de mysecretsoul, setembro 10, 2013

Episode 10


[I'd like to take this opportunity to apologize for the late recaps this past week. Scheduling has been crazy for the two of us, but it should work itself out soon. Thank you for your understanding; we hope you keep enjoying the drama!]

Shi On suddenly formulates a way Kyu Hyun might retain his beautiful voice. He interrupts Yoon Seo before she can begin ligation, quickly detailing the process. If they can enter through a different approach and twist the thyroid cartilage, the tricky nerve is salvageable. Do Han finishes our hero's thoughts, having caught on, and the suggestion is taken without resistance.

The resulting operation is smooth and easy, showing remarkable synergy between the members of the surgical team. Uplifting music plays throughout, and ultimately, the procedure is an overwhelming success.

Yoon Seo informs the parents, a hopeful smile painted across her face. Back in the operating room, Shi On assists his compatriots in suturing. Doctors Han and Hong give him the thumbs up, pleased with the result his insight allowed. Doctor 10/1_zpse400d71a.jpg
Not pictured: the very real shame on Woo Il Kyu's face.

Light banter colors the post-surgery meeting between Do Han and Yoon Seo. She jabs lightly that he is silent where he typically scolds. Though amusement surfaces a smile, Do Han doesn't look up from his documents. He playfully states nothing worth scolding happened.

When Yoon Seo mentions the success belongs to Shi On, Do Han's expression drops markedly. She makes it clear she has no intention of telling Do Han what to do; after all, he has his reasons and they make sense. Chae Kyung, take notes!

Instead, our heroine asks for a simple favor: "Just see Park Shi On for what he is. Just as he is." Do Han looks away and swallows hard. It's worth noting he has no vehement denial to offer in return. Might he be thinking of doing as she so gently requested? Doctor 10/2_zpsf5b583bd.jpg

Shi On stumbles out to the courtyard for air. The exhaustion and tension from surgery has left him dizzy to the point his vision glazes.

Here, in a dreamlike sequence, he encounters an unusually friendly youth. After inquiring after our hero's well being, he takes a seat next to him on the bench. The two chat about the day's surgery, which leads Shi On to claim his fearful reaction must be because he has grown into a coward much like his bunny. Doctor 10/3_zps60a9d946.jpg

The youth clearly disagrees, and after a pause, explains:

"People think bunnies are small and fearful. But because the bunny's hind legs are longer than its front legs, they run very fast. That's why it's difficult for predators to catch them. They're clever, too." He goes on to cite the legend of the tortoise and hare as an example.

Shi On isn't quite there with the point of the message; he points out that bunnies eat their own waste. The young man laughs, brooking no argument. He goes on to say that Shi On should be brave like a bunny, and run forward with vigor.

He then compliments his nails, so like a crescent moon. Big Brother?! 

Without waiting much for an answer, the youth strolls off down the path, butterflies fluttering along
behind him in the sunlight. Doctor 10/4_zpsfef9d040.jpg

On his return to the hospital, Shi On stumbles across the very pregnant woman once again. She's still crying, though this time more quietly. He approaches her and offers his handkerchief.

Kyu Hyun wakes to Yoon Seo, who informs him that his voice has been saved. She warns not to speak for a little while though, because it could strain the healing process. Shi On joins the sweet moment, and after some words of encouragement, he and Kyu Hyun shake hands. Doctor 10/5_zps889576ce.jpg

In the hallway, our hero and Yoon Seo discuss his ability to see three dimensional images from various angles in his head. She's suitably impressed and pushes further, wanting to know if he can even see the "hidden parts" as in an X-Ray. Shi On commands her to stand before him, and she cheerfully obliges. Shi On works his magic, but starts giggling. This leads to a funny, if not uncomfortable, moment where she realizes how perverted this situation might be. She covers her body indignantly with her lab coat, demanding what he could be looking at. With a snort and adorable attitude, Shi On retorts: "Just who in the world has that kind of ability?"

Back in his office, Do Han scrutinizes the transfer papers prepared for Shi On. His thoughts jump between the Vice Director's words and Yoon Seo's, until he finally tears the documents to shreds. Attaboy!

The residents enjoy this episode's unabashed marketing of Subway as a group. But unfortunately, the super sandwich won't yield enough for everyone. In a show of acceptance, Doctor Hong kindly offers his portion to Shi On.

Amidst the fun verbal sparring, Do Han slips out from his office. He orders our hero to enjoy one last day of returning home early; from this point on, Shi On will be a real resident and suffer the insane hours along with everyone else.

With a sigh, Do Han excuses himself from the subsequent celebration. All of the residents seem happy for Shi On, and they push him over for some innocent hazing. Except for Woo Il Kyu, but who cares about him?

Do Han meets with Vice Director Kang to put their coalition on hold. He cites the proposal regarding Shi On as part of his reasoning, but makes it clear he wants to improve the department internally as well.

As Do Han turns to leave, Kang halts him with a thinly veiled threat. "I hope you won't keep me waiting long. People tend to calculate flaws in those that keep them waiting."

The basketball court sees Do Han shooting hoops solo, having shed his lab coat. Shi On joins him, silently hovering at his side as he continues to play. Do Han finally prompts him to speak and our hero thanks him for allowing him a chance. He promises to work hard.

In answer, Do Han roughly passes the ball to Shi On. "Shoot it," he says. 

Shi On adopts proper shooting posture and does as asked. The camera slows and moves between our hero and the net, which is conspicuously unaffected. Doctor 10/6_zpsdace129b.jpg

Do Han watches as the ball flops in mid air and bounces off harmlessly. As he puts his hands on his hips, Shi On shuffles off to retrieve and return it. Once he does, the embarrassment sends him shuffling off, but Do Han stops him in his tracks.

"Again," he says, tossing the ball back at our hero.

Cue a montage of awful shots. Most bounce behind the pair; while Do Han grows increasingly done with the situation, he continues to encourage Shi On to try again. 

Eventually, the ball hits the mark and drops through the net! Woo!

Shi On turns to Do Han, who fixes him with a stern expression. He cites the basketball incident with members of the neurosurgery department and warns, "If you humiliate our department before others again, you're dead."

So he taught him how to shoot properly? Oh, Do Han.

Kyu Hyun's parents watch Eun Ok through the window of her room as she sleeps. They look to each other, clearly contemplating something. Could they be thinking of adopting her? Doctor 10/7_zps88c08fa8.jpg

At the sinks, Yoon Seo stares at Do Han with a smile. The two exchange several seconds worth of glances, before Do Han asks after the reason. She claims he looks particularly cool today, though he's always attractive. Without missing a beat, Do Han answers that it's good she knows. Doctor 10/8_zps893ce849.jpg

Another professor (Doctor Min) interrupts the obvious flirtation, wondering at how the two are doing. When she turns to Yoon Seo, she offers a compliment of her beauty: "What could you be eating lately that makes you lovelier and lovelier?"

Our heroine answers that Do Han takes good care of her, which elicits a giggle. From him. Doctor 10/9_zps57cb9ceb.jpg

Suddenly, the professor recalls she needed to consult Do Han about a case.

Looking over the slides, he diagnoses the subject (a fetus) with congenital lymphangioma. Doctor Min concurs, stating the development began near the neck and is quite large. We learn the respiratory tract of the baby will be crushed on delivery if nothing is done, but Do Han is unconcerned. All should be well after applying the EXIT procedure. Doctor 10/10_zpse6d072d9.jpg

Sadly, another daunting issue looms over the birth. In what seems like a cruel twist from some melodrama, the mother married into a traditional household where the in-laws insist on at-home delivery. Her mother-in-law is a particular problem; she insists on the baby being offered up for adoption because of the "abnormality."

Yoon Seo is angry and taken aback; the "deformity" is nothing more than an easily repaired cyst. It seems that no matter what, no one can get through to her. Mother-in-law is convinced her grandchild will do nothing but taint their all-important name. Terrible.

Do Han interjects that while it's fine to be worried about deformities (when looking toward the child's future), something seems off about this case. Why even come to the hospital?

Despite pressure from her family, the mother appears to want to make her own decision. The professor denies that she is responsible for the final push, however. It was Park Shi On. So the mother is that poor young woman (Lee Soo Jin) we keep seeing as she bawls in the lobby.

A marked sigh from Do Han signals a subsequent meeting with our hero. He demands to know what Shi On might have told the patient. Strange phrasing bates the breath of both Yoon Seo and Do Han, but apparently Shi On has internalized the lesson from Kyu Hyun's case. He tells them he merely directed her toward consultation with an OBGYN doctor.

Sighs of relief come, but Do Han pushes further. How did he convince her to do so? Doctor 10/11_zps3ff5266b.jpg

A flashback reveals the answer. Shi On explained to Soo Jin that he was once low functioning, but now he is on the path to becoming a doctor. In the case of her baby, all he has is a cyst; a well-performed surgery should easily make him healthy.

In the present, Shi On wonders whether she decided to do the surgery after all. Yoon Seo explains that Soo Jin will bring her in-law the following day to make a final decision. Seemingly placated, Do Han asks our heroine to bring in the files so they can prepare a clear explanation.

Yoon Seo and Shi On step out into the hallway together. She offers a special meal to celebrate his elevation to true resident. Hilariously, Shi On shrinks at the thought she might cook again. Though she's a little offended, she offers to take him out to traditional Korean food instead. A cute exchange occurs where Shi On questions the number of dishes, ticking off the proper amount for historical social classes. He mentions he enjoys seven best, but backs down from that number when Yoon Seo offers seven punches as well. Maybe five is best, he acquiesces.

Oh, and apparently there will be a special guest: Mother! Is it time to re-introduce them, then?

At the restaurant, Shi On chows down as the women talk. The encounter feels much like a student-teacher meeting as Yoon Seo touches on all his recent successes. Mother diverts the conversation toward her son, insisting his parents would be elated.

In response, Shi On politely directs her to eat. Mother clearly prefers to watch him do so, and she places a morsel on his spoon. This causes him to pause, but after the moment passes and he eats it as well. Doctor 10/12_zpsb3e9c771.jpg

Mother goes on to ask him to become a good doctor under Yoon Seo's guidance. Shi On answers affirmatively since he has every intention of doing both. After all, he made a promise with his brother.

Unable to contain her emotions at this revelation, Mother tearfully excuses herself from the room. She collapses in the hallway, venting her tears.

Do Han returns home, where Chae Kyung has let herself in. Instead of greeting him, she latches right onto the point: "Why did you keep Park Shi On?"

Bitter laughter greets his refusal to talk about it. She turns on him, saying she isn't surprised. He never thinks of her anyway. Do Han's posture stiffens. We're in for a fight.

"Do you know what I've been doing for your sake?"

This gains his attention. He turns to Chae Kyung, concerned as to what she might mean. She's surprisingly honest, coming clean about her role in the cessation of financial support for Sung Won. Along with firing the executive director, this is part of the initial steps she's  taken to rid herself of the chairwoman. What does this have to do with his sake? Doctor 10/13_zps5a951163.jpg

Chae Kyung details the rest of her plan, which ultimately ends with Do Han on top as director.

Unfortunately for her, his reaction is one of surprise and disappointment. He asks whether she's serious, and she responds that even more will happen in days to come.

How can she do this, especially to those who have basically been second parents to her? All Chae Kyung offers is the promise he'll understand one day. This isn't good enough for Do Han, who demands that she stop right away.

Chae Kyung refuses to do so, in a manner which is childish at best. She goes on to ask him not to interfere, since she has never been allowed to intercede in his work. Doctor 10/14_zps85020939.jpg

Do Han agrees. Chae Kyung can go on all she likes -- as long as she's content with not seeing him anymore.

On the way home, Yoon Seo wonders why Shi On hesitated at dinner. He responds that the sensation reminded him of something from his dreams. Our heroine encourages him to keep thinking on it, clearly hopeful he'll remember Mother on his own.

She stops and, in honor of his assumption of true residency, asks Shi On what doctors mean to him. After a period of brief consideration, our hero answers doctors are last hope. They should be there with the patient until the end. Yoon Seo poses the same question regarding the patients, and Shi On offers up the word "friend."

"A friend you will have to part from. A patient is someone you must treat like a friend. The patient is someone I must treat, so he can be healthy even when we are apart... so he will never need to come see me again."

Yoon Seo pats him on the back, then takes both his hands into hers. She offers words of encouragement, letting him know that he should believe in himself. Only he carried himself this far, no one else. Doctor 10/15_zps89a78ebd.jpg

She also notes that his hiccups have subsided. It must because he's accepted his feelings for her, huh? Hopefully this flirtation with Do Han won't lead to the tough situation I'm beginning to dread....

The next day sees Shi On tending to various patients. He even takes notes at some point, which amuses even Do Han. Doctor 10/16_zps43914c9b.jpg

As our hero looks over a clipboard, he's waylaid by Chae Kyung. Oh, for goodness sake, are you going to complain about your stepmother to him too?!

Despite her warm introduction, Chae Kyung asks Shi On not to make trouble. Mostly "for the sake of" Do Han, who allowed him to stay. His pause leads her to ask if he became offended (why, did you want him to be?), but that isn't the case. Instead, Shi On is confused by her terminology. The way she conveyed "for the sake of," isn't comprehensible to him. Doctor 10/17_zps09851726.jpg

Yoon Seo comes across Do Han, deep in thought. She notes he looks depressed and, sure enough, he does. Our heroine pushes the matter so Do Han builds up the courage to ask. "What do you think it means to do something for the sake of someone else?"

The vague nature of the question throws her off, so she asks for clarification. Between lovers or friends? But when he chooses "lovers," she suspiciously wonders whether his sorrows relate to Chae Kyung.

Yoon Seo continues, Do Han's gaze fixed on her. In her mind, it means being by the other person's side, without neglect or indifference. This might be the hardest thing to do, but the relationship will last because of it.

Do Han quietly asks, "Are you there for me?"

An awkward silence passes between them, as his words have stunned her. He reaches for something to break the tension and, smiling, clarifies he meant as a colleague. Doctor 10/18_zps7c64f58d.jpg

Does this disappoint or relieve her? Awkwardly, Yoon Seo looks around. She claims that while she bothers him a lot, he always makes wise decisions. He always wins against her.

Do Han, visibly cheered, laughs and thanks her. "For losing to me."

Despite the fact that he needn't, Doctor Choi insists upon his resignation. Chairwoman Lee continually tries to dissuade him, but he comforts her with the idea he won't be stepping down right away. He has work to finish, namely getting rid of Vice Director Kang. Doctor 10/19_zps63284a75.jpg

She agrees; as the good doctor says, perhaps a corporation suits Kang better than their hospital.

While prowling the halls, Doctor Ko gets disrespected by junior doctors. He stops to shout about their failure to greet him, which leads them to grudgingly do so. Shi On, on the other hand, bows exaggeratedly in passing.

Dr. Acula freezes up like he's just seen a gallon of holy water. He demands to know why our hero is "overdoing" his greeting. Just can't win, huh?

But it seems as though Shi On only wanted to show the depth of his respect. After all, Doctor Ko has some pretty amazing callouses. The entire exchange leaves him floored. As Shi On wanders off, Doctor Ko wonders aloud about the fascination with his hands. Doctor 10/20_zps4c1b5641.jpg

Doctor Min and Do Han meet with Lee Soo Jin and her contentious mother-in-law. Nothing seems to budge the old bat and her outdated sensibilities. At the urging of Yoon Seo, Doctor Min gently pushes Soo Jin to admit she wants to keep the child. But the mother-in-law refuses even that much, commanding the doctors to butt out.

Yoon Seo angrily insists that a cyst is not a handicap. Not even Do Han can stop her as she explains the stupidity of the situation. The mother-in-law rises to depart in an offended huff, taking Soo Jin with her. Do Han implores them to think again, as the baby really needs the surgery. But with a few parting words, the pair leaves the doctors helpless.

On the way out, they come across Shi On who inquires as to whether Soo Jin decided to undergo surgery. Without allowing even a moment for her to answer, mother-in-law browbeats our hero. Shi On doesn't look "normal," she says, so what right does he have to treat the illnesses of others? What a reprehensible woman.

Soo Jin stops to apologize, nearly bursting into tears.

Shi On follows her to the car; he rushed out just to ask her not to cry. Should she cry, many will be saddened...but if the baby is born crying, everyone will be happy. Doctor 10/21_zps30cd66fa.jpg

That evening, Shi On enjoys his first overnight at the hospital. He bounces around on the lower bed in the rest area, prompting irritation from Doctor Hong above.

Soon In Hye makes an appearance, excited that it's like she and our hero are living together. Doctor Hong grumbles into the conversation; In Hye snarks that his underwear is visible. When he adjusts things, Shi On points out that his pants are now riding up.

In Hye and Shi On meet at their designated bench. It's time for another love consultation! As his symptoms now include a racing heart, she diagnoses his entry into the second phase of first love: love sickness. Doctor 10/22_zps8a972acf.jpg

The cure? Confessing.

Because Shi On can't bring himself to feel comfortable with that, In Hye pushes him to compliment his crush. He has to express himself at all costs!

The next time Shi On sees Yoon Seo, these words are clearly on his mind. He joins her as she looks over Dong Soo, the premature baby from a few episodes back. We're updated on his condition, which is looking fabulous; even so, Yoon Seo can only sigh worried as she is about Lee Soo Jin.

Unfortunately, since she isn't a patient at the hospital, there's little to be done. Doctors must respect the personal decisions of a patient, even if they aren't in agreement.

Shi On tells Yoon Seo: "You have a pretty heart."

He goes on to share a story the director of his orphanage once told: pretty hearts fly far like pollen to start new flowers. Basically, the beauty of her heart will make others bloom as well.

Our heroine wishes she really could fly far away. She leaves Shi On alone, who says to himself: "You will fly away. Far, far away." Doctor 10/23_zps0c837b66.jpg

Lee Soo Jin returns to the hospital the following day, packing new resolve. Whether it means divorce or expulsion from her cruel family, she will protect her child. Time praying and ruminating over Shi On's words has led her this far.

Doctors Kim and Min utilize the conference room in order to brief their respective departments. We learn the particulars of the procedure, which include a c-section and incubation of the baby during the delivery. The lymphoma must be removed at this time. Doctor 10/24_zps31e9bc91.jpg

Sounds simple. The catch? Only 30 minutes are available for the procedure. Between the drugs used to suppress contractions and the bleeding, any longer might endanger both mother and child.

During the explanation, a drowsy Shi On participates by asking questions. Unfortunately, he continues to do so even after it becomes apparent they are unwelcome. Most of his curiosity relates to worst-case scenarios.

[From one of his queries, we learn that should a complication occur and only one can be saved, the mother takes priority.]

Once things have wrapped up, Do Han approaches Doctor Min to apologize for our hero. Refreshingly, the professor is actually refreshed and impressed by his inquisitive nature. She tells Do Han to raise him up well, since they could very well have a little Do Han on their hands. Ha, cute. The notion seems to make him a little sad, though. Doctor 10/25_zpse0b53e24.jpg

Meanwhile, Yoon Seo chides Shi On for all of the questioning. During their conversation though, he falls asleep and has to be ordered for an hour's sleep. When Shi On rests, he dreams of Big Brother's death. He wakes with an apology on his lips. But he has little time to linger; his phone rings and he's called away.

Vice Director Kang creepily reports his failure. He tells whoever it is on the line they might need to come in.

In the cafeteria, Mother watches Doctor Choi with a sad look. She finally confronts him, resulting in a very tense stare down. Doctor 10/26_zps7f373c90.jpg

Do Han and Shi On meet in the observation room above the operating area. Though he has accepted our hero, Do Han warns  the only way to be truly acknowledged in the hospital is to surpass him. Perhaps not in surgery, but in every other way possible. Doctor 10/27_zps3235ee5b.jpg

Soo Jin is admitted, but her mother-in-law comes with goons to abduct her. They get as far as the street before Yoon Seo arrives on the scene. Our heroine gets roughed up, and Do Han appears to intervene as one of the men moves to strike her. Doctor 10/29_zps1fe96ea1.jpg

Shi On, having followed, repeatedly says that they won't be taking Soo Jin anywhere. In response to a threat on their jobs, Yoon Seo brazenly asks the mother-in-law to give it her best shot.

Bolstered, Soo Jin finally stands up to the old bat herself. If she has to divorce her spineless husband to keep the baby, so be it.

Unfortunately, Soo Jin faints due to the stress. Shi On sees it first, but Do Han rushes to her side in shock. He orders her be taken in and medications be applied right away. Things aren't looking good for a calm surgery. Doctor 10/30_zps829c7631.jpg