de HeidiLyon, janeiro 30, 2014

We've all suffered it, drama burnout.  Whether it's after you just marathoned all your bias' dramas or you had a three day weekend and really wanted to watch your favorite drama again, there are times you just can't sit and watch one more episode.  Some of us start to look for movies, or even a mini drama that's in a different genre than we normally watch, but the cure for me has been Korean variety shows!  Here's my list of the shows most likely to cure your drama burnout and give you a great time in the process.

Comedy/Talk Variety Shows

Strong Heart
This is one of my favorite programs to watch.  I generally only watch the episodes with Lee Seung Gi as a host (he's awesome), but they are all great to watch.  With a "competition" to tell the best story, you get some of the funniest moments from both music and acting idols in the business.  The improv is always top notch too.  I guarantee you won't go more than 5 minutes without laughing and/or learning something new about a favorite actor.

Happy Together
Another great show, with Jae Suk as one of the hosts... that should tell you it's good, right?  This is one of my favorite variety shows set in a sauna.  They usually bring in several members of a drama cast, movie cast, idol group, etc. at the same time.  The conversations and gags are always hilarious and the recipe challenge (if they have it) is great fun to watch too.

Gag Concert
This is pure sketch, improv, and comedy at it's best.  If you love slapstick comedy, snarky comebacks, running gag bits, and goofiness, this is definitely the show for you.  Each season has been great and it's the longest running comedy show in Korea.   The hosts differ somewhat from season to season, but you'll be laughing no matter who it is.

Mama Mia
Is there anything better than seeing your favorite actor or singer sitting next to his/her mom and hearing funny stories of when they were little?  No, I didn't think so!  Some of the best moments of this show are the moms, who knew they could have such a sense of humor?!  Birth secrets, baby pics, awwww moments and bad habits are all revealed on this show in the funniest moments possible.  Be sure to at least catch one or two episodes, you'll be hooked.

Music Variety

Immortal Songs 2
This is my favorite musical show of all time.  What is better than bringing out 6-12 challengers to all sing songs from a legend and pick the best?  Any time I get to see B14A (Sandeul), VOS, ZE:A, Ailee, Hyorin, Im Tae Kyung, EXO, and so many more, I'm a happy girl.  This show pits them against each other to see who sang the songs of the legend of the week best.  Singing outside their genre, dancing, even doing stage performances is great to watch.  But it isn't just the singing!  The guests and hosts in the waiting room will having you holding your sides from laughter.  I never knew so many of my favorite singers were so darn funny!  If you love Korean music, not just kpop, you will adore this show to the fullest.
Music Bank
I'll admit, I've not watched this show as much as the others, but it's great if you love kpop.  Each week we get to see and hear the top 20 on the music charts and chat with idol guests.  Back in the days of MTV being the God of music videos, I used to love to watch because of shows like this.  It's a great way to hear newly debuted groups, listen to the great songs of the week, and see some great interviews with guests.

Game/Challenge Variety

Running Man
Six months ago I watched an episode of Running Man because Lee Jong Suk and Kim Woo Bin were on it together.  I had just watched School 2013 and thought, "Ok, I'll give it a shot."  I can honestly say I've not made a better decision in my tv viewing history!  Since then I'm nearly watched 100 episodes of Running Man, always the most recent and then I tag a few older ones to watch.  This show is HILARIOUS and it has everything to do with the hosts.  Kwang Soo, Jae Suk, Gary, Ha Ha, Suk Jin (Big Nose Brother), Ji Hyo and Jong Kook (Tiger) are the perfect mix to add in with a guest or three to make this the most fun challenge show out there.  Every week the challenges change and the PDs LOVE to mess with these guys.  This is my go-to show for laughter and fun when I've watched a really really sad drama!  Trust me, you won't go wrong with this one.

Dream Team
This show was a recent find for me when I did a search on Minho.  I never EVER knew he was at athletic as he is, nor that some of my other favorite idols were as well.  This show changes every week with different challenges.  There is a core group of "Dream Team" members who are pitted against guests.  The sports challenges include everything from gymnastics to diving, running, biking on water, wrestling, and obstacle courses.  It's a bit of Ninja Warrior, Infinity Challenge, and Running Man all rolled into one.  There are laughs, but watching these beloved idols kick some serious butt during physical challenges is impressive!

Infinite Challenge (Infinity Challenge)
This show changes every week is one of the best non-scripted reality type challenge shows.  It has it's main cast, which again includes Jae Suk (the king of Variety shows!) and has laughs, challenges, great guests, and interesting outcomes each week.  It has been the number one Saturday non-drama show for years, and I don't expect that to change.  This is another show I highly recommend, just like Running Man.

So, there you have it, your drama burnout relief!  Watch just a few episodes of any or all of these shows and you'll be refreshed and ready to face that next new drama!