
  • Última vez online: 2 horas atrás
  • Gênero: Feminino
  • Localização: On The Blue Cloud
  • Contribution Points: 43 LV1
  • Papéis:
  • Data de Admissão: julho 2, 2020
  • Awards Received: Finger Heart Award1 Flower Award30


On The Blue Cloud


On The Blue Cloud

Hello there ~

You can call me Lili or Nali, I'm a fan of Asian dramas (and also BL) from diverse countries for more than 10 years, it have started when I was a teenager, in middle school. 

>>>Follow me on instagram and youtube (@onthebluecloud9719), I have 2 other youtube channels (dramas, movies mainly from Thailand - Shaoly Podcast and Kpop albums - NylaCollection, but this one is temporarily or even closed for infinite period)<<<

But I have to admit, I mainly watched Korean and Thai dramas (I have a soft spot since I'm half -Thai but I wasn't born and raised there so somehow, through  dramas I can discover my root). I have some period in which I watch mostly only Chinese, Taiwanese dramas or Thai dramas or even only Korean dramas. 

Apart watching, I also like reading novels, I like when it's a thriller, investigation one (good examples are the authors Qiu Xiaolong and Agatha Christie) but I also like some good slice of life and fantasy. 

I enjoy cooking especially baking in my free time and also to paint by number and taking some nice pictures at exhibitions, the nature, landscape.. Rarely about me haha

Ok, I might rant too much but I can give you a list of dramas that I love. However, the list could be longer and not enough. 


- The Gifted (and The Gifted Graduation)

- 55:15 Never Too Late 

- Two hearts

- Last Twilight (BL)

- He's coming to be (BL)



- Chicago Typewriter

- Let's eat (every seasons)

- The uncanny counter (1&2)

- To my star (1&2) (BL)

- Light On Me (BL 



- Switched 

- Monster (movie)

- FM999: 999's women songs

- Cherry magic (BL)

- Old fashion cupcake (BL)



- Go ahead

- Youth

- Nothing but thirty 

- The Untamed

- Guardian



- Oh no here comes trouble

- Back to 1989

- On Children

- Two fathers 

- Abouth youth (BL)


That's it, I guess because if you ask me who are my favorite actors / actress of each country, I'm going to be lost and don't know who to pick because it depends on my mood but importantly, the story itself.

Ok! I'm going to pick atleast two actors per country although they are not the only one in my mind.

For Thai actors,  Singto Prachaya and Gun Atthaphan, for the actresses, Namtan Tipnaree and Orn Patchanan

For Korean actors, Im Siwan and Do Kyungsoo, for the actresses, Park Eunbin and Moon Chaewon 

For Chinese actors, Zhu Yilong and Xiao Zhan, for the actresses Tang Songyun and Xuan Lu

For Taiwanese actors, Tseng Jing Hua  and Chris Chiu,  Megan Lai and Alice Ke

For Japanese actor, Machida Keita and for the actress Tsuchiya Tao 

Well, some of them.. I only watched one drama but loved the character or how they played in. 

That's it, thank so much and let's be friends maybe? See you!



233d 3h 49m
5,565 episódios, 438 programas
16d 4h 58m
227 filmes

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