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Mr. Plankton
29 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Nov 16, 2024
10 of 10 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 8.0
História 8.0
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 7.0
Voltar a ver 8.0

Woo Do-Hwan never fails!

Woo Do-Hwan never fails to please!

My two top Korean actors right now are Woo Do Hwan and Lee Do-Hyun.

I first saw WDH in Save Me and my favourite ones out of his dramas would have to be:

My Country and Bloodhounds.

With Mr Plankton I really enjoyed it for the first 7 episodes and then I'm not sure where it quite started turning for me, but it did.

I hesitated to watch this drama because I knew the fate of his character and didn't want to go through that all again like with My Country.

With Mr Plankton the ending was sad, but not as devastatingly sad for me like what happened in My Country for some reason.

Have seen others of his dramas in full like: Save Me, Tempted and Mad Dog which I really enjoyed as well.

As for Joseon Attorney (4-6 episodes) and King Eternal Monarch (half) and didn't mind these either except maybe Joseon Attorney would probably be the least liked one out of them all. Not because of him, but rather the story itself.

King Monarch I would probably finish only he isn't the male lead.

In regards to Mr Plankton it is about the main character being diagnosed with a terminal disease (less than 3 months to live) so he goes on this personal journey to find his real father only decides to kidnap his ex girlfriend at the start just as she is about to get married with a gang on his tail out for revenge.

It has a great mix of humour, a solid story line, drama, action, a sad or bittersweet feel, romance and adventure.

The music is so so - nothing really stood out like Stay With Me (Goblin) or Butterflies (Wedding Impossible).

A major dislike for me would be the female in this as she got on my nerves with her crying - it is the worst, also, her hissy fits. I really wish I could have reached through the screen to slap her out of it. Really annoying!!! Far too many scenes for my liking and she grated me the wrong way as she sounded terrible. Couldn't stand it! Her other scenes were mostly fine - just the sobbing and hysterics were irritating. Terrible! She really did come across as being idiotic quite a bit of the time which was unfortunate - I'm not sure what he saw in her. Another minor peeve was the way she ran. Weird!

Wouldn't it be something to have a female that is mature even when annoyed yet sassy, full of spunk, charismatic and adorable even if not dropdead gorgeous. Just not a cry baby, nagger, whiner or screamer.

I need a female actor that can pull it off like WDH, who in my humble opinion, is one the BEST actors in the industry for crying, laughing and emoting expressions and feelings. His crying or sobbing scenes in My Country were believable, but especially that one scene inside the room with that silk item and his name embroidered on it probably due to the significance of what it meant.

Simply the BEST!!!

The gut wrenching moments in this drama definitely have momentum, but not as impactful as two specific scenes in My Country.

What else?

I really enjoyed the bond that was made on the road trip back to Seoul between the Heir and character played by WDH - the bromance was fantastic and seemed better than what was between WDH and the main female lead at times!

WDH has a beautiful laugh, way of chuckling and tantalising manner with particular words or expressions.

Him and only him!

Anyways, Mr Plankton is recommended for those that like a good mix of everything, but after episode 7 it doesn't seem as exciting and seems rushed or done so as not to leave any loose ends. But...done so without depth.

Maybe one loose end actually - I don't remember seeing anything about the test results of the 3rd candidate. 🧐

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Em andamento 8/10
13 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Out 13, 2024
8 of 10 episódios vistos
Em andamento 0
No geral 8.5
História 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 10
Voltar a ver 8.5

No Doubts Whatsoever!

If you are after a drama series that will keep you invested and on your toes then this might be the one for you.

I feel it is well paced, but it may depend on the viewer.

Two episodes in and it has all of the following:

Estranged relationships

There isn't much gore, but you will see a few crime scenes, also, you may have to put your thinking cap on.

If you have read the synopsis it is about a father dealing with a murder case in which he suspects his teenage daughter is somehow connected.

There is something about her that seems off for sure, but she is highly intelligent and I wonder if there is more to her than meets the eye.

Whatever it is mightn't be as bad as we are lead to believe like her father's suspicions and what have you.

Am enjoying the ride so far and hope the suspense and good storytelling continues.

Before I forget, the music is very thematic and suits the scenes perfectly.

I think there are 10 episodes all in all so plan to watch them as long as it keeps up the suspense.

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Em andamento 10/12
5 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
29 dias atrás
10 of 12 episódios vistos
Em andamento 0
No geral 8.0
História 8.5
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 4.5
Voltar a ver 7.0

What A Cutthroat Industry!

Won't go into what this series is all about as it has been touched on already.

The actors are great, the story is fine, however, I would have preferred more of the behind the scenes so as to see what pressure young artists are really put under as well as all the going ons we have no idea about that can make or break them.

We do get a tiny glimpse of the unsavoury side (exploitation, bullying, mistreatment) of the Entertainment Industry, but I would have liked to have seen a lot more.

One significant let down for me with Namib so far has been the mediocre music in it as well as the main actors/singers themselves that don't have what I would call the IT factor - as in the IT factor vocally.

Nothing has made me say: "Wow!"

Still 3 episodes left out of 12 so there is still time yet.

Oh wait! Perhaps one singer made me listen attentively only that was short-lived and one background song made me gravitate towards it a bit, but for a drama that is all about young talent, auditions, contests, contracts and music as in songs. Ouch!

To be fair, there is more to it than just music as we also get to observe hidden insecurities, personal demons, competitiveness and the dynamics between certain individuals.

I actually like all of the characters in this whether good or bad, but my favourite in this one is actually the teenage boy who is deaf followed by his dad. None of the mains really although they act their parts really well.

Oh! Wait! I did like the main male lead and felt for him and his difficulties, but as for CEO Kang...


It's fantastic having a music industry drama, but it would have been a match made in heaven had the music (melodies) and songs stood out more.

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Yakuza and Family
3 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Mai 12, 2024
Completados 0
No geral 7.5
História 8.0
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 5.0
Voltar a ver 8.0
Parts of this movie remind me of when I lived in Japan with one unseen neighbour allegedly being from an old established Yakuza family. His place was like a miniature castle that took up a whole corner of the street!

Also, a colleague dated a Yakuza guy briefly, but didn't find it threatening in anyway nor did she ever feel she was in danger. And unlike some things we had heard he had no missing finger. In saying that, another person I knew had a girlfriend from Europe go missing not long before her visa was about to expire - never to be found. She was working near a place called Rappongi as an escort so likely for the Yakuza (unorganised). She was an escort that served drinks and chatted nothing more - not anything R rated.

That was a really sad situation because her boyfriend (my friend) wouldn't give up and was persistent with the police about it for years and years, but just had no luck with them or finding her.

There are a number of missing foreigners in Japan - even murdered ones, like Lucie Blackman, only not all are mass media news stories or reported in anyway.

Anyhow, back to that nearby neighbour of mine, for some time I thought it was just an unfounded rumour about him because I only ever saw delivery drop offs every now and then when I passed by that way to and from work - nothing else.

You know the scene where one of the Yakuza guys wears sunglasses in that little restaurant and it is night time - I think it is a Yakuza thing. I was coming back from work late one night when I spotted a group of men all dressed in immaculate suits standing outside that neighbour's gates with about 3 -4 limousines (shaded windows) or Cadillacs. Expensive cars. Most were smoking and all wore sunglasses. I was literally crapping myself because they could have easily taken me if they wanted and made sure I was never seen again. I knew at that exact moment they definitely were Yakuza without a doubt. I was so nervous as there was no way I passed as Japanese so all I could do really was keep my head down, not say anything and quickly walk through them to get home and hopefully not gain too much unwanted attention. Not that they could miss me! I do recall some looked really young which surprised me. I did get a few cold hard stares I reckon because one turned in my direction and I could feel the intensity of being somewhere I probably shouldn't have been at that moment, but noone approached or hassled me. It was obvious something must have happened for them to be there so late and dressed like that - we (Japanese friends and I) worked out that there may have been a death among them, but who knows?! As the family name was on the gate near the mail box one friend looked for death notices under that name, but came up with zilch.

That is another thing - security cameras weren't so common in our area, but that place had them, also, he had a huge swimming pool which was uncommon as well. I don't think security cameras were so widely used back then when I think about it, but I could be wrong.

Guns weren't really an issue in Japan when I was there nor things like petty theft or mugging, but I didn't really work or live in bad areas if they did exist. I do remember mushrooms and other hardcore drugs starting to circulate only drugs really weren't so big back then either- they were obtainable, but not a massive problem like how we see it in Western countries.

This film touches on the years I lived in Japan if it starts in the late 1990s and onwards.

When I was there anyone with tattoos was banned from using the gyms and swimming pools because tattoos were associated with the Yakuza, also, believe it or not permed hair for some reason. Gangster hairstyle maybe.

I was told old Yakuza families belonged to organised crime and newer individuals belonged to unorganised crime - each different from the other.

Just wanted to share my experience because of this movie triggering certain memories even though what I saw or experienced with the Yakuza was just in passing whereas living in Japan was not.

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Uma Loja Para Assassinos
4 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Jan 18, 2024
8 of 8 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 9.0
História 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 7.5
Voltar a ver 9.0
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers

Kill Or Be Killed...or not!

So far - so good!

Episode one paves the way whereas episode two gives us some background and a bit of context as to how Jian comes under her uncle's care before his apparent suicide when she is older.

There are some truly wicked scenes like when she (older) is finding "blind spots" when being targeted by a hit man in episode one, the scene where she (child) is hanging off a pipe or pole under the window of their upstairs apartment showing how quick she is to think and act in order to survive even at that young age (ep 2), also, when she crawls in to the morgue space to discover quite by accident her mother's dead body lying there yet stays quiet and calm knowing there are "bad men" trying to hurt her (ep 2).

Resilient in survival mode at its fullest.

There are other scenes too that are just as good - like when it goes back to the start in episode 2 with the hitman and dealing with the drones, also, the relationship development between Jian and her uncle which has some humourous and serious moments.

Not sure just how graphically violent or gruesome it will get as it goes on, but there is one scene (ep 2) where it seems like someone is hacking off the arm of her "uncle's friend" that had gone to her family home to either get her or protect her.

Her "uncle's friend" seemed quite young and good looking so it wasn't great knowing his likely fate. Never know!

Am ready and revving for the next episode...

It is really good right until the end!!!

If I was to complain about anything it would be about some of the flash backs used which are overused to clarify something, but it doesn't subtract too much from the experience.

Also, I kind of predicted something about one person from the very start so wasn't surprised when that person's true colours shone right through when they did - sad for me though as I kind of had a soft spot for them.

Highly recommended!!!

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Ashes of Love
2 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Jan 19, 2023
63 of 63 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 9.5
História 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 10
Voltar a ver 9.0
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers

Broke Me!


Love Between Fairy and The Devil awakened me, Ashes of Love totally broke me and Love and Redemption brought me much needed relief and healing.

Taken from Netflix:. "Hidden away by her mother, the Floral Goddess, the naïve Jinmi is drawn to Xufeng, the Heavenly Emperor's son. Yet forces conspire against them."

So, the story more or less is about XuFeng and Jinmi and what others do to keep them apart to never be together no matter what it takes or what is at stake.

And this is all done in the Heaven, Demon and Mortal realms (that order) with so many episodes dedicated to each realm starting with the Heaven realm.

It took me awhile to get into this series and I had to re-watch the first 20 episodes to appreciate the lighter side of it before it got so so so heavy.

Once it hooked me in there was no point of return, however, so I enjoyed each and every moment of it, but especially the human realm and final arc.

The scenes I liked the most were the tomb, puppet show, the betrayal and killing of the "Phoenix", the death of the demon princess's true love, the demon realm wedding and the humour throughout the earlier episodes.

What I didn't really like was the person who betrayed the Phoenix the most so I still find it hard to forgive!

Also, before I forget, Jinmi's character mightn't be for all. I had no problems with her though.

However, moving forward, I don't think I'd opt for any drama series with females depicted as weak and helpless unless it is a baby or child

What else can I say?

Oh yes! I didn't know what my life was missing until I watched all three above, but especially Ashes of Love and Love and Redemption.

Also, since watching these and a handful of others, I have come to the realisation that I prefer dramas with less angst or drawn out build ups to relationships - so for me romance or love is not the main priority, but rather the story telling.

Give me a great story with lots of action, drama, adventure and fight scenes anyday with strong male and female characters!

If you are a person who has watched several dramas, unlike me, either you will be use to 60+ episodes and therefore forgiving of the imperfections and slow burns with some of them or maybe not willing whatsoever because you prefer substance in the first 5-10 episodes as anything beyond that is a waste of time.

Also, if it is a cliched story line it will not be tolerated either.

I reckon this drama series deserves to be given a chance because it does have a great story line and fantastic cast plus the main theme song throughout it takes it to a totally different level.

On hearing that song again when rewatching those first 20 episodes made me feel so sad with this feeling of foreboding. I actually had this knot inside my stomach because I knew what was to come...

I will say that a few series after this one I watched IMMORTAL SAMSARA which has the same female actor cast in the main role of that one only I stopped two episodes short of episode 38 as the story wasn't the greatest at all for me. Giving it a chance was wrong! The actor, Cheng Yi, was superb in it and well worth watching, however, the story for me was quite boring.

Ashes of Love comes highly recommended and is re-watchable, but may not be for everyone especially if some have 200+ dramas under their belts that are flawless and A+ dramas.

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Project Wolf Hunting
2 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Jan 18, 2023
Completados 0
No geral 8.0
História 7.0
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 7.5
Voltar a ver 8.5
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers

Tidal Wave Of Blood & Gore!


A group of prisoners being transported on a ship escorted by police officers, break free, only to unwillingly meet their maker due to everyone's worse nightmare lurking below deck who escapes as well...

There are some pleasant looking faces among some of the prisoners, ship crew, and police officers hour in, most of them are goners including one or two of the main characters. However, it is great to see an elderly inmate make it as far as he did as in most movies he would have been the first to go or not too far behind.

Faces, in some cases, that were completely obliterated beyond recognition I might add.

I actually worked out something about 10 to 20 minutes into the film that was the case in the last 30 minutes or so.

Just so you know there is a lot of violence, blood and gore that never stops once it starts and that is from about 10-15 minutes in.

Expect rather brutal scenes that are quite graphic and disturbing.

If you after a movie that doesn't have an original story line, but is still full of action and gore then this is the right movie for you.

Seo In Guk did an awesome job as a twisted sadistic Psychopath - the tattoos on him were something else as was his violent outbursts and killing for the sake of killing.

Jang Dong Voon was exceptional as well in the role he played as was most of the cast!

If you want two hours of gruesome no need to be analysed entertainment this is highly recommended!

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Princesa Changge
2 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Jan 8, 2023
49 of 49 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 9.5
História 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.5
Musical 9.0
Voltar a ver 9.5
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers

Everyone Needs An Ashile Sun!


I went into this after watching a number of other good CDramas with little expectations except that I didn't feel Lu Wei was right for the role and that perhaps someone else should have been chosen.

I thought he wasn't good looking enough, too scrawny and not old enough to pull off such a strong character like Ashile Sun and I knew nothing about Ashile Sun other than that he was like a nomad or warrior from the grasslands.

And I am not the only one that saw it this way from other reviews I have read on different platforms, but at least there aren't many.

Glad to say I was proven wrong!

Dilraba was okay, but unfortunately I didn't take to her at all.

The story, more or less, is about how a demoted Tang Princess set on vengeance ends up saving the Tang Dynasty from falling into enemy hands as overtime she comes to realise there is far more at stake than just her own personal vendetta.

The outro song eventually grew on me as did the music throughout each episode.

I enjoyed all of the males in it and the youngest princess, but I really liked the characters of Mu Jin, Yaro, Ashile Sun, Sher and Hao Du.

I have probably watched this 3 times back to back so it is most definitely likeable and re-watchable. There is not really one episode that is boring and the pace is just right!

From episode one it is exciting with the horse chase scene on to the bridge from the very start and that phenomenal Cuju game between the Tang and Ashile players.

In episode 5 we have a bit of a laugh when Ashile Sun discovers Channge isn't a male and is slapped hard even though he is blind folded.

And in episodes 15 and 16 it is a pivotal moment when Channge learns a certain home truth about Ashile Sun.

One of the best scenes I have ever watched in any movie or series comes at the end of episodes 24 and start of episode 25.

If you want to see real acting at its best I'd highly recommend watching the above.

In comparison to Lu Wei's character in Love Like The Galaxy (Ling Buyi), in the "uncle massacre scene", Ashile Sun wins hands down when it comes to "losing the plot." He is far superior!

Not sure why Lu Wei didn't do the same justice for LLTG although it wasn't a complete mess.

What else?

I appreciated that Ashile Sun was more honest and direct which is what I like in a person just in general so I found his character had more depth than Ling Buyi did in LLTG. Ashile Sun saw the bigger picture whereas Ling Buyi was all about vengeance no matter what the cost!

And whoever filmed some of the scenes in The Long Ballad should be given an award because some of the angles and shots were spectacular to a fault like the fight scenes and that Cuju game.

Some excellent filming - my kind of filming!

I know there are some that didn't take to TLB because it lacked romance, but to me that was an added bonus because the story was what I was in it for not a drawn out cliched triad situation or love between a couple that takes 59 episodes to manifest in full.

There is definitely love scenarios in this, but it isn't suffocating like it is in some CDramas. Yes!!!

That aside it is indeed a well told story that isn't too light or depressingly heavy and each episode has something going on.

I'd highly recommend this series for the story and a well told story at that where you will be drawn in by most, if not all, the characters and like each and every one of them!

This will probably remain in my top 5-10 for life!

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Black Knight
3 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Mai 12, 2023
6 of 6 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 8.5
História 8.5
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 8.0
Voltar a ver 8.5

Touch Of Mad Max!

There is quite a bit of action, a number of fight scenes and even one car race challenge that ends lives if mistakes are made or the driver is in the firing line of hunters.

The idea of delivery men in a dystopian environment didn't really do anything for me, but as I had nothing else lined up I thought I'd give it a shot and am glad to say I have no regrets.

There always seems to be good and bad guys in this type of genre so it is a bit of a cliche - I was crossing my fingers for something new to be brought to the table or an original twist and this didn't do too badly.

One of the main actors in this 6 episode series is also in The Heirs and is a bit of a kick a$$ character in Black Knight as well.

If you want a fast paced action filled series with a decent enough story line then this might be for you.

All I will say is I really enjoyed this one as it had 1% romance!

Re-watchable for some like me!!!

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2 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Jan 18, 2023
7 of 7 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 8.0
História 7.0
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 8.0
Voltar a ver 8.0
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers

Frighteningly Disturbing In Parts!


I am only five episodes in which makes it two left out of seven only the rest is yet to be released over the next 2 weeks.

A police officer, Agawa Daigo, moves into a small village, Kuge, with his wife and daughter replacing the former police officer, Kana, who has disappeared. It seems a well known local family, the Gotos, are dangerous people to mess with not to mention something doesn't feel right with the place at all especially after the body of Goto Gin is discovered in the woods after a "bear attack" and accusations of cannibalism is thrown in for good measure...

The only member of the Goto family that isn't crazy it seems is Keisuke Goto.

There are some really cool scenes like the bear attacking Daigo on the mountain, Mashiro's encounter with "That Man", the finger in the box, all the freakish adrenaline rush moments Daigo has with the Goto family, the car in the tunnel incident, the man with the half eaten face, the bodies and skeletons when discovered...

There a few minor things that irked me a little bit like one police officer taking on 4 to 5 family members with weapons by himself, a little girl wondering off in the middle of the night in a strange place and the directness of the Gotos or how impolite they were even if in a rural environment. For anyone to be so outspoken or to talk about a woman like they did of Daigo's wife so openly in public was distasteful and not something that would commonly occur in Japan where everything is usually quite indirect.

Not the Japan I remember anyhow unless it has changed a lot!

I have to say the Kuge villagers themselves are really weird and episode four has this vibe like: "The Wicker Man" or "The Lottery" coming up soon on Festival Day.

And now that I have seen Episode 5 it seems there might be a slow build up to that festival in which a "human sacrifice" might be the flavour of the day as it has been a tradition for one or two centuries.

The story is gripping until around the end of episode 4, the music is eerie, the thematics are on point, the cast is believable and the cinematography is outstanding, however, more and more it has this Twin Peaks feel or something similar to The Wicker Man, The Lottery and The Ritual.

21/01/2023: Additional Comment-

I reckon this could be turned around a little bit if they added a twist like Agawa's wife being an original villager or something and I'm wondering if they will do something like that - as in add in an unexpected twist.

Back To Original Post: 18/01/2023-

Highly recommended for the gory graphics and adrenaline rush moments, but about half way through, the story itself, loses originality and becomes similar to a number of others.

It doesn't make it terrible or bad to watch - just not original.


I have now finished watching it and although there is no real "twist in the tale" the last two episodes aren't too bad.

We find out more about Keisuke Goto and his younger brother and how they tie into the man with the half eaten face, also, a little more about Gin Goto (grandmother) and what she has in common with "That Man".

Just so you know season one ends on a cliff hanger or open ended ending which can be interpreted in two ways:

1) S2 is needed to tie up the cliffhanger in S1.
2) It is up to the audience to decide which way the wind blows when it comes to Agawa Daigo and his family as well as the Gotos and the Kuge Villagers.

Agawa Daigo is left facing "That Man" and his wife and daughter are left in the hands of one of the Gotos that isn't as sane as Keisuke.

The only silver lining in it all is that Agawa Daigo isn't all alone with what he knows about the Gotos and Kuge, however, it doesn't mean what he knows can save him...or will it?!

Background: Agira Yura (Agawa Daigo)-

The first time I ever saw Agira Yuya was in the film Nobody Knows back in 2004 when he was a beautiful looking boy taking on the role of Akira Fukishima.

Now is my second time ever watching him in a movie or series only at first I didn't recognise him until I thought his face looked familiar at certain angles.

Unfortunately, for Agira Yuya, his whole life changed because of Nobody Knows and not in a good way. He ended up turning to drugs in order to cope and at one point even gained a lot of weight which made him quite unrecognisable. In addition, he married young and had a daughter only months after being wed that became his saving grace.

Since then he has sorted his life out and is still married to the same woman he fell in love with at first sight!

I'm glad he was able to turn his life around and didn't end up wasting away to nothing.

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Em andamento 10/16
Família por Escolha
13 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Nov 11, 2024
10 of 16 episódios vistos
Em andamento 0
No geral 6.0
História 7.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musical 6.0
Voltar a ver 6.0

Not The Same As Go Ahead!

When I say it isn't the same - it isn't as great as Go Ahead at all!

It's not bad, but nothing like it's Chinese neighbour.

I have seen Go Ahead maybe 3 times even though it has something like 46 episodes.

Going forward I will refer to Go Ahead as GA and Family By Choice as FBC.

With FBC it misses the humour that GA has when the children were young - even as teens and adults.

In GA, both boys were top students in school whereas the girl wasnt. One boy became a dentist, the other a chef/baker and the girl became a sculptor whereas in FBC it looks like one has become a doctor, one a dropout and the girl a cake maker.

Not sure about the dropout being a proper dropout just yet!

In GA, the one that became a dentist would supervise the girl with her homework at times and around episode 5 told her he was going to marry her someday. There was also this moment he didn't want her sniffing his bed and being in his room as he was starting to develop feelings for her so he told her off. The humour when they were teens in the original version was excellent whether at school, just with each other or at home.

In FBC, the one that becomes a doctor, doesnt say anything about marrying her as teens and doesnt really do too much when she smells something different about his bed which is actually a pertinent moment in the original version. Although they all get along really well - it just isn't on the same level as GA.

When ten years elapses in FBC it seems like the boys have just gone for the weekend then returned as their hairstyles haven't changed nor their faces in age.

With GA they all transitioned from teens to adults which was believable and noticeable like 10 years really had passed.

The good thing about FBC is that it is only 16 episodes so will give you a taste of what the Chinese one is like, but it doesn't have the same depth or characters. One character missing is the one that became a flight hostess in GA.

In FBC, it seems like they are bringing two characters together that were never together in GA. Personally, I don't like that at all.

Another change is the real younger sister of the oldest male seems to be more mature and not so bratty in FBC compared to GA.

Overall, I prefer GA over FBC because of the characters, their stories and the unquestionable dynamics between all of them as well as close bonds - including the parents.

FBC made some obvious changes which shouldn't have been the case - like losing the humour and certain characters, for example.

Still recommended if you want something shorter than the original even if not on the same level.

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Meu País: A Nova Era
1 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Mar 1, 2024
16 of 16 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 9.0
História 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 9.0
Voltar a ver 9.0
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01/03/2024 (March).

I really enjoyed this drama as it was fast paced and interesting, but it did have its minor flaws like seriously injured fighters being able to fight later the same day or the next with very little recovery time. Not plausible in that sense at all. I, at least, can live with that as I suppose only so much can be done in a one hour episode with 16 in total.

Have to say this series was really well done - I didn't find it confusing nor did I find the music a problem at all.

The bromance, friendship and bond between Hwi and Seon-Ho was truly awesome so it was a bit disheartening to watch such a deep friendship deteriorate somewhat. I actually believe their friendship suffered significantly when Yeon really truly died - not before.

I really wonder had Yeon survived would both have made different choices.

As for Yeon, she was the light in both Hwi's and Seon-Ho's lives. When she was killed it caused Hwi and Seon-Ho to seperate for a number of years - during this time both followed different opposing paths in their pursuit for revenge on her behalf as well as fighting for a cause (opposite sides) that put their lives on the line as well as the possibility of fighting one another to achieve it.

Hwi at first wanted revenge more than anything only this changed later on when he saw several innocent people slain because of him and the Prince whereas with Seon-Ho revenge was a top priority, but also rising high in status and power so as to make a difference in the world.

It is understandable why they fell out, but such a shame as they were such good friends and for years.

Furthermore, Seon-Ho may have made some questionable decisions, but more or less it was because the choices he was given were either bad bad or the worse case scenario. e.g. Death.

What was never truly broken, however, was the strong bond between both friends.


I appreciate the scene in which Hwi got to thank Seon-Ho for protecting him and also letting him know he was sorry for not seeing his friend's pain because of being so consumed in his own anger. Also, when Seon Ho told Hwi more or less that he looked too far ahead and too far up yet when he finally looked behind him he saw Yeon and Hwi there - just one step behind him was "his country", also, that he wished he had seen it sooner.

It took all their trials and tribulations for Seon-Ho to fully realise that what was most important in his life above wealth and status were his childhood friends who were more than that - they were his family, blood, lifeline and whole world.

Before I forget - I have to acknowledge the trio that supported Hwi and the one guy that stood by Seon-Ho right to the end, however, for the most part Seon-Ho was all alone in what became an insufferable existence for him. So, to see him and Hwi reconcile near the end of this drama after being apart for so long and to fight their last fight together against the real enemy was quite fitting for this soul connected duo - even if bittersweet.

On an end note - I would really have liked the last scene to have been something like Yeon meeting them in the afterlife as well as all three graves side by side phasing out to blackness.


I liked both Yang Se-Jong and Wu Du Hwan and couldn't imagine anyone else doing their roles.


I just want to say that Woo Du Hwan is one of the best male criers I have ever seen on screen among other emotions.

Have seen him in Bloodhounds and now this one - he does both characters justice.

His range is a wow factor whether happy, sad, angry, vengeful, surprised, caring and in emotional turmoil.

When Yeon died I found Seon-Ho's tears more impactful than Yang Se-Jong's (Hwi) for some reason, as well as his internal pain, conflict and suffering. One could have easily believed that he was her real brother because of how he reacted to her death and the silk phoenix embroidery design she left behind in her room. He was that convincing! Mind you, Woo's character, Seon-Ho, was a brother to her just like Hwi and he protected her just as much even at the risk of his own life. But when she died - it was his crying that caused me the most sadness because it felt so real plus I knew that his burden was the heaviest one to carry... and all alone.

This drama had realism to it that some historical dramas just don't have at all.

Totally recommended plus it is something that can be re-watched even though it does have a sad and tragic ending. AAA+++

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My Tomorrow, Your Yesterday
1 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Fev 18, 2024
Completados 0
No geral 8.0
História 8.5
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 8.0
Voltar a ver 8.0

As it is around 1 hour and 40 minutes or so it isn't like it has depth compared to a drama nor has full on character development, but it is still good nevertheless.

Arthur Chen looks a little different in this compared to Lighter and Princess and Ever Night - more so than Ever Night.

I liked him in L&P and grew to love his character in Ever Night and wish he had done Season 2 instead of Dylan Wang. But things were not meant to be...

Yesterday Once More has a Ground Hog day feel to it so expect it to be in line with dramas like: Reset. What I mean by that is - being caught in a time loop or point in time (past) with a chance to either change it or fix what wasn't right so that the future alternates for the better.

This movie is fine as movies go, but I prefer Athur Chen in dramas.

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Seasons of Blossom
1 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Fev 6, 2024
16 of 16 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 8.5
História 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 6.5
Voltar a ver 8.0
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06/02/2024 (Feb).

It is a very good series!

Have read a few reviews in different places and was under the impression Lee Ha Min committed suicide because he couldn't handle the jibes or little put downs said to him by others. Far from the truth!

It was a combination of factors including the snarky remarks, but it was mainly because of his mother and the continuous pressure she put him under to fulfil her dreams - far too controlling and over the top.

Not sure why some feel some of the actors were unnecessary or stiff, but I was actually fine with each and every one of them although the main female lead looked a bit older than the others and was perhaps a bit too short and on the plain side. Also, that "fake smile" - a bit too much.

I understand why her character felt guilty and carried such a burden for years, but she should never have said what she said in the first place if she was going to regret it! She knew she was what kept him afloat yet called him:

" A coward.".

Wrong decision and a mistake on her part.

Unfortunately, it was the last straw I reckon next to what his little brother blurted out - it wasn't her fault or anyone's really, but it was his undoing.

Early on I wondered if she was meant to be back there for a reason - like for the younger brother and as it turned out it seems I was right. She may not have been able to save Ha Min, but at least she could do that with Jae Min.

This series has two stories going on at the same time - one in the past and one in the present. The one in the present involves Lee Ha Min's younger brother attending the same high school, his demons and his "love interest", also, Han So Mang as a trainee teacher back at the same school unable to move on from the past.

Mostly everyone is still dealing with the aftermath of Ha Min's suicide even though it is years later.

I think sometimes it is a very selfish act because the ones left behind have to live with the loss, regret, guilt, anger, grief and most times - unanswered questions.

Well worth watching! AAA+++

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Mountain Cry
1 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Fev 3, 2024
Completados 0
No geral 8.5
História 9.5
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 8.0
Voltar a ver 8.0
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04/02/2024 (Feb)

It is a good story overall, but quite sad.

Somewhere in China a violent older husband, his young mute wife and two daughters suddenly turn up at an isolated village on a mountain to live - only 6 months later he accidentally dies in a dynamite explosion set to kill badgers.

As the story unfolds we get to understand how he actually ended up being married to her and what happens after his death as the real truth unravels bit by bit.

Some really don't have a chance or fair shot at life - it is made worse when that choice is taken away from them because of being so vulnerable, too young or taken advantage of by people that have no conscience.

Would highly recommend!

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