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O roteiro não é ruim, mas a maneira em que o casal principal se conhece é questionável, como é possível se apaixonar por alguém que lhe apunha-la 'a primeira vista'? Algumas vezes os roteiristas/escritores testam a paciência daqueles que vão ler/assistir suas criações. Tirando algumas incongruências do roteiro e algumas falhas da direção, o drama é muito bom, principalmente, graças ao elenco que entregou atuações brilhantes. Os personagens são dúbios, mas gostáveis, fazendo com que ora torçamos por um, ora por outro. Não é apenas um roteiro sobre intriga e luta por poder, mas sobre o quanto cada um está disposto a perder para garantir a segurança e o bem estar do outro. A direção poderia ter se esmerado um pouco mais para dar uma finalização que estivesse a altura do drama, mas, mesmo assim, ficou bem emocionante. O 'gato sem vergonha' é aquele personagem que deixará saudade e será lembrado por muito tempo. Esta resenha foi útil para você?

Brilliant scheming drama full of smart characters, equally matched in term of wit and mind games.
I always want Ren Jialun in heavy scheme political drama and I finally got my wish with Love of Nirvana. I love how clever and matched everyone is in this games of wit and how everyone literally aware of everyone's scheming and mind games. The steps are either 2 or 3 ahead and you only see it when it happens. Some of the chess moves are really unexpected, surprising and also served as plot twists. I usually can only guess the first step as the 2nd step usually comes later when you see the water repels on the course of the actions.THE PREMISE
At first, you need to understand the premise of this drama on how the ML and FL first met each other. The ML is from Yueluo, a slave nation while the FL is from Liang, the nation that enslaved his people -- so obviously, he only has contempt and hatred towards the Liang people. The point when you watch this drama is see the leads as enemies at war instead of love interest since that is what they truly are -- all they wanted to do is to kill each other, genuinely. The romance only come much later when they finally see each other for who they truly are -- which is the same kind of people of the opposite sites. They did not romanticize it at all which I appreciate. It supposed to be seen as torture and nothing else -- she is a Liang woman assisting a Liang official and mess up his missions again & again -- its as simple as that. If you can get over this part, then you gonna enjoy the ride since this drama is full of twist and surprises.
All the three leads are characters who is not only complex, but also full of layers with very clear motives. You are not supposed to judge them at first glance since they are all wearing masks intended to misled your first impressions. The 'mask' that Wei Zhou is wearing is a symbol not only used literally to hide his identity but as well as figuratively for the audiences not to judge him and perceived him on the surface -- the cruel assassin mask he put on during his missions, then another façade he is putting when he is in his official robes in front of everyone and his real face -- the look of sadness and helplessness like how everything inside of him is crumbing down when he put the names of his fallen people inside the box after failed missions. The same can be seen with Jiang Ci, our female lead -- on the front she is just this bubbly girl who smile a lot but she is actually one of the cleverest characters on the show. She knew she being used but regardless of that, she wont let anyone used her as can be seen in this drama -- Wei Zhou can used her as a pawn and looks where it got him. Same with Pei Yan trying to control her freedom -- and look how she ended up doing thing exactly where her heart tells her to. Same with Pei Yan -- do not be fooled with his nice and gentle demeanor as he is as manipulative and cunning. Under his good guy persona, he fools everyone to get what he wants. But at the same time, his concern towards Jiang Ci is genuine which add to the weird complexity of his character. Between his loyalty to his country and his filial piety towards his mother who raised him, its all adds up to make him the man that he is.
The scheming and mind games in Love of Nirvana is so well written as it involves really high level chess game moves from both sides. They are all shades of grey which makes everything even more interesting since they basically have no limit. How brilliant is the scheming? It even involves planting a wrong thoughts on innocent person to give misleading impressions towards the enemies. And the drama does a lot of ''show'' instead of ''tell'' so you have to be aware of every clues, smirk, moves and objects as they are used to show the characters motives and actions as well as their thoughts.
The symbolisms used in this drama is really a lot. I love how they show Wei Zhou kept a white bird in a beautiful big cage as the bird represent himself -- the hidden identity of lavish lifestyle with richness and adoration but actually trapped and wanting to get the freedom and justice he longed for his people who being sold as slaves and prostitutes and they humiliation they faced under the Liang's tyranny. Also, the symbolism of Pei Yan repelling the water in a calm pond of fish is the literal things he did to his corrupt family members which turning their peaceful world upside down like he has the hands of God. Aside from that, the use of object to show intention of the character is done marvelously. In one of the scenes, they show Wei Zhou rejected Madam Ronggue's offer of collaboration with tea; 'The tea is quite nice, but it's not to my liking' then the camera proceed with the focus of Madam Ronggue pouring the tea anyway inside his empty cup after he leaves and said 'It's not up to him to decide.' -- thus we knew what is her next chess moves after that.
Also, I love the metaphor of the black orchid seed which being used and described by Jiang Ci -- again, figuratively and literally. The black orchid seed can't be washed no matter how you try to get rid of it which she used on Wei Zhou to track where he goes as evidence. Just like the seed of doubt she planted on Pei Yan or the Emperor (no matter how much Wei Zhou try to wash it later) and these doubts will kept on growing and will crack with times if they managed to read her letter.
Aside from that, the foreshadowing -- there are so much of it all over the drama. From the song lyrics (which has hints of the ending) to all the leads' conversations with each other like the conversation that Jiang Ci had with Pei Yan about the big responsibility or big picture and how admirable Pei Yan is for holding out to that one. No, it wasn't to show where love blooms between them but it is to give us the insight of what's inside her head -- the understanding and admiration she has towards people who fight for what is right which is what Wei Zhou is doing for his people. It wasn't the red flag where he torture her that made she fall for him, but she finally see him beyond the façade he put or the masks he wears -- he might fool other people like the sword dance he did in front of everyone but she truly see him as what he is beyond the act he put in front of her. I thought the directing is great for the particular scene and the point of turn where Jiang Ci finally see Wei Zhou in different light.
The drama also trust you as an audiences to remember the details and make the connections and compare on the actions and behaviors of the characters. For an example, the contrast of actions of the characters of the 2 male leads -- it is done so subtlety to show to the audiences the swift change in state of mind of Jiang Ci. For starter, we all know how free spirited is Jiang Ci -- while Pei Yan clipped her wings, Wei Zhou in the other hands lets her fly and spread her wings. Pei Yan will limit what Jiang Ci wants to do while Wei Zhou will praise her and ask her to show more of her skills and abilities. Also, when Jiang Ci wants to join any investigation, Pei Yan will stop and forbid her while Wei Zhou will open the door for her. And while doing good deeds to the poor people, Wei Zhou did it at the back without anyone knowing while Pei Yan doing it openly and get adored by everyone. Apart from that, when Jiang Ci gave them the food of the poor, Wei Zhou accept and eat it while Pei Yan left it untouched. This all have the same situation but produce different kind of results between these 2 characters. As to why this 2 gives a very different reactions to the same situation? It comes back to their childhood. While both of them are caged birds, Wei Zhou grew up in a loving family during his fundamental childhood development years where he is taught compassion, love and also understanding -- he only caught later and become slave after that. While Pei Yan grew up in a completely toxic environment the whole of his life which build this very obsessive traits inside of him. While Wei Zhou only become ruthless and unhinged when he's in a mask, he is become kinder to everyone once they are in his intimate circle just like what Jiang Ci has becomes. Thats why Jiang Ci is no longer afraid of him since she seen him without the 'mask'. While Pei Yan in the other hand become completely different when someone become closer to him -- he ended up becoming controlling and taking away their agency just like the 'love' he knew from his mother. Thus, this completely different results of the same situation from the two of them.
Also, the use of deceptive storytelling. The fun part of scheming drama is for you to guess the outcome and Love of Nirvana done this part really well. They will show misleading scenes but at the same time giving different clues so you can guess together with the main characters until the truth is revealed. A lot of plot twists are happened this way that totally caught you off guard but once you know it, it made complete sense and how those clues aligned like pieces of puzzles.
Aside from that, the use of poems to convey emotion are done brilliantly. The prime example of this is the Poem Banquet at the Eastern Palace. All of them are speaking in riddles with flowers as the topic but actually sending their personal message to Jiang Ci. And Jiang Ci, the clever girl that she is responding the opposite and burnt them with her replies. The whole scene is like a smart people conversation with each other -- poetic, seemed unharmed exchanged of literature piece to outsiders but laced with poisonous message to those people it directed to. Not to mention the conversations full of riddles. Like the conversation that Wei Zhou have with the Emperor. They are talking in metaphor but both understand each other clearly.
From how restricting on 'freedom' did to people and the baggage they have to carry and live with -- which can be seen with Jiang Ci's characteristics (a free bird) and both of the MLs' characteristics (caged beautiful birds) and how they turn out to be. Also, the message of 'Hope' is all over the drama -- how the Liangjiu flowers has stopped blooming for 20 years due to the mass grave but has bloomed again. And also the theme of prejudice -- how Wei Zhou is also shedding his prejudice slowly towards the Liang people and also helped them fighting against their corrupt officials.
This drama also deals with really heavy themes, decisions and choices. And the complexity of it makes it a very good watch as they are not sugar-coating it. We see Pei Yan's dilemma when he wants to stop the case only at corruption only at Nanling. Did he made the right decision to cast aside the SA victims? Of course not. But if the case go beyond corruption only, his clan, hundred of people will be annihilated since rebellion is a huge crime. Do you hate him? Of course! But do you understand his reasons? Yes as well. This also can be seen when Wei Zhou has to make the hard decision of opening the city gate or let all the hostages die. Not to mention in the last arc where he need to chose his own wish or the safety of his people. All these difficult decision making are done carefully without taking lightly of subject matters.
But despite this, there so many silver linings in the drama -- like the Lingjiu flowers that blooms again at Yueluo. Or the friendship that Jiang Ci form with all the Yueluo people -- at first they hate her but then they ended up really adore and love her. The hope of message is everywhere. Wei Zhou once told Jiang Ci that she cant change people -- him or anyone else. But we see how untrue is that. The irony of that statement and how its killing him later to make that difficult decision to deceive her. The drama deals with lots of heavy stuffs. It certainly not for everyone but it made sense, you understand the characters and why they are making those choices.
While the romance is really slow burn, the progress of the 2 main leads' relationship was done delicately. Ren Jialun has amazing amazing chemistry with Li Landi. Lots of their scenes together involves staring into each other but instead of it being awkward, all those scenes glows beautifully. I love how she touched him with his childhood swing and tease him with it or how he drew on her face to cheer her up or just their interactions with each other -- it was really wholesome and sweet.
And I love the scene where Wei Zhou is having a nightmare and Jiang Ci pet his hands to calm him down. He was so restrained even when he's in his private time -- he just grip his blanket tightly and still suppressing whatever things that haunt him in his sleep. Then you realized that Wei Zhou as a character is actually very restrained even in his crazy and unhinged phase -- he could make a new wound on Jiang Ci everytime he faces her but instead, he just poking her wound instead to remind her. I love the consistencies in the writing and you can see how its all adds up to the layers of his character.
Also, the depiction on how Wei Zhou slowly wear himself down around Jiang Ci is a joy to see. In the straining of his shoulder scene where she is putting medicine on him, the stare that he gave her is the confident stare -- like he had her on the palm of his hands. But later, all those confident stares are gone -- when she falls down on him or when he saw her washing his face and neck or when he found her hugging him in his sleep, it was 'Oh noes, I'm in deep trouble!' face since now it is him who is at her disposal.
On top of that, I love how even when they are at their angsty part of the relationship but the show still managed to make it healing as well. There is thorn, but there is hope as well. Just like when Wei Zhou was given the poisonous flowers by Jiang Ci, but he gave her back small red flowers that she placed on his hair at Yueluo to show that all flowers will bloom again just like their love. I love how this small red flowers are used as their language of love towards each other as he used the same red flowers later to tell her that he will protect her. I really love all this hidden message that we can get from the subtle storytelling.
Aside from that, I love how many of their scenes together conveyed so many things despite many thing are left unspoken. For an example the scene where Wei Zhou fainted after the war and woke up on the bed and Jiang Ci is feeding him the orange. The way the Director focus on his trembling hands and the way Jiang Ci cries silently beside him -- it is to show that she knew he was poisoned but she didn't say anything since she knew he doesn't want her to know. And him looking guilty but also chose to stay silent since if they actually say it out loud -- it will be too unfair, thus not saying anything at all is the kinder way for them to cope with the tragedy. I'm so marveled at how the writer, director and both Ren Jialun and Li Landi conveyed that scene -- it made the scene more heartbreaking and devastating somehow.
The drama is so well written with lots of heavy themes and they were handled brilliantly. I love how it did not shy away to show how all these characters are making really hard decisions and they are not sugar coating or give them the easy way out. And all the scheming and mind games are top level but most of all, the amazing script! The conversations full of riddles, the use of symbolisms, metaphors, analogies, foreshadowing and deceptive storytelling made it such a fun ride.
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NO SPOILERS . Is it stockholm syndrom or can love bloom from overcoming hardship together?
The story : On his quest for revenge, Wei Zhao crosses paths with Jiang Ci, who spoils every plans he makes.However, getting to know each other they are drawn to one another.
First of all, when I saw how Male Lead treated Female Lead, I could not help but wondering if Female Lead suffered from stockholm syndrom ? How can she fall for someone who harmed her like that ?
Then, as the story progressed I understood that those two share a special / unspeakable bond.
They managed to find love and had a great chemistry in the middle of such dire situations. And this, in it-self is a challenge.
ML and FL still brought me with them as I witnessed their slowburn romance, full of attraction, riddles, subtile messages, amorous glares...
So as much as I was shocked by ML at first and also feared for FL's life, I was rooting for Wei Zhao and Jiang Ci's love in the end.
Pros :
- Smart countryside Female Lead .
- Smart high ranking court officer, Male Lead.
- Good action scenes.
- Mortal Enemies to lovers trope. Male Lead's killing spree goes far, as he is aiming at Female Lead and that's surprising.
- Great acting.
- Great revenge quest for the hero whose kingdom's population was slaughtered and enslaved.
- The plot is complex. That's a good thing because it is promising and can surprise the viewer. At times your blood might boil for witnessing injustices. But this is proof of a good story.
- Very emotional topics are dealt with : genocide, slavery, fight for survival, conspiracy, rebellion, human trafficking...
- Sprinkle of romance, which I think is great because the emotional and political story make the romance more endearing.
- Well written script filled with symbolism and duality (every plot point faces its opposite) : slavery/freedom, conceal /show, belitteling/praising... So you can have different level of understanding of the narrative because the writer thinks that you are smart enough to piece them together. I like that.
Cons :
- As the drama aired, I thought is was one of the last performances of Jeremy Tsui as a Second Male Lead before retirement. I was sad ?! And hope to see him again. Good news, he is coming back to acting. My wish was granted, I am very happy. He is such a great actor.
- Sadistic assassin Male Lead who supresses his emotions and live like a machine. That's a Red Flag.
- There are some glitches in the CGI. For example here : they stopped the CGI before finishing the scene (^_^) I laughed so much o_O
Are they saving money on CGI budget ? This is weird to see the raw images with subtitles.
Overall this is a good show : I laughed, I was afraid, relieved... until the very last minutes. The ending was a climax.
It was the most satisfying ending to me, it did justice to the drama and it was also very realistic. I could always dream of a season 2 with an alternate ending that would have sparked even more conspiracies than this one. But the writers did justice to the story of a hero. And I liked it.
Highly rewatchable because there is hidden meaning everywhere, you will discover new clues and symbols at every rewatch.
If you like enemies to lovers stories with intelligent leads, this is for you.
The songs of the OST fit the story perfectly :
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Shattered Dreams, Forged Alliances, Unyielding Love.
🍁OVERVIEW OF PLOT:-"Love of Nirvana" tells the story of Xiao Wu Xia, the young lord of Yueluo City, who spends years in hiding in Liang Kingdom, bearing humiliation and disguising himself as Wei Zhao. Driven by a quest for truth and justice, Wei Zhao seeks to capture the sole survivor of his family's downfall. However, his plan is foiled by Jiang Ci's unexpected arrival, throwing a wrench into his carefully laid plans. Pei Yan seizes the opportunity to shelter the injured Jiang Ci, aiming to uncover the hidden saboteur. As Wei Zhao and Jiang Ci interact, their shared experiences and values spark mutual affection. Ultimately, the trio - Wei Zhao, Jiang Ci, and Pei Yan - put aside personal vendettas and unite against Emperor Liang, fighting to protect Yueluo and establish a just dynasty.
🌿Wei Zhao/Xiao Wu Xia (Ren Jia Lun) :- The former young lord of Yueluo City, now the infamous Commander of the Dawn Guards of Liang State, is a cunning and ruthless man seeking revenge for his family's unjust downfall and striving to uncover the truth behind their wrongful label as 'traitors.' He walks a thin line between loyalty and betrayal, eliminating anyone who stands in his way. The weight of countless broken families in Yueluo City, forced to send their loved ones into slavery in Liang State as penalty for Prince Ci's death, rests heavily on his shoulders.
🌿Jiang Ci (Li Landy) :- Jiang Ci is a free-spirited, kind, and intelligent girl. Raised by her master in a remote mountain village far from the capital city, she grew up in peaceful solitude as an orphan. Her master, living with her identity hidden, is the most wanted assassin and suspected mastermind of Prince Ci's demise, relentlessly pursued by the Emperor of Liang State, Wei Zhao, and the powerful Pei Clan. Jiang Ci wears her heart on her sleeve, often to her own detriment. With expertise in herbs and medicine, she dreams of traveling the world unrestricted.
🌿Pei Yan (Jeremy Tsui) :- Leading the Pei Clan in the royal court, Lord of Jingding, a title passed down from his father, he wields significant influence. Equally cunning as Wei Zhao, he was groomed from a young age to put the interests of the Pei Clan first in all his decisions. He is renowned for his benevolence and military prowess among the public, but beneath the surface lies a complex web of motivations.
The drama kicks off with an engaging plot, featuring a cunning and ruthless male lead and his equally formidable rival, the second male lead. Both are adept in manipulation and combat skills, holding influential positions in court. One is feared by the people, while the other is renowned for his benevolence. The drama was engaging, with their schemes against each other captivating until around episodes 10-12, but then it started to drag and get back on track in the last 10 episodes.
In their games of cat and mouse, it's always one winner and one loser, but it doesn't necessarily mean that only the male lead wins every time. Whoever loses pays a hefty price for their loss, and sometimes the price is the people they care for which actually made it more realistic and relatable.
In terms of romance tropes, it's an enemy-to-lovers storyline and a slow-burn, which is expected from Ren Jia Lun's dramas. Jiang Ci is introduced as a carefree and intelligent girl who has an unpleasant first meeting with the male lead Wei Zhao, one that nearly costs her her life. However, it's just the beginning. Saved by Pei Yan to serve his purposes, the danger to her life doesn't end; it's just started. She became the only witness to an assassination attempt, and her life is entangled between the two leads. She wants to leave and fly away from both of them, but she wasn't able.
Though intelligent, Jiang Ci is too trusting of Pei Yan and allows him to manipulate her. The interactions between Jiang Ci and Wei Zhao in the initial episodes are authentic enemies. However, their feelings shift abruptly. The ruthless Wei Zhao suddenly softens for her while she keeps messing with his plans, and Jiang Ci suddenly starts to understand and develops a soft spot for Wei Zhao, whom she even tried to kill a few episodes back. This abrupt change between them feels off initially, but as time passes and they interact more, I grew accustomed to it and started rooting for them.
I didn't like the writer's turn on Pei Yan, transforming him from a cunning and meticulous individual into a typical obsessive second male lead. However, the writers redeemed this by having him recognize and overcome his obsession.
The drama fearlessly tackles dark themes, including slavery and the ruthless pursuit of power. The lives of commoners become mere pawns in the games of the ambitious, who disregard the well-being of others. This thought-provoking exploration of politics and social injustice kept me utterly engrossed. A few scenes border on melodrama, but the overall tone remains balanced, walking a fine line between tension and emotional depth.
The cast delivers outstanding performances, masterfully conveying intense emotions that drew me deeply into the story. Their portrayals bring characters to life and evoked strong feelings, from tears to outrage, as I witnessed the characters' struggles against injustice. Ren Jia Lun shines as Wei Zhao/Xiao Wu Xia, masterfully conveying the complexity of his character's emotions. His portrayal effortlessly switches between ruthless determination and vulnerable introspection. Though it's my first time seeing her, Li Landy's portrayal of Jiang Ci is equally impressive, capturing her free-spirited nature and inner strength. Her chemistry with Ren Jia Lun is quite good.
The soundtracks are a highlight, with beautifully poignant scores that resonated deeply with me. The beautifully crafted scores perfectly complement each scene, elevating the tension, joy, and heartbreak. From haunting melodies to rousing battle themes, the OSTs masterfully amplify the emotional resonance. They've earned a permanent spot on my favorite playlist, serving as a reminder of the drama's unforgettable moments. My favourites are:
1. Far Away (by He Jie and Wang Yuexin)
2. Do Not (by Wang Heye)
3. Oath (by Curley Gao)
The costumes are stunning, clearly benefiting from a generous budget. The tribal outfits of Yueluo are particularly striking, complemented by exquisite hairstyling.
The action scenes in are meticulously choreographed, showcasing a perfect blend of elegance and intensity. The fight sequences are visually stunning, with each move precisely executed to convey the characters' skills and emotions. The action scenes are not just visually impressive but also emotionally charged, reflecting the characters' motivations and conflicts.
Tissue Alert! The ending is a tearjerker.
In conclusion, "Love of Nirvana" is a solid historical drama that explores complex themes and features standout performances. It stumbles mid-series and the finale's emotional payoff left me wanting more. The stunning costumes, memorable soundtracks, and well-choreographed action scenes make it a worthwhile watch. Those interested in stories of power, loyalty, and redemption will find "Love of Nirvana" an enjoyable, if imperfect, viewing experience.
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─ Beautiful things are often like this; ephemeral, unapproachable and indistinguishable.
Love of Nirvana wasn’t on my watchlist initially, but it quickly captured my attention after I stumbled upon intriguing spoilers on social media. What really drew me in was the famous scene from EP9 that showcased the dynamics between the leads.As I enjoy watching the enemies-to-lovers trope, I appreciated how Love of Nirvana presented characters who genuinely start as adversaries and gradually learn to understand each other. It was refreshing to see their perspectives; the time they took to witness each other's lives made their eventual feelings believable and earned.
Some viewers might find Wei Zhao to be cruel and ruthless, but understanding his backstory and the immense pressure he faces helps clarify his initial attitude towards Jiang Ci, especially after she disrupts his crucial plans. Jiang Ci, on the other hand, is portrayed as resilient, maintaining her composure in the face of adversity, though it’s poignant to watch her vulnerability surface after a significant loss. Their flaws and strengths add depth to their characters, making their journey engaging.
I particularly enjoyed the cat references that both characters naturally acknowledged; these moments added a lighthearted touch. Also, since cats are believed to symbolize balance ( like yin and yang ), and even have been seen as spiritual guardians in some places, the reference matched the characters so well.
Watching them collaborate was a highlight, especially when Wei Zhao recognized Jiang Ci’s strengths. The scene where he bowed to her for saving his people was beautifully executed, symbolizing the respect he developed over time.
The chemistry between the leads was compelling, enhanced not just through their interactions but also through their individual arcs. The side characters were well-crafted as well, each bringing their own loyalty and obsession to the story. I found Yueluo’s arc especially captivating, with its constant character and story development ─ so I was actually glad to see them return there towards the finale.
After their return to the palace, the pacing slowed a bit, but the last few episodes till the finale picked up the pacing once again ─ although it ended with tragedy and left us with bittersweet feelings. Part of me thinks it fitted the whole storyline while the other part expected a happy ending.
The OST was another highlight; each song complemented the scenes perfectly, enhancing the overall viewing experience.
In conclusion, I recommend Love of Nirvana for its storytelling, characters ( and their dynamics ), beautiful OST and cinematography!
Link to edits:
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Ultimate level of 勾心鬥角
Love of Nirvana captivates with its realistic portrayal of modern geopolitics. A small nation, ethnically distinct, is caught between two superpowers, both exploiting its vulnerable people for their gain. This narrative resonates deeply with today’s global conflicts, fitting seamlessly into the dynamics of many contemporary war-torn regions. The way each party's narratives echo current geopolitical rhetoric is striking. As history often teaches us, it repeats itself.Storyline
The plot is compelling. Though viewers receive numerous hints about the villain’s identity, the uncertainty lingers—no one, including the main characters, can be sure. The villain masks his malice with an appearance of benevolence. Amid the political intrigues, a love triangle unfolds, but the female lead quickly discerns her true love. True to the nature of palace historical dramas, the story brims with scheming, deception, danger, and a love that transcends adversity.
The three main characters deliver standout performances: Wei Zhao (Ren Jia Lun), Jiang Ci (Landy Li), and Pei Yan (Jeremy Tsui). Wei Zhao, who initially tries to kill Jiang Ci multiple times, gradually falls in love with her. Despite the harm he inflicts, Jiang Ci finds herself irresistibly drawn to him. Pei Yan, hopelessly in love with Jiang Ci, is willing to sacrifice everything for her—except his family honor, which continually holds him back. Their respective sidekicks add depth, highlighting the honor and loyalty the male leads inspire among their followers.
The main cast consists of seasoned actors. Wei Zhao is a deeply conflicted character, torn between consuming hatred and a hidden sense of compassion and duty. Ren Jia Lun portrays Wei Zhao’s cold and brutal exterior with a perpetually stern, frowning expression, making the character wholly believable. As in many of Ren Jia Lun’s dramas, there are no overtly intimate scenes. Still, the subtle storytelling conveys the deep intimacy between Wei Zhao and Jiang Ci.
Landy Li excels as Jiang Ci, effortlessly transitioning from innocence and playfulness to moments of courage and vulnerability. She nails every emotional scene. Jeremy Tsui’s sly smile and sharp features make it difficult to discern Pei Yan’s true motives, yet the actions of his sidekicks provide insight into his character’s internal struggles. Wen Zheng Rong delivers a powerful performance as Rong Yu Die (Pei Yan’s mother), transforming from a ruthless, ambitious figure to a resigned, defeated one. Ryan Zhu (An Cheng) and Zhao Hua Wei (Yi Fei) also shine as the loyal sidekicks of Pei Yan and Wei Zhao, respectively, evoking deep emotional investment from the audience.
The script is well-crafted, with cohesive and engaging dialogue. Given the heavy tone of the drama, comedic moments are sparse. However, the narrative effectively reiterates Wei Zhao’s quest to clear his father’s name, Pei Yan’s ambition for the prime ministership, Rong Yu Die’s obsession with placing her son on the throne, and Jiang Ci’s lighthearted pursuit of tasting the world’s best food and meeting up with her "shifu".
The official soundtrack is phenomenal. Each piece evokes vivid memories of the drama’s key scenes—whether battles, romantic moments, or thinking of homeland. Even without watching the series, the music alone conveys the essence of the story.
Ending and Final Thoughts
The ending is predictable, with subtle clues dropped throughout, yet it still delivers an emotional punch. It’s heart-wrenching that the lovers are kept apart by circumstances, though they remain united in spirit. Personally, I would have preferred seeing them perform the marriage ritual together rather than separately. Perhaps the ending suggests that love transcends physical presence, uniting them spiritually instead.
If you can handle a fast-paced, emotionally intense drama with a bittersweet ending, Love of Nirvana is a must-watch.
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The drama is the title... 流水迢迢
I just want to say... this is a very beautiful drama. There are just so much depth to these characters and they have such great love for their country and people. Everyone might have gone separate ends at the end, but they are all doing their parts to continue to protect their country and people. I just love our characters so much.Jiang Ci... our carefree girl who came down the mountains, experienced the greatest pain yet also met her greatest love. She is just like her name, kind and benevolent. And she will continue to live on and live on well, for the ones who have protected and risked her lives for her. She will live on for them and save those who need saving.
Wei Zhao... born as the son of the city lord of a land trapped between two great states, his fate was already sealed since then. But he met friends/comrades who fought by his side, people who believed in his cause, and he too, met the love of his life who he will watch over forever and forever. In the darkest timeline he lived in, he managed to strike a ray of hope at the end.
Pei Yan... he who didn't know how to love properly due to his upbringing. Raised to protect his family only but grown to desire to protect the country and common people. He too learned that the way to love isn't only to cage someone, but to let them go. He might never get what his heart truly desires, but he will be able to protect the country that his loved ones live in.
Thank you for this beautiful story and to our supporting characters too who each had their own arc and path in life.
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When it boils down to how much you can sacrifice for your people
Wow, wow personally having not found a cdrama that I have thoroughly enjoyed without skipping some parts this year... This has just been a surprise.I really don't like stories with sad endings but there are usually expectations, and this...this was one of them
Love Ren Jialun in historical dramas, like under the power , one and only and now this!!! Aaah what a topping on the ice-cream 🤗.
The story was really well written, of course the slow burn romance was great but the mind games and twists and turns were well done... Of course there were some wth moments like the master ( one of the Yan sisters, not trying to see the picture even after Wei Zhao asked some really interesting stories.. but oh well, some people could be that stubborn.
The characters... Every one of them did their best! From main to supporting actors like the new young city lord, the personal guards of the two main characters Wei Zhao and shaojun, the eunuchs the maids the mother, the sister etc every one who got a chance at being shown did well love it... For someone to act and give rise to emotions even though it's just but a fictional story and to boot it's the whole cast... It's not easy so kudos... Cui ziming has really grown as an actor and I do believe he can grow more ...
Overall after being disappointed with most cdramas this year, this has actually saved it for me !!! Love it... Watch it guys .
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Nirvana not to be found in this lifetime
Enemies to friends to lovers - a simple way to think of this story, but there is much more to enjoy about this drama than the two leads falling for each other. In fact, there are truly three leads in this story - and the interconnectedness of their lives and fates really drives this story forward as they learn to love and fight for what is right in a world of deceit in the quest for power.The story sags a bit towards the end - I feel the whole war with the state of Wei was unnecessary. There is no build up with the king/emperor of Wei, and I would have rather the story focused on the complicated emperor of Liang instead. And while I would have liked for a better end for Wei Zhao, there was probably no feasible way for him to be alive after what he does to the emperor.
Be warned: the first 10 or so episodes have some hard-to-watch moments as the male and female leads go at each other while being enemies - some of it is downright torture. It's a testament to the pacing and development of their relationship and the actors' performances to make their romance eventually believable with some palpable chemistry.
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The drama is over but its a beautiful memory which will live on!
i dont prefer romance based dramas/movies much as they have similar storyline with HE/BE, but still i watched this one fr its story & ofcourse RJL, Jeremy.Story:
PY was given the responsibility of making his clan famous, thrive etc by his mother which he complied obediently, until he met JC, he became obsessive (lover kind of) regardless he still kept his clan/mother his priority before JC. His attitude towards JC became better after her master passed away/couldnt save his mother. He got a huge blow whn AC was killed, which led him to fight for his country/injustice/fr bigger cause/ fr people.
Cui Liang had less scenes but they were crucial fr the story. Personally he couldn't fight fr his love due to various reasons.
JC, a free spirited girl gets caught up in btwn. Later as story progresses realises both ML's were using her fr their own selfish desires. Although she's clouded by what she hears vs sees, towards the last quarter realises where her heart truly belongs.
WZ's life was not his to begin with, he dedicated it for the people of yueluo city. Out of all characters his was the most heartbreaking one. Frm him hating her fr spoiling his plans to caring fr her/console, be with her in her difficult times even if his life was at stake/decorating their house & many moreeee was portrayed remarkably.
Acting :
Kudos to all actors, actresses fr playing their characters marvelously.
RJL you chose your character excellently, the one that vil stay in OUR HEARTS FOREVER
((its sad end fr his character BUT do we remember all happy endings of dramas/movies???? ......... this one fr sure we will))
Gradual progression of strangers - hating - loving each other, shown beautifully although at start i was skeptical abt the theme of this drama however it kept me hooked till the end.
No matter how much i write it doesnt give full justice to this gem.
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Excellent, phenomenal and intense drama!!
To start off with,this drama has a solid plot.The screen play is very intense,grippy and there is not even a bit of nonsense till the end.The pace is very good and the cat-mouse games between the 3 leads is really interesting.
Ren Jialun as Wei Zhao,is excellent in portraying his role.Being a smart,cunning,complex man with many mysteries,yet has many emotions.He is phenomenal in his acting.
Li Landi as Jiang Ci,is a smart,naive,decisive yet kind girl from Jiang village who comes to capital and gets herself involved in the midst of ongoing political tensions.She is very good in her acting.
Jeremy Tsui,as Pei Yan,is smart,intelligent,cunning,stubborn and yet becomes a reliable friend who stands for Wei Zhao in difficult times.His acting was excellent.
All the characters have their own goals,personalities,and are very complex and are written perfectly.
The sets, costumes,production,locations,screenplay,plot,twists and turns,everything is good.
The last episodes were too good.Thefriendship of 3 of them was very nice.I liked the way they supported each other in difficult times keeping aside their grievances.The emotions were beautifully portrayed.The characters development is Excellent.The war and action scenes were excellent.
Overall,I would like to describe this drama in one word-excellent and phenomenal!!
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A Riveting Drama with Stellar Performances
Story: This drama is a well-crafted narrative filled with intricate mind games between the female lead and the two male leaders, each manipulating and using one another from the very first episode. As the story unfolds, the plot thickens, and the characters' schemes - or at times, their support for one another becomes even more intriguing. The romantic dynamics are also interesting, with a clear contrast in how the two male leads interact with the female lead, adding depth to the story.The supporting characters also added colors to the drama. This is one of the dramas where I don't really think some of the characters were redundant, as they all put in their own weight for this drama.
Acting: I was drawn to this drama because of Ren Jia Lun, who plays Wei Zhao. Having seen his previous works, including the Blue Whisper (Parts 1 and 2) and the Burning Flames, I knew he was an exceptional actor. This was my first time watching Landy Li (Jiang Ci) and Jeremy Tsui, and I found their performance impressive as well. Special recognition goes to Jeremy Tsui for his portrayal of Pei Yan.
OST: The soundtracks were fantastic. Part of the lineup include my favorite OST singer Liu Yuning. Additionally, Curly Gao were also part of the line up.
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