and home cooking will enjoy it.

One of the best scenes in this season will have viewers appreciating that ordinary love is beautiful; or realising how empty their life might be without a partner who is caring, creative, stable or mentally present. It's a lovely touch.

The whole show flows well, when the right actor is cast in even the smallest roles. I enjoyed the guest appearance of Oikawa Mitsuhiro, one of my personal favourite Japanese actors. He often plays villains with total perfection, was brilliant in Fermat No Ryouri aka Fermat's Cuisine, and here he fills a few minutes here so very well, as the @sshole ex we'd all prefer to forget (!).
Special note also to the regular appearance of Tidano Miako, the supermarket assistant who always points out a good bargain to Shiro in a hugely comedic fashion. It's not the size of the role, but the talent of the actor that makes a difference.

Season 3 could explore several concepts: Shiro's mother finally agrees to meet Kenji on a regular basis, or both sets of parents meet, more mature development of Wataru (and perhaps slightly more background on that relationship, but not too much), Shiro finally comes out at work, bumping briefly into the awful ex who is either miserable or moved on and of course will never admit or apologise, Kenji permanently becomes salon manager, Shiro and Kenji take on the role of quasi grandparents to the neighbour's young grandson (that would be nice, I can see Kenji shopping for tiny jeans and toys) ... there's a number of possibilities.

I encourage the production team to consider creating another telemovie or series, and also the prospect of contracting to Netflix so the rest of the world loves Shiro and Kenji, too! There are strong possibilities for remakes in other cultures.

THANK YOU FOR READING! Please also read my review on Season 1 and feel free to "Follow" to be notified of my other reviews! ~ FW

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Um Caso de Amor Incurável
1 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Fev 17, 2024
10 of 10 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 7.5
História 7.0
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 10
Voltar a ver 5.5

Somebody in Hollywood Hire Satoh, Already!

"An Incurable Case of Love" owes much to Satoh Takeru's stellar performance as a surgeon; his magnetic presence, depth and charisma carries the series. It's a fun series when you need to pass time, relax and switch off your brain.
As one of Japan's most acclaimed actors, Satoh Takeru is known for his meticulous selection of roles — he established his own talent agency — and all of his performances are compelling. It is always astonishing to remember that Satoh is only 35 years old, has been acting 18 years, and is already considered a craftsman in his field. He is actually quite an engaging and amusing personality; he regularly appears on his Youtube in absolutely hilarious content and very sarcastic commentary. His "2023 Awards" video, where he decides best movie, music, etc, had me laughing till my cheeks hurt!
A good actor can elevate a lacklustre production Here, Satoh's surgeon is characterised by a stoic demeanor and minimal dialogue and his harsh exterior masks deep repressed emotion. There is also undeniable sex appeal that adds intrigue to an otherwise thin narrative. Viewers are encouraged to overlook plot stretches, age differences and unrealistic workplace behaviours. Skip the first 4 episodes if you're impatient.
We sincerely hope Satoh achieves global recognition and roles of greater depth that further showcase his complex appeal and acting prowess. And surely that's not far off: on Youtube in early 2024, he mentioned that he had met with a leading Hollywood talent agency in late 2023.
*** THANK YOU FOR READING! "Follow" to enjoy my other reviews and discover more exceptional Asian dramas. Thank you. ~Fumiyawagi

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Um Trem Para o Apocalipse
1 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Fev 11, 2024
10 of 10 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 9.0
História 9.5
Acting/Cast 9.5
Musical 5.0
Voltar a ver 3.5

Surprising Depth and Social Truth

Watched this for Akaso Eiji and was truly impressed with this series. The ensemble cast were magnificent and very well selected. Yamada Yuki is the most amazing actor who portrays human frailty and strength at the same time. We watched the entire series in 24 hours. The real magic of this series is the microscope in human behaviour, especially in the 24/7 social commentary age. The script is very thoughtful and intelligent; viewers will be thinking about it, long after. Very enjoyable.
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Ishiko e Haneo: Você Está Me Processando?
1 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Fev 3, 2024
10 of 10 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 7.5
História 7.0
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 9.0
Voltar a ver 7.0

Humour & Heart That Grows Slowly

Found via Netflix Australia. Initially I dropped this after Episode 1 but returned a few days later. I LOVED it. Would very much like to see a second season with deeper character development. Part legal, part detective show ... All actors are all very charming, entire show is populated with gentle humour and pace is brisk. Legal topics are quirky and courtroom dramas restrained.
As the show develops, the audience learns of the various vulnerabilities of the protagonists. I believe there is potential for an intriguing love triangle. In particular, I enjoyed the show's suburban setting. This made a refreshing change from the typical "bright lights, big city" legal dramas. There are car chases, runs through the street, but also a great many plot twists and fabulous funny moments and great musical score to match the fast pace. The show's director has exercised appropriate degrees of intensity and restraint.
This series reminded me of an old 1980s show, "Remington Steele" where Pierce Brosnan assisted a lady detective, where he appeared to be the front of the business but in truth they were an equal team.
I would dearly love to see a Season 2 made, but as this was made in 2022, there not much hope. Well worth watching ... Vote UP and let folks know you want more!

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Karei naru Ichizoku
2 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Nov 16, 2024
10 of 10 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 10
História 10
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musical 6.0
Voltar a ver 7.0

Shocking, Intense, Glorious Retro. Must Watch

Netflix have some clever folks at the helm these days. Reviving great productions for new audience, is a masterstroke. This one began as a delightful trip down retro lane and halfway became Dynasty with several shock twists. Fantastic viewing, watched it all in a week. Beautiful, moving, perfect dorama. Captain Kimura delivers a well rounded performance; be sure to notice the "three faces" of his character. Take note also, of several co stars who are now big names. 100% Must See viewing. It's also a delight to watch shows that faithfully attempt to reproduce a time that doesn't exist anymore. Costumes, cars, streets and advertising. A sensory experience and delight. Enjoy !

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Good Doctor
1 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Mar 15, 2024
10 of 10 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 10
História 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 8.0
Voltar a ver 9.0

The Japanese series, emotions driven, is far superior to others. You'll Love It.

It's been said many times, it's still true: nobody does pathos like the Japanese. Impeccable casting and emotionally layered script elevate this Japanese adaptation well above the others. Although this series was made in 2018, this show has lost not one iota of its magic.
Kento Yamazaki, portraying a genius doctor who maintains the joyful spirit of childhood, is one of Japan's top actors of his generation. His performance is magical and truly captures the complexity of this unique role.
Even the most hardened heart will openly weep at the poignant moments, particularly in the final episodes. The narrative unfolds with unexpected twists, seamlessly transitioning from moments of profound sorrow and loss to scenes that inspire gratitude and joy.
In contrast to its Korean and American counterparts, the Japanese adaptation delves deeply into Shindo's professional relationships and his personal journey as a doctor, emphasizing his empathy with children rather than his pursuit of surgery.
It is a great tragedy, that there was just one season. The show could still screen with great success and an alternate male lead.
The incorporation of Shinto culture into the storyline adds a subtle yet enriching layer to the narrative. The scriptwriter also avoided unnecessary romantic subplots, instead choosing to focus instead on camaraderie and contentment, heartwarming moments and genuine smiles.
***Thank you for reading! feel free to Follow for more reviews! ~Fumiyawagi

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Não Consigo Te Alcançar
1 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Mar 4, 2024
8 of 8 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 10
História 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 10
Voltar a ver 10

The Must Watch Young Love Story

I normally steer away from school romances, but this one took me by surprise with its chemistry and I have since rewatched it 3X. Outstanding production, pacing, direction and acting. The two male leads, while fairly new in their acting careers, display maturity and natural talent well beyond many peers. Haru in particular is extraordinary for his first acting role at age 18, and promises to be both a well regarded comic and serious actor in the decade to come. Maeda showcases a full range of intensity from anguish to complete joy, constantly a sheer delight to watch, and this reviewer believes he is destined to become one of Japan's Thinking Actors, akin to Satoh Takeru or Watanabe Ken.
Special mention for Leo Matsumoto, who elevates key scenes and adds depth to his support role and Itakura Toshiyuki who brightens the show with humour, as the teacher who relishes handing out detention to bright but lazy students.
Music: Fast paced, lively soundtrack and a gentle acoustic score that lifts the beautiful moments, based on J-pop and performed at times in carefully curated half and quarter tempo. Keep the Shazam nearby and you'll have some wonderful additions for your Spotty!
Translating manga faithfully to live drama is always tricky and there are a couple of overused tropes but the entire series, just 2.5 hours, makes for magical viewing. Enjoy.
Well done Netflix Asia, for promoting this series and please keep syndicating the fantastic Japanese content.
Thank you for reading! Follow to be notified of future reviews! ~ Fumiyawagi

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Ossan's Love
0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Jun 23, 2024
7 of 7 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 9.0
História 7.0
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 7.0
Voltar a ver 7.0

Possibly the funniest recent J-comedy ever

Do Not Miss! 👍🏻 I didn't just laugh at the funny bits, I *HOWLED*. 😂 Then I howled through Season 2, then the spin off series ... a full week of the funniest comedy. If you need to switch brain off, smile again and have a fun time, Ossan's series will do that for you! Fantastic physical acting from key cast, excellent dramatic acting from support cast, realistic sets and numerous outdoor scenes, all add to the light happy feel of the show. Would be wonderful to have another season later, but not sure what that would look like. The 3 MLs are some of the most talented dramedy actors in Japan, with perfect timing and emotion. Brilliant show. Enjoy!!

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Bar Três Estrelas em Nishi Ogikubo
0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Abr 16, 2024
6 of 6 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 8.0
História 10
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musical 10
Voltar a ver 8.0

Heart warming, short and sweet

This short and sweet 5-part series, reminiscent of many outstanding Japanese dramas of late, delivers a story that leaves us craving more episodes and deeper character exploration.
The always reliable and charming Keita Machida, sporting his Cherry Magic haircut and brown attire, portrays a charming barman in an unpretentious suburban bar that he runs with 2 former school mates.
We were pleasantly surprised to discover the 3 Star Bar served canned food, expertly prepared by a chef — a twist that adds an unexpected layer of humor to the plot, compared to step-by-step cooking shows such as Fermat's Cuisine and What Did You Eat Yesterday. Yet, somehow, this plot device works! Adapted from a manga series, of course, which often have a quirky point of interest.
Although it takes a few episodes to build momentum, viewers will find themselves drawn to the characters, guest and the stories. The show skillfully used flashbacks of the late bartender, akin to a cherished grandfather, imparting wise advice to patrons and loved ones. Further exploration of this character would have enriched future episodes.
Some dramas, much like the sakura season, dazzle with their brilliance only to fade away all too soon. The final episode highlights the overall production quality of the series, which does not insult us with rushed stories and silly resolutions; just a quietly enchanting tale that leaves us yearning for more.
A second season or more episodes would have been a marvellous opportunity to explore the back stories of the 3 leads with greater depth: the published Hemingway-esque writer grappling with writers block and divorce, a humble bartender with a nightly chauffeur, a chef who loses and recovers his sense of taste. However, all three of the leads have been very busy since 2021, so clearly this will remain a limited and very short series.
Embrace this series for what it really is —a fleeting cherry blossom that warms the soul for a brief moment in time.

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