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U-Prince: The Gentle Vet thai drama review
U-Prince: The Gentle Vet
0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
by Sidhika Trisha
Jul 24, 2021
4 of 4 episódios vistos
No geral 7.0
História 7.5
Atuação/Elenco 7.0
Musical 7.0
Voltar a ver 5.0

once a watch

The Gentle Vet is a very interesting story and the interesting part was FL had Ombrophobia and ML had Germophobia. But then that's the disappointing part that these phobias don't correlate. I thought that maybe we could see some amazing side of these phobias but apparently, It's just one of the characteristics of the character. It only has one combined scene: the meeting scene, girls poured down in rain, all dirty due to playing football, but there go our ml who despite having germophobe helps out our fl.
Apparently, ml start developing an interest in her and try to get close to her while also knowing her childhood trauma.
After the first episode, it became a typical story with a stalker and misunderstanding case of the drama world.
And the funniest part for me was two guys sleeping together seemed pretty normal, we don’t have to think that somethings are going on, we need to get a broader aspect if two guys are together, just because we got the freedom we don’t need to see friends in that light.
Fl was annoying at times due to her being unsure of the things she wanted. That was a real pain.
ML's character didn’t get the development because FL's phobia and trauma overshadowed him. But he is a really sweet character because definitely comparing to the previous series that is THE HANDSOME COWBOY, that was a jerk. Here the ML is likable and sweet.

The main events felt so erratic and predictable. Well, acting was ok like nothing gripping that I would go back on a scene and rewatch it. Even the kisses were not thrilling. Music was rather forgettable.
The only thing I loved about this series is the aunt of Suay Sai and her small but realistic feel gave a more fine feel.

It's a good one-time watch series and that's it.
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