Srta Jane
4 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Mai 11, 2021
7 of 7 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 4.0
História 4.0
Acting/Cast 4.0
Musical 4.0
Voltar a ver 4.0
A noção do que é um romance maduro e interessante para os japoneses deve ser mesmo muito diferente da minha. Talvez seja por isso que não me dou muito bem como os J-dramas de romance.

Não gostei do drama porque ele tem justamente o tipo de coisa que não gosto: Uma mulher crescida agindo como uma criança imatura e insegura sob o pretexto de ser fofa.

Além disso, não senti que o relacionamento deles foi bem desenvolvido, quando pensávamos que os dois iriam sentar e conversar como adultos sobre seus problemas pessoais, lá estavam eles dormindo juntos mais uma vez.

Nem sei explicar como consegui terminar esse Jdrama. Tampouco consigo descrever como me senti incomodada com esse relacionamento estranho que eles tinham.

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2 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Jan 5, 2022
7 of 7 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 8.0
História 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musical 6.0
Voltar a ver 8.0
Drama japonês tem seu estilo próprio, que aliás, eu gosto muito. E esse não poderia ser diferente já que foi adaptado do mangá "Shanai Marriage Honey" de Fujiwara Emi.

Haruta acabou de sair de um relacionamento de longa data e está triste por não querer ficar sozinha, então entra em um site de relacionamento e encontra um homem em busca de alguém para casar. Totalmente seguindo o fluxo do momento, ela aceita se casar com Miura.

Um jovem trabalhador e muito esforçado, mas não quer esperar muito para casar. E em uma cerimônia às pressas, mal sabendo informações sobre o outro, Miura acaba entrando num relacionamento às cegas.

O que me fez começar esse drama foram os episódios curtos e uma dinâmica que me prendeu desde o começo. Mesmo sendo estranhos, Haruta sabe que precisa conviver bem com Miura, e logo nesse primeiro momento em que percebe que casou sem amor, decide que fará o marido se apaixonar por ela.

Fui totalmente sem expectativas, apesar de gostar muito de tramas com relacionamentos fakes e contrato de casamento, e foi isso que recebi. Mas fui totalmente surpreendida por Miura ser um homem amoroso e que sentia o mesmo pela esposa. E é tão bonitinho o modo como eles vão se aproximando, tendo uma rotina normal de casados apesar do desconhecido, como a relação evolui, vão se abrindo e deixando as inseguranças em segundo plano.

Fiquei esperando que o segredo para Miura querer casar rápido fosse algo relacionado ao trabalho, mas quando é revelado o motivo, é tão bonito e faz o personagem ter uma personalidade tão bonita e intensa.

É um drama que apesar de ser avaliado para maiores de 14 anos, tem temas como a primeira vez e sexo, apesar de não serem cenas explicitas, mas muitas delas deixam a intenção bem clara.

Eu amei os atores e fiquei com vontade de ver outros dramas com eles, pois fizeram um casal muito bonito.

Indico muito para quem curto o tema de casamento por contrato e está precisando de um bom drama japonês.

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1 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Jul 22, 2021
7 of 7 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 4.0
História 5.0
Acting/Cast 4.0
Musical 4.0
Voltar a ver 1.0


Eu assisto bastante doramas com contratos falsos de relacionamento, casamento de conveniência, por contrato, etc. Mas esse aqui pra mim, foi maluquice. Ninguém conhecia ele, ela não conhecia ele, os dois só se viram no dia do casamento e em nenhum momento parece ter passado pela cabeça dela: caramba! Posso estar casando com um psicopata! Uma completa falta de autopreservação. E pior, ainda não contou pra ninguém sobre. Era a receita perfeita pra dar tudo errado, mas sabemos que não deu porque é uma comédia romântica.

Sei que são poucos episódios e por esse motivo as coisas seriam mais rápidas, mas nesse aqui pisaram no acelerador e não tiraram mais o pé. Parece até que o orçamento tava baixo e eles tiveram que dar os pulo deles pra fazer a história caber naqueles sete episódios. Coube? Sim, mas não ficou bom. Tem muito j-drama de romance com pouco episódio que conseguiu trabalhar bem melhor que isso.

O romance é totalmente atropelado. Três capítulos de vinte minutos e já tem todo o papo de eu amo você e blá, blá, blá. Além que eu não vi nenhum crescimento nos personagens durante a história, se aconteceu foi mínima e não fez a menor diferença. Tem umas cenas clichês, uns momentos engraçados e pegação. E no máximo vale a pena assistir pra passar o tempo, talvez nem isso.

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0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Dez 27, 2023
7 of 7 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 7.5
História 7.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musical 8.0
Voltar a ver 5.0
Estava procurando algum dorama para assistir e coloquei esse na minha lista, não tinha visto ninguém falar sobre ele e coloquei na minha lista apenas por curiosidade, afinal gosto desse plot "casamento por contrato", mas por ser um j-drama não imaginei que acabaria gostando. A proposta dele foge totalmente dos doramas genéricos que vemos por aí.
A protagonista desse j-drama inteligente, gentil e muito fofa, ela é sim infantilizada mas isso é algo de se esperar para um j-drama, o protagonista não é totalmente frio e mal educado como geralmente os protagonistas de j-drama são, ele é engraçado, não humilha a protagonista e na verdade é bem carinhoso e gentil.
É claro que esse j-drama não é focado no romance, acho que é algo mais no estilo de Coffe and Vanilla, já que as cenas íntimas estão presentes em quase todos os episódios, o relacionamento do casal também não é muito desenvolvido e só no final eles dão alguma explicação sobre o motivo da proposta do protagonista de se casar tão repentinamente.
Mas apesar de tudo eu gostei.

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111 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Dez 25, 2020
7 of 7 episódios vistos
Completados 1
No geral 8.0
História 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musical 8.0
Voltar a ver 8.0

Just a cute, fluffy romance with *a lot of skinship*

If you want a short show with a lot of fluff (and a lot of moments that will make your heart skip a beat)
then this is your show

Nothing fancy, no crazy-good acting or whatever
just... cute fluff.

There's also not really an "end" to this per se
more slice-of-life-ish with each episode being like one small arc.

The leads are a married couple so yes you will get the bed scenes with the package too.
So I would rate this a bit on the mature side, but if you're in for some "married first fall in love later" romance, go for this.
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89 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Dez 31, 2020
7 of 7 episódios vistos
Completados 2
No geral 10
História 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 10
Voltar a ver 9.0
When I saw that there were only two reviews for this drama, I just had to write one!

Story: The story is quite common and seen a lot but contract marriages have always been my soft spot and this is one done correctly. As said in the synopsis, they met on a dating site. Haruta Ami wanted to get over her ex-boyfriend of five years and Miura Manatsu was looking for a wife. Can love prevail in these circumstances?
The way they met was just plain destiny, let me tell you. It starts off fluffy and cute and it ends fluffy and cute. This whole drama was super, super cute.

Acting/Cast: The chemistry between the MLs were off the charts. Goodness gracious, I almost died from their chemistry. It was absolutely splendid. The acting was amazing too! They each had their own charm. Haruta Ami's smile was so contagious that the whole drama I was smiling like a ninny. Same goes for Miura Manatsu.

I didn't watch episodes 5, 6, 7 with subs because I simply couldn't wait to see more. Even without subs though, I could tell how great and romantic their interactions were with each other.

A short drama that won't take too much of your time and you can watch it in one sitting.

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20 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Jan 22, 2021
7 of 7 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 9.0
História 7.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musical 8.5
Voltar a ver 9.0
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers

sweet as candy

as one who's a bit picky with jdramas, this one was such a surprise. it's nothing complicated. this drama is an all round fluffy romance involving a marriage contract.

what totally solidifies this drama as a whole for me is the male lead's swoon worthy respect and pure love for the female lead. one aspect in the main leads' relationship that truly caught my attention is how good they communicate their feelings. ami was reluctant about sharing her thoughts at first but she had character development and it was overall nice to see a couple that communicates and no unnecessary misunderstandings happened or dragged.

it was refreshing to see a gentle and caring male lead that respects boundaries and consent, also helps his partner to be more open without being pushy or overboard. a cute ass smile adds to the bonus points.

seeing a character with unrequited love accepting reality and not being petty is honestly so great to watch. the ex girlfriend was seen to be not toxic and supports the characters and gave a heads up to ami about marriage life and how it's different for everyone. these type of characters add depth to the drama despite being a simple fluffy drama.

overall, this drama is so soft and light hearted which will make you pinch your cheeks to stop you from smiling too hard.
p.s. the intro song is a bop and the choreo somehow lowkey reminds me of the pick me up song lol

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Sharon Fiona
16 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Jan 5, 2021
7 of 7 episódios vistos
Completados 8
No geral 10
História 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 9.0
Voltar a ver 10


I never thought I was gonna write a review for this mini drama....but it really deserves one...the whole drama was filled with cute scenes....this drama is underrated tbh ….

Story:- well..well!!! this convenience marriage plot was not a big fan of manga....but this literally captured my heart...! was different in some way from the other contract marriage stories~

Acting :-both male lead and female did a really good job...they were totally natural with whatever they did !!

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Miss Romcom
21 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Jul 14, 2021
7 of 7 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 4.0
História 3.0
Acting/Cast 6.5
Musical 3.0
Voltar a ver 1.0
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers

When two sweet horndogs meet...

....they create this little drama free of substance, emotion, character development, or story. But hey, you do get some contrived chemistry, kisses, and bed scenes in almost every episode. That should be enough, right? Yeah....not so much.

I've watched a LOT of superficial dramas and enjoyed them too, but this one was too much. There's just no real context to anything. They are strangers that sign a marriage contract and then the next second, they are in love. No real interactions or conversations, and boom, love. Also instead of showing or making the audience feel the characters, it felt like they were just telling you. Like "Hi, I'm supposed to be a sadist." or "Hi, I'm supposed to be cute and crafty" so believe it. Yeah....didn't happen, at least for me. Luckily, this was a short 7 eps so I didn't feel like it was a complete waste of time.

If you like your cute to be on overkill, don't mind if the writing is horrible as long as the leads are good looking, and looking for some non apologetic skinship, then this drama might be up your alley. I often feel like dramas are too long and need to trim out the excess fat, but this one trimmed out too much. It def made me realize that I need some sort of context to enjoy my dramas.

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21 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Jan 13, 2021
7 of 7 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 6.5
História 6.5
Acting/Cast 7.0
Musical 6.5
Voltar a ver 5.5

Pink Sugar: Almost Too Much Cheese and Fluff – Not Enough Depth

If you need a break from serious dramas and real life or just a quick watch –this could be a decent way to spend your time. But do not expect depth and character development. The female lead is not stupid and clueless, even though she is acting all cutesy. I don't hate this drama but I don't see why it deserves really high ratings either. I see the appeal of it but it also feels like this is really more suited for teens and fluffy romantic enthiausiats? I get it, it's based on a shojo manga :D I definitely prefer this overly sweet drama with lots of skinship over toxic relationships that are usually more common with this genre. If this was a perfume, it would be Aquolina Pink Sugar (Eau de Toilette).

They do touch upon serious topics but those issues seem to be always magically solved. I appreciate that they talk but it feels almost too good to be true? I think marrying someone so fast should cause more conflicts? I guess I get that this drama is more on the fluffy side, but I would have been ok with moments where they discover habits etc. they dislike or a hobby/interest/unexpected side of the person they married. Some people rated this with a 10 and I'm confused because Jdramas on here are rated quite low here usually.

The intro is a lot of fun, I absolutely loved watching it and never skipped it. However, those supporting guys seem all to be useless? I don't like love triangles and unneccessary conflicts, but somehow I would expect them to play a more important role in this drama? Like they appear here and there but in the end they are simply plot devices. Even the best friend of the ML is quite unimportant and 2D.

The kissing scenes and bed scenes were really nicely shot. They are not awkward and very cute. Sometimes I got the feeling that this is a fanfiction story :D

I think there was potential to make the characters and story line more well-rounded and dimensional but in the end it felt more overly sweet and simple perfume like the perfume Aquolina Pink Sugar – you can easily use too much and get sick of it. The dialogues are quite simple and I feel like they used cute, crafty and sadist 1000 times. I don't hate this drama but I don't love it either. Don't expect a master piece.

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10 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Jan 18, 2021
7 of 7 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 9.5
História 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 8.5
Voltar a ver 10

perfect execution

As much as the story isn't anything new, the way it is acted and presented stands out. Drama is short, cute and fluffy, but also has steamy moments when you feel like a peeping tom.
Female lead is supposed to be cute and honestly the actresses nailed it. Her portrayal of a sweet cunning lady is very likeable and natural. Male lead is also good at his part, and makes it work. They both have good chemistry and are pleasure to watch.
I liked the slice of life feel this drama has, and the pace was very good too. It's just 7 episodes with smaller arcs in each one. Shorter episodes but they are all packed with plot developements and don't have much filler.
This drama is a very good example of how you can tell a stale cliched sorry in a way it still feels fresh like a can of sparking water.

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9 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Jan 13, 2021
7 of 7 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 8.0
História 7.0
Acting/Cast 8.5
Musical 8.5
Voltar a ver 7.5

Switch off your cynical brain and "fall in love" with this!

Last week, I finished off 38sai Batsuichi Dokushin Onna ga Matching Apuri wo Yattemita Kekka Nikki; if that show is about harsh realities of dating app, then this one is about warm fantasies of dating app. I'm quite surprised that the couple really meets through an app and are down to get married without knowing anything about each other. Not even, work place, haha.

I'm tempted to imagine logical scenarios & reasons and bam, the sugary fluffy content overrides my logic and I'm carried away by the cutesy/racy scenes postponing to address serious issues for later like Ami-Chan. The plot progresses at the pace faster than light going from cute mode to flirty mode to serious talk mode to sexy mode under 5 minutes.

I'm torn between giving high plot rating for its sheer brilliance without any bad characters & still making this show enjoyable and low rating as it keeps major issues unaddressed until the last episode. But thankfully the ending has exceeded my expectations and I'm satisfied for addressing several questions including their first meeting. My cynical brain is pacified.

Both the main characters are ideal, typical of shoujo mangas. Heck, even the Reverse-harem doesn't really get its chance. I'm surprised by the cast but they are good and well suited especially Matsui Airi's smile is such a charm.
Itagaki Mizuki despite his age, he pulls off the slightly older role well. Although there are certain minor flaws, he is good.

This show is beautifully produced given its length and the opening song is such an earworm. I too wanna dance to it.
Rewatch is highly recommended for its sugary content which is quite rare in the drama world.

Final note, don't question the logic, everybody is lovely in this drama!

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Shanai Marriage Honey (2020) poster



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