de Jazzy, julho 16, 2013

Episode 13 Recap

YiSoo connects the 'clicking assassin' with the bookshop ajusshi. He stares at the ajusshi and heads back in. The ajusshi asks if he’s looking for a particular book.

"I'm looking for a book about Independence activist, Mr. Jo In Seok"

"It's a book not here" "If I request it, will you be able to find it?"

"Well, I think it's going to be difficult"

"Then, any chance, a book about a professional killer, do you not have any?"

YiSoo asked what the ajusshi would recommend and the ajusshi said that he did not like stories of people who failed.

YiSoo responded "why not? Famous killers in history are those who have already failed. If they knew their craft, they would've lived a normal life without getting caught"

They stare at each other for a moment before the ajusshi says he will be closing the store soon. The ajusshi watches as YiSoo leaves. YiSoo stops at the entrance and turns his head to glance back. He spots the bicycle and stares at the locked box.

JoonYoung's dad (Chief Prosecutor Oh Hyeon Shik) sits in his office remembering what JoonYoung said to him. He picks up the phone and calls the Prosecutor General. He tells the Prosecutor General that he has something important to tell him and that it regards Chairman Jo SangGook (Grandpa Jo).

Grandpa Jo is talking to the Prosecutor General and says he does not know what Prosecutor Oh would want to talk about since President Jo's situation has been resolved. He believes that Prosecutor Oh is resigning because he doesn't want to be a burden to him. He tells Prosecutor General to convince Prosecutor Oh not to resign.

Prosecutor Oh places the photo of the real Jo SangGook back in the green envelope before answering a call from Grandpa Jo.

Grandpa Jo asks where he is and he lies that he is home. Prosecutor Oh asks why Grandpa Jo called and Grandpa Jo says there is no particular reason. He's just calling because he thought the situation with President Jo had made him feel not at ease. Prosecutor Oh admits he does not feel at ease and Grandpa Jo invites him to visit and regale him a story of how the world works.

YiSoo waits for the ajusshi to leave  the bookshop and sneaks back in. He flips through a planner and then opens a drawer. He finds an abundance of pens and takes one out. He scribbles on a piece of paper and then repeats that with another pen. They are just regular pens. He stares and then realizes something. He tears the page he scribbled on and runs out.

He's racing in his car as he calls YiHyeon to find out where she is. She is surprised to find out Kim Joon has her number and as she asks how he got her number, he cuts her off asking where she is. She is with her mom at her Aunt's restaurant. She questions why he is acting like this and he sighs in relief that she is safe. After she tells him that her dad is coming to take them both home, he tells her that he was passing by the juice store and thought of her so he called.

YiHyeon's mom questions who she was talking to and YiHyeon says it is someone she knows. When she says it is a customer at the juice store, her mother questions why a strange person would be calling this late. She thinks he must have dark desires towards her daughter. YiHyeon assures her mom it is not like that as Detective Byun arrives and asks what she means. She assures him it's nothing and rushes off to help a customer.

YiSoo parks in the parking garage and is on the phone with "Friend" saying they need to detail a trustworthy person to watch YiHyeon since "Friend" is not enough. Suddenly a guy sneaks up behind YiSoo and slashes him. He fights the henchman off and threatens him with his own knife to ask who sent him. "Jo EuiSeon". YiSoo smiles "the fact that you told me about that, you needn't tell President Jo". The henchman agrees and YiSoo lets him go.

YiSoo braces himself before heading inside. As he gets off the elevator, he sees HaeWoo waiting at his door and does his best to cover up the blood.

He crosses his arms across his chest and approaches her asking why she is there. She wants to talk. He tells her he has nothing to say and for her to leave and turns to go inside. she grabs his arm to stop him and sees the blood.

She gasps asking how this happened and tells him to go to the hospital, but he refuses and just heads inside. She follows him in, pleading for him to go to the hospital with her. He yells for her to leave and then grovels in pain. She rushes to him and helps him to the couch. She asks where the first aid kit is and he tells her to go home.

HaeWoo notices the painting hanging on his wall and stares at it. YiSoo pleads for her to go home. She turns to him and says "I asked where the first aid kit is". He yells back "I told you to go home!". She goes searching for the first aid kit and then tends to his wound. He starts to relax as she is tending to his wound. She pleads that he go to the hospital. he watches her intently. he suddenly pulls her in for a kiss.

She's crying as they kiss and then they pull away. She pushes his hand away and gets up to leave. She stops to say that she’ll let Secretary Jang know about the wound, but he promises to get treated.

And then he turns to her: “HaeWoo-ya…”. They look at each other and then she walks away.

Secretary Jang is shown having listened to the whole thing.

HaeWoo returns home and sees JoonYoung on the phone outside. He is listening to his dad's voicemail he left him. His father is sorry and promises to do right. JoonYoung becomes worried and rushes to leave. HaeWoo asks where he is going and he tells her so she gets in the car to go with him.

JoonYoung and HaeWoo arrive outside the building just in time to see Prosecutor Oh get into a cab. JoonYoung flips around to follow him.

As Prosecutor Oh heads over to speak with Prosecutor General, he flashes back to when Detective Oh gave him the green envelope with the picture.

“Chairman Jo SangGook is a fake.” Detective Oh shows him the picture of the young man who’s supposed to be Grandpa Jo in the photo with his father, but Detective Oh says it’s not him. He knows the photo is not enough proof, but he intends to find it. Han YiSoo and his father were killed over this knowledge.

Detective Oh adds that Prosecutor Oh restored his faith in prosecutors once, and asks him to prove that his trust was justified. Prosecutor Oh hangs his head in shame now as he thinks back to that request.

Prosecutor Oh arrives at his stop and gets ready to cross the street. JoonYoung and HaeWoo arrive and call out to him as he begins crossing the street...

...he pauses to turn to them just as a white truck strikes him and continues on.

JoonYoung screams for his dad and rushes to him. HaeWoo calls SooHyun to track the truck on traffic cams.

At the hospital, HaeWoo puts a hand on JoonYoung’s shoulder as they wait for Prosecutor Oh to come out of surgery, and he urges her not to lose that truck. He wonders, “Could it be YiSoo? Is he repaying them in the exact same way?"

HaeWoo tries to assure him that it is probably not YiSoo. JoonYoung warns that if it is YiSoo, he’ll never forgive him.

In another area, YiSoo comes out of the hospital after getting treated for his stab wound, and Friend texts him the news that Prosecutor Oh was attacked tonight.

The family gets news that he survived, but he’s in a coma and will likely not live a normal life if he wakes up.

Detective Byun follows the truck trail, passing by the bookstore ajusshi who just saunters past them unnoticed.

YiSoo heads back home, where HaeWoo is waiting for him again. She questions if he had anything to do with JoonYoung's father being attacked.

He responds “It could have been me."

He gives her a hint and asks who has the most to hide. She demands to know who’s responsible, but he holds back and just says that nothing can be proven without evidence, so find evidence.

HaeWoo: “I know...what it is you want. It's probably a road to ruin for me too". YiSoo closes his eyes as she continues to say that if its to find the truth, if it's a road she can make amends with him, then she will endure it.

She asks one last thing—is she just a tool? Is that all she is to him? He’s got his back turned, not wanting to waver as he answers yes.

HaeWoo: “You’re cruel, Han YiSoo."

He turns around to face her: “I’m Kim Joon. Han YiSoo died long ago."

She just tells him not to get hurt anymore and walks away, the tears finally spilling out once her back is turned.

The cops find the truck abandoned, with no trace of the driver. JoonYoung gets furious with Detective Byun, shouting that he’ll find the bastard himself if the cops won’t do their jobs.

HaeWoo comes home to get a change of clothes, and Grandpa Jo conveys his regrets about Prosecutor Oh. He worries about HaeWoo, and tells her that she’s the source of encouragement for him. "I believe in you". She responds that she believes in him too.

YiSoo sits in the dark for a while and then calls Friend to say that plans have changed.

And then when Grandpa Jo opens the newspaper the next morning, there’s a giant ad inside, asking for any information on a Chun YoungBo born in the ’30s.

Grandpa has a fit and crumples up the paper in a rage.

Secretary Jang asks Yisoo  if he’s okay, not able to let on that she knows he’s been stabbed. DongSoo notes that he doesn’t look well, and asks if he’s got troubles.

YiSooleans in: “They’re problems I can’t share with others."

DongSoo says that being different is always difficult, but adds that he wouldn’t ever treat him differently because of it.

YiSoo drops in on President Jo and gives him an invitation to the grand opening party for the hotel that Giant stole out from under them. He wishes President Jo would attend since he's learned so much from him. Giant’s inaugural party in Seoul wouldn’t be complete without his presence.

On his way out, he exchanges a bow with President Jo's secretary.

HaeWoo reaches a dead end with the search for the truck driver, and SooHyun says he’s clearly a professional—there’s no evidence left behind.

But just when they’ve run out of leads, the security ajusshi comes by with an envelope for HaeWoo, saying that Prosecutor Oh gave to him last night. A flashback of Prosecutor Oh asking the security officer to hand deliver the envelope to HaeWoo if anything happened to him.

It's the green envelope. She opens it and finds the picture. The handwritten description on the back, “1950 With Sanggook".

At home, the housekeeper goes through the newspaper that Grandpa Jo crumpled up in a rage, and comes across the ad looking for Chun YoungBo.

Detective Byun sees the same ad and does a search on his phone about Jo InSeok.  It’s the same hometown as the one listed in the ad...

HaeWoo rushes home and goes straight to Grandpa Jo's library to look through the family album. She flips through it, but they’re filled with recent photos, from the time she was a baby.

She flips through blank pages at the end and then finds a picture. It's dated 1959 and is a picture of Grandpa Jo, Grandma, and baby President Jo.

She takes out the Picture (dated 1950) to compare, and looks back and forth between them. The SangGook is each picture is a different person.

She remembers that locked bottom drawer in Grandpa Jo's desk. She finds it unlocked and nothing important inside. She puts the album back and heads out. The housekeeper stops her with the newspaper in hand, and shows her the ad that Grandpa Jo got upset over.

President Jo leaves his girlfriend’s house and she warns him to be careful of reporters. He manages to slip away unnoticed, but as he drives away, a gloved hand reaches toward him from the back seat.

As President Jo drives, a gun is pressed into his ribcage as a masked man appears.

YiSoo  stops by the juice store to visit YiHyeon. He wonders if he scared her last night, but she doesn't seem to mind, only asking how he got her number.

He fibs that he has a friend at the juice store’s parent company. She doesn’t seem mad that YiSoo got her number, but she knows enough to be upset at the company, frowning that that’s an invasion of privacy. He asks when she gets off of work, and notes the time.

Detective Byun brings the newspaper ad to HaeWoo’s office. He says that Chun YoungBo’s hometown is the same as Grandpa Jo’s, but she argues that lots of people are from that town.

Detective Byun mentions that Chun YoungBo is dead, and the person who put out the ad would know that since this fact is public record. Detective Byun figures that there is something more to this. He traced the source, and it’s the same pattern as the telescope—paid in cash and a number of people doing favors.

Detective Byun & HaeWoo agree to go to Grandpa Jo's hometown to do some digging. She attempts to mention the photos, but decides against it. She promises to tell Detective Byun later.

Junichiro stops by for a visit and asks YiSoo out for drinks. He turns him down because he has a prior engagement…the scene cuts to President Jo squirming in a chair, tied up and duck-taped.

President Jo is being filmed and the feed is playing on YiSoo's TV.

YiHyeon gets off of work and sees SooHyun waiting outside to drive her home.  He insists and tells her to get into the car.

They arrive at her home and they both get out. She thanks him and is about to go in when he says "You like me, don’t you? I like you too, so it’s okay if you like me."

He leaves her flabbergasted, and then she taps on the window so she can set him straight: “I don’t.” He just smiles at her and drives away, and then once she’s alone, YiHyeon cracks a tiny smile.

The camera pans out and it reveals someone lurking. Its the bookstore ajusshi/assassin.  He starts to approach from the shadows, but Mom comes out to meet her. They go inside together.

JoonYoung discovers that President Jo has been missing all day and calls HaeWoo to let her know. She asks him to keep calling around, and follows a hunch → YiSoo

She waits outside for him to get in his car and follows him. He notices her following behind, but continues on.

Grandpa Jo sees that someone’s touched the family album on the shelf. Before he can go look at the album, he gets message on his phone. He opens it and plays the video.  It's his son strapped to a chair and pleading for his life.

He immediately gets a phone call from a man with a distorted voice, but we see that it’s YiSoo calling. He asks if Grandpa Jo got his present, and Grandpa Jo asks what the hell he wants.

YiSoo  says it’s simple—all he has to do is confess everything he’s done to the public. Grandpa Jo pretends he doesn’t understand, and YiSoo says he knows full well: “You’re a fake. Because you killed the real Jo SangGook."

Grandpa Jo laughs that this desperate stunt is because he doesn’t actually have any proof to back what he’s saying. But what Grandpa Jo doesn’t know is that YiSoo is playing this whole conversation for President Jo to hear. Someone enters the warehouse.

Still driving, YiSoo asks Grandpa Jo again—"Will you tell the truth and save your son or will you abandon your son? The choice is up to you. What will you do, Chairman Jo SangGook?"
