June 2022 Top 10
1. Responde 1988
Korean Drama - 2015, 20 episodes
2. Vinte e Cinco, Vinte e Um
Korean Drama - 2022, 16 episodes
3. O Pai Está Estranho
Korean Drama - 2017, 52 episodes
4. Vida Incompleta
Korean Drama - 2014, 20 episodes
5. SKY Castle
Korean Drama - 2018, 20 episodes
Just finished this month. I'm surprised that I liked something like this, but the acting was superb, the redemption arc believable, and the social commentary spot on.
6. Rainha Cheorin
Korean Drama - 2020, 20 episodes
This may be premature, as I haven't finished the drama yet. But I've been so captivated by it, that I'm anticipating this remaining in the top ten. It's more of a "guilty pleasure" drama for me.
7. Apenas Entre Apaixonados
Korean Drama - 2017, 16 episodes
8. Hospital Playlist
Korean Drama - 2020, 12 episodes
both seasons.
9. Redescobrindo o Amor
Korean Drama - 2017, 12 episodes