de Jazzy, agosto 3, 2013

Episode 19 Recap

The episode opens with a scene from 12 years ago, the night Han Yeong Man (Yi Soo&Yi; Hyeon’s dad) took Professor Kang Hee Soo home. Kang Hee Soo is horrified as he recognizes Han Yeong Man as the “Shadow”.

Kang Hee Soo questions if Han Yeong Man does not remember him.  He yells at Han Yeong Man and calls him a bastard.

Han Yeong Man covers Kang Hee Soo's mouth and pushes him inside.  They struggle and Han Yeong Man apologizes.  Kang Hee Soo is clutching onto Han Yeong Man as he reveals how he begged to be killed, but was tortured instead.

Han Yeong Man covers his ears and Kang Hee Soo continues to rage at him.  When Kang Hee Soo asks "Do your children know what kind of person you are!?", Han Yeong Man screams and covers Kang Hee Soo's mouth. They fall to the ground and Han Yeong Man begins to strangle Kang Hee Soo pleading "please stop". Kang Hee Soo fights against him, but loses, falling limp.  Han Yeong Man whimpers as he looks at what he's done.  He gets up, grabs the envelope of documents, and runs out.

Someone walks out the closet and stands over Kang Hee Soo.  It's Choi Byeong Gi.

Back to the present, Yi Soo takes his gun from the case and looks it over.  He gets a call from Hae Woo but ignores it.  He stares at the painting and tells himself "Don't look back. You must see it to the end, Han Yi Soo".

He leaves the apartment and Secretary Jang spots him getting into his car driving off.

Hae Woo gets a call from Detective Byeon.  She tells him that Yi Soo confirmed the truth with Professor Yoon.  Soo Hyeon looks on as he listens.

Yi Soo is driving and flashes back to his talk with Professor Yoon.  He asks if the "Shadow" is the other person in the picture, but Professor Yoon says no and points to the other person (Yi Soo's dad).  He sighs and continues to ignore Hae Woo's calls.

Secretary Jang has gone into Yi Soo's apartment and removes the listening device.  She sees the gun case on the desk and goes to look at it.  The gun is missing.  She gets a call from Hae Woo who asks if President Kim is home.  After Secretary Jang says he is not, Hae Woo questions where he is.  Secretary Jang does not know, but wonders if it's something urgent.  Hae Woo will not say so Secretary Jang mentions that President left with his gun.  Hae Woo hangs up and then realizes where Yi Soo could be headed.

Yi Soo waltzes into the Jo Mansion. Secretary Park asks what brings him there.  He wants to see the Chairman.  Secretary Park takes his arm and asks to talk.  Yi Soo pushes her arm away and turns to go into Grandpa Jo's office.  He closes the door behind him and locks the door.

He approaches Grandpa Jo and pulls out his gun, cocking it before aiming at Grandpa Jo saying he should have resolved it like this a long time ago.

Hae Woo arrives home and Secretary Park tells her that Yi Soo is with Grandpa Jo and has locked the door from the inside. Hae Woo tells her to find the key and Secretary Park tells her that only Grandpa Jo has a key. Hae Woo becomes worried and goes to the door.

Yi Soo tells Grandpa Jo, "A man like you shouldn't have existed in the world. Evidence, truth, is just an extravagance to you."

Grandpa Jo retorts "Be honest with yourself! You've lost confidence to face the truth, haven't you?"

"You...don't even have a right to utter the word 'truth'."

"Do you think you have a right?"

"You and I are different! The spot, Cheon Yeong Bo, you stepped up from is a graveyard of numerous innocent people, who you've trampled along the way."

Grandpa Jo laughs, "You sound like quite the national independence fighter.  That from a small pathetic man who couldn't even overcome a trivial thing like vengeance."

Yi Soo yells "Shut your mouth!" His finger ready to pull the trigger.

"Don't do it, Yi Soo!" Hae Woo yells through the door.

Yi Soo turns his head to the door and Hae Woo continues speaking.  She tells him that it’ll all be in vain to end things like this.  Nothing would be revealed and the truth would once again be covered up.  She tells him not to run away.  He wanted to uncover the truth and can’t stop now, no matter how difficult it might be, he can’t run away.

Yi Soo begins to waver, his hand shaking with the gun.  Hae Woo continues speaking, saying that Yi Soo’s father tried to shed light on the truth.  That wasn’t easy for someone to repent and seek forgiveness.  She pleads for him not to let his father’s death be in vain.

Yi Soo lowers the gun and Grandpa Jo tells him, "Shoot me.  It isn't bad to die by your hands. The fact that one can't deceive blood is something that you, who's a murderer's son, will be proving in the end."

Yi Soo raises his gun again and Grandpa Jo yells, "Why are you hesitating!? There's only the two of us, you and me, here."

Hae Woo cries out "you mustn't Yi Soo. You mustn't."...Grandpa Jo says that even if he dies, he wouldn’t regret anything.  He will not regret the life he’s lived.  He did it to survive a horrible era, resorting to expedient decisions.

Yi Soo retorts, "Horrible era? Who do you think made it horrible? It's people like you."

Grandpa Jo yells that he’s a patriot.  Without him, the country would have been ruined.  No one has the right to pass judgment on him.

Yi Soo smiles "As I expected you are beyond redemption".  He pulls the trigger and everyone reacts to the gunshot.

The window behind Grandpa Jo has a bullet hole.  Grandpa Jo opens his eyes and looks at Yi Soo.  Yi Soo tells him that he doesn’t deserve to die peacefully.  Grandpa Jo watches him, his hand twitching on the desk.

Yi Soo turns to leave and opens the door to Hae Woo.  They stare at each other and then Hae Woo rushes into the office to check on Grandpa Jo.  She asks if he is okay and he smacks her.  "I regret trusting you and devoting my life to you!" he cries.

Secretary Park calls out to Yi Soo and tells him, "You must not think about bad things. Okay?".  He smiles at her and then leaves.

Hae Woo is in her room crying.  Secretary Park sits beside her and asks if she is okay.  She is not okay.  Secretary Park embraces her.

Joon Yeong is with his father.  He flashes back to his father telling him that Grandpa Jo is responsible. He flashes back to the conversation with Hae Woo on the day of the accident, "The criminals for today's kidnapping and Father-in-law's case are different".  And flashback to President Jo breaking the vase in Grandpa Jo's office, "Father, are you disappointed that I came back alive?". He gets up and leaves.

At the police station, Detective Byeon talks with Soo Hyeon.  He concludes that Han Yeong Man killed Kang Hee Soo and must have gotten his hands on the documents at that time.

Soo Hyeon questions if he believes that Chairman Jo used Han Yeong Man to kill Kang Hee Soo for the document.

Detective Byeon shakes his head "No, I don't think so".  Based on the crime scene, it seemed like an accidental murder.  There was no evidence left behind.

Soo Hyeon says it must have been planned. Detective Byeon doesn’t think so.  He still believes that it was an accident since Han Yeong Man wanted to reveal the truth.  They had assumed it was about the documents, but now he believes that it was to confess about the murder of Kang Hee Soo.  In addition, Han Yeong Man was killed in front of a police station.

Soo Hyeon is looking down as he says, "But that doesn't change the fact that Han Yeong Man murdered Kang Hee Soo.  Or, that he was a torturer."

Detective Byeon agrees, but says that it's not easy in deciding to confess. Han Yeong Man had also said that he had to meet someone for the last time and he believes that he was going to meet Kang Hee Soo's family.

Soo Hyeon looks away "that's impossible."

"Why do you think that?"

Soo Hyeon covers, "Oh, I just thought he wouldn't.

Detective Byeon stands as he sees Joon Yeong come in. Soo Hyeon stands as well as Detective Byeon asks why Joon Yeong is there.  He says he needs to speak with Team Leader.

Detective Byeon is surprised, "To me?"

Joon Yeong nods and then looks at Soo Hyeon, "it's been awhile". Soo Hyeon nods and then takes his leave.

Detective Byeon asks Joon Yeong what it is that he wanted to ask.  Joon Yeong tells him to tell the truth, without hiding anything from him.

Soo Hyeon is walking out of the police station and remembers what Choi Byeong Gi said, "The one who killed your father was Han Yeong Man. It's true.  I personally witnessed it".  He has this look on his face before leaving.

Detective Byeon tells Joon Yeong there is no evidence yet that Choi Byeong Gi was hired by Chairman Jo. Since they are dealing with Grandpa Jo, it’s almost impossible to track any financial compensation made for the assassinations.  Joon Yeong is still shocked that is it Grandpa Jo, of all people. Detective Byeon reveals that Hae Woo felt the same way. He tells Joon Yeong that the only thing to do is to catch Choi Byeong Gi and get a confession from him. Joon Yeong asks about the document and Detective Byeon tells him that he can only speculate what it is and cannot tell him what he believes it to be.

Hae Woo is trying to call Yi Soo and then gets up to leave.  She stops when her phone rings.  It's Detective Byeon.  He asks if she has reached Yi Soo yet.  She tells him what happened and he curses Yi Soo wondering what he has planned now. Hae Woo admits that it must be hard for Yi Soo to accept who his father really is. She is worried about him.  They both agree that he wouldn't do anything bad.  Detective Byeon tells her that Joon Yeong stopped by.

Joon Yeong leaves the police station and stares up at the sky.

Yi Soo is standing out by his car underneath a bridge. A car arrives and it's Secretary Kim.  He hand Yi Soo a USB of President Jo's bank accounts within Korea, and detailed joint purchases of buildings in Japan and US and the details of paper companies in it. Yi Soo tells him that he's worked hard and for him to have a fun trip on his flight out tomorrow morning.

Yi Soo stares at the USB.

Grandpa Jo is still shaken up.  He flashes back to Yi Soo's words, "who is the very person who made that era so horrendous? It's because of people like you".  He grunts stomping a fist into the desk.  His phone rings and he places it to his ear.

"This is Chairman Jo Sang Gook, right?"

"Who are you?"

"I am Kim Soo Hyeon.  I am Kang Hee Soo's son."

Soo Hyeon has called to negotiate a deal with Grandpa Jo.  He explains that he knows Grandpa Jo knows that he’s been duped by Han Yi Soo all along. He plans to “repay” Han Yi Soo. Grandpa Jo asks about the deal and Soo Hyeon tells him that they’ll both get what they want.

It’s quiet for a moment so he tells Grandpa Jo, "If you don't like it, then just leave it."

Grandpa Jo questions if he can get rid of Yi Soo.  Soo Hyeon smiles wondering if that is all.  He admits that he also wants to “finish” Prosecutor Jo as well since that would be the most painful thing for Han Yi Soo.

Grandpa Jo yells at him not to touch Hae Woo. He asks what Soo Hyeon wants in return and Soo Hyeon says 5 Billion Won.  Grandpa Jo laughs, "In the end, it's money?"

Soo Hyeon tells him there’s no way for a murderer to stay in Korea.  He tells him $500,000 in cash and to send the rest as a check, via Choi Byeong Gi.  Grandpa Jo questions why a check via Choi Byeong Gi.  Soo Hyeon states that he wants to get rid of Choi Byeong Gi himself because he’s the person that ruined his father’s life.  He promises to take care of Choi Byeong Gi and Han Yi Soo.

Grandpa Jo tells him that there’s one condition, to show conclusive evidence that Han Yi Soo is dead. The money comes after that.  Soo Hyeon agrees and tells Grandpa Jo he can’t change his mind later since he has recorded their conversation.

"When you finish your work, contact me".  Grandpa Jo hangs up and then tells himself that he'll kill two birds with one stone and even if something goes wrong, at least he will get one of them.

Yi Soo is still underneath the bridge, staring out at the water as he remembers his father.  He flashes back to his father telling him that he had to meet someone. He sighs and turns to get in his car.  His phone rings and he takes it out to see "Friend" calling. He takes a moment to compose himself and then answers.

Soo Hyeon asks where he is and if he's home.  Yi Soo tells him he's outside. Soo Hyeon tells him he'll come to him because he needs to see him.  Yi Soo asks if there's something wrong and Soo Hyeon says that he just wants to have a drink. Yi Soo tells him he can't make it, but will see him tomorrow.  Before Soo Hyeon hangs up, Yi Soo tells Soo Hyeon that he's sorry.  Soo Hyeon asks why he said that and Yi Soo just tells him he'll tell him tomorrow.

Professor Yoon arrives home and sees Yi Soo waiting for him.  Yi Soo asks if there was someone who lived near Goo Doon station that was imprisoned with him.  Professor Yoon asks why he wants to know and Yi Soo tells him that his father left a keepsake in a locker at the station. His father had gone to meet someone there.  Professor Yoon does not understand so Yi Soo admits to him that "Shadow" was his father.

Secretary Jang is pacing and then calls Chairman Yoshimura to tell him that President Kim took a gun with him. She is worried that he has gone to Chairman Jo.  Yoshimura does not seem too bothered.  Secretary Jang says she just thought he should know. She hangs up and then grabs her purse to leave.

Yoshimura is at the bar with President Jo. Yoshimura wants to run a joint venture with Gaya Hotel. President Jo says he's been gathering the funds.  Yoshimura asks if the Chairman has consented to this and President Jo tells him not to worry about that because in the not too distant future, he will become the chairman.

Secretary Jang sneaks into Yoshimura's room and opens the box of USBs.  She takes one and looks it over.

Grandpa Jo is sitting with Joon Yeong talking about how Joon Yeong met with reporter Kim. He tells Joon Yeong that reporter Kim called the editor-in-chief to apologize for his mistake. Joon Yeong knows that Grandpa Jo blocked the story.  Grandpa Jo goes on about how he feels embarrassed and then gives Joon Yeong the picture of Hae Woo and Yi Soo kissing.  He tells Joon Yeong that he has to protect Hae Woo from Kim Joon and for them to leave the country.  Joon Yeong says he'll think about it and takes the picture as he leaves.

Joon Yeong leaves Grandpa Jo’s office and asks Secretary Park if Hae Woo is home.  She tells him he just missed her.  She then tells him that Yi Soo was there earlier.

Yi Hyeon is with her mom and they have masks on their faces. Yi Hyeon is ready to take it off, but her mom insists they leave it on a little longer.  Yi Hyeon’s phone rings and she answers.

“It’s oppa.”

She jumps up and looks at her mom, “wait a moment”.  She gets up and goes to her room.  Her mom asks who it is since she’s going to her room to talk.  Yi Hyeon says it’s just a friend. Her mom smiles wondering if it’s Section Chief Kim....Yi Soo asks Yi Hyeon what she was doing.  She asks why his voice sounds low and if he is sick.  He laughs it off, saying he has too much energy.

Yi Hyeon smiles “Oppa.  How about we go to Dad’s (grave)? You haven’t gone to greet him. If the Section Chief comes to pick me up, I can go out”

He tells her that it would be difficult for him to go.  She tells him to call her when he has time.  He agrees to do so.  She tells him that their dad would love it since it has always been just her complaining to him.

He tells her never to go anywhere alone, even if she’s bored, don’t ever go by herself.  She agrees and they bid goodnight.

He hangs up and sighs as he just sits there.  He thinks back to talking with Professor Yoon.  Professor Yoon told him that someone else had shown him the exact same photo.  It was a younger man who asked about the “Shadow”.  He sighs going to the window and then turns to see his gun case.  It’s closed.  He checks under the TV for the listening device and does not find it.  The doorbell rings and he goes to open the door.

It’s Hae Woo.  She came because she was worried.  He tells her to come in but she declines.  He grabs her hand and pulls her in.  They stare at each other and then he caresses her face before kissing her.  He pulls away and then lets go of her face as he tells her not to come to him anymore.  She asks what he is planning and he just tells her not to come anymore.  She tells him it’s not his fault and for him not to blame himself. He smiles as he turns to her and asks why she thinks he would blame himself since Chairman Jo has done a lot worse, making what his father did nothing. She tells him that he can’t mean that, but he does.  He admits that he has wavered because of her, but not anymore.  She has been an obstruction for him so he doesn’t want her to appear in front of him anymore.  She begs to know what he plans to do, but he tells her to leave and then turns away.  She tells him that she will be back tomorrow and the day after that.  She leaves and Yi Soo closes his eyes, “Don’t come.”

Hae Woo walks outside and sees Joon Yeong waiting for her.  He tells her they should go home.  They are in the car talking and he admits that even when they believed Yi Soo was dead, he could see the invisible thread that connected Hae Woo and Yi Soo together. He’s known for a long time, but thought that if he loved Hae Woo, it would be enough.  But that didn’t change.  He promises to protect her because that is his love.  She admits that she has only hurt Joon Yeong and apologizes for it.  He tells her that is love and she should know.  Hae Woo doesn’t want to put him through anymore pain, but he refuses to let her go.  Even if Yi Soo will forever be in her heart, he won’t let her go.

Yi Soo is sitting in his apartment, thinking.  He suddenly stands up and leaves.

Prosecutor Kim hands a USB to the Director.  The Director asks who has seen it, and Prosecutor Kim tells him that 2 others have seen it.  The Director becomes upset and says that he’s been careless.

Joon Yeong arrives at the office and wonders where Secretary Kim is.  He has not answered his phone.  Joon Yeong receives a call from Chief Ahn.  There has been a report about a secret fund.  Joon Yeong goes to question President Jo.  President Jo complains that Secretary Kim can’t keep secrets and for Joon Yeong not to tell Grandpa Jo.  Joon Yeong tells him that the prosecutors already have the files.

President Jo races home to tell Grandpa Jo and stop the Prosecutors.  When he gets home, he sees Grandpa Jo has already settled things.  They talk in Grandpa Jo’s office and Grandpa Jo tells him that he is nothing but a shell following in his shadow.

Dong Soo has been summoned by Secretary Jang.  He wonders why he was called.  She asks a favor of him, to deliver something directly to Hae Woo.  He tells her that won’t be hard since he was a deliveryman before. Before he leaves, he tells Secretary Jang to forget what he said about being disappointed in her.  He didn’t mean it.  Secretary Jang tells him not to worry.

Yoshimura looks at his box of USB and then ponders as he stares out the window.

Yi Soo stands outside a gate and as he is about to reach for the gate, it opens.  He is taken to an elder woman as he is introduced as Han Yeong Man’s son.  He bows to her.  She just looks at him.

They are sitting on a bench and she tells the story about her son.  Yi Soo tears up and the elder woman turns to him, “You said that he’s your father?”.  He sniffs, wiping his nose with the back of his hand, “yes”.  She looks away, telling him she does not know why he’s asking about the past, but asks him a favor.  She wants him to tell the world that there are unfortunate people like her son, and to please not forget about them.  She is old and uneducated, so she wouldn’t know where to start. She tells him that he’s young, and asks that he do this for her.  Yi Soo nods and then walks her home.  He bows to her again and she waves for him to go.

As he leaves, he gets a call from Soo Hyeon.  Soo Hyeon wants to tell him something and asks when is a good time.  Yi Soo tells him any time.  Soo Hyeon tells him they’ll meet later since he’s not used to meeting in daylight.  Yi Soo asks where to meet and Soo Hyeon tells him he’ll call him back. Yi Soo tells him that he’ll wait.

Soo Hyeon makes a call to Grandpa Jo and tells him to prepare the cash since today is D-Day.  Grandpa Jo hangs up and then makes a call to someone saying there’s something he needs taken care of.

Joon Yeong meets with President Jo.  President Jo tells him not to worry.  When he got home, Grandpa Jo had already talked with influential people. He assures Joon Yeong not to worry and then wonders if it was Secretary Kim that ratted him out.  Joon Yeong doesn’t answer and just gets up to leave.

Dong Soo arrives at Hae Woo’s office and tells the Secretary that he is there to see Hae Woo.  She tries to stop him, but he calls out to Hae Woo.  She looks up and comes out of her office.  “Dong Soo, what brings you here?”.  He leans in to tell her that Secretary Jang sent him to give her something. She invites him in and he smiled looking at the Secretary, “You don’t need to bring coffee”. ---keke love Dong Soo!

Soo Hyeon watches on.  Hae Woo asks what it is that Dong Soo brought.  He takes it out and hands her an envelope.  It’s a USB.  She plugs it into her laptop and sees an article “The Truth About Cheon Yeong Bo”.  She looks worried so Dong Soo asks what it is.  She closes her laptop and thanks Dong Soo.

Secretary Jang tries calling Yi Soo and no answer.  She gets a call from Hae Woo and goes to meet her.  Hae Woo asks how Secretary Jang got the document.  Secretary Jang tells her that she cannot say.  Hae Woo understand and asks why she gave her the USB.  Secretary Jang admits that she believes Hae Woo is the only one who can finish it.  Hae Woo asks what she means and Secretary Jang reveals that Mr. CEO has the same documents but kept them to protect Hae Woo.  Secretary Jang wants to help Mr. CEO, but doesn’t know how.  She is trusting Hae Woo to do something.  Hae Woo asks if Yi Soo knows about Secretary Jang’s feelings.  Secretary Jang asks what she means, but Hae Woo just thanks her for trusting her.

Hae Woo meets with reporter Jae Myeong and gives him the documents.  He reads through it and then asks Hae Woo if it’s okay to make public.  She assures him and asks him if he can write an article.  He tells her that the evidence is weak, but since it’s an exclusive, that would work.  He asks again if it’s okay.  She admits that it’s not, but someone has to do it.  Jae Myeong wonders if Joon Yeong knows.  She says she will tell him.  He sighs that he doesn’t understand why she is doing this, but he will call her later once he finishes writing the article.

Detective Byeon met with someone regarding Kang Hee Soo’s family.  “The child’s mom who died in prison, you said her name was Kim SoHyeon?”...He nods, but she tells him, “The child’s name is Kim Soo Hyeon”.  He grabs the paper from her and looks it over.  She continues talking, “he left here in 9th grade.  There aren’t any records after that”.  He stares at the photo and recognizes who it is.  He gets up quickly.

Hae Woo gets back to her office and sits at her desk.  She gets a call from Detective Byeon asking if Section Chief Kim is at the office.  He is not, so she asks why.  He tells her that Kang Hee Soo’s son is Kim Soo Hyeon.  Hae Woo doesn’t understand.  He rephrases, “Section Chief Kim is Kang Hee Soo’s son”.  Hae Woo stands up in shock.  Detective Byeon tells her that he also believes that Soo Hyeon is Yi Soo’s helper.  Now that he’s found out that Yi Soo’s father tortured and murdered his father, he might take revenge on Yi Soo.  She hangs up and tries calling Yi Soo.  No answer.  She grabs her purse and rushes out.

Yi Soo is standing on top of a roof, staring out at the city.  He gets a call from Soo Hyeon about where to meet and says he’ll be there. Soo Hyeon is driving and sees that he’s being followed and smiles.

Grandpa Jo is staring at a statue above his office.

Jae Myeong shows the editor the document and is told not to write the story since there is no proof.  Jae Myeong tries to argue that it’s an exclusive and that there is a photo.  The editor tells him that the photo could be fake and is worried because it’s about Jo Sang Gook.  Jae Myeong questions why an article can’t be written about Jo Sang Gook and the editor says it’s because Jo Sang Gook is very influential.  He tells him not to write the article, and threatens that it won’t be just his job on the line if he does.

Hae Woo is in the car with Detective Byeon.  He assures her not to worry as he holds up a GPS tracking on Yi Soo’s phone.

Soo Hyeon meets with Yi Soo.  Yi Soo speaks, “I was waiting for you”.  He looks down for a moment and then looks at Soo Hyeon, “I’m sorry, Soo Hyeon-ah”

“You can say that to my father after you die” he takes out a gun and aims it at Yi Soo.


“You don’t have to thank me. I am able to earn 5 billion won because of you”

Yi Soo smiles.

That other assassin, Kwon Tae Woo, is watching them.

Detective Byeon tells Hae Woo to stop the car since the signal has stopped.  They pull over and get out of the car.  The look around and then go to the ledge.  They see Soo Hyeon and Yi Soo down by the river. They turn to run to the car, and then stop as they hear a gunshot. They turn back and see Yi Soo staggering back as he falls into the water. They rush to the car and Detective Byeon calls for an ambulance.

Soo Hyeon looks up at the assassin watching and then goes to his car.

Grandpa Jo hangs up his phone and smiles to himself satisfied.

Hae Woo and Detective Byeon get down to the river and look at the water where Yi Soo fell. They look around but can’t see anything since it’s night.  Hae Woo sees something and picks it up.  It’s Yi Soo’s shark necklace.  She holds it in her hand as she looks out to the water.

