Over 2h KMovie

A list of kmovies that are over 2h.

NOTE: Sometimes other titles can accidently get added in this list, it's probably because I've clicked wrong when I've tried to add it in one of my other custom lists. I've created these custom lists because it'll be easier for me to find things to watch depending on my mood. If a title is added wrong, please tell me about it so I can correct that mistake.

Haitakaz Mar 9, 2019
439 Titles Loves
0% Watched
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Haitakaz's Lists

Short KDrama
2143 titles 485 loves 15 comments
Completed KDrama
258 titles 4 loves
Completed KMovie
749 titles 18 loves
LGBTQ+ KDrama & KMovie
214 titles 75 loves 6 comments
