Alerta de Emergência (2022) poster
Sua Avaliação: 0/10
Avaliações: 8.5/10 de 6,911 usuários
# de Fãs: 13,040
Resenhas: 18 usuários
Classificado #535
Popularidade #1439
Fãs 6,911

Um homem misterioso embarca num avião com destino ao Havaí. Com o iminente ataque e enquanto o medo se espalha a bordo, as forças antiterrorismo tentam pousar o avião. (Fonte: Telecine - Globoplay) Editar Tradução

  • Português (Brasil)
  • Русский
  • English
  • magyar / magyar nyelv
  • País: South Korea
  • Tipo: Movie
  • Data de Lançamento: Ago 3, 2022
  • Duração: 2 hr. 27 min.
  • Pontuação: 8.5 (scored by 6,911 usuários)
  • Classificado: #535
  • Popularidade: #1439
  • Classificação do Conteúdo: 13+ - Teens 13 or older

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Gisele Dias Andrade
1 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
21 dias atrás
Completados 0
No geral 8.5
História 8.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musical 5.5
Voltar a ver 7.0
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers

Vírus, vilão jovem e maluco que deveria viver a vida, mas decidiu que ia infectar geral

Filmes em aviões podem ficar com a história um pouco enrolada devido a se ater a um espaço menor. Senti que em determinado ponto a trama ficou um pouco parada, mas nada que te faça abandonar a história.
Um dos focos principais é em torno do piloto aposentado devido à um trauma (obviamente que ele estaria justamente no avião onde precisariam de um piloto), ele decide viajar para o Havai com sua filha que possui eczema. Infelizmente sua filha topa com o terrorista no banheiro e este decide embarcar no mesmo voo que pai e filha. É então que a história se desenrola.
O ato terrorista ser através de um meio química foi interessante devido ao fato de ser algo desconhecido e causar medo em todos, principalmente nos países onde o avião pediu para pousar, já que ainda não havia a certeza que o antídoto iria funcionar.
Não me surpreendi com a atitude da população coreana em não permitir que o avião com seu próprio povo pousasse novamente na Coreia (afinal a fama de serem um povo egoísta é mundial).
Com o passar do tempo e das mortes ocorridas devido ao vírus, os passageiros ficam cada vez mais sem esperança e por fim decidem que o avião não deve pousar (atitude bem mais digna do que de todos que estavam em terra).
Para a sorte de todos o marido de uma das passageiras que se infectou conseguiu privar que o antídoto funciona, em contrapartida o avião já se encontra com pouco combustível e em situação precária, nesse momento o piloto traumatizado decide tomar decisões cruciais para tentar pousar a aeronave com segurança.

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Krystale Mitaesa
23 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Ago 5, 2022
Completados 0
No geral 10
História 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 10
Voltar a ver 10

Brace Your Flight to Avert Catastrophe

Personal Note before Review: I have reassembled my thoughts before pouring mine out due to being influenced to look at letterboxd's reviews (before the official release, because they watch pre-screen from Cannes Award last year), then my mind goes screwed all over then messed all up like *rant-rage mode activated* so I prefer to opinize mine rather than hearing their thoughts instead

TL;DR: What if you already plan to take a vacation abroad, but when it comes to an emergency situation; you've come unprepared beforehand? What if you have zero knowledge of what's going on up there, but decide to side with the fault before reading the room? That's basically what happened during this watch of its announcement theme. You'll never know what's up or below, sky or land, just to resolve a calamity

I have come up with its pros and cons, but most cons are from their perspectives and my assumptions (which doesn't mean that's their overall thoughts. It's just a theory)


It's Not That You Instead of Delving into This Story But Must IMMERSE Their Experience
There is a reason why I should encourage you to use the upgrade cinema feature (4DX or Screen X if you afford it): this one. As you can see from all trailers, you need to experience how it feels to fly through the horizon, while encountering the crisis itself. It slowly starts from the usual atmosphere on land, then before departure, then all... all combined into one while knowing their solving to each problem

Every Main Lead Nailed Their Tasks. Period
Nothing goes unresolved in this film. They made a great job settling down every precise detail of its roots. From solving cases to ongoing aviation crisis, which is why I really love this development so much that I want to rewatch it all over again. I have no queasy feeling for this film for the first time I ever had, which is funny coming from myself, who dislike marathons such mediums

It Will Leave You Emotional Depending on The Circumstances
General to personal, for some main leads' stories. Leaves you wondering why, but you found the answer throughout the film. Can't say it's unpredictable, but all I can say is unexpected

A Reality-Check Eventhough It's Fiction
But I believe this director collect/researched all investigation cases, especially major ones into this remarkable movie. Sad to say that this is not from the true event, but he leaves wonderful, inspirational traces behind, even after his previous creations. Salute

Now, to its CONS:

Longer Movie Duration
I realized that some of the watchers I observed during that, are dozing off; and bigger 'alarms' (you'll see why) woke them up. I don't think this one is a part of the weakness for this film because I find it overall enthusiastic (yet also wondering how some can endure watching not instead of 2+ hours, even from web movies like 4+ or maximum 8 hours?)

Political Issues Included, Hence Biased Favor of Its Propaganda
Yes.... this one, is pretty much undeniable, and I see the pattern there. I mean, not willing to take any risks from certain countries, hence being one-sided and all. I don't want to be specific on which country, but you'll see, again, why

Regardless of any endings they made: happy, sad, or open-endings, I'd still rate this 10 anyways, because they have portrayed everything beautifully, and made it a Hollywood-esque level of VFX, cinematography... even its storyline, too. I've been more than glad despite its 2-year delay, it's the most worth watching; therefore the best Korean movie I ever watched so far

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O Piloto Chinês
Alerta Vermelho
A Gripe
The Negociation


  • Movie: Alerta de Emergência
  • País: Coreia do Sul
  • Data de Lançamento: Ago 3, 2022
  • Duração: 2 hr. 27 min.
  • Classificação do Conteúdo: 13+ - 13 anos ou mais


  • Pontuação: 8.5 (avaliado por 6,911 usuários)
  • Classificado: #535
  • Popularidade: #1439
  • Fãs: 13,040

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