This is a list of all the dramas I have will/have completed in the year of 2024! 


Oppa-kiss-me Dez 31, 2023
8 Titles Love
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  • O Voto de Morte

    1. O Voto de Morte

    Korean Drama - 2023, 12 episodes


    My first drama of the year and a Korean one at that. I actually started this one on a whim because my best friend started it and he doesn't like to read subtitles which is so funny to me. 

    It was so interesting at first, like your typical drama action, thriller, dramas. The plot was solid at first and everything was so enthralling to watch how things unfold. After a while, things became so rushed towards the end. It felt like it was reaching such an amazing peak and then it crashed after that. I was a little disappointed with how a few things turned out. Some things didn't make any sense at all. That seemed to be the normalcy in dramas where cops out there acting stupid and doing the most to the point it seems so unrealistic. 

    With the way things ended, I would not be surprised how S2 would be if there were to be another season. Still, what I want to happen, I doubt it would happen as they try to keep characters righteous path in dramas. I could care less about that. If one seeks validation in what they believe to be the "right" thing, then who's to say our way of thinking is the "correct way". To fight monsters, you have to become one yourself but you end up sinking further into the depths. 

    Some stood on the side of justice, but were the cops in the right, or were the people doing the killing vote in the wrong? 

  • Faceless Love

    2. Faceless Love

    Thai Drama - 2023, 14 episodes


    I can say that I actually didn't hate this drama. It was watchable and I actually did like it. It's so very hard to not compare an original that you fell in love with to a remake where the story and characters will inevitably change. I tried my very best to not judge based on me being biased towards the original story. 

    I must say though, the chemistry between the leads was there for sure. It wasn't intense  but it was there and it was kind of cute. As a new actor, I feel like Dew needs some more acting lessons. Not saying he's bad but I know he has amazing potential. I will definitely keep an eye on his work. I am actually excited to see his upcoming drama with Prim. The trailer looks so cute. 

    The story overall is similar to the original but they changed quite a lot of things. As a fan of the OG story, I was not pleased with the way they changed the story, but watching it as its own drama, it worked out pretty well. I kind of liked the actor they originally selected for the role of Chanon at first but I love Luke and seeing him play a semi-villainous role was interesting. I think he would have been a more fitting lead for the drama as Veekij and if they kept the previous actor they casted as Chanon. 

    I also was not a fan of the plot twisting where some random chick tried to take over the business when she looked more like a child who should be in school and should go out shopping and partying with her friends. She lacked the motive for a true villainous woman. She was more of a petty child who couldn't get what she wanted and threw a tantrum. 

    Overall, the story, the acting, and the interactions between all the characters weren't bad. It was a decent watch but if anyone had to ask, I would recommend the OG Japanese version. I also think this Thai version was way better than the Korean version as well. Lol~

  • Ama-me, Ama Minha Voz

    3. Ama-me, Ama Minha Voz

    Chinese Drama - 2023, 33 episodes


    I can say that this has got to be one of the cutest dramas ever created! I don't know what it was but everything was just so sweet and cute. Hits you right in the feels. I loved the friendships, the relationships and even the work environment. I do say I am a fan of dramas without the actual "drama" in it. It was just smooth sailing throughout the entire drama. I have never felt so at peace watching something so sweet. 

    I love the characters because of their maturity, the communication displayed was excellent. I also loved the fact that the characters were so serious about their work. As an anime fan, watching this drama gave some insight to voice actors and their lives. I have met a few voice actors before and the ones I've met are absolutely sweet and friendly. The way they give their all in their work and work hard for their fans is just so damn amazing. It's hard to put into words. 

    The OST was just so beautiful. It gave an ancient feel even though the drama was modern, but the songs that the characters/actors sung were just phenomenal. It went so well with all the scenes. I was not complaining at all about that. 

    The only complaint I have and I have it in almost every drama they do this in, if you are going to have secondary and/or tertiary couples, please for the love of everything on this dreadful plant, please give them more screen time. Like it is so not fair to have them be so cute or sometimes cuter than the primary couple and we get nothing much on them. Little scenes here or there does not help, nor does it satiate my love for my ship!!!!! We get something of a potential start, and then maybe a kiss or hand-holding but we don't see their story leading up to that... I want moreeeee dammit! 

    All that aside, it was a pretty good drama. It's kind of slow, but for how the characters are, the pacing is perfect. The romance isn't hot or steamy, but rather light and cute. I would totally recommend to anyone. 

  • Entre Nós

    4. Entre Nós

    Thai Drama - 2022, 12 episodes


    So, obviously this is not a comparison between this drama and UWMA - seeing that it's in the same universe and all. I got different feels from both dramas. The only nostalgia I felt were from the side characters, seeing the main love-birds from UWMA and the ost. 

    Now, what I think about this drama is that the acting fell short for me. Like, the drama wasn't bad, but it wasn't the best. Since the acting had no feel to it, I felt nothing, nor did I feel any connection/attachment to the characters while watching. It felt kind of bland, and because of this, I  really was skipping a lot throughout watching. It became hard to watch after a while and I started getting bored. My attention span becomes bad when I get bored ?

    It bothered me the way Prem (Team) was around Boun(Win) but I understood why. I wish their relationship didn't start out that way. Team would look like a dumb puppy with his mouth open around Win when it came to being intimate but he would bark and bite when getting teased or was displeased with his "HIA". ? 

    While watching I kept laughing because both of them seemed to have a difficult time showing their expression on their faces, ESPECIALLY when it got to the difficult scenes. Prem(Team) did an okay job with his emotional scenes, and even with Boun(Win) there with him crying and comforting him, I couldn't feel that tug on the heartstrings that I felt whenI watched the emotional scenes happening with Pharm/Dean in UWMA. 

    They both did their best and I commend their great efforts, but they need more acting lessons on being expressive. I saw their trailer for their new drama Vampire Project. I am hoping that their acting has improved because I really like them and I want to see more of their work and their growth as amazing actors! 

  • Pit Babe: Uncut

    5. Pit Babe: Uncut

    Thai Drama - 2023, 13 episodes


    I can say without any shame at all, that I savagely watched this for my boi Pavel ❤️ The story itself is an interesting idea. However, because this show focused on so many elements all at once, it all over the place. For example, from the first couple of episodes, I thought this was about an Alpha who had special powers who's the best racer out there. I thought the story would be focused on him as the main character, about him and his life as a racer. At some point it wasn't about Pit Babe and racing anymore, it became Hollywood action! ? There were just so many plot holes and a lot of things didn't make sense.

    Pavel has improved a lot since 2moons and his acting has impressed me a lot. He literally poured his heart out in his scenes and I totally felt it ❤️ I can't wait to see his future works. Pooh, his acting was not the best. He's a cutie, but he definitely needs more acting lessons. A lot of the times during some situations his facial expressions didn't change at all. Like during painful emotional scenes, I could not tell that he felt hurt at all. I didn't see nor did I feel it. Another one is my boi Nut. I liked him since his role in Oxygen but he also needs more lessons to work on his facial expressions. However, in this drama it was as clear assay to see how he would express his emotions during certain scenes. It was a little difficult to watch (and I mean that in a cringe kind of way). Love him to bits but I hope to see him do very well in his future works. ? I did see my boi Benz and his acting has improved since I last saw him in En of Love. I can honestly say I didn't care too much about the other characters since I lost interest in their story.

  • Meu Demônio Favorito

    6. Meu Demônio Favorito

    Korean Drama - 2023, 16 episodes


    So, this one I started at random because I wanted to watch an actual drama and take a break from the YouTube drama short videos. It was not a bad watch, but it wasn't the greatest either.  The acting was really good, but the story was a tad bit weak for me. I guess weak is a strong word. Maybe it was not weak, but it was lacking something. Not sure what it is but it was either lacking something or they were trying too hard to make scenes similar as in the drama Goblin. I noticed it the more I watched the drama. 

    I tend to not compare but the ending scene where the ML chose the FL over himself, reminded me so much of Goblin. Now, when that scene happened, I didn't shed a single tear because it wasn't that emotional for me. Like the actors were good but it felt like I was watching a watered-down version of Goblin because that scene was so raw and powerful. It sounds rude but that is how I felt watching. Not trying to compare the actor because they are all great, but it was difficult not to when you see the similarities. 

    Aside from that, I actually enjoyed the FL being a strong and independent character. She's savage and badass in her own right. The ML is so handsome and really good at acting. I have seen them both in other works and I look forward to seeing them in more works weather independently or together. ?

  • Adorável Corredora

    7. Adorável Corredora

    Korean Drama - 2024, 16 episodes


    This one was so good that I could not stop watching. I literally finished it in almost a day because it was so good. I don't recognize the FL so this might be my first time seeing her in a drama. She's very good at expressions. Super smiley when she's happy and she looks so pained when it came to the emotional scenes. I adored that about her. She would do anything to try and protect those she loved, and she stands for doing the right thing. 

    The ML is very good and a super hottie. I adored him. I think that this is my first time also seeing him in  a drama. 

  • Pretendente Surpresa

    8. Pretendente Surpresa

    Korean Drama - 2022, 12 episodes


    This was not a bad watch. Kind of cliché within a drama to be cliché, but it was cute, quirky, and a tad bit funny. It was the type of cliche that was done properly. An obvious ending to be expected, but still entertaining to watch nonetheless. I actually liked the fact that the episodes were short and it didn't drag too much. I actually liked the ML. Not because he was eye-candy but I applaud his stay in character to stay stoic, sharp, un-smiling majority of the time until he met the female lead. I think what I adored more were the second leading characters. The rich daughter gave up everything to be with her love and be happy while daddy dearest stayed in his riches and be miserable and alone. That was really satisfying for me. :) 
