
1.Amazon Rainforest

The Amazon includes parts of eight South American countries: Brazil, Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, Venezuela, Guyana, and Suriname, as well as French Guiana

3.Samba (Brazilian dance)

Sambadrome Marquês de Sapucaí

the epicenter of samba during the Rio de Janeiro Carnival. Locals and tourists in the stadium watch as the top samba schools perform for the title along Marques de Sapucai avenue. The stadium was originally conceptualized by Oscar Niemeyer in 1984.

5. Escrava Isaura (1976) - one of the most popular telenovelas in the world, broadcasted in over 80 countries.

(It's legendary. I still hear stories, how streets became empty whenever Escrava Isaura was on TV, baby girls were named after the main character etc.)

6.Sugarloaf Mountain

Its name comes from the shape in which mounds of sugar were produced and sold up until the late 19th century

8.Escadaria Selarón

9.  Feijoada (Brazilian Black Bean Stew)

10. Romario


1. Jorge Luis Borges

Ajedrez - A poem


En su grave rincón, los jugadores
rigen las lentas piezas. El tablero
los demora hasta el alba en su severo
ámbito en que se odian dos colores.

Adentro irradian mágicos rigores
las formas: torre homérica, ligero
caballo, armada reina, rey postrero,
oblicuo alfil y peones agresores.

Cuando los jugadores se hayan ido,
cuando el tiempo los haya consumido,
ciertamente no habrá cesado el rito.

En el Oriente se encendió esta guerra
cuyo anfiteatro es hoy toda la Tierra.
Como el otro, este juego es infinito.


Tenue rey, sesgo alfil, encarnizada
reina, torre directa y peón ladino
sobre lo negro y blanco del camino
buscan y libran su batalla armada.

No saben que la mano señalada
del jugador gobierna su destino,
no saben que un rigor adamantino
sujeta su albedrío y su jornada.

También el jugador es prisionero
(la sentencia es de Omar) de otro tablero
de negras noches y de blancos días.

Dios mueve al jugador, y éste, la pieza.
¿Qué Dios detrás de Dios la trama empieza
de polvo y tiempo y sueño y agonía?

Translation by Alastair Reid


Set in their studious corners,
the players move the gradual pieces.
Until dawn the chessboard keeps them in its strict confinement
with its two colors set at daggers drawn.

Within the game itself the forms
give off their magic rules:
Homeric castle, knight swift to attack, queen warlike,
king decisive, slanted bishop, and attacking pawns.

Eventually, when the players have withdrawn,
when time itself has finally consumed them,
the ritual will certainly not be done.

It was in the East this war took fire.
Today the whole earth is its theatre.
Like the game of love, this game goes on forever.


Faint-hearted king, sly bishop, ruthless queen,
straightforward castle, and deceitful pawn
- over the checkered black and white terrain
they seek out and begin their armed campaign.

They do not know it is the players' hand
that dominates and guides their destiny.
They do not know an adamantine fate
controls their will and the battle plan.

The player too is captive of caprice
(the words are Omar’s) on another ground
where black nights alternate with whiter days.

God moves the player, he in turn the piece.
But what god beyond God begins the round
of dust and time and sleep and agonies?

4.Teatro Colon