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Love next door trás aquela velha história de dois amigos de infância que cresceram juntos e acabam se apaixonando, mas por falta de maturidade, acabam vivendo esse amor em uma fase totalmente diferente de suas vidas. E por mais que o romance tenha 90% do foco da história, outras partes desse drama são tão bem contados quanto o amor de Seong Hyo e Seok Ryu.Vou começar falando sobre o núcleo da família da Seok Ryu, é uma família muito sem comunicação e a típica família que se vira apenas pra um filho, colocando muita pressão (mesmo sem perceber), o que faz o filho em si tentar ser perfeito em tudo que faz para não se tornar um peso, como é o caso da Seok Ryu. Enquanto seu irmão, Dong Jin, por outro lado vive na sombra da irmã e tenta ao máximo achar seu lugar no mundo para poder se tornar "pareo" a irmã. É uma família bastante complicada, mas que aos poucos, durante o drama vai amadurecendo e se tornando melhor.
Segundo o núcleo familiar do Seong Hyo foi o que mais me deixou tristo, ele praticamente foi criado pela mãe da Seok Ryu, ouviu coisas que não deveria ouvir aos poucos anos de idade de sua própria mãe, nunca teve sua mãe e pai presente em casa para lhe socorrer em momentos ruins, jantar juntos ou coisa do tipo. É uma família mais distante ainda no quesito comunicação, mas também aos poucos vai amadurecendo e mudando.
Terceiro, o relacionamento da Seok e do Seong é algo muito bem trabalhado, construído aos poucos, de uma madura e linda de se ver, mostra que para eles foi importante esse amadurecimento longe e como se tornaram tão bons juntos depois de um tempo. Eles também muito bem trabalhados, não tem pontas soltas durante o drama, a visão dos dois acaba sendo contada no decorrer dos episódios e da pra sentir a dor de cada um de uma forma intensa.
As atuações foram ótimas de todos os envolvidos, e o casal secundário então? não tenho nem o que reclamar, foram muito bem construídos e trabalhados durante o drama, tiveram seu tempo de tela necessário e adequado, e a forma como construíram sua história foi tão linda que deu saudades.
No fim, a história dos 2 principais e dos 2 secundários foi ótima, mas o fim eu esperava mais, muito mais, não deveria ter ficado na nossa imaginação, deveria ter sido completo, ainda mais pros protagonistas que esperaram a vida toda por isso né? mas enfim, um dos melhores dramas desse ano.
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Um dos melhores de 2024
Love Next Door é um dos melhores dramas de 2024. Conseguiram, em 16 episódios, mostrar a evolução do casal principal e do casal secundário, a evolução das amizades e até sobre os antigos relacionamentos dos protagonistas. Também conseguiram mostrar as angústias e as mágoas que os personagens sentiram ao longo da vida.Talvez um dos maiores acertos do drama foi mostrar que todo mundo tem um lado humano e que, em algum momento da vida, já errou. Foi um drama que me deixou ansiosa pelos próximos episódios. Fez rir e me emocionar. Além disso, os dois episódios finais conseguiram amarrar a história sem deixar ponta solta e sem ser corrido. Foi um prato cheio para quem amou a série desde o início.
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A vida em love next door
Eu realmente não queria desapegar de love next door, quando eu tava em casa, ia almoçar colocava um episódio e assistia comendo, era meu tempo de descanso e como tinha coisas pra fazer, eu não estendia tanto do episódio, passava dias enrolando porque os episódios só saiam no sábado e não queria ter que ficar esperando, queria acumular, foi meu conforto durantes semanas. O que eu amei no drama foi a simplicidade e a singularidade dele, tanto começando do local, das pessoas que se conheciam a tanto tempo, como também das profissões, mostrou um pouco de cada, desse dia a dia e você se sentia próximo do drama e das histórias que iam sendo contadas, eu realmente amei ele desde o começo. A escolha da So min como protagonista fez a diferença também, a atriz faz papéis com personagens bem energizadas e ela teve uma sensibilidade na construção da Seok ryu por causa da doença e todo o momento difícil que ela passou, me emocionei muito com toda a história. Além dela se encontrar na comida que foi lindo demais. A relação dela com a família, com a mo Eum que eu amei demais e fiquei tão feliz que ela disse que não fazia sentido casar sem a amiga estar lá e claro com o seung hyo, hae in e so min fizeram um ótimo trabalho juntos, era apaixonante ver eles na tela sabe, era delicioso, o amor deles que cresceu de amizade para família e para um amor romântico, torci muito por eles. O hae in é um ótimo ator, sou fã dos trabalhos dele, fizeram uma ótima dupla. O casal secundário com o Dan ho e a mo Eum foi fofo DEMAIS, não consigo descrever mais do que isso, eu realmente me apaixonei por eles e ela Yeon Du também, só senti falta de que a história deles poderia ter sido mais antecipada, além de que queria mais momentos deles dois juntos, mesmo entendendo que a Yeon Du que juntou eles e a mo Eum queria se tornar mãe dela, queria mais essa relação dos dois sabe? Senti falta. Mas amei muito de qualquer forma. Queria também que tivesse mostrado ela voltando logo, poderiam ter colocado isso da viagem pro episódio 15, queria tanto o casamento deleees! E a mo eum foi incrível, acho que ela é minha personagem favorita do drama. A relação das amigas, desde tanto tempo atrás e acompanharam tantas coisas umda outra, me tocou muito, fiquei muito chorosa e me fez rir muito, incrível como as relações se mantém e de uma maneira tão linda, na velhice juntas e com muito tempo livre pra gastar. Não sei se quero dizer mais alguma coisa, mas foi um drama que apreciei muito cada momento. Todas as relações, trabalho, solidão, casamento, amores, amizade, aposentadoria, a falta de comunicação, tudo que foi trabalhado, senti falta de mais presença do dong ji no drama também, e acho que só o final poderia ter sido mais espetacular.Esta resenha foi útil para você?
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Potencial jogado no lixo
Que drama morno. Quase gelado de tão sem graça. Comecei ele com muitas esperanças pois adoro o Haein e principalmente amo friends to lovers. Tinha tudo pra ser um drama muito bom, mas os produtores resolveram transformar uma história de 12 episódios em uma de 16 e isso estragou tudo. Pegaram vários plots e não terminaram nenhum. A ex que voltou? Não queria nada. O câncer que voltou? Não era nada. A mãe com demência? Era só estresse. Os pais que iriam se separar? Ainda se amam! Porra, hein. Pra que abrir tantas histórias e não fechar? Me irritou muito a personalidade que deram pra personagem principal. Uma mulher de 30 anos boba desse jeito? Que prefere não namorar com o amigo porque "ela teve cancer e pode voltar e ter"? Que isso?! Fora as bobiças conservadoras de colocar eles pra agirem como inocentes que não podem pensar em sexo. Afe! Minha nota só não é menor por causa do casal secundário. Lindos! Amei o desenvolvimento deles, infelizmente Love Next Door foi tão decepcionante que o casal secundário era aquele que me dava gás pra terminar um episódio. Entretanto, foram enchendo taaaaanta linguiça que demorei uma vida pra terminar os últimos 2 eps.Esta resenha foi útil para você?
Casal principal com atores ruins
A atriz e o ator que fazem o casal principal são muito ruins pra atuar, 0 química entre eles. O grande destaque vai para a história que é muito boa e os outros personagens secundários que são muito bem desenvolvidos. A atriz da bombeira é a grande sensação, desde Branding in Seongsu, ela domina, só faz papel de mulher empoderada e poderosa. As crianças desse dorama também sãos atores e atrizes incrivelmente talentosos, é de tirar o fôlego tanta desenvoltura com tão pouca idade!Esta resenha foi útil para você?
Resumindo, o drama não me deixou satisfeita no final, apesar de eu ter amado o último episódio.
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Gostei, mas queria amar
A minha expectativa para O Amor Mora ao Lado estava altíssima. Queria ver um casal caótico, cômico e apaixonado que me prometeram. E me entregaram um romance mais sério do que eu esperava, o que não mudou o fato de eu gostar bastante da história deles.Um casal de amigos de infância que se amam a muitos anos e nunca deram o primeiro passo . Ele, um aquiteto apaixonado pela profissão mas que sente falta de ter uma família. Ela, uma desempregada que volta para casa querendo dar um tempo de tudo. Mas até o romance começar de fato demora um pouco e essa demora causa uma impaciência. A sensação de que o dorama só ta enchendo tela e que se cortasse muitas cenas não faria falta, principalmente as cenas com a mãe da protagonista. Que mulher INSUPORTÁVEL E INJUSTA. Ver o que ela fazia e falava para a filha me causava raiva, ver como ela se comportava com as amigas de anos me irritava e ver como ela se comparava com os outros sempre querendo ser mais do que alguém me causava dor física. Comecei odiando essa personagem e terminei igual.
Mas depois que o "drama" passa e o romance começa ... ah! que lindo e fofo. As cenas deles juntos são perfeitas e você namora o namoro deles. É gostoso de assistir e da um quentinho no coração.
Menção honrosa ao casal secundário que dá show e constroem uma família linda e também ao elenco infantil dos flashback, são muito lindos e fofos e conseguem mostrar bem a personalidade de cada um mesmo quando criança.
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Meu mais novo drama conforto.
Vi muita gente que ODIOU esse drama e eu realmente não entendo, porque minha experiência foi super positiva (e foi um dos únicos dramas do ano que eu ficava a semana inteira esperando por episódios novos).Consigo reconhecer a insatisfação de alguns por terem colocado expectativas altíssimas ou por esperarem algo inovador e revolucionário, mas se você procura um "friends to lovers" pra deixar o coração quentinho, vai fundo nesse!
Sou suspeita pra falar porque eu realmente amo a Jung Somin e o Jung Haein, então... obviamente eu amei o casal principal, mas a minha grande e positiva surpresa foi ter saído completamente apaixonada no casal secundário, eu torci tanto por elesss. Pessoalmente falando, também gostei muito da mensagem sobre sonhos e recomeços.
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Elenco bom, enredo ruim
Love Next Door é o tipo de drama que consigo resumir com a seguinte frase: "Só fez sucesso por causa do elenco". porque é exatamente isso que te interessa no drama: o elenco, porque o enredo não entrega nada além disso. Tenho que dizer que no começo eu via potencial para um bom drama de romance clichê, eu estava gostando, mas com o decorrer da história fui perceber que não há história aqui, não há enredo, há uma tentativa dos roteiristas de juntar vários clichês e colocar um drama desnecessário na história, enrolar muito e chamar de plot. Porque essa história poderia ter sido resumida em uns 8 episódios, se tirassem todas as cenas desnecessárias e chatas dele.Os protagonistas conseguiram me irritar em todas as situações, quando fugiam de seus sentimentos, quando tratavam mal o outro sem necessidade, quando eram imaturos. De longe, a pior é a Seok Ryu que consegue ser uma chata com ações totalmente injustificadas. Eu amo a Jung So Min, mas essa personagem é tão sem sal.
Sobre clichês desnecessários, o pior é dos ex-namorados voltando para atrapalhar e enrolar ainda mais a história, realmente não engoli aquele drama todo sobre o ex da Seok Ryu e como isso se estendeu por vários episódios. Quanta falta de maturidade para conversar. Não vou dizer que o plot do câncer foi desnecessário, mas me incomodou como eles desenvolveram essa trama e usaram isso para criar um drama sem sentido.
Ao contrário da maioria das pessoas, eu não amei o casal secundário, mas posso dizer que eu torcia mais pra eles do que para o principal. Talvez seja porque eles tem mais cenas fofas juntos, mas não supero o final horrível que deram para eles.
Eu ri em várias cenas do drama, mas não podia deixar de pensar que era tudo uma enrolação para estender o drama por mais episódios, assim como as cenas de sofrência sem necessidade e sem sentido.
Eu costumo ver todos os aspectos de um drama, e me incomodou muito como esse drama não tem osts boas, não consigo me lembrar de nenhuma que me lembre a vibe do drama.
Além disso o final é ruim, mas principalmente o dos secundários. No geral, fico frustrada porque foi um completo desperdício de um elenco muito bom, é um enredo tão vazio que não consegue se sustentar sem o elenco. Acho que minha nota é muito alta para o que realmente foi esse drama.
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Defying the Odds: Navigating Friendhsip, Life, Love, Grief & Growth in 'Love Next Door'⌂ᰔᩚ
***Disclaimer: This is just my opinion. We don't have to agree and I'm not here to argue with anyone.***TLDR: My review is long so if you don’t have time, just skip to the final thoughts section.
The FL, Seok Ryu (Jung So Min), unexpectedly returns to Seoul, hinting at a complicated past. She is portrayed as a disorganized and emotional character, contrasting with the ML, Seung Hyo (Jung Jae In) who seems apathetic and aloof yet driven. Seok-ryu's life takes a downward turn when she quits her job leading to her return home, seeking refuge and facing her family's reaction. We follow her on this journey as she faces life's challenges and reunites with her family and childhood friends. Love Next Door combines various tropes and drama elements, drawing on past shows for inspiration. The key to its success lies in offering something unique and charming, with a focus on contrasting family dynamics, captivating chemistry and bonds between the characters.
I adore this drama as it leans more toward slice of life and melodrama rather than a traditional rom-com. The writers skillfully blend happy and sad moments, allowing a deeper understanding of the characters, family dynamics, and traits as the story unfolds. It offers a perfect balance of emotions and insight into how they navigate relationships and the world around them.
Seok Ryu's life has not been easy. It's been long and difficult because she comes from a low-income family and is the eldest child (typical eldest daughter syndrome) Seok Ryu faced immense pressure to fulfill her parents' high standards, leading to success but also fostering hyper independence and perfectionism. Eventually, she quits her job and returns home, displaying how these pressures negatively affected her mental health, causing her to face burnout. It becomes clear that she struggles with the guilt of wanting to pursue her own dreams instead of conforming to her parents wishes. We are led to believe this coupled with her broken engagement is the main cause of her depression, however it is revealed that she hid her cancer from her loved ones. Her silence exemplifies the gravity of the situation.
On the outside, Seung Hyo seems to have a perfect family, but his parents are often absent due to work. He was raised by Mi Suk (Seok Ryu's mom) and they spent a lot of time together. Seung Hyo is reserved and tends to suppress his emotions, but his abandonment issues and jealousy surface occasionally due to lack of parental support. Seung Hyo's hidden feelings for Seok Ryu become apparent early on, but his efforts to conceal them make him seem arrogant and uncaring. It's not until later in the drama that he faces these emotions, leading to intense angst / tension that captured my interest. At some point on their individual and joint paths, they both recognize their sheer fondness for one another, blurring the lines a bit.
Love Next Door marked Jung Hae In's stellar debut in the rom-com genre, setting him apart from his other more somber romance dramas like Snowdrop and SITR. While some may find his character arrogant and overbearing towards Seok Ryu, it's clear that his actions stem from a place of deep care for her. Seung Hyo may not be vocal about his feelings, but his actions speak volumes, as he helps Seok Ryu with everyday tasks and supports her dreams. Despite Seung Hyo not fitting the typical mold of romantic leads nowadays who tend to be either a loser/simp or a green forest, his unique way of expressing affection sheds light on a different perspective on love.
Similarly, Jung So Min did an excellent job portraying Seok Ryu, making her struggles and triumphs feel relatable. The chemistry between the two characters is palpable, making their interactions seem genuine. Seok Ryu's unwavering support for Seung Hyo adds depth to their relationship, showing a genuine understanding of each other. Through small gestures and meaningful actions, Seung Hyo and Seok Ryu's relationship blossoms into something special, proving that love comes in many forms.
The banter that forms the basis of Seok Ryu and Seung Hyo’s relationship felt childish at times rather than a mature adult relationship, considering their ages. Nonetheless this unique dynamic between them is still cherished.
I appreciate the unique portrayal of exes in this drama, avoiding the typical villain stereotypes. Seo Ji Hye nailed her role and her character, Tae Hui stood out because of her strong performance and charisma. She recognized the boundaries in her relationship with Seung Hyo, acknowledging the differences in his behavior towards her and Seok Ryu. Many viewers, like myself, were drawn to her relatable journey from seeking passion in her youth to desiring comfort as she grew older.
On the other hand, I disliked Seok Ryu’s ex, particularly his persistence and stalker-like behavior when he was introduced. His eating of her mother's food and his lack of awareness were irritating. Seok Ryu's attempts to end the relationship were futile as he refused to accept it. I believe he came to Korea due to guilt, as shown by a harsh argument where he brought up her illness and mental health. Seok Ryu’s cancer drained her physically and emotionally, but her ex seemed emotionally unintelligent when it came to her depression. For someone who claimed to love her, he failed to understand or empathize with her struggles. He disregarded her needs and made her feel like a burden.
It was the fact that he went along with the lies about her illness that raised a red flag for me; I believe if he truly cared, he would have told her family the truth and found a gentle way to break it to them so that Seok Ryu would have people to lean on and support her. While he appeared to care during her treatment, afterward Hyeon Jun failed to provide the support she desperately needed, leading to their breakup. I found his behavior selfish and felt he would have cheated on her if given the chance. His insensitivity was evident in his inability to empathize with Seok Ryu’s needs, resulting in their failed relationship. Despite this, Hyeon Jun is not irredeemable, as their breakup was handled maturely, with an appreciation for the good times shared. Even though he was not the right person for her, their relationship ended amicably. Seung Hyo, while protective, allowed Seok Ryu closure, showing maturity. Some relationships end, but her growth from it shows its value despite the breakup.
I think the cancer storyline was kind of unnecessary as conflict could have been created between the main characters in other ways, such as showcasing gender roles and expectations in society or exploring her ex’s toxic behavior (cheating) due her depression etc.
Controversial take, but I also think Seung Hyo was justified in confronting Seok Ryu for hiding her cancer. He expressed the thoughts many of us had - calling her selfish and saying she was only thinking of herself. Although his words were harsh, her silence for 3 years was even more painful. I believe his anger also stemmed from his guilt for not recognizing her struggles and pushing her away while dealing with his unreciprocated feelings (ignoring her texts and calls) Seok Ryu's reluctance to burden others is understandable, but her friends and family would have supported her. Her ex initially agreed to help with her illness, but later switched up, focusing only on her therapy and medication so they could “move on”. Because he lacked empathy for her emotional struggles she felt isolated and alone despite his supposed assistance.
I had mixed feelings about the emotional journeys these characters took us on. It was overwhelming and frustrating, yet added to the authenticity somehow. This mix of reactions brought relief and humor, reminding us of their humanity. Her family's dramatic responses, though exaggerated, show their care and reveal unhealthy coping mechanisms. Everyone handles tough situations differently so I think that breaking down those walls & being vulnerable is what led to them healing and mending their relationship.
The first 4 eps. moved slowly due to establishing the scene and characters with a focus on the uninteresting architecture company. The workplace scenes seemed like filler and didn't appeal to me.
Seung Hyo's mood swings and unpredictable behavior were challenging to handle, especially when he would quickly switch from being affectionate to distant toward Seok Ryu.
Seok Ryu has low self-esteem and always apologizes even when she’s not at fault. It was concerning because she did not choose to get cancer. During her reconciliation with Hyeon Jun, his failure to stop her and assure her she did nothing wrong was disappointing. He seemed oblivious to the fact that she wasn’t in control of her cancer or depression.
Seok Ryu's behavior with Seung Hyo's ex revealed her tendency to people please and seek approval from others. It is interesting to note the contrast between her reactions to seeing her ex in a compromising position with a woman in America compared to Seung Hyo with his ex and other women. I suppose this inconsistency suggests a stronger emotional connection with Seung Hyo, leading to increased jealousy.
I didn’t like how persistent they made Mo Eum's character in befriending Yeon Du, and felt that Dan Oh setting boundaries was crucial. Her jumping straight to wanting to be a mom seemed unrealistic to me. She skipped so many steps, it gave me a headache. Also, the delay in revealing that Dan Oh was Yeon Du’s uncle, not her father could have been clarified earlier on. The writers misled me to believe he was still grieving his wife, or assuming blame for his family’s accident.
Dong Jin's storyline was lacking, but I enjoyed episode 13 where he expressed feeling overshadowed by his sister and inferior as a son. I wanted to see more of his development and romance with Na Yun.
The emotional toll of this drama took me by surprise, evoking tears in both intense and tender scenes. The confession moments were especially romantic, thanks to the talented directors and actors involved. While the portrayal of an Asian mother may be exaggerated, it resonated with me on a personal level. The argument scenes in ep. 2 and then the big reveal in ep. 8 made me cry buckets. Episodes 11-15 stood out as particularly impactful. Episode 14 brought tears of joy, while episode 15 left me devastated. It was incredibly well-executed, breaking and healing my heart simultaneously.
The chemistry and banter between the leads was exceptional, despite their frequent arguments. I came to appreciate their dynamic and accepted it as part of their relationship. As a couple, they are becoming more comfortable, especially now that everyone knows and approves of them.
The side characters: Mi Seok, Hye Seok, Geun Sik, Gyeong Jong, Mo Eum, Dan Oh and Yeon Du added depth and emotion to the story so much so that I became invested in how their arcs would play out. When the main characters frustrated me (which was often) I found solace in rooting for Seung Hyo and Seuk Ryu’s parents, their friendship with eachother and the side couples. Dan Oh and Mo Eum’s relationship had ups and downs, but when they embraced their feelings, they won over my heart completely.
One of my favorite dynamics were the relationships between the parents. Mi Suk and Hye Suk's rocky relationship highlighted the challenges of misunderstandings and feelings of inadequacy in friendships. I also enjoyed Seung Hyo's parents' storyline, anticipating the cheating plot to be a misjudgment. Their relationship reflected the reality of marital ups and downs, ultimately bringing Hye Suk and Gyeon Jeong closer.
The dads stole the show with their amazing rapport. Jo Han Chul and Lee Seung Goon, the actors that you are! Their brotherly bond was heartwarming and I could not get enough. I also liked the contrast between the two parental couples and how they showed coexistence is possible from two very different families. I appreciate that Love Next Door showcases a messy yet intimate family dynamic that is impossible not to love, flaws and all.
I love the parallels and inverted moments that we saw as the drama progressed. This is shown by Seung Hyo finding Seok Ryu at the same beach she ran away to in the past, mirroring the past when Seok Ryu brought him out of his cave when he was depressed. The Jungle Gym represents shifting emotional dynamics, with Seung Hyo now expressing his feelings openly. Mo Eum's wingwoman tactics added humor, with a role reversal in her kiss with Dan-Ho. Seok Ryu reading Seung Hyo's letter brings their secrets into the open in the same way that she read the letter he placed in the time capsule years ago. The neighborhood community's gossip highlights the pros and cons of living in a small town, showing both the lack of privacy and the strong sense of support in times of need. These full circle moments and evolving relationships add depth to the story as characters navigate personal growth and romantic entanglements.
I also admired the characters' efforts to compromise with each other, even if they didn't fully understand. Their reconciliations moved me to tears. LND delves into themes like love, family relationships, grief, friendship, identity, isolation, determination, change versus tradition, and more. The drama exceeded my expectations with well-developed characters and a complex plot.
While the pacing could improve in some areas, conflicts were resolved swiftly, maintaining an engaging storyline throughout. The natural conversations added realism, and the progression from friendship to romance felt beautifully executed, with a perfect balance of slow burn and tension leading up to a poignant kiss in episode 11.
The cinematography was also stunning, particularly during the pool scene, bike ride, and the romantic kiss in the flower field. The evolution of Seok Ryu and Seung Hyo's relationship, from initial awkwardness to genuine connection, was portrayed beautifully. Small details like Seok Ryu calling Seung Hyo "babe" added a cute touch to the storyline, making this drama truly memorable.
The OST is amazing, with standout tracks like "Wall" by Kwon Jin Ah, "The Truth" by Jung Hae In (which imo is so impressive!) and “What are We” by Ha Sung Woon. Honorable Mentions are “Fantasy” by An Da Eun, “Reach For You” by ZEROBASEONE and “Any Day With You" by Muzie which built anticipation for the next episode.
Overall, this drama deeply touched my soul. Love Next Door is more than just a feeling, it's a genuine experience that shouldn't be missed. This drama healed something in me and I’m grateful that I committed until the end, as the characters made me cry, smile, and laugh all at once. The show strikes a perfect balance between seriousness and lightheartedness, handling tough situations with care while also bringing humor into the mix. I appreciate how it doesn't downplay hardships but still conveys meaningful messages.
One thing that struck me was the idea that being understood is more important than being loved. It is possible for someone to love you without truly understanding you, as shown with their ex’s Hyeon Jun & Tae Hui.
It reminded me of the quote “To love is to understand but to be loved is to be understood." Love may develop naturally over time, but making the effort to truly understand someone is a conscious and deliberate choice. It involves putting your own needs aside to focus on the other person, which is far more valuable. Real and unwavering love means knowing someone inside and out, accepting their flaws, and STILL choosing to stand by their side. Seok Ryu and Seung Hyo’s 30-year friendship laid the foundation for their romantic relationship, which ultimately led them to be woven into each other's lives and hearts forever.
The drama may have begun with some clichés, but I found it endearing for its heartfelt moments, emotional depth, and intricate relationships. This drama may not be suited for everyone, as it requires a certain kind of endurance and perceptiveness that may not be immediate. The complexity of the characters and their realistic portrayal can be frustrating yet captivating. Around ep. 7 or 8, you'll likely know if it's the right fit for you.
Would I rewatch this? Yes, in a heartbeat! I can see LND becoming a comfort drama for me. I’m so attached and I don’t want to let them go. Not gonna lie, I’m kind of salty we didn’t get the wedding however, I like the non-traditional ending that gives us a glimpse into post-credit scenes that we don’t usually see between the main couple, adding realism to the drama. The open-ended conclusion feels more like a new beginning, leaving the possibility of a season 2 or a spinoff which is different from typical dramas. A drama with Mo Eum & Dan Oh as the leads or Lavender / the parents travelling during retirement would be something I would eagerly watch.
I don’t think words can say enough… so just buckle up and hold on for the ride! If you’re someone who loves stories with a lot of heart at then you’ll enjoy this.
Despite some flaws, I gave this drama an 8.5/10 mainly for its emotional impact. Objectively, it is an 8/10. However, it made me feel so deeply, unlike anything in a while. I appreciate every character’s complexity in addition to the sincerity and warmth the actors brought to their roles. Love Next Door is a drama I won’t be forgetting for years to come!
Thanks for reading & happy watching!
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A Journey of Pain, Growth, and Imperfect ChoicesLove Next Door really captured something deeper than romance for me. It's a healing drama where recovering one's emotions, healing one's personal wounds, and finding love again takes center stage. The chemistry between the characters felt real, even if the pacing was slow. The pacing made sense since that allowed the development to be very organic. Also, it wasn't your typical super energized romance, which is why it stood out for people who loved subtle emotional depth.
The complex emotional dynamics coupled with the female lead, Bae Seokryu, and the male lead captured well the struggle of love and personal growth. As for Bae Seokryu, there are comments that she is foolish to make certain decisions in the drama, such as staying in the U.S. upon her diagnosis with cancer or failing to realize the male lead's feelings before she left. However, I don't agree with the idea that she's foolish. Her character's decisions were not about being stupid but about how circumstantial events overwhelmed her. She erred, yes, but these are reflections of how people in vulnerable situations don't always think rationally. Deciding to rely on her fiancé and not her parents was not an easy thing. In fact, keeping such a life-threatening illness from the people she loved showed how hard it was to come to grips with her own reality. This struggle just made her a real character and added so much character to her journey.
Choi Seunghyo's storyline added another layer of depth to the drama. I loved how he had been seeing somebody in the meantime while Seokryu was away, and how it was only when Seokryu returned from the U.S. that his feelings began to develop for her. Refreshing-a nuance in the character that proved life goes on, even when one is emotionally invested in another. It was realistic to see him move forward instead of just waiting idly for Seokryu. Life doesn't stop for anyone, and the journey of Seunghyo did turn a leaf by indicating very well that age didn't limit him in the way he associated with his friends or lovers. At any age, love of an emotional kind can prosper, and it felt nice to see him seek diverse relationships that help him feel comfortable and happy.
The side characters also added to the storyline. The interactions with Seokryu's father and the second couple were full of charm, adding a dash of humor to the story. The lavender women brought in a different feel with their lively and fun friendship, making companionship essential in crossing life's path. Their presence lightened the mood and provided comic relief during more serious moments. I did, however, appreciate how the drama portrayed parents as flawed human beings too and found myself so pleased to see how the development of Seokryu's mother unfolded throughout the series. That itself is a kind of development, which truly showed that even parents learn and change in their way, further drumming home the theme of healing.
As for my complaints, more emphasis should be put into the brother's development, but by the time it did come, I had to say that I liked how it came about. More specifically, I was hoping for that highly expected award scene that could have further dramatized the development of the characters. But again, I don't want to harp too much on that because these two points didn't seriously detract from my enjoyment of the series.
The acting of Love Next Door was just something. Powerful performances by the lead characters often made them almost real, showing a wide range of emotions and making them so real. The actors told the struggles and victories of each character with the sincerity of a storyteller. Chemistry was apparent in every relationship, adding great depth. Even the supporting actors shone bright to enhance the overall storyline and create moments throughout the series.
I recommend Love Next Door if you are in for some slice-of-life drama that will heal you and to which you can relate in terms of its themes on love, family, and friendship. The entanglement of human emotions and the journey towards healing, this drama did beautifully, and is worth your time. The heartwarming tales and rendering of flawed characters bring us to remind ourselves that healing does occur and love does find its way, sometimes through turmoil.
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8+ rating..............THE UPs and this drama really worth the hype???
Lately, I’ve been in a bit of a K-drama slump—not due to a lack of good dramas, but because I haven’t managed to finish any in the past few months. Maybe it’s because I haven’t had enough free time or maybe I just wasn’t in the mood. However, this new drama has completely captivated me right from the very first episode.The PLOT might seem familiar at first glance, drawing comparisons to "Welcome to Sam-dalri" and "Dr Slump," and while I can see where those comments are coming from, there’s something about this drama that makes it stand out. Sure, the childhood friends-to-lovers trope can get a bit predictable, but the unique way this show handles it........has hooked me.
The ACTING in this drama is top-notch, which definitely contributes to its appeal. I also appreciate that some of the backstory is revealed early on rather than being dragged out until midway or the end. This approach keeps the suspense high and my interest piqued as I looked forward to each new episode. But that feeling didn't last long. I really felt the FL's break from work backstory a little too common and the writers could have done it in a much better way. As it was a great start for this drama I started to have high expectations regarding this. So, I was a bit let down because of this I would say.
One of the things I really loved in this drama is the siblings relationship which was portrayed in a domestic way, the friendship portrayed in this drama is really top notch and kudos to the characters for portraying it so well. I felt that the Leads fathers duo is a little bit cringe. But the character I really liked the best is the reporter's character. His acting and his visuals hyped his character even more.
Now coming to the COUPLES, I really wish this kind of Hyerung Dong(The area where they live) with all these characters really existed and I wish I could visit that place and go to ATLEINER(ML's company) to have a cup of coffee hahaha. This is the kind of feeling I got while I watched this drama. And the couples that stood out were ML's PARENTS and Mo-Eum x Dan-Ho. I really liked these couples even more than the main couple. Their story is very emotional and it was so heart-touching.
One more concern of mine is the episode length—each one runs over an hour. So I had to watch this drama in a 2x speed because I have very little patience and am eager to know how the episode would end. And because of this I might have missed few of the emotional scenes but I enjoyed it this way LOL
--> IF you feel like this drama is a bit lengthy THEN try watching with 2x speed.
--> IF you feel that this drama is similar to some to other drama THEN try to watch the episode and then decide to watch the rest of the episodes or not.
--> IF you are in a confusion whether to watch it or not THEN do watch it because it gives you a fresh atmosphere.
--> IF you feel like you've watched enough spoilers and you've understood the entire story THEN you are definitely wrong cause this drama offers more than what it seems to be.
PS: If you’re a fan of the actors or find the synopsis intriguing, or if you’re open to giving it a shot, I DEFINITELY RECOMMEND checking it out!
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