Protective/Obsessive/Possessive Guys

I'm all about protective guys, from small gestures to big ones. Obsession and possession are close relatives so I included those as well. Note: this is for male leads only or we'd be here all day. :)

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  • Apenas Entre Apaixonados

    1. Apenas Entre Apaixonados

    Korean Drama - 2017, 16 episodes


    Protective.  A lot of people may think he wouldn't go on this list but as far as real life goes, this is what I'd want. Just simple, everyday things he did to keep her safe, including coming to her defense from an irate pineapple salesman (ha!). True, he's gruff at times but he made sure she wore a scarf dammit. :) 

  • Queijo na Ratoeira

    2. Queijo na Ratoeira

    Korean Drama - 2016, 16 episodes


    Protective/Obsessive/Possessive. Hoo-boy...this guy. Heart achingly sweet at times...unless you cross him and endanger his girlfriend. Then you are so massively screwed. Just ask that pervert she ran into.

  • Curador

    3. Curador

    Korean Drama - 2014, 20 episodes


    Protective. Unfortunately this was so long ago I don't remember specific moments other than him dragging her out of a line of fire. I think I need to rewatch this...

  • A Grande Doutora

    4. A Grande Doutora

    Korean Drama - 2012, 24 episodes


    Protective. This poor guy was being pulled in so many directions, but always did his best to protect her because he felt a deep responsibility for her being in danger in the first place. 

  • Mate-me, Cure-me

    5. Mate-me, Cure-me

    Korean Drama - 2015, 20 episodes


    Protective: Cha Do Hyun. Once he fell for her he did his best to keep her from harm.

    Protective/Obsessive/Possessive: Shin Se Gi. Hard to explain without spoilers, but she is his world. Don't threaten his girl. Just don't. And the scene when they met-- whew! (fans self)

  • W

    6. W

    Korean Drama - 2016, 16 episodes


    Protective. Well, except when...I'm so dying to say something spoilery----but I'll behave. Whether it's protecting her with a gun or looking out for her ultimate happiness he takes care of her.

  • Descendentes do Sol

    7. Descendentes do Sol

    Korean Drama - 2016, 16 episodes


    Protective. His whole demeanor would change when he thought she was in danger. The perpetual smirk would drop and Big Boss would take over.

  • Meu Amor das Estrelas

    8. Meu Amor das Estrelas

    Korean Drama - 2013, 21 episodes


    Protective. Ok, so there are countless moments of him protecting her in this series but the one that always comes to mind is the car scene. Daaayum son.

  • A Noiva de Habaek

    9. A Noiva de Habaek

    Korean Drama - 2017, 16 episodes


    Protective/Possessive. Seeing as how he's got the whole god/human servant thing going on he has trouble grasping "human liberties", so definitely possessive. But also to the extent of not wanting others near her. And highly protective as he sees that as his "right and duty as a god" *snort* to protect his servant.

  • Romance Secreto

    10. Romance Secreto

    Korean Drama - 2014, 16 episodes


    Obsessive. He pretty much worshiped her and initially called her his goddess, so yeah, we're going to go with obsessive on that one.

  • MARS

    11. MARS

    Taiwanese Drama - 2004, 13 episodes


    Protective. Due to her timid nature he's protective of her anyway but he also has some violent tendencies so he crosses the line into scarily protective territory several times, though doesn't seem to be obsessive or possessive. That would be the other characters, *ahem*. 

  • O K2

    12. O K2

    Korean Drama - 2016, 16 episodes


    Protective. Well, he's a bodyguard so, duh. But personally he has two settings: DGAF and will risk his life. Once his heart is involved you can guess which way that goes. While not part of the main love story, the umbrella moment is so damn classy and epic. The most memorable moment of the series for me.

  • Alguma Coisa na Chuva

    13. Alguma Coisa na Chuva

    Korean Drama - 2018, 16 episodes


    Protective. He watches out for her safety but isn't overbearing and controlling. (Minor spoiler) That moment when her ex grabbed her arm and he stepped in ---- wow, that's all I ever needed in life. Probably the best drama boyfriend I've seen so far.

  • O Homem da Rainha In Hyun

    14. O Homem da Rainha In Hyun

    Korean Drama - 2012, 16 episodes


    Protective. His protection always came with a side of grace and style, topped off with a low key smirk. Well, sometimes not so low key, but he was a classy guy.

  • Eu Ouço a Sua Voz

    15. Eu Ouço a Sua Voz

    Korean Drama - 2013, 18 episodes


    Protective/Obsessive. Of course there's the big moments but I love the little touches like fixing her streetlight. It shows he really cares, not just trying to be a hero. And he pined for her for years, so there's one check mark in the box for obsessive.

  • Goblin

    16. Goblin

    Korean Drama - 2016, 16 episodes


    Protective/Obsessive. After waiting for her 900 years, you think a goblin is going to let someone mess with his bride? I bet you don't. The ending of episode two was epic.

  • Se Tiver Coragem, Me Ame

    17. Se Tiver Coragem, Me Ame

    Chinese Drama - 2015, 24 episodes


    Obsessive/Protective. He was uber focused on her from the start and did a lot of things that tipped his hand on how much, though somehow it never seemed creepy. As for protection ... he meant well and said "stay by me I'll protect you" but would then leave her. Repeatedly. So A for effort I guess? 

  • Kang Koo's Story

    18. Kang Koo's Story

    Korean Special - 2014, 2 episodes


    Protective. Whether trying to protect her business or her person, he wasn't going to let anything happen to her if he could help it. Even if he had to return to his violent ways he'd been trying to change.

  • Por Trás do Seu Sorriso

    19. Por Trás do Seu Sorriso

    Taiwanese Drama - 2016, 19 episodes


    Protective/Obsessive. Initially he set himself up as her protector with his schemes for revenge but it eventually became real protection as his feelings for her blurred. And yes, most of his obsession lay with her mother but he was definitely obsessive about knowing her whereabouts and hearing from her. Really if he just wanted her followed his lacky could have kept him updated. 

  • O Romance de Uma Bruxa

    20. O Romance de Uma Bruxa

    Korean Drama - 2014, 16 episodes


    Protective/Obsessive. Of course you have the big moment of the intruder, but my favorite was when her ex showed up and he basically became a wall. 'Why is this making you tremble when I'm right next to you?' He became a little obsessive when she rejected him and his life spiraled out of control because he couldn't get over her. At all.

  • Venha e Me Abrace

    21. Venha e Me Abrace

    Korean Drama - 2018, 32 episodes


    Protective/Obsessive. Being a cop, naturally he's going to be protective. But it's their past tied with feelings of love and guilt that magnifies that urge significantly. Plus she's all he thinks about, he often stares at her posters, and he has anxiety attacks about her safety so we're going to go with a wee bit obsessive too. 

  • O Que Houve Com a Secretária Kim?

    22. O Que Houve Com a Secretária Kim?

    Korean Drama - 2018, 16 episodes

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