
  • Última vez online: 2 dias atrás
  • Gênero: Feminino
  • Localização: Australia
  • Contribution Points: 0 LV0
  • Aniversário: December 01
  • Papéis:
  • Data de Admissão: setembro 4, 2018
  • Awards Received: Finger Heart Award1

Listas Recentes

─⋆ Actors
30 people
─⋆ China
17 titles
─⋆ Japan
16 titles 2 loves
───⋆ ·✯· ⋆───
( best viewed in dark mode )
( theme : Mr Kwon Soon Young )
( bold italics = links )
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───⋆ About me
─⋆ Facts
Carat. Horangdan. Trash.
✯A 94 liner.
✯I started watching dramas casually in 2011.
✯I didn't seriously get into dramas until 2015.
✯I found out MDL existed in 2018.
✯I usually watch dramas pretty slowly...
✯I'll read or watch pretty much anything that happens to pique my interest at the time, but I favour historical / fantasy / bl / dark / emotionally damaging content.
✯I may or may not find fictional red flags extremely interesting.
─⋆ My favourite Actors / Dramas /Movies
─⋆ My favourite BL pairings
( in order of preference )
─⋆ Fam
nabi_yoggu27 ⋆ My lil sister ~^^
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───⋆ ·✯· ⋆──────⋆ ·✯· ⋆──────⋆ ·✯· ⋆───
───⋆ Currently watching
───⋆ ·✯· ⋆───
─⋆ Dramas
✯Go Go Squid! : one / two
✯Immortal Samsara : one / two / special
─⋆ Movie
─⋆ Rewatching
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───⋆ ·✯· ⋆──────⋆ ·✯· ⋆──────⋆ ·✯· ⋆───
───⋆ Countries
───⋆ Ratings
─⋆ Dramas
China - 70  ⋆  Japan - 31
Korea - 147  ⋆  Philippines - 2
Taiwan - 12  ⋆  Thailand - 52
─⋆ Dramas
x - 54  ⋆  ix - 48
viii - 66  ⋆  vii - 41
vi - 32  ⋆  v - 36
iv - 16  ⋆  iii - 8
ii - 7  ⋆  i - 6
─⋆ Movies
China - 17  ⋆  Japan - 89
Korea - 91  ⋆  Philippines - 6
Taiwan - 14  ⋆  Thailand - 12
─⋆ Movies
x - 28  ⋆  ix - 21
viii - 38  ⋆  vii - 40
vi - 30  ⋆  v - 30
iv - 15  ⋆  iii - 12
ii - 9  ⋆  i - 6
─⋆ Specials
China - 1  ⋆  Japan - 3
Korea - 1  ⋆  Philippines -
Taiwan - 7  ⋆  Thailand - 8
─⋆ Specials
x - 3  ⋆  ix - 2
viii - 2  ⋆  vii - 2
vi - 2  ⋆  v - 5
iv - 1  ⋆  iii - 1
ii - 2  ⋆ i -
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───⋆ Rating system
 ( based on my own personal enjoyment )
✯x = perfect
( enjoyed 100 - 90% )
✯ix = excellent
( enjoyed 90 - 80% )
viii = very good
( enjoyed 80 - 70% )
vii = good
( enjoyed 70 - 60% )
vi = okay
( enjoyed 60 - 50% )
✯v = meh
( enjoyed 50 - 40% )
✯iv, iii, ii & i = just overall not for me
( enjoyed  40 - 0% )
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───⋆ ·✯· ⋆───
───⋆ Stan Seventeen
───⋆ ·✯· ⋆───
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───⋆ 2025 challenges

───⋆ 2024 challenges
───⋆ 2023 challenges
───⋆ 2022 challenges
───⋆ ·✯· ⋆──────⋆ ·✯· ⋆──────⋆ ·✯· ⋆───
───⋆ Clubs
───⋆ ·✯· ⋆──────⋆ ·✯· ⋆──────⋆ ·✯· ⋆───
───⋆ Emblems
───⋆ ·✯· ⋆──────⋆ ·✯· ⋆──────⋆ ·✯· ⋆───
───⋆ ·✯· ⋆───
✯ Hoshthegoat
───⋆ ·✯· ⋆


199d 1h 48m
6,047 episódios, 356 programas
18d 1h 20m
231 filmes

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