Jung Ha, Dae Young e Min Ji são amigos íntimos desde a infância. Um dia, os três estavam bebendo juntos e Dae Young confessou a Jung Ha que gostava dele. No entanto, Jung Ha foi pego de surpresa e rejeitou os sentimentos de Dae Young. Depois, Dae Young apareceu dizendo que estava namorando Min Ji. Jung Ha ficou surpreso com o comportamento inesperado de Dae Young, mas fez o possível para manter a amizade. (Fonte: Filmow) Editar Tradução
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Elenco e Créditos
- Jeong Ri UDae YeongPapel Principal
- Choi Seung JinJeong HaPapel Principal
- Lee Soo HaMin JiPapel Secundário
- Yoo Jin SeokDo JinPapel Secundário

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Needs more creativity in story telling
Pretty much the same story as their others. The formula is the same, they discover they have feelings, kiss, they get together, someone kisses someone else, they break up then get back together during the last 3 minutes of the final episode, and end with a kiss. They need to go back to the story board and think of other stories they can tell that doesn't involve cheating. And also not have the same actor playing the same bad guy role.The production quality is good and the acting is superb just needs to be more creative with the story telling. If this is your disputation of gay life then you're putting a negative cogitation on gay culture and gay relationships.
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Simply why??
What went wrong? I found myself speeding through it multiple times. I'm really disappointed. I had higher hopes for this BL. The story was confusing, the plot lacked clarity, but the actors were cute (as is often the case in BL dramas). Ultimately, it felt like a waste of time and money to produce this drama, and it was frustrating to watch. It had so much potential! As dedicated BL fans, we tend to be pretty discerning critics, and we have high expectations for BL dramas.Esta resenha foi útil para você?