All my 2022 things I watched

Kimmm Fev 1, 2022
25 Titles Loves
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  • Todos Nós Estamos Mortos

    1. Todos Nós Estamos Mortos

    Korean Drama - 2022, 12 episodes


    Loved the first half of the series, the concept is fun, high stakes mixed with teenagers is always fun to watch. The actors where amazing, and will follow them in the futher, story progressing was intresting enough even when it had some slow bits. The ending kind of felt unsatifing, which not so many people ranomly died at the end. Felt they made some weird chooses in there but i'm curious to see if they will make a seaosn 2. Overall had really fun time !

  • Operação: Guerra Especial

    2. Operação: Guerra Especial

    Chinese Drama - 2022, 35 episodes


    Really enjoyed this one! Definitely can see why they put so much money into this. 

    The first recruitment arc was fun but a bit confusingthe training arc was fine, i liked them growning closer but felt a bit predictible at the endI loved the devilweeks arc that was the best one!The whole leader thing was fine, i didn't mind either of them winning.Then we got. a bunch of emotional scnes, more charcter building which could be slow at times. also the really made me cry a lot at the last 15 episode or so. Loved the chemistry between the whole group, whish we had a bit more of them all just goofing around a bit.  but overall a really good drama which mostly focuses on friendship, comrads and alot of traiging/gun fights. a bit of sprikeling of romance here and there but its more of a strong bond between chrarcters. ANy loved it !

  • Encontrei o Amor por Acidente

    3. Encontrei o Amor por Acidente

    Chinese Drama - 2021, 24 episodes


    The first few episodes were so much fun, loved how they talked trough stuff, their relationship was sweet and fun. Did get a bit bored at the last few episodes, which the begining was a bit more dragged out so we really could feel their reletionship grow, Allot of stuff happenes to them, some where fun to watch some were a bit too long. The first brother was a fun characters, saw some plotpoints comming, the side characters were fun to watch, didn't really skipp much just some parts at the end. 

    Overall a pretty good drama with a really solid relationship

  • Apenas Entre Apaixonados

    4. Apenas Entre Apaixonados

    Korean Drama - 2017, 16 episodes


    This was a rewatch for me and i loved it more the the first time, their releationship is so heartbreakingly beuatifull, they just fit togheter and i lloved every second of it. It is a bit slow sometimes, the last few episodes will rip your heart out, but the last few minutes will sticht it back togheter. i just really love this one and the ost is amazing.

  • Love Me Like a Child

    5. Love Me Like a Child

    Chinese Drama - 2021, 29 episodes


    This drama is full with sweetness/cuteness, without making it to youngish. Really liked how their relationship developet trought the series. The little intro's from the past were so dam cute, the whole family and friends were cozy and loved the vibe. It did get a bit boring at the last half. He looked just like a puppy whenever he saw her which just maded me smile a lot. 

  • Nosso Eterno Verão

    6. Nosso Eterno Verão

    Korean Drama - 2021, 16 episodes


    really enjoyed this one, the characters where amazing, the acting was really good. I really liked the begining, when you got bits and pieces from them in school, them in collage and the now. I really enjoyed every character and their story lines, wished we got a bit more of their romance at the end though, it only hinted at it. Around eps 8 i got. a little bit frustrated that they were taking so long, en around eps 13 i got a bit bored somthimes. Overall had a lot of fun watching this !

  • Reset

    7. Reset

    Chinese Drama - 2022, 15 episodes


    I was hooked from the first minute of this show, every episode somthing new happend that had me at the edge of me seat. The acting was so good, the chemistry between the main leads, all the passangers on the bus, also the cops were all so dam good. I liked the overall storyline and how everything played out. The plot is very "basic" but the twist and turns, the emotions are so good! Definlety glad i watched this and highly recomenned. Did feel that there were some slow moments we didn;t needed at the end but thats all. Will for sure rewatch this sometime! it felt like a long movie which is great!

  • Hometown Cha-Cha-Cha

    8. Hometown Cha-Cha-Cha

    Korean Drama - 2021, 16 episodes


    It was fun and cute at first but i got bored. Its been too long to finish the last three episode and i don't really want to anymore. 

  • Quem Governa o Mundo

    9. Quem Governa o Mundo

    Chinese Drama - 2022, 40 episodes


    The begining was very confusing but when the story went on i got most of it. The chemistry was amaing between the main leads, i loved how much players there were in this game, It kept things intresting. there were some slow parts and his family drama was a bit too much somthimes, but i just loved them and their relationship, the ending felt a bit rushed and didn;t love the whole 10 years thing plus the white hair just is a turnoff for me so we all pretend that didn;t happen, otherwise really glad with the ending, that lifestyle suited them so much. I had a good time wathicng it reminded me a bit of the last ballad but less depressing. Defitnaly recommande and i get why it has such high ratings!

  • Mergulhando em Seu Sorriso

    10. Mergulhando em Seu Sorriso

    Chinese Drama - 2021, 31 episodes


    aahh, this is my second rewatch i think? Still loved it! the ending was a bit slower to get trough but i absolutely devoured most of this series because its just so addicting and good! Just loved it and will for sure rewatch it again at some point. 

  • A Lenda de Fei

    11. A Lenda de Fei

    Chinese Drama - 2020, 51 episodes


    This drama was very slow to start, also i was so confused. It took around 15 episode to get into it  But i slowly fell in love with the characters, the main six are so damm funny togheter! I loved our main couple, they were a huge reason why i kept watching. The three idiot are my favorite though, i laughed everytime they came one, a bit mad we didn't get a proper ending scene of them togheter. The plot got lost sometimes, we took a lot of sidetracks and the flashbacks weren't my favorite. So basicaly i was bored for a few episode and then obsessed and then things slowed down again. The last big quest was so intense and fun,. Overall i enjoyed it more then i thought i would! Its not a perfect drama, it has lots off ups and downs but again the characters are so intresting and fun to watch you kinda forgive that, also the plot is really interesting most parts. i will probably rewatch it at some point just because i was confused most of ht ebeiging and i want understand it better. 

  • Estrela Cadente

    12. Estrela Cadente

    Korean Drama - 2022, 16 episodes


    I really enjoyed the begining of the drama, the whole behind the scenes of celebrities s always a fun perspective. The acting was good, had lots of funny moments. The main leads did have chemistry but i didn't love them like the side couples. I was way more invested in their stories, felt that the main couple was a lot of telling and not showing, it also moved pretty quickly. I didn;t really enjoy the mystrie aspect of this one, the last few episode heavly focessed on multipal "villians" and i was not here for it. The last two or three episode were really good though! the bromance was lots of fun nad i really enjoyed the work place. It was a fine drama, but i won't rewatch this anytime i think. 

  • Pretendente Surpresa

    13. Pretendente Surpresa

    Korean Drama - 2022, 12 episodes


    This was such a cute, funny, entertaining drama! It definitely deserves all the hype its getting. I loved all the characters, their relationships togheter were so fun, everone had chemistry and even the weird background characters were fun to folow. The humor was just perfect, loved all the cliches and how well done they were. I just had such a good fun time, couldn;t stop watching it. I'm a bit dissapointed that we didn;t get to see a wedding, or the approvel of the grandpa. b Bascially i wanted more of their story at the end because i loved them so much! Hihgly recomand and will for sure rewatch this one! 

  • Vinte e Cinco, Vinte e Um

    14. Vinte e Cinco, Vinte e Um

    Korean Drama - 2022, 16 episodes


    I really enjoyed the vibe of this drama, the fencing was intresting to follow, the characters all had great story lines, i liked how the story was build up, the chemistry between the cast members was really great and i had such a good time with it. I did love the main couple it best, i just love how he looks at her, how their relationship developed trough the series, how they made eachother beter persons, and could lean on eachother. Tbh i skipped pretty much all the "present" scenes, also skipped trough episode 15 and 16, so even though u know it has a sad ending for our main couple, i got a happy one because of that. The skipping did take away some point for me otherwise it would have had a 9 or maybe a 10. Still hihghly recommand you to watch it! 

  • Dali e o Príncipe Arrogante

    15. Dali e o Príncipe Arrogante

    Korean Drama - 2021, 16 episodes


    i had a good time with this drama, but not the best. it was slow at times, a bit more depressing then I expected and the story wasn't that intresting to me. But I loved the main couple, they are the reason why i kept watching, the humor was great it made me laugh a lot, the side characters were overall pretty fun to watch and even though i didn't love the whole "mystry/revenge/politc" plot line it had some enjoyable moments. Overall, i just loved the couple, they were very funny, cute and had great chemistry. Their characters were different from the useall typ which i really enjoyed.  It was a fun watch, maybe should have been a bit shorter or added a bit more comedy and i would have liked it more. A solid drama

  • Erro Semântico

    16. Erro Semântico

    Korean Drama - 2022, 8 episodes


    Cute, quick, sweet drama to binge watch! The first 2 episodes got my aatention and hopes up, then epsiode 3-4 where a bit cringy to me and I started to question if i would like it as much as others but episode 4-8 were so damm cute and i really enjoyed it. The main leads had great chemsitry, the acting was allright, there was some cringy and awkard scenes but overall i had a fun time with it! 

  • Eu Não

    17. Eu Não

    Thai Drama - 2021, 14 episodes


    Not me has a very different plot then most BL's and I highly enjoyed it. I was hooked after the firs episode. The cast had all great chemsitry togeher, i loved all couples, the fighthing scenes were a bit cringy but overall decent, the best part is the plot though. And that is weird for.  a bl which focueses more on the relationship and fanservice. I was really into it, the protest made me tear up a bit and everytime they did somthing i got so anxious for them to be allright. I did wish we had a bit more of their "missions" overall, also a few more scnenes of them just hanging out would have been great. I also liked the endining, its not wrapped up like a nice bow, its like the begining of their story and i for sure could see a second season happening. White and Sean were so damm cute togheter, they had perfect chemistry. I'm really impressed with the this series, and its one of the best Thai's one i have watched so far! 

  • D.P.

    18. D.P.

    Korean Drama - 2021, 6 episodes


    D.P isn't somthing I usually watch, but its short, will get a second season and It has Jung Hae In and i just love his acting. Okay, so this drama has alot to say, and i bet it opend up lots of conversations which are necessary. but i just want to talk about my enjoyment watching this drama. So, episode 1-2 were intresting, i was excted to see how everything would go, 3-4 were allright, tbh i was a bit bored trhough those episodes and was about to change my rating but episode 5-6 are just amazing and made me speechless. Those two episode made me want to change the rating, but i can't because overall this series is around a 7 for me, its just not my genre, the 0,5 is for the last two. I  probably will watch the second season whenever that comes out because. have questions. Overall a solid drama, the acting was amazing every actor did an awesome job!

  • F4 Tailândia: Meninos Antes de Flores

    19. F4 Tailândia: Meninos Antes de Flores

    Thai Drama - 2021, 16 episodes


    This is the third version I have seen from  Boys over flowers. And I think its the best one yet. I really enjoyed how they protraited the characters in this, the story is basicaly the same as the others with a few different scenes here and there.  I did skipp a few scenes throughout the series but not too much. The best thing about this remake is the chemistry between the cast. I love how the F4 really seem to be friends with eachother,  the chemsitry between the main leads was so good and you could tell they really fell for eachother. even the side characters had great chemistry, i just love the whole cast. So yeah, i enjoyed it more then i thought i would! Maybe i would rewatch this but not likley xD 

  • Uma Advogada Extraordinária

    20. Uma Advogada Extraordinária

    Korean Drama - 2022, 16 episodes


    I knew i would like this because of alll the hype it has gotten. Maybe iw ould have loved it a bit more if most of the show hadn't beeen spoiled for me but whatever. The lawyer aspect is also somthing i enjoy, the romance was a huge green cute flag, the side characters were entertaining and i really like how they interacted with Our main character. The whole having Austime thing was kinda weird to see in a kdrama tbh, but i think its pretty nicely done and i could relate to some things that she did/Said/felt. Overall had a good time binge watching this ! Wished i could have gone in more blind because i would have loved it inplace of just liking it. 

  • Beijo Atrevido: Amor em TÓQUIO

    21. Beijo Atrevido: Amor em TÓQUIO

    Japanese Drama - 2013, 16 episodes


    Rewatched for the second time and still really enjoyed all the crazy stuff. Did skipp some scenes but had a fun time. 

  • Beijo Atrevido 2: Amor em OKINAWA

    22. Beijo Atrevido 2: Amor em OKINAWA

    Japanese Special - 2014, 1 episode


    Rewatched for the second time and still really enjoyed all the crazy stuff. Did skipp some scenes but had a fun time.

  • Beijo Atrevido 2: Amor em TÓQUIO

    23. Beijo Atrevido 2: Amor em TÓQUIO

    Japanese Drama - 2014, 16 episodes


    Rewatched for the second time and still really enjoyed all the crazy stuff. Did skipp some scenes but had a fun time. This is definitely the best season. They are just really cute here. 

  • Garota do Século 20

    24. Garota do Século 20

    Korean Movie - 2022


    The begining was really fun and cute then stuff happened and it kinda got slow and drama filled. Tbh I just wanted a cute romcom and thats not what i got, should have know because happy korean movies doesn't exist. Anyway it was a fine movie the first half was really good and enjoyable, the ending was rushed and missed a lot of plot points. 

  • Alice na Fronteira

    25. Alice na Fronteira

    Japanese Drama - 2020, 8 episodes


    Rewatched this for the second season! It was good just don't think its a very rewatchable show because you know all the twist and turns already. Super hyped for the second season though! 
