Breaking of the Law
This is a list composed of series and movies which feature or include some form of abuse and/or breaking of the law.
- Kidnapping, Torture, Mental Torment, Serial Kidnappings, Gang, Mafia, Loan Sharks or Debt Collectors, Blackmail, Extortion, Voice Phishing, M. Laundering, M. Transfer Scam, Gambling, Tomb Raiding, Impersonation, Captivity, Stolen Identity, Stolen Money, Drugs, Drugs Usage, Drugged, Drug Addiction
- Organ Trafficking, Organ Harvesting, Human Trafficking, Sex Trafficking, Drug Smuggling, Exploitation, Prostitution, Human Experimentation
- Murder, Attempted Murder, Drowning (Accidental or Otherwise), Manslaughter, Revenge Killing, Murder Disguised as Suicide, Death, Serial Killings, Massacre, Assassination
- Car Accident, Aviation Accident, Fire Accident, Natural Disaster
- Corruption, Cheating, Workplace Abuse, Abuse of Power, Illegal Business, Police Brutality, Police Corruption, Plagiarism, Greed, Fraud
- Cyberbullying, School Bullying, School Violence, Nepotism
- Incest, Poison, Curse, Homophobia, Pedophilia, Racism, Discrimination, Prejudice, Sexism, Infidelity, Extramarital Affair, Abortion, Treason, Cult
- Sexual Assault, Gang Rape, Implied Rape, Attempted Sexual Assault, Rape, Sexual Harassment, Attempted Rape, Attempted Assault, Dub Con, Harassment, Sexual Abuse, Off Screen Rape, Sexual Predator, Forced Kiss
- Crime Against Women, Hidden Camera Crime, Voyeurism, Obsession, Stalking, Psychological Manipulation, Stockholm Syndrome, Emotional Abuse, Physical Abuse, Domestic Violence, Abusive Parents, Dating Violence, Child Abuse, Child Abandonment, Abandonment, Family Abuse, Domestic Abuse, Animal Death, Animal Abuse
- Gun Violence, Violence, Gun Fight, Fight, Hate Crimes, Assault, Arson, Bombing, Graphic Violence, Stabbed, Strangulation, Street Fight, Rioting
- Wrongfully Accused, False Confession, Wrongful Imprisonment, Revenge, Conspiracy, Grudge, Deception
1. O Bebê e Eu
Korean Movie - 2008
- Child Abandonment
2. Meninos Antes de Flores
Korean Drama - 2009, 25 episodes
- School Bullying
- Kidnapping
- Blackmail
- Sexual Harassment
- Forced Kiss
- Nepotism
- Dubious Consent
- Drugged
- Wrongfully Accused
- Abuse of Power
- Discrimination
- Dating Violence
3. O Demônio Ao Seu Lado
Taiwanese Drama - 2005, 20 episodes
- Harassment
- Forced Kiss
4. Sempre
Korean Movie - 2011
- Violence
- Workplace Abuse
- Sexual Assault
- Fight
- Attempted Murder
- Attempted Sexual Assault
- Stabbed
- Death
- Car Accident
5. Samurai X
Japanese Movie - 2012
- Drugs
- Drugs Usage
- Murder
- Death
6. Eu Ouço a Sua Voz
Korean Drama - 2013, 18 episodes
- Revenge
- Murder
- Wrongfully Accused
- Attempted Murder
- Kidnapping
- Violence
- Wrongful Imprisonment
- Stalking
- Death
- Obsession
7. Escola 2013
Korean Drama - 2012, 16 episodes
- School Bullying
- Violence
- Fight
- School Violence
8. Hormônios Temporada Um
Thai Drama - 2013, 13 episodes
- Drugs
- Gang
- School Bullying
- Cheating
- Fight
9. Hormônios Temporada 2
Thai Drama - 2014, 13 episodes
- Drug Addiction
- Drugs
- Abortion
- Infidelity
- Attempted Sexual Assault
- Drug Usage
10. Meu Amor das Estrelas
Korean Drama - 2013, 21 episodes
- Murder
- Cyberbullying
- Attempted Murder
- Death
- Car Accident
11. Doutor Estrangeiro
Korean Drama - 2014, 20 episodes
- Murder
- Kidnapping
- Conspiracy
- Death
12. Samurai X: O Inferno de Kyoto
Japanese Movie - 2014
- Death
- Murder
- Graphic Violence
13. Samurai X: O Fim de uma Lenda
Japanese Movie - 2014
- Death
- Murder
- Graphic Violence
14. Mamãe Irritada
Korean Drama - 2015, 16 episodes
- School Bullying
- Corruption
- Sexual Assault
- Sexual Harassment
- Attempted Rape
- Death
15. Minha Nossa, Fantasma
Korean Drama - 2015, 16 episodes
- Murder
- Workplace Abuse
- Attempted Murder
- Kidnapping
- Death
- Abuse of Power
- Car Accident
16. Ei Fantasma, Vamos Lutar
Korean Drama - 2016, 16 episodes
- Death
- Murder
- Car Accident
17. O Tigre e o Dragão: A Espada do Destino
Chinese Movie - 2016
- Murder
- Violence
- Revenge
- Death
18. Descendentes do Sol
Korean Drama - 2016, 16 episodes
- Gun Violence
- Kidnapping
- Violence
- Death
19. Médicos
Korean Drama - 2016, 20 episodes
- Student-Teacher Relationship
- Revenge
- Death
20. Goblin
Korean Drama - 2016, 16 episodes
- Death
- Murder
- Adult-Minor Relationship
- Revenge
- Child Abuse
- Poison
- Kidnapping
- Attempted Murder
- Car Accident
21. Escola Murim
Korean Drama - 2016, 16 episodes
- Child Abandonment
- School Bullying
- Murder
- Death
22. Professor de Pesadelos
Korean Drama - 2016, 12 episodes
- School Bullying
23. Solomon's Perjury
Korean Drama - 2016, 12 episodes
- Death
- School Bullying
- Child Abuse
- Domestic Violence
24. A Criada
Korean Movie - 2016
- Sexual Abuse
25. W
Korean Drama - 2016, 16 episodes
- Gun Violence
- Attempted Murder
- Murder
- Fight
- Revenge
- Death
- Violence
- Wrongfully Accused
- Kidnapping
- Gun Fight
- Serial Killings
- Stabbed
26. A Fada do Levantamento de Peso, Kim Bok Joo
Korean Drama - 2016, 16 episodes
- Child Abandonment
- School Bullying
- Discrimination
- Harassment
27. Uma Odisseia Coreana
Korean Drama - 2017, 20 episodes
- Death
- Fight
- Greed
- Murder
- Child Abuse
28. Idade da Juventude
Korean Drama - 2016, 12 episodes
- Workplace Abuse
- Kidnapping
- Dating Violence
- Violence
- Sexual Harassment
- Attempted Assault
29. Idade da Juventude 2
Korean Drama - 2017, 14 episodes
- Sexual Assault
- Attempted Murder
- Pedophilia
- Murder
- Death
- Prejudice
- Discrimination
30. Erased
Japanese Drama - 2017, 12 episodes
- Child Abuse
- Murder
- Death
- Sexual Assault
- School Bullying
- Kidnapping
- Domestic Violence
- Wrongfully Accused
- Domestic Abuse
- Attempted Murder
- Off Screen Rape
31. Alquimista de Aço
Japanese Movie - 2017
- Death
- Gun Fight
32. Cachorro Louco
Korean Drama - 2017, 16 episodes
- Revenge
- Corruption
- Fraud
- Murder
- Death
- Blackmail
- Attempted Murder
- Aviation Accident
33. O Pai Está Estranho
Korean Drama - 2017, 52 episodes
- Fake Incest
- School Bullying
34. Mulher Forte, Do Bong Soon
Korean Drama - 2017, 16 episodes
- Kidnapping
- Torture
- Serial Killings
- Voice Phishing
- Murder
- Gang
- Revenge
- Street Fight
- Death
35. Parceira Suspeita
Korean Drama - 2017, 40 episodes
- Wrongfully Accused
- Corruption
- Death
- Car Accident
- Fire Accident
- Murder
- Revenge
- Infidelity
- Sexual Assault
- Gang Rape
- Serial Killings
36. A Noiva de Habaek
Korean Drama - 2017, 16 episodes
- Car Accident
- Attempted Murder
- Death
37. Túnel
Korean Drama - 2017, 16 episodes
- Murder
- Death
- Kidnapping
- Attempted Murder
- Attempted Assault
- Child Abuse
- Blackmail
- Serial Killings
38. Enquanto Você Dormia
Korean Drama - 2017, 32 episodes
- Murder
- Domestic Violence
- Car Accident
- Violence
- Drowning
- Death
- Animal Death
- Gun Violence
- Greed
39. Guardian
Chinese Drama - 2018, 40 episodes
- Death
- Abuse of Power
40. Advogado Sem Lei
Korean Drama - 2018, 16 episodes
- Revenge
- Corruption
- Murder
- Street Fight
- Violence
- Death
- Fight
- Car Accident
- Gang
41. O Que Houve Com a Secretária Kim?
Korean Drama - 2018, 16 episodes
- Kidnapping
- Death
42. Amor Por Acaso
Thai Drama - 2018, 14 episodes
- Rape
- Blackmail
- Sexual Assault
- Implied Rape
- Extortion
Thai Drama - 2016, 15 episodes
- Abuse of Power
44. O Indomável
Chinese Drama - 2019, 50 episodes
- Wrongfully Accused
- Death
- Murder
- Revenge
- Torture
- Fight
- Incest
- Abuse of Power
- Nepotism
- Deception
45. O Grande Mestre
Hong Kong Movie - 2008
- Fight
- Death
- Murder
- Graphic Violence
46. O Grande Mestre 2
Hong Kong Movie - 2010
- Fight
- Death
- Murder
- Graphic Violence
47. O Grande Mestre 3
Hong Kong Movie - 2015
- Violence
- Kidnapping
- Gang
- Fight
- Graphic Violence
48. O Mistério das Garotas Perdidas
Korean Movie - 2019
- Cult
- Corruption
- Death
49. Water Boyy The Series
Thai Drama - 2017, 14 episodes
- Forced Kiss
- Sexual Assault
- Infidelity
50. Os Mortos-Vivos
Chinese Movie - 2019
- Massacre
- Death
51. Beije
Thai Drama - 2016, 16 episodes
- Infidelity
52. Beije-me Novamente
Thai Drama - 2018, 14 episodes
- Attempted Rape
53. Dark Blue Kiss
Thai Drama - 2019, 12 episodes
- Steet Fight
- Attempted Sexual Assault
54. HIStory2: Certo ou Errado?
Taiwanese Special - 2018, 8 episodes
- School Bullying
55. HIStory3: Armadilha
Taiwanese Special - 2019, 20 episodes
- Revenge
- Violence
- Murder
- Sexual Assault
- Death
- Gang
56. Porque Você É Meu Garoto
Thai Drama - 2018, 12 episodes
- Car Accident
- Sexual Assault
- Homophobia
- Sexual Predator
57. Nós Três Sobreviveremos
Thai Drama - 2019, 10 episodes
- Murder
- Revenge
- Violence
- Death
- Prostitution
- Fight
- Gang
- Gun Fight
- Gun Violence
- Domestic Abuse
- Infidelity
58. TharnType: A série
Thai Drama - 2019, 12 episodes
- Dubious Consent
- Homophobia
- Sexual Assault
- Implied Rape
- Gang Rape
- Rape
- Child Abuse
- Sexual Abuse
- Attempted Assault
- Infidelity
- Extortion
59. Teoria do Amor
Thai Drama - 2019, 12 episodes
- Forced Kiss
60. Três Vidas, Três Mundos, O livro de Travesseiros
Chinese Drama - 2020, 56 episodes
- Revenge
- Death
- Conspiracy
- Poison
61. Meu Colega de Quarto é um Detetive
Chinese Drama - 2020, 36 episodes
- Murder
- Corruption
- Death
- Kidnapping
- Conspiracy
- Fraud
- Wrongfully Accused
62. Jornada Fatal
Chinese Movie - 2020
- Fight
- Revenge
- Death
63. Holo, Meu Amor
Korean Drama - 2020, 12 episodes
- Murder
- Death
- Car Accident
64. Mystic Pop-up Bar
Korean Drama - 2020, 12 episodes
- Grudge
- Attempted Murder
- Revenge
- Wrongfully Accused
- Workplace Abuse
- Death
65. Flor do Mal
Korean Drama - 2020, 16 episodes
- Murder
- Wrongfully Accused
- Torture
- Violence
- Human Trafficking
- Blackmail
- Car Accident
- Drowning
- Revenge
- Death
- Kidnapping
- Serial Killings
66. O Rei: Monarca Eterno
Korean Drama - 2020, 16 episodes
- Murder
- Treason
- Greed
- Gun Violence
- Death
- Conspiracy
- Attempted Murder
- Fight
- Gambling
- Car Accident
67. Hospital Playlist
Korean Drama - 2020, 12 episodes
- Death
68. Why R U? : The Series
Thai Drama - 2020, 13 episodes
- Infidelity
- Forced Kiss
69. O Romance do Tigre e da Rosa
Chinese Drama - 2020, 24 episodes
- Attempted Sexual Assault
- Fight
- Revenge
- Kidnapping
70. Tudo Bem Não Ser Normal
Korean Drama - 2020, 16 episodes
- Attempted Murder
- Child Abuse
- Death
- Murder
- Child Abandonment
- School Bullying
- Kidnapping
- Drowning
71. TharnType 2
Thai Drama - 2020, 12 episodes
- Fight
72. Palavra de Honra
Chinese Drama - 2021, 36 episodes
- Revenge
- Death
- Murder
- Massacre
- Conspiracy
73. O Mestre Yin Yang
Chinese Movie - 2021
- Corruption
- Murder
- Violence
- Death
- Fight
- Wrongfully Accused
- Animal Death
- Discrimination
74. Vamos Lutar, Fantasma
Thai Drama - 2021, 16 episodes
- Murder
- Kidnapping
- Death
- Fight
- Animal Abuse
- Serial Killings
75. Mestres do Yin-Yang: O Sonho da Eternidade
Chinese Movie - 2020
- Murder
- Death
- Discrimination
76. Adrenalina de Cores
Korean Drama - 2020, 8 episodes
- Serial Kidnappings
- Obsession
77. Para Sempre o Primeiro
Taiwanese Drama - 2021, 6 episodes
- Forced Kiss
- Blackmail
- Child Abandonment
78. Lutando Contra o Senhor Segundo
Taiwanese Drama - 2021, 6 episodes
- Grudge
- Forced Kiss
- Dubious Consent
79. Por Causa de Você
Taiwanese Drama - 2020, 10 episodes
- Kidnapping
- Death
- Forced Kiss
- Dubious Consent
80. Para Minha Estrela
Korean Drama - 2021, 9 episodes
- Wrongfully Accused
- Blackmail
- Extortion
81. Para Minha Estrela (Filme)
Korean Movie - 2021
- Wrongfully Accused
- Blackmail
- Extortion
82. Você Me Faz Dançar
Korean Drama - 2021, 8 episodes
- Child Abandonment
- School Bullying
- Loan Sharks or Debt Collectors
83. Onde Seus Olhos se Prolongam
Korean Drama - 2020, 8 episodes
- Homophobia
- Fight
84. O Detetive da Dinastia Ming
Chinese Drama - 2020, 48 episodes
- Murder
- Kidnapping
- Stolen Identity
- Stolen Money
- Death
85. Samurai X: O Fim
Japanese Movie - 2021
- Revenge
- Death
- Murder
- Kidnapping
- Fight
- Attempted Murder
- Graphic Violence
86. Vincenzo
Korean Drama - 2021, 20 episodes
- Mafia
- Revenge // Revenge Killing
- Child Abandonment
- Corruption
- Murder // Death // Attempted Murder // Assassination // Murder Disguised as Suicide
- Arson
- Violence
- Psychological Manipulation
- Gun Violence
- Impersonation
- Wrongfully Accused
- Torture
- Emotional Abuse
- Human Experimentation
- Drug Usage
87. Escritor Adorável
Thai Drama - 2021, 12 episodes
- Deception
- Cyberbullying
88. Causa da Morte
Thai Drama - 2020, 14 episodes
- Murder // Death // Attempted Murder
- Sexual Abuse // Sexual Assault
- Sex Trafficking // Human Trafficking
- Wrongfully Accused
- Corruption
- Mafia
- Drugs // Drug Usage
- Violence // Gun Violence
- Fight
- Captivity
- Abortion
- Deception
- Child Abuse
- Crime
- Strangulation
89. Hotel Del Luna
Korean Drama - 2019, 16 episodes
- Death
- Curse
- Revenge
- Wrongfully Accused
- Murder
- Serial Killings
- Child Abandonment
- Hidden Camera Crime
90. Encontre-se
Chinese Drama - 2020, 41 episodes
- Prejudice
- Infidelity
91. Qing Luo
Chinese Drama - 2021, 24 episodes
- Poison
92. O Juiz do Diabo
Korean Drama - 2021, 16 episodes
- Corruption
- Revenge
- Death
- School Bullying
- Violence
- Murder
- Arson
- Animal Abuse
- Domestic Violence
- Abusive Parents
- Bombing
- Child Abuse
- Child Abandonment
- Sexism
- Rioting
93. Um Conto de Mil Estrelas
Thai Drama - 2021, 10 episodes
- Gun Violence
- Revenge
- Death
- Fight
- Car Accident
- Arson
- Attempted Murder
94. HIStory4: Perto de Ti
Taiwanese Drama - 2021, 20 episodes
- Sexual Assault
- Attempted Sexual Assault
- Dubious Consent
- Rape
- Workplace Abuse
- Revenge
- Attempted Rape
- Drugged
- Wrongfully Accused
- Stalking
- Voyeurism
95. Peixe no Céu
Thai Drama - 2021, 12 episodes
- Cyberbullying
- School Bullying
- Harassment
- Revenge
- Stalking
96. Hometown Cha-Cha-Cha
Korean Drama - 2021, 16 episodes
- Death
97. Até nos Encontrarmos Novamente: A Série
Thai Drama - 2019, 17 episodes
- Death
- Gun Violence
- Sexual Assault
98. Cherry Magic!
Japanese Drama - 2020, 12 episodes
- Forced Kiss
- Sexual Harassment
99. Oxygen: The Series
Thai Drama - 2020, 13 episodes
- Attempted Sexual Assault
100. Luz em Mim
Korean Drama - 2021, 16 episodes
- Homophobia
- LGBTQ+ Character Outed