Underrated Dramas

Obscure or under appreciated dramas I've been lucky enough to stumble across. 

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  • Meus Caros Amigos

    1. Meus Caros Amigos

    Korean Drama - 2016, 16 episodes


    Beautiful, well written, realistic, relatable, whiplash emotions, and one of my new favorite dramas. I cannot speak highly enough of this show and it makes me sad that more people won't see it because of preconceived notions. It has everything. And if that doesn't entice you to give it a shot there's a really great romance featuring Jo In Sung. 

    Just watch it. You're welcome.

  • A Descoberta do Amor

    2. A Descoberta do Amor

    Korean Drama - 2014, 16 episodes


    Love isn't static, it's fluid. It ebbs and flows, it can shore you up in hard times or erode who you are as a person. This show is a perfect example of this truth.

  • Drama Special Series Season 1: White Christmas

    3. Drama Special Series Season 1: White Christmas

    Korean Special - 2011, 8 episodes


    An excellent, dark psychological thriller. Do you know yourself well enough to judge how you'd act when cornered? What if you let yourself down? 

  • Nine: Nove Vezes Viajante do Tempo

    4. Nine: Nove Vezes Viajante do Tempo

    Korean Drama - 2013, 20 episodes


    A dark, angsty time travel story. Is going back in time to save your family worth wrecking the present? Twisty, suspenseful, and well written. 

  • Quando Um Caracol Se Apaixona

    5. Quando Um Caracol Se Apaixona

    Chinese Drama - 2016, 21 episodes


    This has earned a spot here because it's disguised as a fluffy love story but it's a hard and fast paced crime drama that has very little romance. An excellent watch, I just wish it'd been marketed better. 

  • Me Salve

    6. Me Salve

    Korean Drama - 2017, 16 episodes


    This one flew under the radar, but it's not a bad watch if you're looking for something on the dark and bleak side. A decent show but not something I'd want to revisit (which seems to be the general consensus of most viewers.)

  • Você é Meu Pet

    7. Você é Meu Pet

    Japanese Drama - 2017, 16 episodes


    Beautiful, quirky show about vulnerability, finding oneself, and being true to what you really want in life. Multifaceted characters with no "bad" guys. The show makes you feel for everyone involved, which is really nice for a change but kinda hurts.

  • Romance Secreto

    8. Romance Secreto

    Korean Drama - 2014, 16 episodes


    A rich story that's more like art than entertainment. Perhaps not as fast paced as some like, but that's only to showcase everything left unspoken.

  • Memória

    9. Memória

    Korean Drama - 2016, 16 episodes


    This show will make you hurt for everyone involved, but also does a surprisingly good job of instilling hope in a pretty depressing situation. Plus amidst all the heartache and life lessons there are two adorable blossoming romances to help soothe the sting.

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