6. The DRC is among the most resource-rich countries on the planet, with an abundance of gold, tantalum, tungsten, and tin – all minerals used in electronics such as cell phones and laptops – But sadly it continues to have an extremely poor population 

7. Okapi Wildlife Reserve is a wildlife reserve in the Ituri Forest and, at approximately 14,000 km2, covers approximately one-fifth of the area of the forest. Found in the Congolian rainforests, the okapi was unknown to science until 1901.

8. Nyiragongo erupted in 2012 killing 120,000 congoleses. I has erupted 34 times in the last 130 years. It is very close to a city called Goma and is 3000 m height. First time I hear about it.

9.The Rumble in the Jungle

The Rumble in the Jungle, was a heavyweight championship boxing match on October 30, 1974, at the 20th of May Stadium (now the Stade Tata Raphaël) in Kinshasa, Zaire (now Democratic Republic of the Congo), between undefeated and undisputed heavyweight champion George Foreman and Muhammad Ali. The event had an attendance of 60,000 people and was one of the most watched televised events at the time. Ali won by knockout in the eighth round.

 Komentator isenk:

6. The DRC is among the most resource-rich countries on the planet, with an abundance of gold, tantalum, tungsten, and tin – all minerals used in electronics such as cell phones and laptops – But sadly it continues to have an extremely poor population 

Sadly due to politics and war people are suffering.

10. Katanda Harpoon Tool - A fossil tool to catch fish with 80,000 to 90,000 years of antiquity that was found in Katanda, Congo among a lot of other fossils.


1. Rubik’s Cube

It was invented by a certain Dr. Ernő Rubik in 1974. Rubik was working as a professor of architecture in Budapest at the time. Initially, he designed the cube solely as a means to playfully let his class of students engage with the principles of space in architectural design.

2. Budapest, the capital city, is not a city but two, Buda an Pest. Here is a photo of Pest, the flat and eastern part of these twin cities on the shore of the Danube that have become universally known as one.

3.. Pálinka, a Hungarian fruit brandy, has been around for more than 500 years. This alcoholic beverage is not simply for imbibing. Many Magyars still consider it to be a great remedy for ailments ranging from headaches to menstrual pains.


2. Budapest, the capital city, is not a city but two, Buda an Pest. Here is a photo of Pest, the flat and eastern part of these twin cities on the shore of the Danube that have become universally known as one.

I recall movie, 'The grand Budapest hotel', one of the best movie.

5. Hungary origin - Hungarians arrived in the Carpathian Basin in the period going from 862 to 907. Even if they claim to be connected with the Attila's Huns, genetic studies show that they are connected to Central Asia people but not with huns. Image is the arrival of Hungarians in the Carpathian Basin as depicted in the medioeval book Chronicon Pictum from XIV century. (Based and taken from Wikipedia)

6. The Hungarian Language

Unlike any of its neighbors, Hungarian isn’t part of the Indo-European language family. Instead, it forms a close relationship with the other Uralic languages, which include for instance Estonian and Finnish!

Uralic languages are not directly descended from any other language group and are therefore considered one of the world’s primary language families. Even between different Uralic tongues, differences can be huge.

This is why Hungarian is one language that is considered extremely difficult to learn for just about everyone.

 Komentator isenk:

6. The Hungarian Language

Unlike any of its neighbors, Hungarian isn’t part of the Indo-European language family. Instead, it forms a close relationship with the other Uralic languages, which include for instance Estonian and Finnish!

Uralic languages are not directly descended from any other language group and are therefore considered one of the world’s primary language families. Even between different Uralic tongues, differences can be huge.

This is why Hungarian is one language that is considered extremely difficult to learn for just about everyone.

I also read, it is somewhat near to Latin......(so sad they can't use the phrase, oh! That thing is greek-latin to me)


I also read, it is somewhat near to Latin......(so sad they can't use the phrase, oh! That thing is greek-latin to me)

No, it is by far far from Latin. I used to have a Hungarian friend and he told me about the seventeen cases that they use. It is a nightmare! I found it is something that only happens in other some low quantity spoken Caucasic languages.